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Born To Sin (Born #1)

Page 12

by A. L. Simpson

  I drop Steve off at school and head for the coffee lounge at Leon’s where I have arranged to meet Wade. I want to tell him the news and I didn’t want to do it over the phone. He’s sitting at a table, talking on his phone when I walk in. He waves me over. I sit opposite him and wait for him to disconnect the call.

  “Mason, wanting to know what time we want him in. He sounds nice.”

  “I don’t care if he’s nice as long as he can cook.”

  The waitress comes over and takes our orders for two lattés and two fruit tarts. As soon as she leaves, I rest my elbows on the table and lean toward Wade.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I got a letter from the government. Steve is all mine.”

  “That’s fucking fantastic. I’m so glad for you both. I know how happy you make each other.”

  “I love that kid more than anything else in this world. I think if I hadn’t been allowed to have him, I would have taken off somewhere with him.”

  “I’m pleased you didn’t have to do that.”

  The waitress sets our order on the table and moves away.

  Wade sips at his latté and then gazes at me thoughtfully.


  “It will be harder for you to get a woman to fuck now. Most women won’t want anything to do with a man with a kid and you have to consider Steve also. You can’t have women parading in and out of the apartment at all hours.”

  “I know. I’ve thought about that. If I’m desperate for a fuck I’ll go to the chick’s place like I always have. I never brought them home before. I’m not interested in anything long term. Nothing has really changed.”

  “You wouldn’t want more kids? A mother for the kid?”

  “I honestly don’t know. I’m happy as things are. The kid has managed this long without a mother. Fuck, he’s managed without having any reliable adult. I’m sure he’ll do just fine with me.”

  “I suppose so. As long as you’re happy, sweetheart.”

  “I am. I feel like things are finally falling into place.”

  “That’s good. You both deserve a better life.”


  “Wade, Hamish.”

  The voice is deep, sensuous. Wade and I both pivot to see who it is. I watch as Wade’s eyes widen and have to stifle my laughter. I move toward the man and offer my hand. “Hamish. This is Wade.” I indicate my friend with a wave of my hand. He’s frozen to the spot with his lips slightly parted.

  Mason is gorgeous. Mid-thirties, about the same height as Wade, a body that appears to be well-muscled, dark hair and the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen. I watch as he moves toward Wade who still hasn’t spoken or moved.

  “Hi Wade.”

  Wade shakes his hand and appears to come to his senses. “Hi. Nice to meet you.”

  “Thanks for having me here. I can’t believe I’ll be working with the two best Chefs in the city. Just think, if Cleo’s hadn’t been trashed, I wouldn’t be here.

  I watch the man as he speaks. His hands wave in the air, his hips tilt. I see the moment the realization hits Wade. A smile crosses his face as it dawns, the gorgeous hunk of male flesh before him is gay. I think my appeal has been thrown to the sidewalk.

  “What would you like me to do?”

  This time I do laugh. I know exactly what Wade would like him to do. The two men shoot me a glance. Mason’s is one of confusion. Wade’s is a glare. I make an excuse to go to the office and give them some time alone.

  Blossom is in the office. She’s hunched over some papers and she appears worried. I’m wondering what is bothering her when she lifts her head. Our eyes lock. My cock twitches. She’s right, there is an attraction but I can’t follow through. She’s a lady from the right side of town. She’ll be looking for a full blown relationship, maybe even marriage and kids. I’m not the right person to give her that. Fuck, I wish I was.

  “Hamish, did you want something?”

  Yeah, you. I walk toward her and enter the office. “I was after next week’s rosters and I wanted to let you know, Mason is here.” She smiles and my cock hardens. I feel it pressing against the buttons of my pants. I notice the moment her eyes notice and widen.

  “Close the door, please.”

  I do as she asks while she stands and moves to me. Before I know what is happening, my head is drawn down and her lips are covering mine. Fuck but she tastes good. I push my tongue into her mouth and hers pushes back. They tangle and twist until we need to breathe. I step back and drag my fingers through my hair. “Fuck.”

  “Yes, please. My place or yours?”

  I turn around in a circle. I want this woman but she’s my boss and way, way out of my class. “Blossom. I can’t.”

  “Why not? Stop overthinking it and let it happen.”

  “You’re my boss. You have class, money. You don’t want a bum like me.”

  “Yes, I fucking do.”

  “No, you don’t.” She grabs my head again and this time she locks onto my lips while one hand forces its way inside my pants and wraps around my cock. It swells with delight. My arms wrap around her and pull her close. I devour her mouth as her hand continues to work its magic. I’m on the edge. I step back and remove her hand. “If you keep that up you’ll have a handful of cum and I think that could prove to be very embarrassing for both of us.”

  Her eyebrows draw together and her hand attempts to dive inside my pants again. I grab her wrist to prevent her obtaining her goal.

  “Do you always go without underwear?”

  “Yep, almost always. I like the freedom.”



  “You are ready and I’m quite sure you’re able. I just have to get you willing. I know I can’t order you to fuck me. You’re likely to walk and I won’t risk that. What would it take?”

  “I thought you were a lady, appears I was wrong. Do you usually get men into your bed by throwing yourself at them?”

  “Never. I have never wanted a man the way I want you.”

  Honest. I like that. Fuck. Why not? If I lose my job, I can always find another. It won’t be Leon’s but I’m sure I could learn to like somewhere else. “I don’t do relationships.”

  “I’m not asking for one.”

  “I think you want more than a one night stand.”

  “You think wrong. I want. No, I need to get you out of my system. I need to fuck this attraction out of my body so I can quit thinking about it and get some work done.”

  “I can’t give you more than one night.”

  “I understand. Tonight? My place?”

  “I have to make some arrangements. If they work out, I’ll be at your place at seven. I’ll need the address.”

  She scribbles on a piece of paper and hands it to me. Her eyes are cloudy, passion filled. This will be interesting. Real interesting.

  “If I can’t be there, I’ll let you know.”

  “Not a word to the other staff, please.”

  I nod my head as I stride back to the kitchen. I push through the double doors to find Mason and Wade standing close to each other, laughing and talking as they prepare a dish. I stand near the doors and watch. They haven’t heard me. Every now and then Mason’s hand brushes against Wade’s arm and their eyes lock. I hope this is the one for my friend. I clear my throat as I walk forward and the men move apart.

  I slap Wade on the back. He smiles at me and nods his head ever so slightly. I smile back. Wade is smitten. I hope he doesn’t get hurt.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I can’t think straight since Hamish left my office. I can’t quite get my head around the fact that tonight I’ll be sharing my bed with him. My pussy is dancing, well if it could, it would be. My panties are soaked with anticipation. The afternoon seems to be dragging. The lunch shift is finally done. Staff have been leaving and the place is quiet. I try to concentrate on the figures before me. I’m taking notes on the amounts that appear to have been stolen.

sp; “Blossom.”

  I glance up and there he is. Dressed in hip hugging jeans, a tight black t-shirt and a leather jacket. His devilish smile zaps my core and I wriggle in my chair. “Yes.”

  “Seven. Don’t bother with dinner and, I don’t stay the night.”

  “No dinner is fine but why no overnight?” My disappointment is palpable. I can’t believe he wants to fuck and run. He places his hands on my desk and leans forward. His breathe feathers against my cheek as he whispers.

  “I. Do. Not. Do. Overnight. Not ever. Not for anyone. If you can’t handle that, then I won’t be there.” He stands up and steps back.

  “I can’t say I like it but I accept. I’ll see you at seven.”

  He nods and leaves my office. Arrogant asshole. He knows he has the upper hand and that pisses me off. I check my watch. It’s almost four, three hours to go. I can hardly wait. My clit flutters in anticipation.


  I total the amounts that appear to have been stolen from Cleo’s. It’s almost fifteen thousand dollars in only three months. I can’t let this go. I have to make the fuckers pay. But, how? “What if I talk with the boss of the betting ring? No, too dangerous. The police? No proof. Think, Blossom, think. There has to be a way to get these assholes.”

  What would hurt them the most? “Not being able to make the money to feed their habit. The betting slips.” The penny has finally dropped. I pull a couple from the paper bag they were stashed in. The slips all have the same name printed on them. I have a plan and I think it could work. I’m tempted to sit back and emit an evil laugh but I won’t do that until I know my plan has worked.

  I Google the race meetings for the day, select a couple of horses that are more than a hundred to one, and write down the details. I lift the phone and dial the number on one of the slips. A gruff voice answers.


  “Benny, I need to place a couple of bets on behalf of my boss.”

  “Who is this?”

  “Marcia Green.” Marcia? Where the fuck did that come from. “I’m calling for Darren and Roberto.”

  “Go on.”

  “They asked me to call and place a couple of bets for them. Darren gave me this number.”

  “Hold on.”

  I can hear men’s voices discussing something in the background and then it goes quiet. I hold my phone to my ear and wait. And, wait. Then I hear someone say, “they’re out of town for a week according to their answering machines. Probably left instructions with the broad before they left. Take the bets. They’ve always paid.”

  Benny comes back on. “Go ahead.”

  I’m jumping for joy but work hard to contain my excitement. “Darren wants ten thousand on Running Scared in the fifth at Homestead on Saturday and Roberto wants five thousand on Master Joker in the eighth.” Benny is quiet and I become nervous. Have I asked to bet too high an amount?

  I hear Benny speaking with someone in the background but the voices are muffled. A moment later, he’s back. “Are you sure it’s five and ten?”

  I think fast. “The scribble appears to say five and ten. Is there a problem?”

  “No. They normally bet lower than that and they don’t have many wins.”

  That’s fucking obvious. They’ve obviously been losing and needed to steal from me to cover their debts. “Maybe they feel lucky?”

  “I don’t know but the boss has ok’d it. Tell ’em they better be able to pay up.”

  “I will. Thank you, Benny.”

  I disconnect the call and relax back in my chair. I hope I haven’t selected two horses that can win. The last thing I want is to make these bastards money.


  I’ve eaten, well picked at my salad, showered and shaved every lock of hair from my body. I ponder whether to wear the black lacy thong with the matching see through lacy bra, or a candy pink thong with a plunging, push-up bra. I sit on the bed. Why should I care? Hopefully, whatever I choose won’t stay on for long. I go with the black lacy thong and no bra at all. Why bother? I pull on a slinky, short black dress that clings to me in all the right places. I admire myself from all angles in the mirror and I’m satisfied. Hopefully he will be, too.

  My hair is left down, soft and wavy, cascading down my back to my waist. Mascara and a smear of red lipstick and I’m ready. It’s a couple of minutes to seven. I slip on my impossibly high heels and check the mirror again. I can’t decide whether the look is sexy or if I resemble a hooker. I shrug my shoulders and wonder when I became such a slut as to offer my body to an almost complete stranger.

  The downstairs doorbell chimes and I rush to the panel on the wall. I press a button and his deep sexy voice resonates through me.

  “Let me up.”

  Pushing the button for the front door, I let the object of my obsession into the building. The code on my elevator is entered and minutes later he’s in my apartment. My breath catches. He’s wearing his signature jeans and black t-shirt but carrying his jacket. The man is smoldering hot.

  “Hi. How are you doing?” Lame, fucking lame. My brain doesn’t seem to want to connect with my mouth.

  “I’m fine. Do we really need the small talk? You need a fuck and I’m here to provide it. Where’s the bedroom?”

  “Do you always sell your body to anyone who asks?”

  “Lady, I don’t sell my body to anyone but I don’t knock back requests when I know there’s something in it for me. Now, I’ll ask again. Where’s the bedroom or do you want it here in the foyer?”

  My temper is building. Arrogant prick. How dare he speak to me like this? “Let’s get something straight. I might want you to fuck me but I won’t tolerate your rudeness.” He turns back to the elevator. “Wait.” He spins around and looks at me, a smug expression on his face. “I’ve never done anything like this before. The bedroom is this way.” I offer my hand and his large hand enfolds it as he follows me. Shards of kinetic energy shoot up my arm.

  “Nice ass.”

  I spin around. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I said you have a nice ass. Your tits aren’t half bad either. No bra, huh?”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I’ve seen enough tits in my life to know when they’re harnessed and when they’re free.”

  I feel myself heat with embarrassment and wonder if I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. I don’t have a lot of experience. I haven’t had a boyfriend for over a year and before that, I hadn’t had one who I’d gone to bed with. The man now standing before me has probably had dozens of women. “I have to tell you, I’ve only ever had sex with one man before and that ended over a year ago.”

  Hamish drags his fingers through his hair. I wonder what he’s thinking. The silence drags on and I become nervous. “I guess there have been a lot of women in your life.” His eyes bore into me.

  “A few women and men.”

  “Both?” I must look as shocked as I sound because he laughs.

  “Guys like me aren’t fussy. As I said, I don’t knock back requests if there is something in it for me.”

  Right about now, I’m thinking Hamish might be a man whore. He may not take money in return for his body but he obviously takes something. “What’s in it for you if you fuck me?”

  “I get to fuck a rich woman with a smokin’ hot body. I’m curious as to how rough the wealthy like it. Or, do you like it soft and sweet? Hmmm, soft and sweet from some wealthy pansy, I reckon. Your kind couldn’t handle being fucked by a real man.”

  He’s standing in front of me and holding my hands. My body is trembling slightly. Every nerve is on alert. My tongue is glued to the roof of my mouth. Juices are starting to drip onto my thighs. “Fuck me your way and I’ll show you I can handle a real man as well as any of your street women.”

  “Babe, you have no idea what you have asked for.”

  He grabs the hem of my dress and tears it over my head. His eyes devour me as they wander the length of my almost naked body. I reach out to liberate him from h
is t-shirt but he grabs my hands.

  “Nah ah. Turn around.”

  He keeps hold of my hands and doesn’t let go until I can turn no further.

  “Fuck, you’re one hot woman.”

  “I gather you like the thong.”

  His fingers trace patterns over my ass and more juices flood my already drenched pussy. I stumble as my knees weaken and he sweeps me into his arms. In the blink of an eye he has me flat on my back, naked. God only knows how he divested me of my panties without me even noticing.

  He spreads my legs and crawls up between them. I feel like I’m a disabled deer being stalked by a tiger. My pussy clenches, shivers of anticipation race through my body. I lick my lips, he growls and pounces on them. I’m ravaged by his tongue, he nips, sucks and drives me crazy.

  I’m breathless when he releases me and his breath is short and sharp. “Hamish, please fuck me.” I’m begging. My body is screaming at me. I want this man with every fiber of my being.

  “Not a chance, babe. I haven’t even begun with you.”

  He dives on one nipple and twists the other in his fingers. My nipples are elongated and aching with pleasure. Nipping, sucking and feathering my body with small kisses has me screaming at him. “For God’s sake, will you fuck me?”

  He laughs. Fucking laughs. Like it’s fucking hilarious that he has me tied up in knots. I snap and attempt to grab hold of his cock. I figure two can play this game. He’s swollen, hard and fucking huge!

  “Take your hands off me or I walk.”

  My hands ricochet back to my body. No way is he leaving me before I’m satisfied.

  “That’s better. Trust me, I won’t leave you wanting.”

  He lowers his head to my nipple and his fingers dive between my folds.

  “You’re drenched. You are a horny bitch aren’t you?”

  I’m not used to being spoken to this way and wonder for a second, should I be angry? I don’t thinks it’s personal. I think it’s just the way he is. The way he speaks. I feel disrespected but I want his cock too much to do or say anything at this moment.

  As he feasts on my breasts and pinches my clit, my body slips into overdrive. I can feel the juices slipping down my thighs. My hips push upward urging him deeper. I’m trying to find the pinnacle of satisfaction.


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