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Passion Never Dies

Page 3

by Tremay, Joy

  “Thank you, guys,” Diana said as she glanced quickly at Natalie and Max, uneasy with their questioning looks. “I’ll call you tomorrow, Natalie.”

  Before her friends could say anything else, Diana allowed Jake to lead her out of the restaurant. Jake kept his hand on her lower back, which made Diana’s spine tingle. He opened the heavy front doors of the restaurant and walked outside to the parking lot.

  “My car’s over there,” Diana said, pointing to an early model, light blue Mazda.

  She felt as though she were walking back in time, to her eighteen-year-old self, caught in lust for an older man who had awakened all her senses. She knew that she was acting impulsively, but she couldn’t help herself. All her girlhood daydreams were now playing itself out with this unexpected reunion.

  Upon reaching her driver’s side door, Diana turned and looked up at Jake. His green eyes glittered down at her and he brushed her silky, shoulder-length, brown hair aside. Her eyes widened at his gesture and her breathing hitched at his unexpected nearness.

  “You do remember me, don’t you?” he asked softly.

  Diana nodded. Her heart felt like it was going into overdrive at his intent look. He stepped closer and she backed into her car door, but the heat between them only became hotter.

  “It’s hard to forget someone like you,” she said, hoping that the lights in the parking lot were dim enough to conceal the fluttering pulse at her throat.

  “You’re not married, are you?” he asked in a hard voice, his eyes narrowed.

  Diana shook her head quickly.

  “Are you?” she asked, praying silently that he wasn’t.

  Jake shook his head and grinned widely. His smile took her breath away. He fingered the necklace with the star pendant at her throat. Gently, he stroked her delicate collarbone with his thumb and Diana gulped.

  “A lovely necklace for a lovely girl,” he said, coming closer until their bodies touched. Diana could feel his hard body press into hers and her arousal level rose to a fever pitch.

  “I’m not a girl anymore,” she said breathlessly and placed her hands against his chest. She could feel his heart beating strongly through his white shirt.

  “To me you’ll always be that gorgeous girl on the beach that night, Diana,” he answered, his voice deepening.

  Diana felt herself melt at his words.

  “You remember everything?”

  “Every detail,” he said, grinning boyishly.

  Suddenly, Jake bent and touched his lips to hers. Taken by complete surprise, Diana allowed him to search her lips, but her mind was spinning. This couldn’t be happening. His breath was an intoxicating mix of wine and pure masculine flavor. Before she knew it, she had her arms wrapped around his neck and her body arched up to plaster itself against his. Jake groaned at her enthusiastic response and angled his head to deepen the kiss.

  She felt his hands wander down to her behind and caress her below. He gently ground his pelvis against hers and moaned as their tongues tangled. He deepened the kiss, opening her mouth farther until she felt as though she couldn’t breathe. Suddenly, he released her lips and pressed himself against her soft body.

  “Damn, you’re as good as I remember,” he said in a roughened voice as he unbuttoned the top buttons of her lace blouse.

  “Jake, I don’t think this is a good idea,” she said hesitatingly, watching him open her blouse until he could see her black lace bra.

  “I think this is a very good idea,” he answered and bent down to kiss the top of her breast.

  She moaned as he continued to caress her bottom with one hand while he caressed her breast with the other.

  “In fact,” he said bending down, his voice muffled against her lace-covered breast, “I think this is long overdue.”

  Diana bit her lip to keep herself from moaning as Jake kissed her breast, his tongue gently licking her nipple.

  “Hey, get a room!” said a teasing voice not too far away.

  Diana gasped and pushed away from Jake. She watched a man get into a car parked a few feet away from hers and drive off. She felt a blush rising as she looked up at Jake, who smiled sheepishly down at her. She immediately began to button up her blouse.

  “Sorry, maybe we should go somewhere more private?” he asked, his eyes intent on hers.

  “Well, I -”

  Diana’s cell phone interrupted her as it rang in her purse.

  “Excuse me,” she said distractedly as she fumbled inside her purse and found her phone.

  It was Richard, the man she had been casually dating for a little over a year. He wasn’t exactly her boyfriend, but he deserved her loyalty. Diana frowned, feeling guilt streak through her body. She had completely forgotten about him. Looking at Jake, his handsome features took her breath away and her body intensely craved his, but she knew it wasn’t fair to Richard.

  “I have to go,” said Diana. Her body cried out no, but her mind agreed wholeheartedly.

  “What do you mean?” Jake asked, frowning.

  Diana tugged down on her skirt and bit her lip. This was more than awkward: it was downright embarrassing. How could she be doing this with a near-stranger?

  “I, uh, have an early meeting tomorrow and um, I should really get going,” she said anxiously, suddenly unable to look into his eyes. She knew it was a lame excuse, but she couldn’t think of anything else with him standing so close.

  Jake placed a finger underneath her chin so he could stare into her brown eyes. She held her breath as he probed hers.

  “I rushed this, didn’t I?” he said, looking a bit chagrined.

  Diana shook her head in denial, but secretly agreed with him.

  “No, it’s just that I really don’t know you, Jake. I think we got carried away right now. Your sudden appearance after all these years is a bit of a shock,” she said honestly.

  Jake grinned and ran a hand through his thick blond hair making Diana crave him more.

  “Look, I’m in town for a while, so why don’t we take this slow and get to know one another?” He added mischievously, “I promise not to bite.”

  “I don’t know...” Diana’s voice trailed away, her mind in conflict.

  She had the feeling that Jake was going to be more than she could handle.

  “I apologize for coming on too strong tonight, but there’s something extraordinary between us. I felt it years ago and, as crazy as it sounds, I’m feeling it again. I know you must feel it too by your reaction to me tonight. So why don’t we find out what it is?” he asked, his eyes urging her to agree.

  Diana inwardly groaned as temptation reared its ugly head, but her cautious nature refused to let her make any impulsive decisions. She also wasn’t ready to tell him about Richard just yet.

  “Let me get back to you, Jake,” she said and added with a smile, “I admit you’re hard to resist.”

  Jake grinned and placed a hand on her soft cheek.

  “So are you,” he added softly. “I will see you again soon.”

  Diana looked up at him, her breath catching at his deeply intense look.

  “Good night,” he said before slowly walking away.

  Diana frowned at his retreating figure. How was he going to see her again? He didn’t even have her number. Before she could call out to him, he had already gotten into his black Porsche and driven away. She supposed that a man like Jake would find a way. Right now, she should be more concerned about her behavior with him tonight. How was she going to explain this to Richard?

  Chapter Two

  In his corporate office later that night, Jake stood and stared out the window and thought about Diana Mulroney. It had happened again, but this time it was nine years later. He had never really forgotten her, even after almost a decade. For a while there, he had even searched for her. He had practically interrogated his sister Lana, but she hadn’t known Diana since they had attended different high schools and Lana had no idea of her whereabouts. He had spent the rest of that summer sulking. That night
on the beach had lingered in his memory for years. She had left him aching more than any other woman he had met since or had yet to meet. With her beautiful brown eyes, her shy smile, and sexy figure, the innocent yet passionate eighteen-year-old girl had been a siren he had been unable to resist or forget. Now here she was all grown up, looking sexier than ever and captivating his senses all over again.

  Just sitting next to her at the table tonight had made his body come alive. She was still the most alluring woman he had ever met and he wanted her with an intensity that shook him. The inexplicably powerful attraction between them had not waned and he was more than ready to finish what they had started nine years ago.

  Jake walked back to his desk and sat down on a black leather chair, placing his hands behind his head. He had not been looking forward to coming to Vegas to deal with this newest business venture, but now with Diana in the picture he intended to maximize his stay. He leaned forward to pick up his cell phone and selected a number.

  “Max? Hi, this is Jake Redmond. I need to talk to you.”


  “What happened between you and Jake tonight?”

  Diana smiled as she heard Natalie’s voice on her cell phone.

  “You’re obviously not home yet. Call me the minute you get my message,” Natalie ordered before disconnecting.

  Diana sighed as she stepped into her small kitchen and took out a glass from her cupboard. She needed a drink. Badly. It wasn’t every day she made out with an almost complete stranger.

  Her cell phone rang and she hesitated before answering it, but recognized her mother’s ring tone.

  “Hi, Mom,” Diana said as she looked inside her fridge.

  “Diana, how was your dinner?” her mother Trina asked casually.

  Diana was disappointed to find nothing alcoholic inside her fridge. She could have sworn that she had purchased some red wine last week.

  “It went great,” Diana answered, opting not to tell her mother about Jake. It was simply too surreal and complicated.

  “Natalie and Max gave me a beautiful necklace with a star pendant.”

  “That’s lovely, darling. Natalie always had such great taste.”

  Diana walked over to her living room and sat down on her comfortable, dark green sofa.

  “How are you and Murray?” Diana asked. Murray was her mother’s husband.

  “We’re fine. We’ve been taking our power walks earlier in the morning now to escape the midday heat. When are you coming to visit us?”

  “Soon, Mom,” Diana answered. Then she paused briefly before adding, “I hate to cut our conversation short, but I’ve had a long day.”

  Normally, she liked to indulge in long chats with her mother, but tonight she needed time alone to mull over her troubled thoughts.

  “All right, darling, I’ll let you go. Take care and please say hello to Richard for us.”

  Before disconnecting the call, Diana winced at her mother’s request. Her mother had a soft spot for Richard and hoped that Diana’s friendship with him would deepen.

  With a sigh, Diana let out a deep breath to calm her nerves. Her conscience was bothering her and she knew that she needed to be honest with Richard, but how was she going to bring Jake up to him? Guess what, Richard? I kissed a guy I barely knew and hadn’t seen in nine years. That was going to go over well. She had lost all ability to think straight when she had been in Jake’s arms tonight. It seemed that whenever they were together, passion exploded and frantic lust made her mindless to all things except him.

  Richard had been her steadfast companion for a little over a year and she was in a comfortable relationship with him. She had never wanted commitment and he had not pushed it with her, which she appreciated. Not that there was anything particularly wrong with Richard, but she had never felt the urge to truly commit to him. He was generous, down-to-earth, thoughtful, kind and had never pressured her to do anything she didn’t want to do. He was essentially a very nice guy - but she wasn’t in love with him and he certainly never left her breathless and aching, like Jake.

  Biting her lower lip indecisively, she picked up her cell phone and chose Richard’s number. She cleared her throat, still not sure what to tell him.

  “Hello?” answered a deep voice.

  “Hi, Richard,” Diana said slowly.

  “Diana, I called you earlier. How was your dinner with Natalie and Max?” asked Richard in a cheerful voice.

  “Oh, um - it went well,” she replied carefully. “Sorry you couldn’t come.”

  “Me, too. I really wanted to be with you tonight, but I had to attend the teacher’s meeting,” Richard said regretfully.

  Richard was a fifth grade teacher for the Clark County school district in Las Vegas. He loved his job and was dedicated to his students, which Diana admired him for.

  “It’s okay,” said Diana and then hesitated. She wanted to bring up Jake, but how?

  “We’re still on for dinner and a movie this Saturday, right?”

  “Well, uh, yes, of course,” answered Diana, stumbling, but she honestly couldn’t think of how to broach the subject at hand.

  “I was thinking of seeing that new Meryl Streep movie. It’s been getting good reviews.”

  “Sounds good...we haven’t seen a movie lately,” Diana said lamely.

  “Diana, is there something wrong?”

  Suddenly on alert, Diana forced herself to sound more normal. She suddenly decided that now was not the right time to bring up Jake. She needed to see Richard and talk to him in person. She rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on.

  “No, it’s just that I’m kind of tired right now. I think I should call it a night.”

  “All right,” Richard replied reluctantly. “Sweet dreams, Diana. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Good night, Richard,” she said softly and disconnected.

  Diana laid her head back on the sofa cushion and closed her eyes. She knew she was being a coward. She couldn’t bring up Jake for the life of her, but she was determined to tell Richard on Saturday. He was a good man and deserved honesty from her, but she wasn’t sure if she was brave enough to tell him.

  Diana touched her lips with her fingertips. She could still feel Jake’s lips on hers and feel his probing tongue. She had never experienced that kind of pleasure with Richard’s kisses. Jake’s kiss had shaken her to the core and she had ached for more.

  Jake was an obsession that she had subdued so successfully over the years that she had almost forgotten him except in her dreams every once in a great while. Now he was back and she didn’t know how to control her awakened feelings for him. It had been only one night, a snippet of time really, but she knew that Jake had forever etched himself into her memory. Now fate had given her a second chance to find out if he was more than just the man who had haunted her dreams - but was she ready to find out?

  Diana stood and walked down the short hallway leading into her bedroom. She was a firm believer that everything happened for a reason, but she also knew that if she made the wrong choice she would pay dearly and hurt someone who deserved her loyalty.

  Why did Jake have to come back into her life at all? She shook her head as she sat on her bed and sighed. Nine years ago, her teenage self had been frightened by the intense attraction she felt for him. After the encounter at the beach, she had decided to firmly ignore the urge to find him, despite the longing ache that had plagued her the rest of the summer. Two months later, she had moved into her college dormitory, determined to focus solely on her new academic life. She had studied hard and had achieved good marks and had even managed to have a relatively active social life.

  Everything had been going so smoothly in her life until now. She and Jake had a history and history was repeating itself. She was extremely wary of the sexual power he had over her and of the overwhelming attraction that overrode her common sense. It would have been far better and less complicated if Jake had stayed firmly in the past.


  “Miss Mulr
oney!!” screamed a child’s voice, “he won’t share!”

  Diana looked up from her crouched position where she was tying a child’s shoes and saw a little four-year-old boy pouting a few feet away from her.

  “Shane, please don’t yell. Jacob, come here,” she ordered firmly.

  A little blond boy with a mischievous smile approached her holding a toy fire truck tightly to his chest.

  “Jacob,” said Diana gently but firmly, “you must share the toys with your classmates.”

  “Don’t want to,” replied Jacob impudently.

  “If you don’t share, you don’t get to play with the fire truck,” said Diana and held out her hand for the truck.

  Jacob shook his head stubbornly. Shane, a dark-haired, four-year-old boy approached Jacob.

  “I wanna play with truck, too,” Shane said, still pouting.

  “Ask nicely, Shane,” instructed Diana.

  “Please, can I play, Jacob?”

  Jacob looked at Diana. Then he looked at Shane. He hesitated for a few seconds and then nodded his head reluctantly. Diana patted Jacob on the head and smiled.

  “Good boy, Jacob,” she said and watched the two boys scamper away.

  Diana stood up and scanned her colorful classroom, crossing her arms in front of her. It had been a trying day with Madison getting a bloody nose in the morning and another child throwing a temper tantrum, but at least now all her children were contentedly playing with one another.

  Hopefully, the children would behave for the rest of the day, so that her headache wouldn’t get worse. She hadn’t slept well last night since she had been tossing and turning all night, craving Jake and feeling guilty about Richard.

  “Diana,” came a voice from the doorway.

  Joan Mayfield, Play and Learn Preschool’s founder and director, stood at the doorway and smiled at her. Behind her stood a very tall and handsome man holding a little boy’s hand. Diana felt her jaw drop when she recognized him. Standing next to Jake was an older woman in her late fifties.

  “This is James Redmond, his nephew Nathan, and Nathan’s nanny Liz,” introduced Joan. “Mr. Redmond, this is Diana Mulroney, one of our finest teachers,” continued Joan, oblivious to Diana’s reaction to him.


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