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Rule Play (Saints of Love Book 1)

Page 12

by Elizabeth Perry

  “Easier for who?” Adrian’s voice snaps me out of my shock. Brett’s eyes widen, as Adrian moves past him, knocking him out of the way with his shoulder, and stepping past me, into the foyer. He fists his hand in the back of my hair, pulling my head towards his and planting a hot, wet kiss on my mouth. He finishes the performance by smacking my ass and murmuring something along the lines of “Missed you, babes,” loudly enough for Brett to hear. Adrian then extends his hand to Brett, who like a robot, takes it, with his eyes fixed on me the entire time.

  “I’m Adrian, Mia’s new boyfriend. You must be Brett, the ex who was dumb enough to let her go, eh?”

  Brett’s face falls.

  “I don’t mean any disrespect though, man. I’m grateful to you, and really fucking pumped that things didn’t work out. I actually owe you a thanks.” Adrian’s cocky smile is fully in place now, and Brett looks like he wants the pavement to open up and swallow him whole.

  “What is it that you’re looking for?” Adrian wraps his arm around me, pulling me into him and moving us a step backward, so that he can open the door wide. “Come on in and find it.”

  I almost laugh at the expression on Brett’s face, because he looks so fucking uncomfortable now that Adrian is here, but I know him well enough to know that he won’t just go off running into the night. Brett has pride, a little too much sometimes, which has been his downfall more than once. So instead of getting the hell out of here, he cautiously steps inside. Adrian smiles at him intently, all while keeping his grip tightly on me.

  “It’s really not a big deal.” Brett starts, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “Just if you find the glove, Mia, can you let me know? I’m not trying to make an awkward situation any more…”

  “Nah.” Adrian brushes him off. “It’s not awkward.” He flashes a devilish smile at me, and once again, smacks my ass. “Now, if you would have shown up last night, it would have been hella awkward. Right, baby?” His eyebrow raises at me, as his eyes gleam. “Last night, I could hardly keep Mia off of me. We barely got the door closed before she pounced. You would have had a front row seat to one hot fucking show, and that would have been uncomfortable. For you.”

  Brett pales.

  “I’m not sure about the glove, Brett.” I interrupt Adrian’s cock fight, brushing past the part where Adrian just basically told my ex that he fucked me where we are currently all standing. “Most of your stuff that got left here went in the trash. But I’d be happy to look around for it this week. I can let you know if I find it.”

  “Yeah. That would be great.” He makes his break for the door. “I look forward to hearing from you. Nice to meet you, Adrian, and great season so far, by the way.” The door closes quickly behind him. When I turn to Adrian, I find him staring hard at the door, his eyes narrowed and filled with disgust.

  “That’s your ex?” He finally growls and turns his eyes to mine. “That’s the piece of shit you wanted me to help you get back?”

  Numbly, I nod.

  “He’s a total douche, Mia. You can do a lot better.”

  “You didn’t have to be so rude to him.” I don’t know why I’m defending Brett right now. I mean, Adrian is right. He is kind of a douche. He cheated on me with my biggest enemy, which is total douchebag move. However, I didn’t appreciate Adrian telling him about what happened between us last night. I’ve never been one to share my dirty deeds like that. I prefer my privacy, and I like others to respect that.

  “Rude?” His eyebrows skyrocket. “How was any of that rude? I played the part, Mia. The part that you asked me to play. I just can’t believe that you’re standing here, getting all bent out of shape over that guy. The guys a tool.”

  “I’m not defending him! But I don’t like you throwing out what we did for anyone who can hear you! It’s really fucking disrespectful, Adrian. Maybe the other women you sleep with want their sex life blasted, but I’m not like that. If this is going to continue, I demand that you respect that.”

  He stills, and then, his expression shifts. His eyes soften, and the smirk on his face falls. And as it changes, so does my anger. It literally fades away, the same as the memory of Brett just being here. All that fills my head now, are images of Adrian and I. And I’m right back to where I was earlier tonight at the river house. My anger is replaced with the ache inside of me to feel him again.

  But that can only happen as long as he learns to respect me.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” He takes a step towards me, promptly closing the distance between us. “I didn’t realize that you didn’t want me sharing that. I swear, I don’t just blast our business, but I figured out of anyone, you would want him to know.”

  Frankly, I’m not sure what I want anymore. At least, not in the big picture. But I do know that as Adrian moves even closer to me, and I see the way that his eyes darken as they fix on mine, that I want him. And I want him right now.

  His hand brushes along my cheek, and then, traces my jaw. He’s still staring into my eyes, as his head tilts down. But when his lips finally brush against mine, my entire body stills. This is different than it was last night. His touch is soft, and gentle. It’s as though he’s taking his time and savoring every bit of me. The feeling that it brings to me is intoxicating, and the only thought fueling my mind is to feel more of him. To touch him, and to taste him.

  And to let him taste me.

  His mouth presses back onto mine, and he kisses me with the passion of a man who is starving for me. His hand wraps into my hair, but his grip is loose, as he takes his time, making love to my mouth. Every inch of me aches for him, and I can’t stop myself from moaning his name into his mouth. In one swoop, he lifts me into his arms, trailing kisses from my mouth, down to my neck as I’m carried towards my bedroom. I feel the bed underneath me, as Adrian climbs on top of me, bracing his heavy weight on his arms before returning his mouth to mine. We kiss like this for a long time, both of us letting our hands lazily roam over each other. His hands cup my breasts through my shirt, before they travel down, and his fingers trail over the part of me that is throbbing with need for him. I’m not even embarrassed over the fact that my pants are likely soaked with need for him. I don’t feel embarrassed about anything when I’m wrapped in Adrian’s arms.

  He makes me feel safe and wanted in a way that I have never felt before. And I fucking love it.

  My sweater is pulled over my head, and then his fingers loop underneath my bra straps. He tugs them both down, letting his hot mouth trail once again down my neck, until his mouth finds my breasts. My hips buck against him, as he licks and sucks me. And when I begin begging him to be inside of me, he just chuckles, and tells me to be patient.

  Patience is a virtue that I have never contained and asking me to wait for him to bring me to the place that I know he can, is almost torture. He groans against me, as his mouth moves down, and then I feel him tug my pants off of me, quickly following with my panties. My bra is still around my waist at this point, but other than that, I’m completely naked. His eyes are dark as he studies me, and after a slight shake of his head, he mutters something that I can’t make out, before pushing my legs out, and without wasting a single moment, pressing his mouth onto my core.

  His tongue darts inside of me, and as it does, I lose all control. I’m whimpering, and my legs are clamped hard against his head. I feel his chuckle, his breath only increasing my desperate need of release. But he’s not going to let me off so easily. His tongue lazily trails my folds, and flicks devilishly against my clit. My swollen, aching clit that is. The one desperate for more contact. I’m bucking my hips against his face, his name leaving my mouth in a long chant, one that never seems to stop, until finally, he adds a finger into his assault, and as quickly as it enters me, my entire body explodes. My hands grip into the sheets, sweat drips off of my body, as his mouth returns to me, and he swallows down every drop of my release. Before I’m even back to earth, he spreads my legs wide again, and then enters me in one, long thrust. I fee
l like I could pass out. Literally, as my orgasm continues to rip through me, and another one builds right behind it, I wonder if anyone has ever gone out like this. It wouldn’t be a bad way to go, in fact, I could think of worse ways, since watching Adrian’s large cock rock in and out of me, as he stares down at me with his dark, beautiful eyes is nothing short of spectacular.

  His sculpted body is tight under my hands, as I grip into him and let the sensation of him bring me to the best possible place. Last night, he fucked me hard, and today, it’s almost as if he’s making love to me. Of course, I’m not foolish enough to think that either of us are letting the L word come into play here, but I do really like this version of him also. It’s hot, and it’s still raw, but it’s amazing, all at the same time.

  “I’m close, baby.” He finally mutters, through clenched teeth. “I want you to come with me.” His mouth crashes onto mine, and as my tongue finds its way inside of his mouth, I taste myself all over him. It’s enough to send me over the edge, and before I can even take my next breath, I’m once again igniting, all for him, and then, his breath catches, as he groans my name, and his movements jerk. His face tenses up, and my name leaves his lips in a growl as he fills me.

  We’re both panting and dripping with sweat by the time that either one of us are able to get a single word out.

  “I hope you don’t have big plans for tomorrow, because I’m planning on spending the night, and eating you for breakfast.”

  Lord help me.



  There’s nothing like a night in bed with a beautiful woman to put a little pep in my step for the morning. Never mind the fact that less than thirty minutes ago, Mia was screaming my name, when she woke up to my mouth pressed in between her legs. Or, the fact that less than a few seconds ago, I had her bent over in the shower, while I plowed into her from behind, smacking her ass hard enough to leave my handprint there for the day.

  That way, she can’t forget about all of the ways that I’ve claimed her body. Or how that entire fucking body of hers is mine.

  Not mine forever, of course, but mine for now. And I have every fucking intention of enjoying what’s mine at the moment. Because why the hell not?

  Sex with her is unlike anything I’ve ever had before, and I will be the first to tell you, I’ve had my fair share. But it’s different with Mia, in more ways than one. For starters, she may want to keep what we do private, but she’s hardly a vanilla score. She likes it rough, just as much as she likes it slow. She likes it when I talk dirty to her, and she likes to…

  “What are you doing?” I hiss, as the soap that she just lathered all over me, my dick included, washes down into the drain, at the same moment that she sinks to her knees in front of me. She grabs me into her hand, making me feel like even more of a man as her tiny palm wraps around me, my already engorged and throbbing dick looking massive in her small hand.

  She flutters her eyes up to me, a coy smile spreading across her beautiful features. “Tasting you.” She murmurs, right before damn near swallowing me whole. I’m pretty sure that my eyes roll back in my head, because her face is suddenly gone from my vision. As her tongue traces me, and her sweet lips suction all around me, everything else fades into the background, as Mia yet again, rocks my fucking world. By the time I even come back to earth, my hips are rocking against her face, but she doesn’t even seem to mind. She just continues to suck harder, and lick me like a lollipop, until without any warning at all, I completely empty myself into her mouth. Like the champ that she is, she doesn’t even flinch. She just stares up at me, with those wide, beautiful fucking eyes, while swallowing me right down.

  While I’m still clinging to the shower wall, and wondering what in the hell just happened, she just wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and smiles.

  “You should probably hurry up in here. I’ve got to be at the salon in half an hour.”

  A few hours later in the day, and I’ve still got a goofy smile plastered across my face. It’s the smile of a man who has been thoroughly satisfied, and I doubt that it will be leaving my face any time soon.

  “Malone.” Rodney, my agent grabs my hand and then pulls me into a one arm hug. “You aren’t even going to believe the news that I have for you.” I settle into one of the chairs across from his desk and lean back with ease as he spins his laptop around to me.

  “Your sales are off the chart, brother. You are currently the number one merchandise selling player in the entire NFL. Just over a week ago, you were damn near dead last. I’m not sure who this Mia is, but bro. You owe that woman a fucking ring, a Benz, or something along those lines. She has made you a lot of cheddar, Adrian. A whole fucking lot.”

  I don’t mention that by making me money, she has also made Rodney a lot of money, since he gets a cut off the top of my promo stuff. I’m not mad about that, or anything. Hell, Rodney’s the one who told me what to do to make the money. And of course, I get a way higher percentage than he does, all day, every day. I’ve got no complaints in that department.

  “I mean, she has really done you some good. Maybe I owe her dinner. Fuck. I really should buy her dinner, when you’re done with her. I need to see if she has any friends, or if she’d be willing to pretend with some of my other clients. This girl is a fucking social media gold mine. The way that she looks at you, she fucking sells it. The whole damn scam. She fucking sells it.”

  My stomach drops.

  Did he actually just suggest that he would take her to dinner, only to try to pimp her out to one of his other clients? I think the fuck not.

  “Yeah, so that won’t be happening.” My smile instantly fades, and murderous thoughts fill my mind. “She’s not just some whore, Rodney. She’s not going to be your pass around piece to try to get rich.”

  Rodney’s not a stupid man. He immediately realizes that he’s crossed the line and puts his hands up in defeat.

  “Whoa, Malone, easy buddy. I wasn’t implying that she’s a whore. I just meant that she fits the bill for this role perfectly. It’s not like I’m trying to get her to sleep with my clients or anything, it’s just…she’s normal. She’s beautiful. She’s the girl next door and having someone like her on the arm of a professional athlete, makes you guys seem more real. More down to earth. Dateable, which let’s be honest, makes your stuff fly off the shelf.”

  He points to a graph on his laptop that I have no interest in looking at. I’m frankly too pissed off right now to even open my mouth. Because if I do, I’m pretty sure that I’m going to lose my shit on him, and then, I’m going to smash his laptop with my fist and fire him.

  So instead, I keep my hands fisted at my side, before kicking back my chair, and storming towards the door. I almost just walk through it, but then, I compose myself enough to turn around, and let my icy glare meet his wide eyes.

  “Mia is off fucking limits to you. She’s not your get rich scheme, alright? Leave her the fuck alone.”

  “Yeah, I got you.” Rodney rises to his feet, leveling his eyes with mine. “She’s your get rich scheme. Got it. You aren’t interested in sharing.”

  “My get rich scheme?” Ok, so I actually might fucking lose it. “Keep in mind, this was your idea. I’m already rich, Rodney. Check my fucking numbers. Unlike you, I make my own money. You only make yours off my back. So, check yourself. I’m at the top of my game, and I have no real ties to you. I could fire you right now, and not even think twice about it. Don’t fucking test me.”

  “I made you, Malone.” He shouts behind me, even after I slam the door shut. “Don’t fucking forget that. If it wasn’t for me, you’d still be a nobody back home in the sticks. You…”

  I keep moving down the hallway, forcing myself to take deep breaths, so that I don’t lose my shit. People stare at me as I storm through the lobby, and then down the steps, taking them two at a time. I have no reason to be so upset right now. Mia isn’t mine, nor do I have any say in who she dates after me. So why does it make me so fucking cra
zy to think about it? Is it just the sex?

  I don’t think so, even though that shit is top notch.

  The reality is smacking me in the face, even though I don’t dare admit it. I’m pissed off, because somehow, someway, Mia made her way into my heart. And the feelings that I have for her are pretty damn far from pretend.

  They’re the real deal. And I have no idea what to do about it.



  I run the flat iron through Veronica Wilds hair one last time, and then take a step back, admiring my work. I spin my client around so that she too can inspect my latest masterpiece, and my smile widens as she squeals.

  “Mia! I swear to God girl, your hands are magic! How do you get it to lay perfectly, every single time? It never looks this good when I do it. I seriously need to put you in my pocket so that you can do my hair every single day.”


  This is what all of my hard work was for. This is why I busted my tail to save enough money to open my own salon. This is what makes me happy.

  I love to see this look on people’s faces.

  “You know I’m always here for you, babe.” I pull her cape off of her and then lower her chair. “I can’t do your hair every day, but you can count on me for date days.”

  I’ve been doing Veronica’s hair for the last three years. I always try to squeeze her in, even if it means that I have to stay late, because she’s right. Her hair never wants to lay right, and I seem to have the magic touch. She comes in whenever she has a date with the guy that she thinks will be the one. After three years of searching, hopefully the guy that she’s meeting tonight will finally fit the bill.

  “Maybe he’ll be my Adrian.” She grins sheepishly at me, nibbling on her lower lip as she stutters the words. “I was trying not to bring it up, but seriously. I almost feel hurt that you didn’t mention him to me.”


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