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Born To Sin (Born #1)

Page 3

by A. L. Simpson

  “Yep. His mother is sick again.”

  “That’s every night this week.”


  “Why don’t child services find him somewhere decent to live? Doesn’t he have family that could take care of him?”

  “No-one in the ’hood would report to CS and he doesn’t have family.”

  “You’ll have to talk to the new owner about the food for the kid if Leon sells.”

  Leon has wholeheartedly supported me with feeding Jonesy. He’s refused to let me pay for the food I take even though most nights it’s leftovers. If I don’t think the leftovers are suitable for the kid, then I cook him something decent. Leon’s fine with it. If the new owner isn’t, I’ll pay for what I use. “If it sells.” I hope like hell it doesn’t but then feel guilty because Leon deserves to enjoy the rest of his life without having to worry about running the restaurant.

  One of the waiters pokes his head through the doors. “All finished. See you next time.” Before Wade or I can say anything, he’s disappeared, the swinging doors the only evidence he was there.

  “Let’s wrap it up.” I spoon the pasta into a takeaway container, grab a piece of Lemon Meringue pie and place it into another. I snap the lids on and put them in my bag.

  Wade and I clean up the stove and remaining dishes together. The excitement of me fucking him is making Wade carry on like a kid in a candy shop. He’s driving me crazy. I grab his shoulders. “Go home. I’ll be there in an hour.”

  I peel off my tunic, kick off my boots and tug off my pants. I shove my uniform into a bag for the laundry service. I’m naked except for my socks. I reach out and grab my jeans from the bench where I’d put them a few minutes before and Wade fondles my ass. I jump and spin around. “Why the fuck are you still here?”

  “I wanted to see you naked again before I leave.”

  He reaches out and grabs my cock. I flinch but let him fondle it. He gets such a kick out of it and my fuckin’ cock swells. He licks his lips and slides his hand up and down. I let him. I should be flattered he wants me, after all, I’m no-one. Nothing. Dragged up on the streets of the ’hood. Ain’t gonna make any difference to me whether I’ve been fucked by a man or fucked a man. I’ll still be nothing.

  Wade runs his hand down the side of my face. I close my eyes and turn into it. Some would say I’m starved for affection. Maybe it’s why I’m willing to let him have my body. Maybe I need someone to show me some love and I know, in his own way, Wade loves me. God knows the women I fuck don’t love me. They want me because I have a rep and it’s some sort of fucked up status thing to say they’ve been screwed by me. I think Jonesy loves me but maybe it’s only because I feed him.

  Wade places his lips over mine and this time when he kisses me, I kiss him back. It’s different. More insistent, harder than a woman’s kiss. The jury is out on whether I like it or not. My cock is getting harder, it seems to be enjoying it.

  I push away from Wade and take his hand from my dick. “I have to go and feed the kid.” He sighs but lets me free to pull on my jeans, t-shirt and boots. I slip into my jacket and as I’m closing the zipper, Wade leans in and kisses my cheek.

  “I’ll lock up. The sooner you go and feed Jonesy, the sooner I’ll have you in my bed.”

  I tell him I’ll be there as soon as I can before leaving through the staff door that I’d come through earlier in the day. After securing my bag, I throw my leg over the tank and bring the engine to life. God, I love this motorcycle. I don’t need anything or anyone else as long as I have her between my legs. She doesn’t care I’m a ’hood kid. No-one. Nothing.


  Jonesy is sitting on my apartment blocks’ front steps waiting for me. Why such a young kid is out at this time of night is beyond me, especially in the ’hood. This is the time when druggie’s, dealers and other criminals are cruising around. He’d be ripe for the picking if they saw him. He should be at home, safe in bed.

  I kill the engine and take off my helmet and gloves. Jonesy runs down the steps and over to me. I climb off my motorcycle and reach for my bag. “You shouldn’t be out at this time of night. I’ll stop bringing you food if you do it again. Wait until you hear my bike and watch through the front window like you usually do. You know I walk up and fetch you.” The kid looks like he’s about to burst into tears. “I’m not angry, just don’t do it. I don’t want you hurt or kidnapped or some shit like that.”

  “Okay. I won’t do it again.”

  I scoop him up onto my hip and head into my building. The elevator stopped working years ago so I climb the eight floors to my home. I place Jonesy down on his feet and unlock the door. He scurries inside, finds my remote and turns on the television. It’s the only time he gets to watch, theirs broke not long after they moved here and he said his mother can’t afford to get it fixed or buy a new one. If she stopped drinking so much she’d be able to afford a lot of things.

  Jonesy flops onto the couch and watches eagerly as I pull the two takeaway containers from my bag. I take the lid off the pasta and scoop it into a bowl. No-one eats out of takeaway containers while I’m around. I put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes to heat. Put it on a tray with a fork and napkin before I hand it to Jonesy.

  “Thanks. It smells good.”

  The kid shovels it into his mouth like it’s his final meal. I guess if I only ate once a day I’d be pretty hungry too. Not to mention it’s almost midnight and his dinner last night was at seven.

  He wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve and I growl at him. He picks up his napkin and finishes the job properly.

  “That was delicious.” He rubs his belly as he hands me the tray.


  His eyes widen. “You brung me dessert?”

  “Brought and yes, I brought you dessert. You didn’t have any last night so I have an extra-large serving tonight.”

  I scoop the pie onto a plate, grab a spoon and take it to the kid. His eyes nearly pop out of his head. It’s his favorite.

  “Lemon Meringue and a big piece. Thanks Ham.”

  By the time I fetch him a glass of milk, the pie is almost gone. I swear this kid eats faster than anyone I know but then, if you’re half starved, I guess you would.

  Jonesy guzzles the milk and as he raises his arm to his mouth I growl. He grabs the napkin and I smile.


  “Yes, sir.”

  He bounces from the lounge and wraps his scrawny arms around my legs. That’s as high as he can reach. I scoop him up and he wraps them around my neck before kissing my cheek.

  “I love you, Ham. I wish you were my pa.”

  I think to myself, so do I. I would make sure he was taken care of better than he is now. “I love you too, kid.” He’s the only person I’ve ever said that to. “Why weren’t you in school today?”

  “There was a field trip, and ma said she couldn’t pay. The kids who couldn’t afford it had to stay home.”

  My gut clenches. I hate how his mother’s drinking is making him suffer. “In future, if you need money for anything at school, come and see me. Okay?”


  He slaps another kiss on my cheek. It feels like I’ve loved this kid all my life, not for a bit less than two years.

  “Home and bed.”

  I shift him onto my hip and leave the apartment. We don’t talk as I leave the block and head up the street to where he lives. “I don’t want to live with my ma anymore.”

  My heart slams against my rib cage. I’ve been waiting for this. I was the same age when I knew I didn’t want to live with my ma and pa. I know he’s got no future here but putting him into the foster system would be even worse. How would I make sure he’s okay?

  “I know you don’t kid but if you go and live with strangers, we won’t be able to see each other anymore. If it’s what you want I’ll help you.”

  “No. I want to come and live with you.”

  Tears well in my eyes. Fuckin’ tears. Me,
a grown man gettin’ all teary over a kid. “You can’t kid. I don’t have anyone to look after you while I work.”

  “No-one looks after me now.”

  Can’t argue with that. “I don’t think your ma would let me.”

  “She wouldn’t care. Shit, she wouldn’t even notice if I fell off the face of the earth.”

  A tear rolls down my cheek and I swipe it away. I hug him close. “Don’t swear.” I can’t say anything else. I’m choked up. What can I say? I’ve been there. I know exactly how he feels and it’s not fuckin’ fair.

  “You do.”

  “I’m an adult.”

  “Okay, Ham. I won’t swear.”

  We’ve reached the door to the apartment where he lives. I hug him and kiss his cheek before putting him down, opening the door and seeing him safely inside.

  “Night, Ham.”

  “Night, kid.”

  I walk away knowing I have to do something to help him even if it means losing him.

  Chapter Four


  I punch in the code to my apartment building and storm through the lobby. I can’t believe the arrogance of that chef. He dismissed me like I was something distasteful he’d stepped in. The elevator doors slide open and I step inside. I slap the button for my penthouse.

  I’m getting angrier by the minute. No-one speaks to me the way he did. Who the hell did he think he was? Did he now know who I am? Who doesn’t at least consider a job offer? For all he knew, it could have been worth thousands to him.

  The lift opens and I stomp into my apartment. I kick off my shoes and they hit the opposite wall with a bang. Snatching up my phone, I throw my bag onto the table. It tumbles onto the floor. The contents fly out in all directions. I’m too angry to care. I grab a drink from my fridge, head for my living room and flop down on the lounge.

  He was handsome and so fucking tall. His lips were pouty and full. What would it be like to have him fuck me? I feel wetness invade my panties at the mere thought of him being in my bed. Right, like that’s going to happen.

  I cross my feet on the coffee table and squeeze my thighs. I can feel how swollen my clit is. It’s aching to be caressed. Vibe night, I sigh. How long has it been since I was fucked by a real man? I think back. Four, no five years. Shit, no wonder Leah has been on my case. Speaking of which, I turn on my phone and check to see if she’s left me a message. There it is. Please call me Bloss. Please don’t stay angry.

  I check my watch. It’s not yet nine. I doubt she will even be home. Probably out fucking one of her ‘gorgeous’ guys or tied to a cross somewhere. I scan my messages, nothing important. I call Leah and she picks up on the first ring.



  “Bloss. Thank God you called me. I’ve been so worried. I thought our friendship was over.”

  I can hear her snuffling, trying not to cry. “I thought you’d be out.”

  “I didn’t go. I called and cancelled.”

  “Won’t that get you punished?”

  “I told Roman I was ill and he bought it because I was snuffling and trying not to cry. He probably thinks I have a cold or something.”

  “As long as you’re not in trouble. I know it’s not good when you disobey a Dom or let them down.”

  “No, it can get you ignored or worse, they can continually bring you to the brink of an orgasm and not let you come.”

  I can almost see her shudder at the thought of that happening to her. Leah lives for her orgasms. She likes them hard and often. “Let it be a lesson to you and don’t set me up with anyone else.”

  “What have you been doing?”

  “I went out for dinner.”

  “With a man?”

  I sigh. “Why are you so hell bent on me having a guy?”

  “Because you’re lonely and I want you to be happy.”

  “I’m very happy, thank you very much. Stop trying to set me up. That’s the last time I’ll tell you. No, it wasn’t with a man. I need a new chef for here in the city so I went to Leon’s. I’d heard they have the best around.”

  “And, is he?”

  “Better than best. It’s a pity he’s such an arrogant bastard.”

  “What happened?”

  “I started to offer him a job and he dismissed me like I was shit he’d trodden in. Wouldn’t even hear me out.”

  “Oooh, not your usual push over, huh?”

  “Shut up, Leah.”

  “No. You really don’t like it when you can’t get your own way or when someone says no to you. I think I like this man. Finally, someone your beauty doesn’t have an effect on.”

  “Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Leah.”

  “So what are you going to do? Will you look elsewhere?”

  Leah knows damn well, when there is something or someone I want, I don’t give up until they’re mine. “No. I want him. I’ll figure it out.”

  “This should be interesting. I wonder if you’ve met your match.”

  “No-one is my match. I always win.” I win no matter what the cost. When did I become so heartless?

  “You know something, Bloss? I love you like a sister but I hope this time, you don’t. It’s time you learnt to give as much as you take. You know what they say – money can’t buy you happiness.”

  “No, but it goes a long fucking way towards it.”

  “I’ll talk with you tomorrow. I’m going to have a soak in a hot bath. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  I disconnect the phone, throw it on the coffee table and flop back in the lounge. I don’t care what Leah said. I want that chef.

  My phone beeps. It’s my PA sending my appointment list for tomorrow. I grab the phone to find out how early my first meeting is. My eyebrows raise and I laugh. “Gotcha, Mr. Arrogant Chef, I’m not wasting my time trying to get you after all.” My first meeting for the day is with Leon Fitzroy. He wants to sell Leon’s and I’m gonna buy.

  I lean back and smile like the cat who caught the rat. I hope the chef isn’t aware of who I am or knows Leon has contacted me to sell. I wonder what sort of relationship he has with the owner.


  I crawl into bed naked. I can’t stand sleeping in clothes. I have two vibes on the table beside me – ready, willing and able to satisfy my needs. Partners who don’t demand anything from me and give me a great deal of pleasure.

  I lay back against the pillows, grab the smaller vibe and switch it on. It vibrates slowly. My clit is still swollen from thinking about him. As I insert the vibe I close my eyes and picture the tall, dark and handsome chef. The slow vibrations tease as I push the device deeper. Enough to make me climb but hold me at the edge and wanting more.

  My hips grind as I push hard against the hand holding the vibe. I move it from my clit to my g-spot. I’m sweating, trembling. At the edge but it’s not enough. I deny myself that final satisfaction until I can’t take anymore.

  I take the vibe out and switch it off. Then, I reach for Big Daddy, as I call him. He’s a big boy that stretches me deliciously. I switch it on high. My whole body shakes with the intense vibrating. I slide it into my drenched pussy and push it deep. I don’t hold it in place, I know from experience it will stay put. Instead I twist and tease my nipples, imagining it’s the chef’s hands on my breasts. My nipples elongate and I pinch hard. The pain zaps my core and pushes me into a hard orgasm. The vibe is relentless and with my super sensitive pussy, I come again in quick succession. Two, three times. Each more powerful than the one before. I writhe on the bed. Moaning. Begging for him to stop but he’s not allowing it to. He’s pushing me to come again.

  The chef hovers above me now. He’s teasing my nipples, nipping my neck. I squirm and cry out when my nipple is pinched so hard, it pushes me into another, much more powerful orgasm. Juices flow out and I feel my ass becoming wet. “Come on, babe.” my chef is saying. “One more.” I’m gasping for air. I can’t take any more but I spread my legs wide. My hips are lifting on and off the
bed. The orgasm hits like a runaway train and I can’t help but scream. It goes on and on, relentless.

  “No more.” I reach down and pull the vibe out before collapsing back onto the pillows. I’m spent, almost comatose. Never in my life have I come so hard, and so much, in such a short space of time. I’m beginning to understand what Leah has been trying to tell me. I can understand why she says, the harder she comes, the more she wants to come. My last thought before I fall into sleep – I will have that chef. And not only in my restaurant.


  I wake up and stretch like a satisfied cat. Last night was the best sleep I’ve had in years. I don’t even recall dreaming and my recurring nightmare stayed away. Swinging my legs over the side, I stand and stretch again. It’s going to be a fabulous day. I am going to have a new restaurant and that chef. God, I wish I knew his name. I face palm myself. He’s an award winning, well known chef, Google him. What an idiot I am. All this time I have been calling him chef, I could have known his real name.

  I dash, still naked, to where I have left my phone on charge in the kitchen. I don’t have time to turn on my laptop. I pad back to the couch and sit down. The leather is cold on my bare ass and I jump before adjusting and settling in. I cross my legs on the couch, Buddha style.

  After switching on the phone, I bring up the internet search engine and type in Leon’s chef. The page is full of headlines but the one that catches my eye is Bad Boy Chef From The ’Hood Makes Good. I press on the screen and open the page. There he is. I feel juices flood my pussy. God, the man is handsome even when he’s looking disinterested and pouting. I scan the article which sings his praises about the numerous culinary awards he’s won and finally, I have a name. Hamish Masters. I know I have a smug smile on my face. “I always win.”

  I enlarge his picture and study his face. The man is fucking gorgeous. My pussy clenches and I know my clit is swollen, wanting some action. I’m beginning to worry about this man and the effect even his fucking picture has on me. I press on the screen and save the picture. It will come in useful when I’m using Big Daddy. I shake my head. I must be losing my marbles to carry on like this over a guy.


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