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The Caged Kingdom

Page 2

by M A Price

  Two – Mara

  She awoke in a huge tent made of animal skin, chained to a pole at the centre. Her clothes had been changed from the prison red to a rough green robe that clung to her frame. Pain shot through Mara’s leg as she tried to move.

  She couldn't remember receiving an injury.

  Straw was scattered over the grass she sat on and a thin blanket draped around her shoulders.

  Mara Lars had no idea where she was, or what had happened.

  The chains rattled as she tried to wriggle her arm. There was a strange Mark on her wrist. Her chest felt tight, her mind going into overdrive as she realised she really couldn’t set herself free. Her power had reached out, but found no release.

  She had gone from one prison to another.

  Mara screamed until the energy drained out of her. For Xave. For Elex. Even for the faces she had known before the Facility.

  When sleep finally came, it brought her no peace.


  She couldn’t breathe, there was so much shouting coming from every direction. Her cell door was still locked but smoke was billowing down the corridor. Was it some sort of attack? Another scenario the guards had created to test them?

  Deep rattling coughs shook her whole body. She reached up to wipe her mouth, her arm aching. Then she saw it. It looked like someone had engraved something into her skin. She could make out a K, and what appeared to be a sword but not the rest of the image.

  It made her dizzy. How long had she been sleeping?

  A man moved past the bars. He wasn’t familiar. He didn’t wear the uniform that Xave or the other guards did, just black leathers. Dark hair shaved to his scalp.

  “You. Have you seen Elex? Elex Carter?” He spoke quickly.

  “I…earlier. Who are you? What’s happening?” He looked a lot like the man Elex had drawn once. The one she said had been important.

  “Get out if you can. It’ll be your only chance.” He disappeared, as quickly as he had come.

  Why was he looking for Elex? Elex would be in her cell, waiting like she was, wondering what on earth was happening.

  The smoke was worsening. The screams louder.

  The panic inside her grew. Other people seemed to be out of their cells but nobody stopped to release her. If only she had known how to use any of her power before she came here. Maybe then she could have rescued herself…

  Xave would come for her. He cared for her, he shouldn’t with his position, but he would. The Tonkara Facility's second in command was not meant to be nice to the detainees, but he was different, despite what Elex claimed. He had promised to help her get out of here. He wouldn’t let her burn and be forgotten. Would he? Elex said he wasn't as he seemed, but she hadn't spent time with him, got close to him...

  Time passed. She was certain there was an attack now. Would it be The Guild Elex had mentioned? The one the man in the picture belonged with. Is that why he was looking for her? Surely, they wouldn’t have dared to come? They were wanted criminals and the Facility was too heavily fortified.

  She could see the flames from her cell. The smoke was so thick. She sat back on her bed, knees to her chest. The lock hadn’t budged when she tried it. Xave hadn’t come. Neither had Elex.

  The people Mara Lars had loved had sold her to this Facility like cattle, and now she was going to die here with nobody to mourn her.

  A thud made her look up and she tried to see through the worsening inferno.

  She screamed.

  There was a man but he wasn’t Xave. He wasn’t from here. He was bigger, shaggier, and wielding a sword nearly as long as her body in one hand.

  “Ruddy hell,” he stammered as he saw her, the blaze licking at his heels. "What has she done?"


  The man from her dream was with her when she woke again, looking down at her with large, worried eyes. The shaggy face exactly as she remembered. The man who Elex had drawn remained behind him, with a scowl across his oval face, features that reminded her of an oncoming storm. The sight of the strangers filled her with fear and discomfort.

  She shifted slightly, managing to pull her aching legs to her chest. Bandages had been wrapped around her injury while she slept. Her mouth felt dry and sore, her lips cracked.

  Another flash of memory came; she had been half-conscious, her body in this big man’s arms. He had carried her from the Facility. Saved her when no one else had come.

  “Mara? Is that your name? It was written on your jumpsuit,” the voice that came from him was softer than she had expected. He reminded her of a Fluggenbear. The huge hairy clawed creatures she knew resided in the Spykelands. Twice the size of any normal man.

  “Mara Lars,” she stammered. He scared her. She thought if he was going to harm her then he would have by now but the worry refused to budge.

  He sat then, his hulking frame taking up most of the space before her.

  “Camrin, go and fetch some water and food. Fresh bandages too.”

  The other man said nothing as he prowled from the tent.

  “Mara, my name is Ivloch Youchnore,” he pursed his lips, which hid under his bushy beard. Blonde and grey strands mixing like the dishevelled hair across his head. “I’m the leader of Kara’s Guild and I am afraid I have some things to tell you.”

  “Where am I?”

  The white giant looked around as if trying to work out where he himself was. “You’re in my camp. I brought you here after what happened at the Facility. You were injured when we left but I did what I could, it was quite a worrying cut.”

  The space between him finding her, being in his arms, and being here was a black hole in her mind.

  “Why would you worry about me? Or save me?”

  Ivloch dragged a large hand through his unkempt hair. “I don’t tend to leave innocent people to die at the best of times Mara. There is more, but I think we should do this slowly. You’re going to have a lot to take in, I think."

  Camrin bristled back into the tent. He gave the bandages to Ivloch but passed her a tankard of water and a bowl of what looked like slop, whilst managing to never make eye contact. She wondered what she had done to offend him. She thought of Elex. Had he found her? Maybe if she was here…

  She ate the food eagerly. Ivloch nodded at every mouthful in approval.

  “Camrin, fetch me a cart. I’m going to change Mara’s bandages and then I think it’s time we showed her where she is and have a little chat. Perhaps one where she isn’t chained to a pole.”

  “Are you sure that’s wise sir?”

  “Don’t question my orders, Camrin Cassidy. Go now.” Ivloch shook his head as a displeased Camrin departed. “That ruddy boy certainly causes me problems. I apologise for his rudeness. He has had some quite bad news and I believe is struggling to deal with it. I’m sure things are confusing enough for you right now without having to deal with that.”

  She had so many questions, but the terror still felt all consuming, so she stayed silent as he gingerly removed her bandages and tended to the wound.

  A deep gash, one that could only be caused by User power, cut across her whole shin.


  The cart was uncomfortable but feeling air on her face after three moon turns inside the Facility felt like the most wonderful gift Mara had ever received.

  He rolled her around a camp she hadn’t expected. Rows of tents of various colours and little wooden structures stretched out as far as her eyes could see.

  There seemed to be people everywhere, of all shapes and sizes. People in leathers, with weapons that moved as if they were an extension of their being, children playing, a couple that seemed not to care that anyone could witness their love. Tiny Clorix’s with their blue feathers ran freely along the walkway that separated the camp into two sides, easing between the humans as if they knew them to be safe.

  It was a community. It reminded her so much of her previous life and the only home she had ever known. Travelling with the traders, the little world they would set up w
herever they dared to stay. A bittersweet comparison. She hadn’t wanted to find herself there either. Parents she couldn’t recall had abandoned her to them, only for them to later sell her to the Facility.

  She had seen much of Brodanna whilst with them but she had no idea what part she now resided in. There seemed to be a forest line at one end of the camp which stretched far and wide, offering cover she guessed, green luscious fields on every other.

  The cart came to an abrupt halt every time someone stepped forward to speak to Ivloch. Women and men in stately clothing, tunics or rags, all with a smile for their leader. A group in leathers stared openly as they passed a section full of logs and small burning camp fires, but Ivloch waved them on briskly.

  Ivloch hadn’t said much to her, but he was friendly and interested in everyone who stopped him. She understood little of the chatter. He congratulated a ginger man on his vow ceremony, he beamed with pride whilst murmuring a sheepish hello in her direction. Only once did she witness him react with coldness. A short-tanned woman paused them and asked if there had been any news regarding his wife.

  “I’m afraid not,” came his curt reply and the cart was moving before the woman had a chance to respond.

  The respect he received was astounding. She had visited noble statesmen, even a prince whilst with the troupe; people seemed to react to Ivloch Youchnore in exactly the same way, their adoration clear. Esteem could be acquired without truly being liked, but he seemed to have managed both.

  He pulled her to a stop before the largest structure she had ever seen. A large white pavilion with guards at its opening. All the questions were creeping back into her mind. No more memories, but she wanted to know about this Guild. To know where Xave and Elex were. Why she was here and what on earth was on her wrist. The wrist she was sure she had caught people staring at, as they spoke to Ivloch.

  “This is our camp Mara, and these are my people. A strange but magnificent bunch.” There was pride in the statement. A requited care for the ones who followed him. “I suppose I have to tell you what’s happened now Mara. I’m quite sorry about that.”

  She couldn't help but fear that her questions were not going to have happy answers.

  Three - Katanya

  The man in her bed began to snore as he rolled onto his back. The heavy breathing and loud snorts ruined her morning quiet. Needing time to wake up was part of her routine; she hated it being disturbed.

  A knock at the door continued the annoyance. Katanya considered getting up to answer it. Instead she pulled the furs, currently lingering at her waist, up over her chest. It would do no good to have Nico distracted by her nakedness.

  She considered covering the form of the man next to her, his name still escaped her hungover mind, but didn't bother. He wasn’t her problem.

  “Enter,” she barked, pulling the pin out of her hair, allowing the long deep red vines to escape. She should have taken it down before falling into bed with the mystery snorer; the knots would take hours to comb out. It was a task she had never held the patience for; still at least it had been worth it. He was better than most and her evening had certainly ended enjoyably.

  The door opened, creaking on its hinges and Nico stood there. He took in the scene before him and a slight blush formed across his round cheeks. It was highlighted by his perfectly coiffed blonde hair.

  “What is it Nico?” She sighed, ignoring any awkwardness he felt should exist. He had been working for her for a full moon turn. He had seen her in every state in that time, the good and the bad, but still refused to not get bashful around her.

  “A messenger arrived for you Madam.”

  “I’ll deal with it later Nico. I’m a little busy right now,” she purred.

  Nico looked at the floor, the blush deepening. She ignored him and raked her long fingers through the knots. It was worse than she'd imagined.

  “…I can see that Madam…” he stammered, “…but…it seems to be the letter from Miss Elex that you’ve been waiting for.”

  Katanya Leshi wasted no time as she jumped out of bed, all worries about Nico’s reaction forgotten. He tried to avert his eyes, but his blush ripened to the colour of her hair. She used her impressive well of power to summon the letter, which he had laid out carefully on the downstairs kitchen table, into her waiting hand. It contained exactly what Elex had said it would, except one part.

  She had not been captured as she had told Katanya she would be. She would not be attempting to save Becca.

  Elex was dead.

  She should have known not to trust Elex or believe she would do such a thing for the woman who had raised them.

  It took less than an hour for her to dress in riding leathers and be ready to leave. Un-knotting her hair had taken the majority of the time. She glanced at the door she never entered as she ran down the stairs, refusing to let her mind linger. She left Nico to remove Thom from her home. The name had returned mid hair brush. He was also given strict orders to guard the house until she returned.

  "I'll pay you double if you keep the house in order and don’t let the place burn down whilst I'm gone."

  She would return. The Guild’s mess wasn't hers anymore, she had left for a reason and would be no part of it. One favour to an old friend and home again. A favour nobody else had been in a position to complete and the debt would be repaid. A debt she had wanted to repay for a very long time.

  A favour that would unfortunately involve seeing people she hadn't planned to see again. Twelve moon turns since she had rode away and not let herself look back.

  It would be odd seeing The Guild again and everything she had left behind, but she could do it. They would have more to say to her, than she to them. She had never been a formal member, never would be, and would have no obligation to stay longer than remotely necessary. Not even to Ivloch.

  There wasn’t any time left for doubt.

  Ballaca, her horse and only remaining ally, seemed annoyed that Nico had woken her from her slumber and saddled her. She relaxed somewhat as Katanya passed a treat and mounted.

  "Looks like you're about to get that adventure you've been nagging me for lady."

  Ballaca snorted in response before breaking into a gallop.

  Four - Mara

  Ivloch turned to the two guards stationed at the entrance to the pavilion. One man and one woman, both in black fighting leathers, weapons in hand. Her rudimentary weapon knowledge meant she had no idea what either were holding but they both looked like they could inflict a considerable amount of damage.

  The woman was beautiful, hooded hazel eyes complemented her wide round face. She gave a mild head tilt to Ivloch as her only recognition. The man, Mara found striking. Tall and lean with terracotta skin that led perfectly to the undercut across half his head. He seemed to have his attention fixed on her and not Ivloch.

  Mara forced herself to look away from him, acutely conscious that Ivloch looked on.

  “Idyn,” Ivloch moved his towering frame between them. “Please take Miss Lars into my pavilion and make her comfortable. Around my desk I think is best. Stay with her until I return.”

  He spared no time to acknowledge her as he wandered off in the direction they had just come, determination seeming to lead every stride.

  Idyn glanced at the woman next to him but she continued staring blankly ahead. Mara seemed to unnerve him as much as he did her, but he didn’t look the type to dismiss an order. He moved towards her slowly and she finally convinced herself she was brave enough to look up at him. He was muscular under all that leather, the hard lines of him visible. His hair was long on the unshaved side but swept back into a high knot, the stubble across his jaw told her he clearly hadn’t shaved in a few days.

  She supposed he was handsome, part of her wanted to see him smile, but the other part thought only of Xave and something inside her went cold; the sensation of ice plummeting into her stomach. Did he know she was here? These people were his enemy.

  “Do you mind if I?” he asked walking
behind her, seeming to indicate the cart. She nodded reluctantly. He took the position Ivloch had held and wheeled her towards the entrance. The woman moved the flap out of their way.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can Yenna.” His voice was croaky but traces of a faint Tonkaran accent remained, she remembered the central drawl well from her travels across Brodanna.

  The space was even larger than it had appeared from the outside, a large carved wooden table dominating one half, a haphazardly arranged desk and bed on the other. Idyn awkwardly pushed the cart towards the desk. She looked at the scrolls littered across it, a wooden carving placed atop them. Idyn seemed as if he would take the seat behind it, but pulled back and loitered awkwardly next to her.

  “Nobody sits in Ivloch’s seat, except him.” He appeared to find the floor fascinating.

  She nodded, words escaping her. Would he be able to answer her questions or should she wait for Ivloch?

  Sometimes the idea of answers can be scarier than the questions, she mused.

  Idyn began to pace, towards the tent flap, around the larger wooden table; but never near the bed. She took the opportunity to study him, at the line of blades clinging to his belt; his soundless footfalls. He was clearly well trained; a soldier in every way.

  She’d always be able to recognise one after her time in Tonkara’s Facility. Their bodies reacted in a different way. One of the few lessons she had learnt in that godforsaken place came to her and she tried to reach out with the ember of power she knew to be inside her. A spark looking for a further flame; but it came back empty. Whoever he was, he was no User.

  “Camrin doesn’t mean to hate you or make this any more difficult,” he suddenly declared, his walk stopping at the pole dominating the middle of their surroundings. She blinked twice and looked at him head on, caution and surprise milling in her large brown eyes. Why did everyone keep talking to her about Camrin…

  “I don’t even know him,” she grumbled in response, hoping it sounded less petulant than it did in her head.


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