Book Read Free


Page 10

by Deborah Bladon

  “It feels like forever.”

  I expect a smile to follow those words, but the corners of his lips dip into a frown.

  “I moved in when I was in college.” He taps his bare foot against the edge of the windowsill. “I rented first and then when my landlord decided to sell, I bought it.”

  “You really like the neighborhood,” I say jokingly.

  When I first moved to Manhattan, it only took me a month to realize that avoiding midtown was a brilliant move.

  The fact that I’m now living steps away from the busiest part of the city is ironic. The rent on my place was too reasonable to pass up though, so I deal with the cons to enjoy the pros.

  “You get used to it.” He exhales harshly. “I’ve lost count of how many people have lived in your apartment over the years.”

  His words lure my gaze back to my building. “You must have spent hours here watching your neighbors.”

  “No.” His response is curt and quick. “You’re the only person who has lived there that I’ve found interesting.”

  I’m skeptical.

  He hasn’t been shy about watching me. I haven’t caught him peering at me under the raised corner of a closed blind or standing behind a veiled curtain.

  There’s been nothing subtle about his movements. He’s been bold and unapologetic when he’s stood at this window staring at me.

  He reaches for my almost empty coffee mug, placing it next to his on the windowsill.

  “There’s something about you.” He turns to face me in his chair. “It’s not just the way you look or how you move. It’s hard to explain. Fuck, is it hard to explain.”

  “Try,” I say before I realize that the word has left my lips.

  His stare burns into me. “It’s soothing. I’d watch you talking on the phone, or sitting on the edge of your bed painting your toenails...”

  “Pink,” I whisper as I glance down at my feet.

  “Pink,” he repeats, a soft smile tugging on his lips. “The color of your T-shirt when you first saw me. You watched me unbutton my shirt.”

  I lower my gaze as I confess softly, “I did.”

  “You’ve been avoiding the window since the pitch session.” He runs his gaze over my face. “Why?”

  I wonder for a second if it’s a rhetorical question because the answer is blatantly obvious to me. We’ve had this discussion.

  Silence sits between us. He wants me to answer, so I do. “Things are different now. I know your name. You know mine. We may become business partners.”

  He nods. “The attraction hasn’t lessened though. You want to stand over there and watch me.”

  My eyes flit to my empty apartment. “It was fun. I’d never done anything like that before.”

  His hands run over his thighs. “I haven’t either. Watching you undress for me drove me fucking mad. There was one night. You were wearing a pale pink bra. I wanted you to invite me over. Do you remember?”

  How could I ever forget? He tapped his bare chest twice and motioned that he wanted me. I turned him down.

  “I remember,” I admit.

  His hand leaps from his thigh to mine. “I wanted you desperately that night.”

  I look down to where his fingers are splayed over my bare skin. His hand is large, his pinky finger brushing the hem of my shorts.

  “You wanted me too.” His words escape in a low growl. “You want me now.”

  “I want my business to succeed.” My heart is hammering in my chest. “It has to be my priority.”

  His hand inches higher. “I understand that. I applaud it, but it’s important not to lose sight of the big picture.”

  “What’s the big picture?” My hand lands on his.

  He squeezes the flesh of my thigh. “Intimacy and business can go together.”

  “What happens when they don’t go together anymore?” I sigh heavily.

  “We’re adults.” His voice is deep and measured. “We put the business first, and the past behind us.”

  I swallow, studying his face for something. He’s so confident that we’ll be able to drift into a solely business arrangement after we stop sleeping together.

  “Are you still business partners with the woman you fucked?” I spit the words out in a hurry. “Or should I say women?”

  His hand twists to grab mine, pushing it into my thigh. “It was one of my first deals. I was riding the high of making a small fortune in a short period of time. We celebrated our first million in her bedroom.”

  I listen even though I don’t want to know more.

  “We burned out quickly,” he says hoarsely. “I haven’t crossed that line since. I haven’t wanted to until now.”

  A shiver runs through me. I want to cross it too even though we haven’t defined it yet. I’m not even sure I’ll partner with him, so what’s the harm in taking all the pleasure I know he’s offering?

  “Let me make it crystal clear to you, Dexie.” He shifts to face me. “Tomorrow, I want you as my business partner.”

  “And tonight?” I murmur.

  “Tonight, I want to kiss you.”

  Chapter 30


  The deep timbre of his voice sends a wave of desire through me. His words spark a heated rush.

  He cups my face in his hand and stares into my eyes. “Just a kiss, Dexie. I’m not asking for more.”

  He may not be asking for more, but my body wants so much more. I squirm in the chair, the metal squeaking beneath my movement.

  “Fuck these uncomfortable chairs,” he says sighing, his hands sliding to mine.

  He glides to his feet, tugging me up along with him.

  I stand on shaky knees, wishing that kiss would have happened.

  I don’t want that moment to be lost.

  He looks down at me; his expression schooled in thought. “You’re quiet. Tell me what’s racing through that beautiful head of yours.”

  My gaze drops to his lips. “You want to kiss me.”

  “You want to kiss me,” he repeats, his lips pulling into a soft smile.

  I nod without giving it any thought. I don’t want to think about what ifs and whether he’s the best business partner for me.

  “Now?” he asks as his hands slide up my body until one is wrapped around the back of my neck, the other resting on my hip.

  I glance at the floor before I gaze back up and into his searing blue eyes. I reach forward to touch him for the first time.

  My fingertips play over the muscles of his forearm, sliding up his bicep until I reach his strong shoulder.

  I answer his question with a tilt of my head and a brush of my bottom lip with my tongue.

  His breath escapes him in a heated rush as he leans forward and presses his soft lips to mine.

  His hand moves from my hip to my back, luring me silently closer. I inch forward on my feet wanting to erase any distance between us.

  He wants the same. He groans into my mouth when my lips part and I press my body into his.

  I can feel his arousal. I know he can sense mine.

  My nipples are hard, my core aching to be touched, to be taken in the same way he’s taking my mouth.

  I whine from the sheer need I feel.

  He growls, his hands tightening, his kiss deepening.

  The taste of his tongue on mine weakens my knees. I pull back from the kiss and look down.

  “Dexie.” My name is wrapped in pure desire when it leaves his lips. “That was...”

  “So much,” I whisper before he can finish. “That was so much.”

  He strokes the back of my head, his fingers trailing over the strands of my hair, luring my gaze up to his. “It was perfect.”

  The intensity in his face spurs a need inside of me. I want to pull his shirt over his head, tug down his sweatpants and drop to my knees. I want to pleasure him. I need to hear him come, feel him come because of me.

  “Tell me what you want.” He kisses me again, softer this time. His lips play over mine, te
asing and biting, tempting me to confess my desires to him.

  “You,” I manage to say before I deepen the kiss.

  He breaks it to pull back and stare into my eyes. “I’m all yours.”

  The intensity of those three words is almost too much, so I glance away, stealing a look in the direction of my apartment.

  I stumble when I catch a glimpse of movement near my window.

  Rocco’s arms circle me as I let out a sharp gasp.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, his breath skirting over the skin of my neck.

  I wave my index finger in the air near his window. “It’s...look...look over there.”

  He shifts slightly on his feet, his arms still holding me tight against him. “Is that...”

  “That’s Sophia,” I say her name as she raises her hand in a wave. “Sophia is in my apartment.”


  I may not be able to hear a word Sophia is saying, but the expression on her face says it all.

  She saw the kiss.

  My best friend was a witness to my first kiss with Rocco.

  I don’t know how the hell she got into my building or why she’s even there.

  She waves her phone in the air in a gesture I think is meant to encourage me to call her.

  I point at my bed, trying to get her to turn to see that my phone is behind her.

  “I think she wants you to call her.” Rocco pushes his phone at me. “Use this.”

  I take his phone and key in Sophia’s number. Once I bring the phone to my ear, I motion for her to pick up.

  “What the hell, Dex?” Her voice is panicked. “I thought you were missing.”

  I bow my head to hide my smile. I know she’s serious. She’s married to a man who writes detective novels for a living. Her brother-in-law and her father-in-law were both homicide detectives at one time.

  Sophia always jumps from zero to sixty on the panic scale when anything is amiss.

  “I locked myself out,” I say quietly. “I left my keys in my apartment and my phone too. It’s on the bed.”

  She glances over her shoulder. “Thank god you’re all right.”

  “How did you get in the building?”

  “One of your neighbors let me in on his way out. Gage something is his name.”

  I look at Rocco. He’s busy tidying the mess on the poker table. “Go down to the lobby and wait for me, Soph. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “I want details, Dex.” She sighs, pointing at me. “You were kissing your hot neighbor.”

  “Details tomorrow,” I whisper. “I’ll meet you in the lobby. Go now.”

  I end the call, waving her away with a brush of my hand.

  Exhaling, I turn to Rocco. “Thank you for this.”

  He reaches for the phone, shoving it into the pocket of his sweatpants. “Is your friend all right?”

  “Nosy, but fine.” I smile. “I’m going to go meet her now.”

  He glances over my shoulder. “She’s waiting for a second act.”

  I turn back to see Sophia still standing by my window. “Unbelievable.”

  Rocco laughs. “Curiosity is a powerful force. She’s not budging until you’re out of view.”

  I know he’s right. Sophia isn’t going to let up until she knows exactly what’s going on between Rocco and me.

  “I’ll go.”

  “I’ll walk you down.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” I tug on the bottom of my T-shirt. “I can handle it on my own.”

  “I know you can.” He reaches forward to quiet my hands by covering them with his. “I want to walk you down.”

  Instant comfort washes over me. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 31


  “I’m Sophia Reese-Wolf.” Dexie’s friend shoves a hand at me. “And you are?”

  The expectation in her voice is matched by the questions in her eyes.

  I take her hand in mine, giving it a soft shake. “I’m Rocco Jones.”

  Her gaze volleys between Dexie’s face and mine. “The poker player? You’re not that Rocco Jones, are you?”

  “I am,” I admit, shoving my hand into my pocket.

  She smiles, her head tilting to the right as she studies me. “You played poker with my brother-in-law a few times. Liam Wolf.”

  I consider him a friend. We met at the gym a few years ago. He’s younger than me but much wiser than I can ever hope to be.

  “You’re married to Nick or Sebastian?” I ask because I’m honestly curious.

  Liam has shared some details about his family, including the fact that he has two older brothers.

  “I’m married to Nicholas,” she says proudly, flashing her left hand in the air. “I can’t believe you’re Rocco Jones.”

  I laugh, scratching my upper lip. “It’s good to meet you, Sophia.”

  She turns her attention to Dexie. “Let’s go up to your place, Dex.”

  “I know you came back for this.” Dexie shoves the sketchpad she’s holding at Sophia. “I’m tired and it’s way past your bedtime.”

  “I came back because I tried calling you six times and you didn’t pick up.”

  Dexie rests her hand on Sophia’s shoulder. “I’m sorry if I worried you, but I’m fine. It’s late. We can talk about this tomorrow.”

  I’ve been leaning against the inside of the lobby door since we got here. No one has asked me to leave, so I’ve stayed in place.

  “We should talk tonight,” Sophia huffs.

  “Tomorrow,” Dexie insists, moving her hand from her hip to the handle on the lobby door.

  I step aside.

  “That’s your car waiting by the curb isn’t it?” Dexie nods toward the street and a black sedan that’s been idling since we left my building.

  “It’s Nicholas’s driver.” She exhales. “I called him to bring me here.”

  “Go home.” Dexie reaches for her friend’s hand. “Go to bed. I promise we’ll talk about this after we both get some sleep.”

  Sophia’s shoulders soften. “Fine. I only came back because I was worried and I love you. I hope you know that.”

  “I love you too.” Dexie takes her friend in an embrace. “Good night, Soph.”

  “Good night,” she says to Dexie before she tosses me a look. “It’s nice to put a name to the face, Rocco.”

  “It’s been good to meet you, Sophia.” I hold open the door as she passes through.

  “Don’t hurt her,” she whispers under her breath when she breezes past me.

  I watch her walk to the car. I’d stop her to say that I have no intention of hurting Dexie, but it’s a promise I can’t keep.


  I follow Dexie into the lobby and watch as she presses the elevator call button. We haven’t said a word to each other since Sophia took off, but I’m going on instinct here and assuming the silence is an invitation to join her in her apartment.

  “I think I’ll go up alone.”

  Apparently, my instinct doesn’t know fuck all.

  Disappointment rolls over me.

  I don’t know what the hell would have happened in my apartment if Dexie hadn’t caught sight of her friend.

  Judging by Sophia’s parting words, my guess is that she would have hauled ass over to my building and knocked on every door on my floor until she found us.

  She’s fiercely protective of Dexie. I get it. I feel the same way and I barely know the woman.

  “You’re sure?” I ask because I’m selfish and I want to kiss her again.

  Hell, I want more, but that’s for another time.

  Her head bows as a long exhale escapes her. “I’m sure.”

  I reach for her chin, tilting it up so I can look into her eyes before the elevator arrives and steals her away from me. “I’m glad you locked yourself out tonight.”

  A smile plays on her lips. “I am too.”

  “Can I see you tomorrow?”

  She wraps her hand around my forearm. “I’m meeting Rho
da after work tomorrow to talk about my business.”

  I should care, but I don’t. Whatever Rhoda proposes won’t match what I have to offer to her.

  “Don’t commit.” I drag my thumb over her bottom lip. “I want a chance to show you what I have to offer.”

  The elevator dings, announcing its arrival.

  “I won’t commit,” she assures me with a gentle kiss to my thumb. “I’ll see you soon.”

  I lean down to brush my lips over hers. “In five minutes.”

  “I need to sleep.” The weariness in her tone is unmistakable. “Thank you again for everything, Rocco.”

  “Sleep well, Dexie.”

  Chapter 32


  My face scrunches. It has little to do with the bitter taste of the cocktail that Rhoda ordered for me.

  It has everything to do with the offer she presented me with.

  “I can’t do it.” I push the glass away from me. “I just can’t.”

  Her arm is in the air waving the bartender over. The man hasn’t had a second of rest since we sat down.

  First, it was Rhoda’s drink order. He made it once, twice and finally, the third time was the charm. Rhoda is a stickler when it comes to dirty martinis.

  I decided that I wanted a soda water so I could keep a clear mind.

  Rhoda frowned at that and took it upon herself to order me a whiskey sour. As the bartender made it, she told him a story about how it was the first drink she ever had.

  Tonight will be the last time I ever have it.

  “You need to remake this.” Rhoda pushes my glass tumbler at the bartender.

  He’s handsome with black-rimmed eyeglasses, muscles for days and a voice that Rhoda can’t seem to get enough of.

  I get it. I like the rich baritone sound of it too, but I’d prefer if I had Rhoda’s full attention so we could talk about the offer she threw at me right after I got here.

  “You don’t need to remake it.” I clear my throat. “Can I get a soda water?”

  “Sure thing,” he says, tapping the palm of his hand on the top of the bar.

  “Live a little, Dexie.” Rhoda twirls the martini glass in a circle. “I can see the tension in your shoulders. A cocktail will chase that away.”

  My better sense will hitch a ride with it.


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