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The Silent Blade

Page 9

by P. S. Power

  So, Depak Sona was about to kill this boy for being improper in regards to Eltha.

  “That’s right! Prince Lassa, fifty-ninth in line for the throne of Barquea. You may tremble now, being in my presence.” There was a nice pose, hands on hips and a gaze at the distance to go with the words.

  It was a ridiculous thing to say, and would have made a wonderful jest, so Anders tilted his head, and smiled at Naveed, since he was as close to him as nearly anyone in Barquea.

  Then he whispered.

  “Is this one of those things where I don’t get the humor here? It sounds like that, but the customs are a bit different, from those of Istlan. I... don’t want to laugh, if it will seem like I’m mocking people.”

  Naveed, seeming ready to do a bit of his own killing, if with a clenched fist, even though his frame was a third smaller than it had been even a year before, which indicated either a famine or a lot of magical effort in that time, and there was no hunger there, shook his head.

  “Oh, no... Prince Dunderhead here just suggested that the Great One and the tenth in line for the throne of his own land shake in awe, due to his greatness. I think he honestly meant it, too. We should punish him for it, don’t you think, Prince Anders?”

  Anders nodded.

  “Ah! Very good. You’re a magician, Prince Lassa?”

  That got a snort. Then a bit of a rueful look, at least.

  “A poor one. I can do a few things. Summon a small flame or change the color of a piece of cloth, if I try hard enough, why?”

  Anders smiled.

  “Only because Prince Naveed and myself are about to chase you around, throwing water at you rather fiercely and knowing how to block that would make it more interesting. If you agree, Prince Naveed?”

  He honestly figured that the older Prince was going to simply smile at him and suggest another, more adult, course of action. Instead, the man waved the others there away. Given that one was probably a princess, and the other two Sulana’s, making them Ander’s grandmothers, he quickly spoke a spell, and pointed at them, putting up a shield to cover them, as poor Lassa learned that his older brother had truly been practicing a lot, over the last year.

  Anders barely got to do anything, as the younger prince was struck with arm sized streams of water that wrapped around the building, from well over ten paces away. It was hundreds of feet to the cistern on the roof, at the very least. Which was impressive.

  Enough that he actually clapped, as Lassa was knocked to the ground, a steady stream hitting him in the face. Then he used his wizard sight to find where the fluid had come from and did the same thing. Cooling the water first, since it was warm enough that might well be refreshing to the Prince trying to roll away.

  “Run, Prince Lassa! Be aware of what is coming and try to dodge!” Anders was probably making a lifelong enemy, but it was only fair to offer instruction to the boy.

  After all, he was taking his own turn with the water just then and when it hit the boy screamed.

  “Gah! Cold! Ahhhh!” It was a bit comical, but he did manage to flee and while he was hit a few more times, it actually was far more sporting, suddenly.

  Enough that Naveed miscalculated and sent a line of water directly at one of the Sulana’s. That bounced off, never touching her, thankfully.

  The older man stopped then, since his younger brother was almost out of sight.

  Anders grinned.

  “So, do you think that he’ll poison me... or try to stab me in my sleep for that?”

  The woman, who was likely a Princess, if one that Anders had never met, covered her mouth with a delicate hand. She looked a bit like Javina, but was older by at least ten years. Given that, he supposed she might be a Sulana herself. He was going to need introductions.

  “Oh, Lassa was being a bore and was schooled for it. He’ll complain to Father, who will probably mention how lucky he was that the Great One hadn’t decided to give him the lesson and he’ll give a half-hearted apology. That’s pretty much how he spends his days. Giving offense, then pretending to make up for it with weak words. Not that you heard that from me.”

  The younger woman grinned at Anders then.

  “I’m Liasa, his direct older sister. This is my body mother, Endeara and my side mother Opal. Pleased to meet you both. I missed doing that, last year when you were here. I saw your illusion entertainments. The one here and the one in the city. Are you planning to do something like that again?”

  “Liasa!” That came from her body mother, Endeara. Anders tried to commit the name to memory, along with the face and that of the others there, as well.

  Anders put his hands out to the sides, shoulder height and bowed.

  “That is the plan. I have orders, from Princess Lissa, to aid in my practice that way. You’ll all attend and give me hints as to what would make the show better?”

  Having calmed down, Depak did his own bowing.

  “Indeed, Apprentice Great One Lissa did mention something to that end. As did Apprentice Great One Salina.”

  Everyone just stared at him for a bit. Anders looked at Naveed.

  “Yes. On that note, we should see the Sula, at his earliest convenience, since there have been a few changes, in the last year, that might not have made the missives home. We’ll need you for that, Prince Naveed. You as well, Princess Liasa?”

  He had no clue where she was in the line for the throne, but had to bet it was higher than fifty-ninth. She was nicer than her brother at least, and Sula Darian would most likely find that to be a trait worth something, if nothing else.

  She nodded.

  “I don’t know what I can do for you, but if you need me for something, I’m glad to help, Prince Anders. Now, there are Apprentice Great Ones? More, they come from my own family? I’d heard that they were both doing well, as far as magic and had gone north, to train with you, but... That’s rather heady, isn’t it? Are they really that good?”

  Finally, Depak smiled, seeming his normal self again.

  “They are. We should, perhaps, not speak of it, until the Sula has been informed?”

  Naveed, sighing, actually smiled.

  “And here I was worried only that Prince Anders was going to usurp my position. Well, that’s the game, isn’t it? If others can do better, then they deserve the throne. I should curry favor with them now, do you think, Grandfather Depak?”

  He started to speak, only to have Anders interrupt him, clearing his throat.

  “It’s not over yet, Naveed. I’m still backing you for that job. You’ve been practicing magic, clearly. That and you have a lot of experience in the position. It’s about more than just having a few skills, after all. Not that Lissa isn’t worthy to be the leader as well.”

  Naveed winced.

  “Not the others?”

  That got a shrug.

  “It isn’t my decision, but Princess Salina is set to take over as the Great One of Barquea, when she’s ready. It makes sense to me that the Great One and the leader shouldn’t be the same person.”

  Just like some foreign boy shouldn’t be the ruler, either. That part wasn’t spoken of out loud, however.

  Naveed led them, all of them, including the older women, to a chamber deep inside the palace. It took a good fifteen minutes of walking to get there, and while there were guards on the portal, there was no actual door, that could be seen. Not even a hanging. Anyone standing there could look right into the chamber and see who was there, given that.

  Which meant that Anders was seen and waved to by the Sula, rather directly.

  The man even called out.

  “Great One! Anders! We heard from the others that you were delayed. Is all well?”

  Princess Liasa frowned then.

  “There is an issue, already, Father. Prince Lassa insulted our guest, Eltha Tennet, then suggested that the Great One and Prince Anders must not be important, due to riding in a wagon. Then he suggested they tremble before him, since he was an important Prince here...” She fought a grin,
then lost, after a few moments. “It really was nearly as bad as it sounds, Father. Prince Naveed and Prince Anders chased him around with magical rivers of water in the air, striking him while instructing him to flee. It was... Hilarious, to be honest. That isn’t the important portion, I take it? I wanted to get that out, so you know to be cross with him later, when he comes to complain about being soaked by these others. It really was more playful than anything else. Remind him that he can’t truly take offense at a mild prank like that? I will, too, but he can forget traditions are there for a reason, at times.”

  Sula Darian closed his eyes and sighed.

  “That boy... Sometimes... I was hoping that being put forward for a marriage might help him see the need to mature. Well, I’ll think of something for him. There was more? You hinted at that, Liasa.”

  Depak bowed, so Anders did as well. Followed, interestingly enough, by Naveed.

  Liasa seemed like she didn’t know if she should do that or not, but didn’t.

  So Depak took over the speaking duties.

  “Yes. Much has taken place, in the last half year, Darian. Princess Salina and Princess Lissa have both risen to the rank of Apprentice Great One. Salina has stood in several battles, aiding our friends in Istlan in that capacity, along with Prince Daren. Princess Lissa and Princess Javina both aided in constructing new roads, to aid in those endeavors, as well as studying magic most firmly, during their stay there. All of your daughters who traveled there did, in fact. They also raised inns, town buildings and a castle complex for Duke Lister, as a joint wedding present from both Barquea and Modroc. Princess Sweyn aided in both the design and some of the magical work on that as well, so it’s a real enough thing, claiming it is from both lands.”

  It was clear Depak was planning on saying more and there was actually a lot to mention, but Darian, his brow furrowed, his regal face concerned, picked out one single point.

  “Salina was in battle? Behind the lines, perhaps... Aiding with... Can she heal?”

  Anders nodded.

  “She can. She’s even decent at it. Lissa is better and Javina is as well, but Salina does fair work that way now. She wasn’t in the back, tending to the wounded during the battles, though she did some of that after. She was in the front lines, repelling our foes, rather ably. I’d claim that she was in no danger to make you feel better, but that would be a lie. She didn’t shirk from her duty, not even for a moment. There were real hardships on that campaign, and she met them with honor.”

  Depak winced, as if Anders had been supposed to lie about it. To at least soften the idea, claiming that others had been there to back her up.

  So he did that.

  “Not that she was alone. Prince Erold stood beside her, as did Prince Daren and an able war mage from Istlan, Jeld Nardel. We placed Hoatha and Depak Sona behind the lines, since that wouldn’t have been fair. It truly wasn’t already with those four at the battle, to be honest. The important point here is that the apprentices need to be given some familiarity with military instruction. I was hoping that we could set them to working with a few different units and perhaps be given some command training? They won’t need to lead, but they need to learn what soldiers and that sort need to do their jobs.”

  He was stared at for a moment, and then, slowly, the leader of Barquea, started to nod.

  “Very well, Prince Anders. You may set that in motion, as you will. Do you have more to add here?”

  He was silent for a moment.

  “I do. I can write that out for you, if you wish? Prince Daren has been seeing to the schooling of a Castle Page from Yanse. Walden. Teaching him both magic and languages, as well as reading and other topics. Some of those Daren had to learn himself, first, for that task. Princess Lissa has seen to the training of over a dozen servants, in magic, as well. One of those, Alice Cook, is continuing in her practices, even past the initial training. Those others are... Decently able, after a fashion. Hard students to teach, since Istlan folk often fear magic, rather a lot, still.” He thought for a bit, and shrugged. “Javina aided many people in fashion at the court, as well. Indeed, when they speak of those of Barquea there, it is normally her name on their lips, and her favor they are attempting to curry. She also taught your Ambassador there, Spent, the language of Istlan.” That couldn’t have been easy or simple either, but she’d never complained about the task.

  Naveed actually smiled.

  “It’s amazing, Father. We should have them in with us at dinner this evening?”

  The older man, lean and pleasant in aspect, bowed his head.

  “A grand feast, for their return? Also so that Eltha Tennet might meet with you and Hoatha? I will withdraw Prince Lassa from consideration, since... well. That rather needs to be seen to. I know, Prince Anders, fix him for us, will you? You have leave to do what is needed, to that end. Try not to kill him, but... If you must, you have my backing.” The words were cold. Enough that the older women actually gasped.

  Anders didn’t love the sound of it either, but could see the need for it.

  “He can be placed in military training as well?”

  The man simply waved a hand, as if saying that was fine.

  “Now, you should repair and refresh yourselves, before the meal? Make what plans you might need, Prince Anders. Depak, if you would stay for some moments? Unless you have need to refresh yourself, after your long journey?”

  That answer seemed to be no, meaning the rest of them were able to leave the room. The older women were split off, but Princess Liasa and Prince Naveed led Anders to his room. Which, interestingly enough, was the same one he’d been allowed to sleep in the year before. The others went in with him, his things already placed there. Including the sweets he’d brought to share.

  “Right! I brought some treats from home, for everyone here to try. Candies and strange dried fruits. A few other things that I don’t think you have here? How do I get those to people?”

  Those words had Naveed smiling.

  “That is simple enough. We can hold a gathering, in a few days? I’ll get some local candies and sweet treats as well, for those visiting from afar? Then people can meet and mingle a bit, in a relaxed situation. There was also mention of a small show of some sort? Some of your Illusion work?”

  Princess Liasa moved and touched Anders on the arm.

  “Do that as a separate thing? Perhaps by select invitation, only? Then do one out in the city, that anyone might attend? I shouldn’t ask, but if no one mentions it, how will you know that people have been talking in the streets for a year about the last one?”

  It would be hard, if not impossible to do the same show he’d done on the ship for a city’s worth of people. That didn’t mean he couldn’t make large, and realistic illusions and perhaps add in some pleasing scents, wind and so forth. It would take some careful planning, as well as better work with music than he’d done before. On the good side, for the people there, he could reuse a lot of what had worked before, on the boat.

  Possibly with some new characters. Also, a smaller set of events, as Eltha had instructed him to see to.

  “That should work. We can set up the one for in the city for... A few days from now? Depak already instructed me to go to the market in the mornings, to work on healing. If anyone wants that done. So, I shouldn’t over schedule myself at that time.” He looked at Prince Liasa then and tilted his head. “Which means that I can’t aid you with magics then. You’re good that way already, though?”

  That got an almost angry expression, though she bothered to hide it fairly quickly.

  “I’m not, no. I can do magic, but don’t really have the head for it, I fear.”

  “We’ll set up Lissa to work with you on that then? You clearly have a good mind, so that isn’t the problem. It’s probably down to the way it was taught before, then. Or... No... Since you should be pretty good that way, would you be willing to have Princess Salina teach you? She’s actually not bad, and I think she can handle that sort of thing. It wo
uld be a favor to me, if you’d try that?”

  For about a minute, she actually seemed to be trying to come up with a way to get out of it. If that was about her own sister being a pain at times, or simply because she didn’t want to do the work, Anders didn’t know. He also didn’t care. He was working to help Salina, not Liasa. Not yet, at least. The woman seemed nice enough, in a slightly pushy fashion, but that was all he really had on her so far.

  Naveed grunted.

  “I should see if Lissa will aid me then?” It was clear that he didn’t mean it, but Anders let himself perk up.

  “Oh... That might work. You’re far more advanced than anyone else she’s worked with so far, so that would really mean pushing herself to keep up with what you need that way. Would you do that? I know you must be busy.”

  The man rolled his eyes, but gave a nod.

  “Why not? If nothing else, I can see if I need to report to Father about how she and not I, should be put in the first position. Now, I should make my leave, before you decide that I should have military schooling as well, Prince Anders. Will you be taking those lessons, do you think?”

  “If I can, of course. I’ll be on the road soon, toward Modroc. I think we have a stay here for some few weeks, then must carry onward. See you at the meal?”

  He looked at both of them, not certain if that was the plan or not. He might not be invited, even though it had been mentioned in front of him. Princess Liasa shook her head.

  “Probably not me. I’m certain I wasn’t invited. How do I get in touch with Salina, do you think?”

  Anders shrugged.

  “I’ll ask her to find you for that? I’ll be gone, or we could meet here for breakfast. My efforts were promised in the city, starting at first light.”


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