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The Dagger's Path

Page 50

by Glenda Larke

  The destrier leapt like a flycatcher, snorting. White foam flew from its mouth. Prisoned within his gold-chased helm, his vision narrowed to a slit and the crowd’s roaring a hollow boom, Balfre laughed aloud. Aside from a writhing woman pinned on his cock, was there anything better in the world than a lance in his hand, a grand horse between his legs, and a man before him a handful of heartbeats from defeat?

  No. There wasn’t.

  Snorting, ears pricked, the destrier settled into a stately, knee-snapping prance. He sat the dance with ease, guiding the stallion to the start of the tilt-run with nothing more than his shifting weight and the touch of his long-shanked, elaborate spurs. There he halted, and paid no heed to the crowd’s wild cheering or the stallion’s threatening half-rears.

  “Black Hughe!” he called, loud enough to be heard through his helmet. “You stand ready?”

  “I indeed stand ready, Balfre!” Hughe shouted back. “Do I have your pardon now, for the unseating of you later?”

  “You’ll have my pardon once you answer for your slur.”

  “My lord,” said Hughe, defiant, then closed his own visor and demanded his lance.


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  Heart of the Mirage

  The Shadow of Tyr

  Song of the Shiver Barrens

  The Stormlord Trilogy

  The Last Stormlord

  Stormlord Rising

  Stormlord’s Exile

  The Forsaken Lands

  The Lascar’s Dagger

  The Dagger’s Path

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  Title Page




  Twenty-three years before

  Chapter 1: Between the Cherished and the Forsaken

  Chapter 2: Va-forsaken Magic

  Chapter 3: The Petition Writer’s Son

  Chapter 4: In Another Man’s Boots

  Chapter 5: The Lonely Exile

  Chapter 6: Perie and the Pitch-men

  Chapter 7: Caged

  Chapter 8: Messages

  Chapter 9: The Gaunt Recruiter

  Chapter 10: The Unlikely Merger

  Chapter 11: The Antagonists

  Chapter 12: The Task Assigned

  Chapter 13: Obviation

  Chapter 14: The Pontifect’s Envoys

  Chapter 15: An Heir Under Scrutiny

  Chapter 16: Breaking the Spell

  Chapter 17: A Second Murder

  Chapter 18: Imprisoned

  Chapter 19: The Handmaiden and the Privateer

  Chapter 20: Keel-raked

  Chapter 21: Shipboard Reunion

  Chapter 22: Secrets

  Chapter 23: A Prince Goes Hunting

  Chapter 24: Alliances Under Scrutiny

  Chapter 25: Attack

  Chapter 26: A Prince, a Prime and a King

  Chapter 27: Murder Most Royal

  Chapter 28: Returning to Javenka

  Chapter 29: Gerelda and the Dire Sweepers

  Chapter 30: Devil-kin

  Chapter 31: Privateers in Serinaga

  Chapter 32: Thieves in the Night

  Chapter 33: The Death of Sentinel

  Chapter 34: Dyer’s Dilemma

  Chapter 35: Ardhi’s Secret

  Chapter 36: The Song of the Chenderawasi

  Chapter 37: The Other

  Chapter 38: Rani Marsyanda

  Chapter 39: The Outcast

  Chapter 40: Sliver of Hope

  Chapter 41: Farewell to Chenderawasi

  Chapter 42: Changes

  Chapter 43: Saker and the Eagle

  Chapter 44: The Smutch in the Sky


  Extras Meet the Author

  A Preview of Thief’s Magic

  A Preview of The Falcon Throne

  By Glenda Larke

  Orbit Newsletter



  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Copyright © 2015 by Glenda Larke

  Excerpt from Thief’s Magic copyright © 2014 by Trudi Canavan

  Excerpt from The Falcon Throne copyright © 2014 by Karen Miller

  Map © 2013 by Perdita Phillips

  Cover illustration by Steve Stone

  Cover © 2015 Hachette Book Group, Inc.

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.


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  First ebook edition: January 2015

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  ISBN 978-0-316-39967-8





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