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A Mermaid's Kiss

Page 15

by Katie Holland

  We watched for a little while when I remembered my manners.

  “My Nana would have my head for not asking sooner, but can I get you anything?”

  “Well, you already gave me your pussy, so I think I’m good.”

  “Major!” I said, trying to sound outraged.

  He chuckled at me. “Okay, fine. Do you have any coffee or popcorn?”

  “Popcorn I can do, but no on the coffee.”

  “I’ll take the popcorn and some water,” he told me.

  I went over to the space we called the kitchen. It was basically a mini fridge, a sink, and a counter. I opened a cabinet and found the popcorn. I tried not to eat a lot of junk, but popcorn was a weakness of mine. I popped a bag and got a bottle of water for Major.

  “Here you go,” I said, handing him his snack.


  I made myself some and got comfy to watch the rest of the movie. When it was almost over, Karma came home. I could tell she was surprised to see Major sitting on the couch with me.

  “Oh, hey Major, didn’t expect to see you here.”

  There was nothing subtle about Karma.

  “Just keeping our little mermaid company for a while,” he said, like this happened every day.

  “Uh huh,” she said. I could tell she knew something was up. “I’m just going to change and I’ll be right back.

  “Major,” I whispered, when Karma was in her room. “She knows.”

  “Knows what?”

  “That something happened.”


  “So, she’s going to want to know what it was.”

  “Tell her if you want. It’s not going to bother me. I won’t share what happens between us, but I don’t care if you talk to Karma. You probably need to tell someone about all this greatness,” he said gesturing to himself.

  I just shook my head and tried not to smile. I failed. “You’re too much sometimes, you know that right.”

  “Yep, it’s hard to contain all this awesomeness.”

  “Whatever,” I said. “Could you have a bigger ego?”


  I had to laugh at that. Karma came out of her room and sat on the other side of Major. We watched the end of the movie and he got up to leave.

  “I had fun tonight, Kayleigh. We should watch another movie soon.”

  I knew by the look on his face that he wasn’t talking about the movie and honestly, I thought that we should try that again, too.

  “Yeah,” I said. “The movie was great. Thanks for everything. Good night Major.”

  “Good night Kayleigh.”

  I closed the door wondering how long it would take Karma to ask me. I didn’t have to wait long. As soon as I turned around she was on me.

  “Okay, missy, did you have sex with him? Because if you did, that would be awesome.”

  “We didn’t have sex.”

  “But something happened.”

  “Yes. Something happened.”

  “Tell me, I want to know everything.”

  I started to tell her what happened when I remembered that I hadn’t told her about what had taken place in the bathroom at the last party we went to. So, I backtracked and started there. By the time I was done, Karma was speechless. But that only lasted a few seconds.

  “Oh my God, Kayleigh, I’m so proud of you,” she squealed. “My little girl is growing up.”

  “Shut up, Karma. You’re making it weird.”

  She laughed at me but let it drop.

  “So, do you like him?” she asked.

  “Of course, I like him or I wouldn’t have let that happen.”

  “I mean, like him, like him. You know, would you date him?”

  “I hadn’t really thought about it. I don’t think it matters because I’m pretty sure he doesn’t date.”

  “And you’re okay with that?”

  “Sure. I mean, what he’s doing is actually helping me and we’re having fun.”

  “So, if you saw him with another woman you wouldn’t be jealous?”

  I started to say no, but stopped myself because I knew that would be a lie. “Fine, I wouldn’t like it, but that doesn’t mean anything. I’m the one who started this knowing full well what he was like. If I get hurt, I have no one but myself to blame.”

  “You know he hasn’t had sex in over two weeks right?” Karma told me.

  “How could you possibly know that?”

  “Bodie told me when he drove me home. He thinks you two are secretly dating.”

  “What did you tell him? And how would Bodie know when Major has sex?”

  “I told him that as far as I knew, you two were just friends and helping each other study. I have no idea how Bodie would know that, but they’ve been friends a long time so maybe they just know things about each other.”

  “Bodie has to be wrong. I mean, he won that stupid sex contest.”

  “Maybe he had a lot of sex in the first two weeks. I don’t know Kayleigh, I’m just passing along info that I got.”

  “I’ll just ask him myself,” I said.

  “And you think he’ll tell you?”

  “Yes, we promised no more secrets.”

  Karma gave me a doubtful look, but I texted him anyway.

  Me: When was the last time you had sex?

  Major: You mean like stick my dick in a pussy, sex?

  Me: Yes

  Major: The same night you used Major Bunny for the first time

  Me: Really?

  Major: Yes

  Me: Why? I thought you loved having sex.

  Major: I do. But with all the fun we’ve been having I haven’t needed to.

  Me: Oh

  “So?” Karma asked.

  “Bodie was right. He hasn’t had sex with anyone in a bit.”

  “Interesting. You seem surprised,” she said, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “I am,” I admitted.

  “You really thought that the whole time you two have been sexting and stuff that he was with other women too?”

  “Of course I did. I assumed he was going about his normal routine and just helping me out.”

  My phone dinged.

  Major: Why did you want to know?

  Me: Bodie told Karma that you hadn’t had sex in over two weeks and I didn’t believe her

  Major: What else did Bodie tell her?

  Me: That he thinks we’re secretly dating

  Major: Do you want to date for real?

  Me: ??? You told me you don’t date.

  Major: I don’t, normally. But maybe I could try with you.

  Me: Are you really serious or just teasing me?

  Major: Serious. Kayleigh, would you like to be my girlfriend?

  I was staring at the last text, so when my phone rang it scared the crap out of me.


  “Kayleigh, it’s Major.”

  “I know, I have you programmed in my phone, remember.”

  “Yeah right. Look, about the last text, that wasn’t me. Bodie had my phone and thought it would be funny to text you that. He doesn’t think his black eye is funny though.”

  “You hit him for texting me?”

  “I punched him for touching my phone and being an ass.”

  “Oh, okay then. I thought it was kind of strange that you were asking me to be your girlfriend. He didn’t see anything else did he?”

  “No just the part about me not having sex for a while. That part was me and it’s true.”

  “I see, well thanks for calling I guess. Bye,” I said and hung up.

  “What was that all about?” Karma asked.

  I told her about Bodie texting and what Major did.

  “Why do guys have to be such douchebags sometimes?” she said, clearly annoyed.

  I just shrugged my shoulders. “Who knows. Well, I think it’s time for me to go to bed. Are you staying up?”

  “No, it’s been a long day and I need to catch up on my sleep.”

  “Okay, good
night Karma.”

  “Night,” she said.

  I went to my room feeling a little disappointed.

  Chapter 42


  I stared at my phone after Kayleigh hung up. I couldn’t help but feel like she was upset when she ended the call. I went back over the texts that Bodie had written pretending to be me. I re-read the last one a few times, Kayleigh, would you like to be my girlfriend?

  When I called, I was mad at Bodie for what he was doing. Kayleigh probably thought I was mad at the thought of dating her. She was right that I’d never dated before, but I’d never met anyone I’d ever wanted to date. The superficial fake chicks from school were good enough for sex, but definitely not dating material.

  Did I want to date Kayleigh? Since the immediate answer wasn’t a no, I was going to give it some thought. I didn’t even know if I was capable of dating someone.

  I put my phone down and went to check on Bodie.

  “You okay man?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I deserved it. Sorry man. Is she mad?”

  “I don’t really know. She hung up before I could really think about what was going on.”

  “So, tell me the truth, Major, what’s up between you and Kayleigh? I know you’re not dating and I don’t think you’ve had sex with her, so what gives?”

  “If I tell you, you have to swear to never tell a soul or she’ll rip my nuts off. Okay?”

  “I swear. I know what you’d do to me if I ever told anyone,” he said with a half smile, and pointed at his eye.

  I believed him so I told him. I didn’t give him details just the general gist of what was going on and why. When I finished he looked at me for a minute.

  “That was really nice of you man. Kayleigh seems like a good person. And besides, you’re different around her, in a good way.”

  I’d had no idea what he was going to say, but I wasn’t expecting that.

  “You should see the look on your face man,” Bodie said. “What? Did you think I was going to call you a pussy or something?”

  “I never know what the fuck is going to come out of your mouth asshole.”

  “True,” he said with a smirk. “I think I’m going to watch some porn before I go to bed.”

  “More than I needed to know man,” I told him.

  He laughed all the way to his room. I went to mine, got undressed, and got under the covers. I tossed and turned for a while, but couldn’t sleep. I finally figured it was because I was wondering if Kayleigh was mad at me. I’d never cared if I made a chick mad before, so this was a new feeling. I didn’t know if she was still awake, but I texted her anyway.

  Me: Are you still awake?

  The response was almost immediate.

  Kayleigh: Yes

  Me: Are you mad at me?

  Kayleigh: No

  Me: Are you mad at Bodie?

  Kayleigh: A little

  Me: I’m curious. What would your answer have been?

  Kayleigh: How do I know this is Major?

  I took a picture and sent it with the caption: I believe these are yours

  Kayleigh: You took my panties???

  Me: Yep.

  Kayleigh: Why?

  Me: You left them on the couch when you went to change, so I put them in my pocket.

  Kayleigh: That doesn’t answer my question. Why?

  Me: Because I wanted to

  Kayleigh: How many other girls panties have you taken?

  Me: None, only yours

  Kayleigh: So you don’t have a trophy case full of panties?

  I actually laughed out loud at that.

  Me: Sorry to disappoint you but nope, no trophy case full of panties

  Kayleigh: Good, because that would have been really creepy

  Me: You never answered me?

  Kayleigh: It doesn’t matter what my answer would have been because you don’t date

  Me: Just because I haven’t dated doesn’t mean I never will

  Kayleigh: What would make you start dating someone?

  Me: Requirement #1 – nothing fake, including personality, face, and tits. Requirement #2 – can’t be after my money. Requirement #3 – has to have ambition. Requirement #4 – must like surfing. Requirement #5 – has to know the real me.

  Kayleigh: That’s quite a list but it seems fair. When did you come up with that?

  Me: Just now. I hadn’t given it much thought until now.

  Kayleigh: Bonus points for thinking on the fly

  Me: Thank you. So?

  Kayleigh: In the realm of possibilities that don’t exist if you were to ask me I would possibly give you an affirmative answer

  Me: So you’d say yes?

  Kayleigh: See the previous statement

  Kayleigh: If you ever asked me for real I would give you a straight answer.

  Me: Good to know

  Kayleigh: I really need to get some sleep now. It’s been a really long day.

  Me: Ok. Good night.

  Kayleigh: Night Major

  This time when I closed my eyes, I was able to fall asleep.

  * * *

  When I woke up the next morning, it was pouring out. I wandered into the main part of the dorm room and found Bodie already up and studying.

  “Guess there’s not going to be a surf lesson today,” he said.

  “That sucks,” I said.

  “Hey man, are you going to go get a coffee?”

  “I was thinking about it. Why?”

  “Because I’d really like one and I’m too lazy to go myself.”

  “At least you admit it,” I said. “I guess I can go get us coffee.”

  “You’re the best man,” Bodie said, with his signature grin.

  “You owe me one.”

  I got dressed and ran to the nearest coffee shop that was open on Sunday. I was soaked by the time I got back to the dorm.

  “I wish there was a place to get coffee in the dorm,” I said to Bodie, when I opened the door. “This weather sucks.”

  I quickly changed out of my wet clothes and drank my coffee. I pulled out my phone to text Kayleigh.

  Me: No surfing today. Fucking weather.

  Kayleigh: That’s okay. I have a lot of catching up to do to keep my grades up.

  Me: I guess I should study too. I’ll check in with you later.

  Kayleigh: Ok

  About three hours later, I was sick of looking at books and needed to get out of the dorm. The rain had slowed, so I made it to my truck without getting too wet. I didn’t have a destination, so I just started driving and let my mind wander when I had an idea. I found the closest department store and smiled when I found what I was looking for. I picked up two of those coffee makers that make one cup at a time. I also got two sets of coffee cups and a bunch of different kinds of coffee and hot chocolate.

  I loaded up my purchases and headed back to the dorms. My first stop was Kayleigh. My hands were full, but I managed to knock.

  “Major?” Kayleigh said, when she opened the door.

  “Hey, can I come in?”

  “Oh yeah, sorry.” She moved to let me in. “What’s all this?”

  “It’s a coffee maker and coffee.”

  “Um, I can see that, but why is it here?”

  “I got it for you and Karma. Got one for me and Bodie too. I thought it would be easier than having to constantly go out for coffee, especially in weather like today.”

  “Oh, thank you. I’ve always wanted one of these,” Kayleigh said. “Karma, come check this out.”

  I helped the girls set up the coffee maker and we all tried a cup of something different. I left the girls with smiles on their faces. Happy with myself for the good deed I’d done.

  Chapter 43


  “That was unexpected,” Karma said, when Major left.

  “I agree.”

  I didn’t really know what else to say. The last thing I was expecting this afternoon was for Major to show up here with a coffee maker and everything we need
ed to go with it. I decided to text him a thank you, because I really did appreciate it.

  Me: Thanks again for the coffee maker. It was very thoughtful and I know it’ll be well used.

  Major: You’re welcome.

  Me: Do you often rescue damsels from coffee distress?

  Major: This was the first time

  Me: Well you did a good job.

  Major: I think Bodie is just as happy as you are. Lol.

  Me: Coffee does make the world go around most days. Did you get yours set up?

  Major: Bodie is doing it right now. He’s doing his part to keep the coffee farmers in business

  Me: Contributing to the world economy, good for him. I should get back to studying. Thanks for the break.

  Texting Major was always fun and getting addictive, so I made myself put down my phone and went back to my books.

  Several hours later, after Karma and I had eaten dinner, we decided to watch some TV. After all, there was only so much studying a brain could take in one day. Karma picked a chick flick and we settled in to watch it.

  About halfway through the movie my phone dinged, it was a picture from Major. I opened it and almost dropped my phone.

  Me: Is that your dick?

  Major: Yes

  I could picture the grin on his face at the thought of me seeing that.

  Me: Why?

  Major: Why not?

  Me: That’s not an answer

  Major: Don’t you like my dick?

  Me: I don’t even know how to answer that

  Major: Easy. Yes or No.

  Me: I don’t believe I have enough evidence to answer that accurately

  I hoped he thought that was funny. I also didn’t know what he’d come back with. A few minutes later I got what I thought was another picture, but it turned out to be a video of his hand stroking his dick. I wasn’t expecting that, but I found I liked it.

  Major: How about now?

  Me: The evidence is mounting in your favor, but more is needed to make a solid decision

  Major: Fair enough

  The next thing I got from him was another video. This time I watched as he came all over his stomach.


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