Rule Play (Saints of Love Book 1)

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Rule Play (Saints of Love Book 1) Page 18

by Elizabeth Perry

  I hear the flash of the camera, which reminds me that we are not alone, having our heart to heart. In fact, we’re being recorded, for all of the world to see. And I fucking hate it.

  “Can we please do this somewhere else?”

  Without another word, he scoops me up, into his arms, and barrels through the crowd closing in on us. He moves quickly down the street, and in just a few moments, we’re tucked safely inside of my salon, with no one around to hear us.

  “When you told me that you were going back to him, I fucking lost my mind.” His words are now much louder, his facial expression changing between hurt and anger. “I was so pissed at you. So damn pissed, because I thought that you were starting to feel the same way about me that I was for you.”

  “I ended things, Adrian, because you told me about your ex.” I take a step back, putting a few centimeters of distance between us. “I knew right then that I couldn’t compete with her. I mean, how in the fuck could I compete with a dead girl, anyways? You told me she was the love of your life, and I’m done being the back up. I know that it’s selfish, but I need to be the one. The one big love of your life, and that spot has already been filled.”

  “That’s why you lied to me?” He snorts. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “No.” My arms are folded across my chest, and my eyes are level with his. “I’m done being the woman who is only chosen because it’s convenient. I’m done not being loved right, and I’m done being in competition with other women, dead or alive, when I don’t even realize that I am. I want to be loved, fully, otherwise, I don’t want to be loved at all.”

  “You have no idea.” He grunts, and then shakes his head. “And that’s my fault, because I should have thrown all of those rules out the second that shit got real between us. But I didn’t, because just like you, falling in love again scared the shit out of me. But I’m here, Mia. I’m fucking here, right now, with you. I’ll beg, I’ll plead, I’ll do whatever in the fuck I need to do to make you realize, that for me, no one holds a candle to you. You are my one true love. You are the one that I want in my future. You aren’t competing with Kat.” He takes a ragged breath. “I loved Kat, and I’m not going to pretend that I didn’t. But the way that I loved as a kid is way different than the way that I love as a man. She will always be my first love, but you, baby…” His voice cracks, and his eyes are desperate on mine. “You are the one. The one that I’ve been waiting for. The one that I want to spend the rest of my life loving. The one that I would do anything for. You are everything to me.”

  We both fall silent, the only sound in the room is the sound of our breathing, which is both equally rapid. Adrian’s chest is puffing out and his eyes are pleading. I’m busy trying to slow my breathing down so that I don’t pass out as I try to absorb each and every word that leaves his mouth.

  “I want to start over.” His body is pushed back against mine, and his hands are pressed against each side of my face. “I want to start from the beginning and show you how I plan on loving you. I want you to feel my love when I’m inside of that sweet body of yours. I want you to fall asleep in my arms every night knowing that you will always have my whole heart. I want you to know that my future happiness is wrapped up entirely in you. I need you to give me another chance, Mia.”

  “I don’t want to start over.” It’s the honest truth. A pained expression flashes on his face, and his eyes close. I feel him nod against me, his breath cascading over my skin in soft pants.

  “Starting over means forgetting about all of the time that we spent together, and I don’t ever want to forget about exactly how I fell in love with you.”

  He stills, but only for a second before his face explodes in a huge smirk. His cockiness is back in full force, but that’s one of my favorite things about him. Oh, yeah, and the part about how he loves me.

  “So, then I think that this is the part where we kiss and make up.” His hands wrap around waist, and he presses his body tightly against mine.

  “I think you’re right.” I sigh, leaning into him. When his lips finally press against mine, all of the sadness that I’ve felt over the last few weeks fades away. Everything is finally, right in the world.

  And for the first time in my life, I know that I am finally going to be fully loved.

  Later on, after canceling my entire day and enjoying round after round of makeup sex, I relax against Adrian, listening to his heartbeat as his pants turn to soft breaths, I fall asleep knowing that I have finally, found a love meant to last.Epilogue

  The sun is finally shining, after what seems like a hundred days of darkness. Spring is in the air, and after a long winter, it feels good to finally have the warmth on my face. I roll onto my side, but before I can begin to throw the covers off of me and stretch out my body, a thick arm wraps around my waist, steadily pulling me back into the bed.

  “Not so fast.” Adrian grumbles, wrapping his large frame around me. “I’m not ready to lose you, yet.”

  I roll my eyes, but honestly inside, I’m not annoyed at all. The fact that this man always wants to keep me close to him would have driven the old me crazy. But the new me can’t get enough of him, or enough of his body on mine. I’m still aching from the last time that I had him, which was less than a few hours ago. He found me in the night, and as my eyes opened, I felt his lips on mine, brushing sweet kisses on my mouth and whispering to me how much he loved me. I spread my legs immediately, welcoming him into me, as I have time and time again.

  I giggle as his hand moves from my waist, trailing the side of my thigh, but then I gasp when his hand suddenly moves, and his finger slides inside of me.

  “Always so fucking ready for me.” He groans, and then shifts his hips. “I swear to God, baby. Your body is my own personal heaven on earth.”

  I could say the same for him.

  Adrian has become my everything. My rock, my heart, my biggest fan, and my biggest supporter. I’ve never felt more loved than I have with him, and he never lets a moment pass without letting me know how much he loves me- or how much he wants me.

  I’m rolled onto my stomach in one movement, and then I feel his thick length, pushing into me, sliding into my folds with the ease of a man who has done it countless times before. I immediately groan, as he fills me, the ache that I was just feeling now completely gone, as Adrian slowly moves in and out of me, making love to me with the precision that only he can. With ever thrust, he whispers to me how much he loves me. His breath quickens, and my name is chanted off of his lips, until I feel him shake, and then, his release fills me. He’s panting for air, still bracing himself over me, his sweaty body slick against mine.

  “That was the one.” He mutters, when he finally catches his breath. I’m still fighting to catch my own, by the way. “That was all of it. Every last drop. I totally just got you pregnant, babe. But just in case that one didn’t take, it’s still raining outside, so I think we should stay in bed all day. Just to be safe.”

  He rolls onto his back, pulling my body with him. He tucks me underneath his arm like a football, and then presses his lips against the top of my head.

  I smile up at the ceiling.

  “The doctor said that it could take months. You do remember that, right? He said that I was on birth control for so long, that it may take a while for it to happen. Plus, with the wedding coming up…”

  “First of all,” He looks down at me with his signature smirk, “Maybe that’s how it works for some people, but we’re talking about me here, babes. My guys are swimmers, I’m sure of it. I’m giving you top notch baby batter, every single time I’m inside of your sweet self. So, don’t get it twisted. You’re going to be pregnant. Hell, you probably already are.”

  I roll my eyes, but even despite myself, I smile.

  Adrian asked me for one chance, but honestly, I didn’t really give it to him. He didn’t need it-he already had my heart. So, once we decided to give this thing between us a go, it’s basically moved at lightning speed, in the
direction of forever.

  Shortly after Thanksgiving, Adrian got down on one knee, at the exact place where all of this started between us. Well, not the exact place. He didn’t propose to me at the football stadium or in the jail, but he did do it at the River house. Except, he did it further down on the property, at the river’s edge. Even though it was freezing cold that day, he had a blanket laid out for us, and had built a small fire to keep us warm. He asked me to be his wife, and even though things were moving fast, I said yes, with zero hesitation. The second that the word left my mouth, he buried himself inside of me sans condom, and that’s been his main goal since that day.

  We started out planning a big wedding, more because it was going to be both of our firsts, and I really wanted it to be a special day. But then, one morning I woke up and realized that I didn’t need a big wedding to make it a special day. It was going to be special, because of who I was marrying. So, we found a priest, got a marriage license, and ended up getting married in the barn at the Rivers Edge house on a cold day in the middle of January, surrounded by only our closest friends and family. The day itself was perfect, and honestly, the marriage has been even better.

  “We can’t stay in bed all day, Adrian.” I sigh, because to be honest, a part of me really wants to. “We’re supposed to meet the architect at one.”

  “Fuck.” He mutters. “Think he’d mind meeting us here?”

  “Here?” My eyes widen. “In our bedroom? Not happening, hot shot. He may not mind, but I certainly do. This room smells like sex and…”

  “And babies.” He winks at me, running his hand over my stomach. “It reeks like a baby. Thank fucking god for that.”

  “I’m getting up.” I move to throw the covers off of me, but he quickly stops me.

  “No way, babe. I just filled you up. You’re supposed to lay on your back for ten minutes.”

  I cut my eyes at him and get up anyways. He feigns horror.

  “That is not how it works. And plus, if I lay on my back any longer around you, you’re going to try to do more things to me, and I’m sore, ok? I need a shower. I need some coffee, and I need breakfast, in that order.”

  “Fine.” He rises to standing, completely naked and on full display for me. He stretches his arms up high, smirking even wider when he finds me ogling his naked body.

  “For someone who claims to not want another piece of this, you sure are looking at me like you want it.”

  Damn right I am. No matter how sore I am, and no matter how often he is inside of my body, I always want more. But I meant what I said, at least, in this moment I do. Before I can change my mind, I step inside of the bathroom and lock the door behind me, so that he can’t decide to join me in the shower and make me change my mind.

  A few hours later, we’re back at the river property. I had no idea back when I first set foot here, but when Adrian purchased the existing house for Amy and the kids, he also purchased all of the adjacent land. There are just over ten acres of riverfront property, and right after we got married, we decided that we would build our forever home right here, next to them. Of course, forever is a word that most professional football players can’t use, but Adrian is pretty established here with the Minnesota team, and plans on retiring after we start having babies, which if he got his way, would be after next season when his contract is up. It’s fine by me, to be honest. My salon is booming, and business is great. His merchandise sales are off the charts, and between that and his contract and the money that he has saved, we shouldn’t ever have to worry financially.

  Adrian parks the car in front of what will be our home. The exterior is complete, and has been for a while, but our architect has run into some issues with the layout inside, which is why he called us here today.

  We go through the plans again and verify all of the changes that need to be made. Once everything is again finalized, we stop by Amy’s to visit, before heading home to play our latest game, the one where we make a baby.

  We just walk in, as we always do, but this time, Amy isn’t alone. A woman in a suit is sitting at the table, deep in conversation with her when we walk in.

  “Amy?” Adrian immediately notices the look of concern on her face. “What’s the matter?”

  The woman in the suit spins around, staring at the two of us, seemingly annoyed that we interrupted her conversation. Amy just waves her off and stands to greet us.

  “Hi.” She gives us each a hug, before sighing hard and throwing her hands up. “I’m sorry to be rude.” She looks between us and the woman. “This is Rita Davies, she’s from child services. Rita, this is Adrian Malone, and his wife Mia. Adrian is my partner; he is the one who bought this house for us and turned it into our home.”

  Rita’s face immediately relaxes, and she stands to greet us also. She extends her hand to me first, and then to Adrian. “Thank you for helping these children, sir.” She lets out a defeated sigh. “I only wish that we were able to help more.”

  “Rita,” Amy starts. “You know that if I could, I would. I hate to turn a child away, but I just cannot take on an infant right now. There’s no way. I already have my hands full.”

  Amy isn’t kidding. I know that her door is revolving, but for the last few months, she has had thirteen children living under this roof. Emily finally came back, which has been a blessing, and since her mother is now yet again in jail, it looks like she will get to stay indefinitely. I know that it kills Amy to turn children away. I’ve seen her do it several times in the last month alone. It seems like there are always children needing care, and yet not enough places for them to get it.

  “Adrian.” I turn to look at him, and without even having to say the words, he immediately reads my mind.

  “Babe, no.”

  I turn to Rita. “How old of an infant are we talking?”

  “Four weeks old.” She sighs. “It’s usually not this hard to place an infant, but unfortunately, this little peanut was born addicted to methamphetamines. Her mother gave birth, and then left her. She wants to terminate all rights to the child, and the state is moving forward with that, so that we can place her up for adoption. But right now, she’s stable enough to leave the hospital. Unfortunately, I don’t have anywhere for her to go.”

  I look at Adrian again, who has mixed emotions on his face. When he catches my eyes, he shakes his head. “Mia, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” He doesn’t answer, he just looks down at my stomach and then gives me an exasperated look.

  I return his look, and then roll my eyes. “I’m not yet.” I cross my arms and meet his stare.

  “You don’t know that. I feel it. I feel a baby, Mia.”

  All eyes are on us, as I move towards my husband, and place my hand over his heart.

  “I do too, babe. Just not inside of me right now. Maybe that’s the baby that you feel too. Maybe this baby is meant to be ours. Don’t you even want to explore it to see if it’s an option?”

  My husband hesitates, but then, his goodness shines through, and his face relaxes, and he smiles down at me.

  “I mean, I’ve always wanted a little girl.”

  Amy beams at us, and Rita’s face lights up. She begins to ramble on about some paperwork, and a screening process. I really hope that Adrian is listening, because I sure as hell am not. I’m already envisioning storming into the hospital and rescuing a sweet baby girl, who is about to hit the jackpot in the parent’s department. I mean, not to toot my own horn or anything, but…I’m pretty sure we are going to rock as parents. At least, I know that Adrian will. He’s got dad of the year written all over him, with that giant old heart of his. He’s going to be amazing. I just hope that I can measure up, too.

  One month later


  I wrap and rewrap our little bundle of joy in her soft pink blanket, and then begin to bounce her in my arms. We have officially been parents now for two weeks, and I can tell you with complete honesty, I wasn’t exactly prepared for it.

>   I mean, sure, I was definitely prepared for the making of the baby, spending hours upon hours trying to knock my wife up. But this path, the all of a sudden, we have a baby path, wasn’t exactly on my radar.

  But even though I’m exhausted, and even though our little baby Penelope, whom my wife lovingly calls Nellie for short, is colicky and only wants to sleep upright on my shoulder, I wouldn’t change a single thing. The very first moment that I looked at this beautiful baby, I knew that she was meant to be ours. She smiled immediately at me, which Mia told me was just gas, but I don’t believe it. She was smiling at me, because she knew that I was going to be her Daddy, and that from this day forward, I would protect her with everything that I am. I’m finally able to calm her, and as I feel her relax against me, I sink back into the rocking chair, and once again begin to rock her to stay asleep. I begin to doze off myself, when I hear the front door open, and then Mia peeks her head into the nursery.

  “Hey.” She kneels down next to the rocking chair, and lovingly presses her lips against Nellie’s soft skin. “How is my favorite baby and favorite daddy?”

  “We’re both missing you.” I tell her honestly. “I’m glad that you’re home.”

  “Me too.” She sighs, and then nods her head towards Nellie’s baby rocker, the only place we can get her to sleep besides our arms. “Want to try to put her down for a while? I’ve got something that I want to talk to you about.”

  I nod, and then lay the baby down. We both hold our breath, watching her squirm slightly, but then she relaxes against the fabric, puckers up her little mouth, and then falls right back to sleep.

  Thank goodness.

  I tiptoe behind Mia out of the nursery and follow her down the hallway to our bedroom. She shuts the door behind us, and then turns to face me, a huge, unsure smile spreading on her lips.

  “Baby?” I question, not liking the hesitation in her eyes. “What’s the matter?”


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