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A Mermaid's Kiss

Page 21

by Katie Holland

  On the way back up to Kayleigh’s room, I felt a sense of relief. Now that I knew Wes was gone she didn’t have to worry.

  Kayleigh went to practice and I went back to my dorm.

  “I confirmed that Wes is gone,” I told Bodie.

  “Good. One less crazy asshole on campus,” he said.

  I took out my books and started studying. After a few minutes, I gave up. Now that I could relax about Wes my mind was on what Kayleigh and I did last night. I honestly never knew that not having sex with someone could be so much fun.

  I knew that she was at practice but I wanted her to know that I was thinking of her so I sent her a text.

  Me: You were my first taste of pussy and I’d like a second helping

  I grinned as I hit send. I’d love to see her face when she read it. And, if she was around people, I knew she’d blush like crazy.

  I went back to my books and made myself concentrate on what was in front of me. Bodie and I had dinner and it was back to studying. I realized that Kayleigh hadn’t ever texted me back so I decided to call her.

  “Hello,” she said breathlessly.

  “Hey. What are you doing?”

  “Just finished a few laps on the track. What’s up?”

  “You never responded to my text.”

  She giggled. “I know, I was planning on messaging you when I got back home.”


  “Did you miss me?” she teased.


  “Aww, poor Major.” Kayleigh giggled again.

  I took her teasing because I’d actually earned it. “Whatever,” I said, but I was smiling. “Be safe getting home. Is Karma with you?”

  “Yeah, don’t worry, my other bodyguard is here.”

  “Okay, talk to you later.”

  “Bye,” she said and hung up.

  I put my phone down and shook my head. I was into turning to a girl. Never in my life had I wondered how a chick was doing or cared if she messaged me back. In fact, I usually didn’t even have women’s numbers in my phone.

  “Dude, what’s up?” Bodie asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t give me that shit. With you and Kayleigh. Are you fucking her?”

  I was instantly pissed at him. “Don’t fucking talk about her like that.”

  Bodie put his hands up in front of him. “Chill man. You like her don’t you. Like you’re falling for her aren’t you?”

  I looked at Bodie and didn’t want to answer him. He was right but if I answered him it would make it more real and I wasn’t ready to admit it out loud.

  Chapter 53


  “Was that Major?” Karma asked me when I hung up.

  “Yeah,” I laughed. “He was wondering why I didn’t text him back.”

  “I think Major Davenport is falling for you, Kayleigh.”

  “I don’t think so. He doesn’t date, remember.”

  “There’s a first time for everything,” she said.

  “Whatever. We’re just having fun.”

  “Sure, just keep telling yourself that. Tell yourself that you aren’t just a little bit in love with Major.”

  I didn’t answer her because she was right. But it didn’t really matter anyway. Major didn’t do relationships. He was helping with my issue. I think we were both having fun so that’s all there was to it right now.

  When I was finally settled for the night it was time to text Major back. The real reason I hadn’t returned his message was that I really didn’t know what to say. When I read his message after practice, my mouth actually dropped open. I was partially shocked and partially turned on. For the last several hours I’d been trying to figure out the best way to respond and it looked like I was out of time.

  Eventually, I found the right words. My finger hesitated over send for a second before I got the nerve to press the button.

  Me: Anytime you want another taste the table is open

  It might not have been very high up there on the dirty talking scale but for me, it was a big step. I was basically inviting Major to come and play with me again. His response was quick.

  Major: How about now?

  Me: It’s late and I have to be up early.

  Major: I don’t mind.

  Me: Very tempting, and I mean that but 5:30 comes very early

  Major: I won’t keep you up too long

  His words were getting to me. And to be honest I really wanted his hands on me again.

  Me: Ok. Be here in five minutes.

  Major: On the way

  I know I had a stupid grin on my face but I’d really enjoyed last night and wanted to do it again. I got up and went to the front door to wait for him. I didn’t want him to knock and let Karma know someone was here.

  He looked a little surprised when I opened the door before he could knock, but when I put my finger over my lips, he got the hint to be quiet. I really didn’t know why I was trying to be quiet anyway. Even if Karma didn’t see him she’d still somehow know he’d been here. We went to my room and closed the door.

  Within seconds Major was down to his boxer briefs. I stared at him for a minute because I could see the outline of his hard dick through his underwear and I found that kind of sexy. He knew I was looking and started running his hand up and down his dick.

  “This is what you do to me, Kayleigh. Just the thought of touching you again made me hard on the way over here.”

  “Oh.” I liked what he said but didn’t know how to respond.

  “Lay down,” he told me.

  I did. Then I watched as he stood at the end of the bed and looked at me. It was a look full of anticipation. I’d never had a guy look at me like that before. It made me feel wanted.

  “Take off your panties.”

  I did what he said.

  “Spread your legs.”

  I don’t know what it was about this moment but it was the hottest one so far. It could have been the way he was watching me or maybe the directions he was giving me but I was wet and he hadn’t even touched me yet.

  “Kayleigh, I’ve been thinking about this all day. You know the rules. If you are uncomfortable to tell me to stop and I will. Okay?”

  I nodded. I thought I should feel embarrassed being so exposed to him but as usual with Major it was different. He crawled on the bed and settled with his head between my legs. The first swipe of his tongue caused me to close my eyes and throw my head back. I felt his thumbs open me up wider and then his tongue really went to work on me. I remembered he’d said he’d never gone down on a girl before so I was assuming his skill was all natural because just a few minutes after he started I knew I was close.

  “Major, right there,” I told him, when he hit the spot I decided I liked most.

  A few more quick movements of his tongue were enough to push me over the edge. I know I was making noises and I think I called out his name but I couldn’t be sure. I think that was the most intense orgasm I’d ever had.

  I felt Major move on the bed and when I opened my eyes I saw that he’d pulled his dick out and was rubbing his dick with his hand. I’d already decided that I like watching him come, so I was really glad I’d opened my eyes. I listened to the sound of his hand on his cock while his breathing sped up. It made me want to touch myself so I did.

  “Fuck Kayleigh, you’re going to be the death of me,” he said, when he saw what I was doing.

  He watched me intently. His strokes changed and I watched as he came. That was enough to make me come again. Something I’d never done before.

  “Fuck me,” Major said. He was panting but grinning at me. “I feel like I’m in junior high again and just discovered how good it feels to play with my dick.”

  Despite the situation, I had to laugh. “You sure know how to sweet talk a girl.”

  “That’s me, Captain Sweet Talker.”

  “More like Captain Dirty Talker,” I told him.

  “Yeah, that sounds more like me. Looks like I made
a mess on your covers. Do you have another one?”

  “No, this is it.”

  “Shit. I’ll have to be more careful next time and come on that beautiful skin of yours. I’ll be right back.”

  He made sure he was tucked back into his underwear and left my room. I got off the bed and put my panties back on. He was back a minute later with a wet washcloth. He did his best to clean up his mess.

  “Thank you,” I told him.

  “It was the least I could do. After all, I made the mess,” he said grinning. “Now get into that bed, you have to be up early remember.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. He was right so I crawled into bed. I was expecting him to get dressed but instead, he got in the bed with me.

  “You’re staying?” I asked.

  “Yeah, if that’s alright.”

  “Sure,” I told him and he settled in behind me. “By the way, for your first time, you were amazing Major.”

  “Good night, Kayleigh.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “Good night, Major.” I closed my eyes and was asleep in no time.

  Chapter 54


  I could hear Kayleigh’s breathing even out and I knew she was asleep. I wasn’t tired at all, but I didn’t want to miss the chance to spend the night with her again. Bodie was going to give me supreme shit, but it was worth it.

  Something I hadn’t told Kayleigh, was that last night was the first time I’d slept with a woman. If I actually made it to a bed for sex, when it was done I left or kicked the chick out. I might have been helping Kayleigh with a lot of things that were new to her, but she was hitting a lot of firsts for me too. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. I breathed in the scent of her hair and closed my eyes.

  Kayleigh left me sleeping the next morning when she went to practice. I could hear the two of them talking and was pretty sure that Karma was giving her a hard time. From what Kayleigh had told me, Karma had some kind of built-in sex radar and always knew when something was up with Kayleigh. I grinned and rolled over. If I was going to be staying over here I’d have to look into getting her a bigger bed.

  She looked surprised to see me awake when she walked into her room. “Good morning,” she said to me.


  “I don’t mind if you stay here just make sure you lock the door when you leave.”

  “Okay. Have a good practice, Kayleigh. I’ll see you later.”

  She smiled and closed the bedroom door. I should have gotten up and went back to my own room but I liked being in her space. I set my alarm for a couple of hours and decided that I’d be waiting with a surprise for Kayleigh when she got back from practice.

  When my alarm went off it took me a few seconds to remember where I was. I grinned when I thought about what I was going to do for Kayleigh. I hoped we were both going to get something out of it.

  I knew she always came back here before practice so I waited until I heard the front door open. I quickly took off my underwear and started playing with my dick. Her reaction when she walked in was priceless. Her mouth dropped open and she looked like a deer in the headlights.

  “Close the door and come sit on the bed,” I told her.

  She did, but didn’t take her eyes off me the whole time. I loved that she liked to look at me.

  “We’re going to try something a little different. You’re going to watch me touch my dick. You’re not going to touch me but you’re going to talk dirty to me. Your words are going to make me come all over myself.”

  I could tell my words had affected her and I hoped they gave her the courage to do what I was asking. I knew this was a big step for her.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she confessed.

  “Tell me about what you like about what we’ve done so far or what you want to do. Hell, just say random dirty words. Anything you say will be fucking hot.”

  I could see her debating on what to say and then she started talking.

  “I loved the feel of your hard dick in my hand. It made me wet when I was touching you. And I love the noise you make when you’re close to coming. Watching you come is the hottest thing I’ve seen. I played your video over and over so that I could listen and see you while I played with my pussy.”

  I’d already been hard when she walked in but hearing her talk like that pushed me right over the top. I came hard. She watched as my cum made another mess of her blankets. I had to catch my breath, that had been fucking hot.

  When I could talk again I said, “I think I owe you a new blanket.”

  She giggled. “I’m sure it can be washed. It was worth it.”

  I got up to get dressed. “That was fucking awesome Kayleigh. You rock at the dirty talk. I wasn’t sure you were going to do it.”

  “At first I wasn’t sure either. But I figured if it was going to let me see you come again I was going to give it my best shot.”

  I chuckled. “You don’t do anything half way do you?”

  “No, not really.”

  I finished getting dressed and walked over to Kayleigh.

  “I know you’re wet after what just happened. I want you to stay turned on all day. I’m going to send you naughty messages. You’re going to read them and think about me doing them to you or you doing them to me. By the time I see you later, you’re going to be dripping wet for me.”

  I left without giving her a chance to respond. I waved to Karma as I left and grinned all the way to class. I waited until class was over and sent her the first text of the day.

  Me: I can’t wait to get your dirty mouth on my cock

  Kayleigh: Two can play this game. You are going to watch me play with my pussy until I come.

  Me: Fuuuuuck!

  I began to wonder what I started. Reading her text made my dick twitch and I really didn’t want to go to class with a hard-on. I thought of something that was really not sexy, like my mother in lingerie. I shuddered and it worked.

  When my last class of the day was over I headed back to the dorm. Bodie was still in class so I had almost two hours to myself. I was going to spend that time texting Kayleigh until she had to go to practice.

  Me: What are you doing?

  Kayleigh: I’m at the library

  Me: Where at the library?

  Kayleigh: Third floor by the windows

  Me: Is anyone near you?

  Kayleigh: I’m not sure. I’m in one of those cubby things.

  Me: Poke your head out and see if anyone is close

  Kayleigh: I don’t see anyone

  Me: Good. I want you to touch yourself through your jeans

  I wasn’t sure she would do it and I didn’t know how to get her to prove it. That gave me an idea. I left my room and headed to the library that she always went to.

  Kayleigh: Okay now what?

  Me: Hang on

  Kayleigh: ???

  Me: Just give me a few minutes

  Kayleigh: Okay, but you should know that I’m still touching myself and it feels good

  I almost tripped when I read that.

  Me: Fuck Kayleigh

  Kayleigh: Lol

  I was almost to the library. She was going to be surprised to see me. I didn’t know if she would agree to what I had planned but I was going to try.

  I took the stairs to the third floor. It didn’t take me long to find her. Luck was on my side since she seemed to be the only one there. I managed to sneak up on her.

  “What do you think you’re doing young lady?” I said in a low voice.

  She squealed a little. I chuckled when she hit me.

  “You scared the shit out of me Major. What the hell are you doing?” she whispered furiously.

  “I came to see you,” I said, grinning at her.

  “Uh huh. What are you really doing here?”

  “I meant what I said. And I might have a sex lesson planned.”

  She raised her eyebrows at me.

  “Are you up for it?”

  I could tell she was
curious but unsure.

  “I promise nothing will happen to you,” I told her. “And it will be exciting.”

  “Okay,” she finally whispered.

  “Let me sit in the chair.” She moved to make room for me. “Now sit on my lap facing the same way I am and put your legs on either side of mine.”

  When she did I pushed my legs out so hers were wide open.

  “Undo your jeans,” I whispered in her ear.

  When she did I slowly maneuvered my hand so it was in her panties and I was touching her clit.

  “So wet for me,” I said, as I started rubbing small circles around her clit.

  I wanted to put my fingers in her pussy but her jeans were too tight for that. Her head fell back against my shoulder and knew she was getting closer.

  “Don’t make a sound,” I whispered. “You don’t want to get caught with my hand on your sweet wet pussy do you?”

  A small whimpering sound escaped her mouth. I didn’t figure she would last much longer. I put my other hand over her mouth when she started to really squirm in my lap. I knew she could feel how hard I was, but this time it was all about her. When she finally lost control, I was about ready to come in my pants. I let her breathing get back to normal before I removed my hand from her. She watched as I licked her juices off my fingers.

  “Fuck Major, that was some seriously hot shit.”

  “So we know that sex in public checks off one of your boxes,” I grinned. I was a total fan of having sex in public.

  “What about you?” she asked, gesturing to my obviously hard dick. “That can’t be very comfortable.”

  “This was all about you Kayleigh. I’ll be fine.”

  “If it’s all about me then I want to touch you.”

  I didn’t think I would ever get tired of hearing her say that.

  “Who am I to deny a lady her request? Sit in the chair, but make room for me on the table.”

  She moved her stuff so that I could sit. My head would stick out of the top of the cubby but I really didn’t fucking care.


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