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Page 10

by Bonnie Burrows

  She received Conran’s love bites on her buttocks while continuing to fill her mouth with Donar’s soft roundness and fill his body with the rapture of what she was doing to him.

  Dizzily, Donar lifted his head and moaned down to her, “Now I’m ready to come. Bane and damn, lie down. Conran, fuck her before I come.”

  With another swell of sexy anticipation, Brianne released Donar’s berries and set herself down, as dizzy as he was, beside him. Wasting not an instant, Conran moved like a stalking dragon, putting himself over her. She had instinctively opened her legs, giving Conran an immediate and easy entrance, which he took. In a second, he bore his magnificent body down onto her, and Brianne inhaled as if to breathe in all the heady pleasure in the air with the ultimate delight of Conran slipping his wondrous wood all the way into her waiting, wet groove.

  Letting his head fall back onto the cushion, Donar watched Brianne’s face and Conran’s become masks of pure joy at the feeling of Conran starting to pump and thrust inside her. He smiled in a lingering daze from Brianne’s oral sexing and looked on as Conran brought his mouth and Brianne’s together in a blazing kiss and Brianne wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Almost as wonderful as screwing a lovely female himself was watching his brother do it to one that they shared. They had not even begun on this Brianne Heatherton. They were going to claim her sex as no other man had ever done and no other man ever could. “Do it hard,” said Donar. “She loves it. Give it to her hard.”

  Breaking the kiss, rearing back his head, and bellowing ecstatically through clenched teeth, “AAAHHH, yes!” And he plunged and rammed his wood harder into Brianne, making her wail and shout along with him and tighten her thighs around him, feeling as if his pounding inside her would drive her to madness.

  He pumped his piston inside her wetness like a mighty, thrusting machine, an engine of raw sex, pouring all the power of his massive muscles into every stroke. Tears leaked from the corners of Brianne’s eyes, tears of pure joy, and her breath came in gasps. Had she the voice for it, she would have begged him never, ever to stop. The way his piece filled and stretched and reached into her depths, she craved him more and more.

  Conran’s banging reached its peak intensity, making him and Brianne feel as if both their entire bodies were masses as wet and torrid as the inside of her channel, which was so thrilled with his pumping prong. Now it was Conran’s turn to gasp, his voice melting into loud, mad whimpers. He could hold back no longer. He had to come now. With a final ram of his piston all the way to Brianne’s womb, he exploded inside with the nova of his orgasm and the torrential burst of his seed that cascaded thick and slippery into Brianne’s depths. He lay himself down upon her, sounding as if he could burst into sobbing, a sound that she echoed, and kissed her again and again. Each kiss was a rejoicing at what she had done for him, taking him over the limits of ecstasy.

  Donar nudged his brother. “My turn now. Roll off.”

  Almost grudgingly, Conran kissed her one last time and dismounted, sprawling himself out, spent and delirious, beside her. The anticipation welled up inside Brianne once again, the feeling that came only from knowing that she was on the brink of being taken anew. Making a pleasureful sound of his own—“Mmm…” Donar took his brother’s place on top of Brianne.

  Her muscles, relaxed after Conran’s climax inside her, tensed up again. She wrapped her shoulders with his arms and let him ease a length of hardened wood identical to Conran’s into the open pinkness where Conran’s power tool had just been. One smooth, sure thrust and he was all the way in her. Brianne’s reaction, half a moan and half a wail, was cut off by Donar’s consuming kiss.

  His mouth muffled the further sounds she made when he began to pump, deeply and urgently. Brianne’s head spun. Feeling as delirious as Conran did, lying beside them, Brianne still wanted more. She wanted all the sex they had. And she knew she would surely get it.

  Humping and pounding away on top of her, Donar covered her lips and cheeks and chin and neck with kisses, all the while moaning in a low voice, “I want you, Brianne. We want you. Uuuhhh…more…more…more…”

  Brianne, totally possessed by his deep, relentless thrusting, whimpered back, “Yes…please…more…”

  And he gave her more. Donar pumped on, claiming and conquering her with every beat of his meat in her tube, knowing what he was doing to her and loving what she was doing for him. To be in her, to screw her as if he would never come out of her, was what he had wanted all evening, ever since the kissing at the fountain. The niceties of the evening had delayed him then. Nothing would come between him and the pleasure of joining his loins to hers ever again. He glanced over at the groggy and sated Conran and saw the same resolve in his twin brother’s eyes.

  Neither of them would ever be denied the ecstasy of mounting and entering Brianne. It was just too good to wait for. He turned back to Brianne and began again to kiss her gasping mouth while plunging his erection all the way into her and savoring the shudders of joy that he created in her.

  Brianne began to buck and thrust up against him, spurring him on to take her as hard as he could, as hard as his brother had just done. Gritting his teeth and continuing to bear down on her, Donar pumped harder, faster. Only the sounds of their mingled outcries of animal passion drowned those of his crotch slamming against her mound with the hard-driving beats of his hardness inside her.

  Hard and fast he went, his noises of pure lust growing ever louder, until, like his brother, he tossed back his head and roared out his climax. Brianne let out a long, tearless sound of sobbing at the feeling of his pulsing and throbbing in her depths. His seed came pouring out in another pink, white gusher, filling her up. He ground his crotch and his bush against her, sending a whirling feeling of blazing euphoria into Brianne through her pulpy little love handle.

  She wailed out her own sudden climax while their bodies were fused together at the loins. Donar collapsed on top of her, panting and puffing. His hardness slowly softened inside her until he could only let it slip out, with cream still seeping from the tip. Surprised that he was still able to move, he rolled off her, and at last the three of them lay still beside the fire.

  They were quiet for a while, staring up at the stars through the clear dome above them. In some corner of her mind, Brianne wondered how many more orgasms were happening out there in the vastness of space, and whether any of them could compare to the ones that had happened right here on a rooftop on the planet Lacerta.

  At length, Conran rolled his head over to face her. “Is this your first time getting it from two men at once?” he asked.

  She looked over at him and replied, “Yes, it is. I don’t know what’s taken me so long.” She let Conran take her by the hand. He squeezed her hand, lifted it to his lips, and kissed it.

  “It won’t be your last,” he said. “We’re going to do it to you so much more. So much more.” He kissed her hand again. “That’s a promise.”

  Donar’s lips at her neck made her face him now. “I’d say it’s time to get you into bed. Let’s go downstairs.”

  Brianne kissed Donar and let the brothers help her to her feet. Conran passed his hand over the fire pit and commanded, “Fire out.”

  At once, the blaze in the pit retracted its talons of flame, and the Quist brothers and Brianne exited the dome, leaving the rooftop for the spaces in the mansion below. While one fire had just gone out, others would be burning long and hot tonight.


  Brianne awoke the next morning with the greatest sense of warmth and coziness she had ever felt. Prying her eyes open to let in the sunlight, she found it streaming from tall windows arrayed around her in a huge, circular room, and remembered why it was so warm and so cozy. She was in the bedroom suite once occupied by the Quist family patriarch and his mate. The furnishings in here were the most silky-sleek and soft and comfortable that the planet Lacerta had to offer.

  She was in a bed with the most luxuriously high thread-count sheets and
comforter that it was physically possible to weave; a bed, she might add, that was at least four meters wide—large enough to accommodate her and the two incredibly arousing, heart-stopping specimens sleeping on either side of her.

  She smiled as the events of the previous night came flooding back into her mind like the free-flowing seed from the repeated orgasms of Donar and Conran: the trail of unbridled sex from the rooftop pool to the observation dome, and finally down here into the master bed, where the two of them had been on top of her, pumping inside her, again and again. And again. She tingled all over, but especially in her most intimate place where they had so relentlessly penetrated when they took turns mounting her.

  Brianne had never been so magnificently screwed in all her life as she had been last night, lying with and under the Quist brothers. Her skin, the sumptuous sheets, and the very air around her smelled of their semen. The insides of her thighs were sticky with it; the sheet under her was still subtly moist from it. The brothers had more than lived up to the reputation of Lacertan males. And she wanted more of them, so very much more.

  And yet…she now knew that she and they had both made a resolution and broken it just as quickly as they’d made it. They had crossed a line, ignored a boundary, gone someplace where they had not meant to go. Except of course they had been denying their real intentions the whole time. Her residence on Lacerta, in their home, on their property, was meant to be about her work in conservation.

  The only thing that was never going to be conserved was her resolve not to let Conran and Donar do to her what they did all last night—and did so passionately, so savagely at times, and so beautifully. Brianne could do nothing now but admit that she was here as much for them as for the cause that she had presented to them. There was nothing for her now but to face the entirety of her motives. She knew it—and they knew it.

  As if on cue, Donar, lying on his side facing her, stirred, his eyes fluttering open and focusing on her. He smiled. “Good morning,” he said in a voice husky with sleep.

  “Good morning,” she said back, grinning.

  “Bring those perfect tits of yours over here,” said Donar.

  Chuckling, Brianne slid over and into his arms and his kiss. Donar’s fingers found her nipples, and he made an “Mmm…” sound into the kiss, approving of how hard he found them.

  There was another rustling in the bed behind her. Brianne at once felt massive, strong thighs against the backs of her legs, and a throbbing length of wood sliding in the cleft of her buttocks, while a strong and hot hand moved warmly up and down her side and a hot mouth kissed at her shoulder. “Your ass is so sweet to wake up to,” said Conran. “Almost as sweet as this.” He reached down and around her and between her legs to find the soft and eager wetness waiting there. “I loved being in there all last night.”

  Brianne’s blood felt like lava coursing inside her. Between and around Donar’s kisses, she breathed out, “You guys were so good last night.”

  “I’ve got news for you,” said Donar, licking her lips and biting her chin. “We’re going to be good again this morning. Especially if you’d like to go down there for a start.”

  “Yes, please,” Conran agreed, licking her ear. “Give us a suck first.”

  Only happy to oblige, Brianne pulled down the comforter and sheets and exposed the full magnificence that awaited her beneath them. Donar’s huge piece was as long and hard as a warship, and she turned around and looked down to find an identical vessel at his brother’s crotch. Conran kissed her and fed her his tongue, and requested, “Suck his first and play with mine. Then do me.”

  Brianne turned back around to find Donar stretched out with legs open and missile standing tall on the launchpad. She took a dive down below his pubes and slid her mouth over his maleness. Conran cuddled close to her, and she obliged his wish, taking his pulsing, prodigious parts in her hand and stroking and caressing them.

  All the sensations and tastes that she had felt in the night returned to her now at the first light of day: the throb of one twin’s erection in her mouth and the other one in her hand, the tenderness of Conran’s sac to her gentle touch and squeeze, the taste of Donar’s pre-ejaculate on her tongue, the way Conran squeezed and kneaded her bottom.

  They were sex incarnate, times two, possessing her and letting her possess them. Brianne filled her mouth with Donar’s thick length and his soft and ample man-pouch. She made him flex his muscles and arch his back, and felt the pleasure flowing from him to her. She squeezed Conran’s hard, wooden rod and made him groan, and pulled the foreskin over the bluntness of the tip, and let her fingers grow slick with his pre-seed. She lost herself in this pleasure until she heard Conran say, “Now come here and suck mine.”

  Removing her mouth from Donar’s tool, Brianne leaned over and took Conran’s with a long, smooth swallow. He fell back on the bed, groaning, “Uuuhhh… Suck it!” And she did. She gorged herself on Conrad as she had on his twin, while Donar maneuvered a hand between her thighs and slipped two fingers all the way into her slippery-wet channel, making her squeal in the midst of sucking his brother and making Conran shout, “Aaahhh…! Fuck!”

  Penetrating her and moving in and out of her with his fingers, Donar kissed and bit her shoulder, murmuring, “Damn, you’re wet in there. I love how wet that is.” Brianne’s mind reeled from the rhythmic bursts of pleasure from Donar’s fingers in her depths while Conran’s massive hard-on filled her mouth.

  She let it slip free, only to send her tongue swirling over the sensitive tip and then down the shaft to the juicy roundness at his base, which she carefully swallowed. A tremor of delight surged through Conran’s body. He put one hand to his brow and slapped the other one on the bed, grunting madly at what Brianne was doing to him.

  They went on that way, Brianne consuming the deliciousness at Conran’s loins while Donar’s fingers moved in and out of hers, until at last Donar slipped his fingers out and licked her nectar from them like a child licking the batter from something in a kitchen bowl. With another kiss on her shoulder, he said, “Let me get back in there.”

  Quickly, Brianne released Conran’s meat and lay herself down for his brother. Just as quickly, Donar was on top of her, settling between her legs, and moved his own choice part all the way into her. “Oh yes, please…please do it to me…oh yes…,” she moaned under him.

  “Mmm, yes,” Donar grunted. “You’re so beautiful.” He kissed her hard while pumping her hard. “You’re so beautiful… Uuuhhh, yes…”

  Looking over at his brother on top of Brianne, driving and pounding his pillar into her, Conran lustily said, “You two look so hot that way. Do it, Donar. Damn, yes, give it to her.”

  Donar’s heaving ass moved fast up and down as he drove his mighty spike deep into Brianne again and again and she clung to him, her entire body begging for it and ecstatic to receive it. Her whimpers of desperate pleasure filled his ears and spurred him on to pump her hard and fast, slamming his crotch against her mound, smacking his balls against her again and again.

  The two of them became like a single mass of humping, heaving, clenching, clutching passion, until Donar began to sound as if the pleasure were a sweet kind of torture. Somehow, he managed to go harder and faster, until one last, hard stroke all the way into her did the job, and he wailed in climax, his seed cascading into her womb. He stayed on top of her and kept her body locked to him to receive every drop from his pulsing piece, and whimpered like a boy experiencing his very first sex: “Uuuhhh… Oohhh… Uuuhhh, yes…”

  Conran waited for Donar’s burst of desire to subside fully before he rubbed his brother’s shoulder and said, “Let me have some of that.”

  With an effort, Donar rolled off and away, and Brianne braced herself for another tidal wave of ecstasy. Conran moved himself into position on top of her and eased his own long, exquisitely hard pipe into Brianne’s receiving pinkness. She half-sobbed, bringing up her thighs to enclose his hips and accept his first deep thrust, and locked herself to him
as she’d done to Donar.

  Conran began to move his buttocks up and down and slide his pipe in and out of her with the same urgent and lusting rhythm as his brother before him, letting Brianne know with every hard, lightning-fast stroke that she belonged to them, that her sex was theirs and theirs was hers. The kiss with which Conran enveloped her mouth further made the point, as did the sliding of his tongue against hers.


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