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Born To Sin (Born #1)

Page 14

by A. L. Simpson

I know one day I’ll get sick of her. I’m like that. If I didn’t love Wade and the kid, I’d wonder if I even had a heart. But, until I do get sick of her, I’m gonna take advantage of every free moment to fuck this woman stupid.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I wake up cradled in Hamish’s arms. My head is resting on his beautiful broad chest. I snuggle in, not wanting to get out of bed. My arm is draped over him. I lost count of how many times we fucked last night, but each time it was better than the previous. The man certainly has stamina.

  “Good morning.” His voice rumbles through his chest as he speaks.

  “Mmmm.” I snuggle closer. “Can we stay in bed all day?”

  He kisses the top of my head and pushes me away.

  “As much as my dick would love that, I have a son to get to school and I’m working the lunch shift. The boss is a real ballbuster and if I don’t show, she’ll give me hell.”

  “I’ll speak to her for you. I know she’ll understand.” I clutch at him as he rolls over and sits up.

  “Nope, gotta go.”


  “Nope. I have to spend time with Steve. He’s my responsibility now and I’m not gonna dump him on people so I can go out and get fucked.”

  “I understand. Can I come to your place?” I watch as he pads to the bathroom. I hear the water as the shower is turned on. I wonder about joining him in there but something warns me I need to be careful if I want to keep seeing him. Delaying him when he has a son to get to school wouldn’t sit well, I suspect. He obviously takes his responsibilities seriously and I need to respect that. In fact, I admire him for it.

  He stands at the end of the bed and towels his hair dry. The man has a drop dead gorgeous body and he wears his heart in his eyes. There is a sadness about him. A lack of respect for himself. I feel an overwhelming urge to show him he’s someone special, but at the moment I don’t think he would believe me.

  “You didn’t answer me?”

  “I was thinking about it.”


  “I don’t know. I want you real bad but I have to think of my son. I don’t want to start parading women through my apartment.”

  Women? That makes me pissed. “How many women did you plan on parading through your apartment? You’re mine and I don’t fucking share.”

  He stares at me in disbelief. “Yours? Since fucking when?”

  “Since we agreed to have a pretend relationship. I expected that meant we wouldn’t fuck anyone else.”

  “You didn’t say that.”

  “No, I didn’t. My mistake. That’s beside the point. As I said, I don’t share.”

  “Well babe, I’m gonna have to think about that. I’ve never been a one woman type of guy.”

  “Think about it real hard. I want an answer before you walk out the door or I’m done.” He pulls on his jeans and slams his hands on his hips. God, he’s sexy.

  “Are you giving me an ultimatum?”

  “If that’s the way you want to take it. I won’t fuck a man who is seeing other women no matter how much I want him. He’s not worth it.” He drags his t-shirt over his head and sits on the edge of the bed to pull on his socks and boots. He turns and pins me with his gaze.

  “Get up.”


  “I said get up.”

  I have no idea why I obey but I crawl from the bed and stand naked in front of him.

  “Spread your legs.”

  I do as he asks.

  He crushes his lips to mine, pulls me against him and his fingers dive inside me. His tongue delves and caresses, his teeth nip first at my lips then at my neck. His fingers scissor inside my pussy, juices flood me and trickle down my thighs. I work my hands under his t-shirt and scrape my nails against his back. Fuck, it feels good. He pinches my clit and yep, you guessed it, I’m pushed over the edge. My body is a trembling mess. My legs barely hold me up. He gently lifts me back onto the bed and hovers above me.

  “Am I really not worth that?”

  He walks out and I hear the bell on the elevator ping as he leaves.

  Fucking hell. I have no idea if he means to see other women. If he agrees to not see anyone else. Whether I’m welcome at his apartment tonight. So many unanswered questions. I can’t fucking think straight around this man. I do and say things that I would never, in my wildest dreams, have imagined me doing or saying.

  I lie in bed and dozens more questions pepper my thoughts. What if his son doesn’t like me? Why does that matter? It’s not a serious relationship. Could I leave it at only one night if he won’t agree to not see anyone else? Am I willing to share? Why the fuck does any of this even matter? Why do I turn into a kinky slut around him?

  I roll over and pound the pillow in frustration. I want to strangle the prick one minute and fuck him senseless the next. I’m not done arguing with myself when my phone buzzes. I grab it angrily from my side table and hit the answer button.

  “What?” I don’t even know who this is.

  “That’s not a nice way to answer the phone.”

  Hamish. The object of my fucking frustration. “What do you want?”

  “Angry are we? Still don’t want to share.”

  “I will if you do.” What? My mouth has developed a mind of its own.

  “Babe, I don’t give a rat’s ass who you fuck as long as you fuck me too. I have to be honest and tell you, last night was the best fucking I’ve ever had.”

  My shoulders slump and tears prick my eyes. I really don’t want to share but it appears I have no choice if I want to keep seeing him. “You win. I won’t have anyone else but if you do, I won’t make a production out of it.”

  “Six o’clock, my place. We’ll have dinner, play with the kid until bedtime and then I’m yours.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You need the address?”

  “No. I’ll get it from your personnel file. I don’t exactly have a paper and pen in my pocket.”

  His laugh rumbles down the phone before he speaks again. “I’ll see you at work later.”

  I hang up the phone and pad to the bathroom. A soak in the bath is needed. I’m fucking sore everywhere.


  “Miss Cartwright.”

  Samuel is at my office door. I’ve been looking over past budgets and orders.

  “Come in.” I indicate for him to take a seat. He sits opposite me and crosses one knee over the other. He seems tense. “What can I do for you?”

  “I know it’s only been two days but I wanted to let you know how Desiree is going.”

  I put down my pen and clasp my hands together on my desk. “Problems?”

  “Far from it. She is extremely bright and I think she could teach me a few things about managing a restaurant. She is going to be an excellent manager for Cleo’s.”

  “I’m so pleased. Thank you for helping her.”

  “As I said, she is very bright and has been a pleasure to have around. When do you think Cleo’s may re-open?”

  “It will be at least a month. Some of the walls and part of the ceiling need to be re-plastered. I’ve worked with the designers before and they will do the job as quickly as they can. They know it’s costing me business.”

  “I’m sorry it happened but I’m not sorry it meant Desiree was able to come here.”

  Something in his voice makes me smile. “I get the feeling you like her?” He blushes and I chuckle. “Have you asked her out?”

  “Not yet. Would you mind? I mean we are both your employees.”

  “What you do in your private lives is none of my business. As long as it doesn’t interfere with your work, I have absolutely no objection.”

  “Thank you. I will ask her out now I know it’s okay.”

  “We can’t help who we’re attracted to Samuel. It’s hard to find someone we can connect with and I would never deny anyone the opportunity of finding who the right one for them is. All I ask is you keep it discreet when you’re at wo
rk.” He stands, ready to leave. I can see the relief on his face.

  “I will and once Desiree is back at Cleo’s it won’t be an issue.”

  “Good luck.”

  “Thank you.”

  He leaves the office and I feel good about being a fair and understanding boss. I know there are a lot of places where fraternizing between staff members is not allowed. Imagine how they would feel if they knew an owner was becoming involved with one of her chefs.

  I ponder that thought. Am I becoming involved with Hamish? Am I setting myself up for a broken heart? I know he will walk eventually but the attraction I have for him is so fucking strong. I know he feels something toward me too. He wouldn’t have stayed the night and opened up to me if he didn’t. I have to harden myself against developing serious feelings. Can I do it? I guess time will tell.

  I return to the papers in front of me but Hamish invades my every thought. Figures and words appear to be one incomprehensible jumble. I’m getting nowhere. He’s probably here for the lunch shift. I go in search of him.

  Voices are coming from the kitchen and I know one of them is Hamish. Only his voice has that deep, velvet like rumble. I quiver and my pussy dampens as I push open the double doors that lead to their workspace.

  My jaw drops and I feel the heat of my embarrassment as I see Hamish standing in all his naked glory with his chef pants in his hands. I hightail it out of there and sprint back to my office. After closing the door, I sink into my chair. A soft knock sounds but before I can invite him in, Hamish strides into my office.

  He closes the door and comes toward me.

  “You got quite an eyeful but it’s nothing you haven’t already seen. Why run?”

  “You were fucking naked, in the kitchen. Your workplace. Why do you think I ran? What would Wade and Mason have said, or thought, if I’d waltzed in there and fisted your cock as I kissed you?”

  “Is that what you wanted to do?”

  “That’s beside the point. It’s not appropriate.” I’m getting flustered. His grin is sending lightning zapping straight to my core.

  “I suggest you stay out of the kitchen until lunch is about to start then because I always strip down and change in there.”

  “It’s a food prep area. It’s not hygienic.”

  “I’m nowhere near the food area. You saw where I was in the alcove to the side. It’s where we hang our uniforms and keep all our gear. If you’d walked in twenty minutes earlier you would have had eyefuls of Wade and Mason changing in there. Now that would have been interesting. If you run like a jackrabbit when you see me, you’d run like the fucking roadrunner when you saw them.”

  I know I’m blushing furiously. My face feels hot enough to start a fucking fire. Just the thought of witnessing the other men’s cocks has me embarrassed beyond belief. I wonder if they are anywhere near the size of Hamish?

  Hamish leans on the desk and his nose almost touches mine, he’s so close. “You’re wondering how big their cocks are, aren’t you?”

  I get hotter and Hamish roars with laughter. How can he know what I’m thinking? Does he have fucking ESP?

  “Come here and give me a kiss.”

  I stand and walk into his arms. He wraps them around me and kisses me. Softly at first and then with a deepening hunger. His erect cock pushes into my hip. My pussy is flooded. I’m like putty in his hands as he kneads my nipples through my shirt.

  “I have to go and do lunch. Tonight.”

  With that he turns and lopes out of the office. I run the tips of my fingers across my swollen lips. Given the choice, I would have allowed him to take me right here on my desk. What the fuck is wrong with me? Am I becoming a Nympho? How am I supposed to get any fucking work done with him around?


  Hamish brings me a coffee at the end of his shift. He plonks his ass in the chair across from me.

  “How’s it going?”

  “It takes me twice as long to get anything done knowing you’re so close in the kitchen. I’ve been going over the previous orders and budgets. Leon ran a tight ship.”

  “Not really.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Leon was an excellent owner but budgets, rosters and any problems were taken care of by Samuel. The ordering of food and wines is done by me.”

  “Well, I’ll correct my statement. You and Samuel have done an excellent job with running this restaurant. If I can get Cleo’s anywhere near this level of professionalism I’ll be thrilled.”

  “You will. Samuel tells me Desiree is doing really well. The fact he wants to fuck her probably colors his opinion slightly but the other staff also think she’s excellent. Mason is doing exceptionally well. He’s a damn good chef. Very creative. He’s shown Wade and me a few new dishes that I think our clientele are going to love. Wade is gonna miss working with him. They are stuck on each other.”

  “What?” He’s peaked my curiosity.

  “Wade and Mason. I think they may become an item.”

  “Oh. I didn’t realize Mason was gay. Wade doesn’t have a partner?”

  “No but he deserves someone. He’s such a good man and it’s been a long time since he was in a relationship. I think Mason might just be the one.”

  “Has fucking cupid descended on Leon’s?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “You and me, Wade and Mason, Desiree and Samuel.”

  “Whoa. Des and Samuel?”

  “Yep. Samuel asked if he could ask her out. He wanted to make sure it was okay with me.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I told him it was fine as long as it doesn’t interfere with their work. I mean, what could I say with you and me fucking? Even if we weren’t I would never interfere with their private life. As long as it doesn’t impact on their work or colleagues, I have no issue with it.”

  Hamish stands and rounds the desk. He leans down, places one hand under my chin and lowers his lips over mine. It’s such a gentle sweet kiss and I melt into it. I feel the loss when he pulls away and stands.

  “You’re a hell of a lady. I have to go and get Steve. I’ll see you tonight.”

  I watch his sexy ass, encased in criminally tight jeans, as he saunters from my office. Hurry up six o’clock.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Wade and Mason are sharing a kiss when I push through the doors into the kitchen. They jump apart and look at me guiltily. I laugh. They look like kids who have been caught with their hands in a candy jar.

  “Getting my things so I can go and get Steve. See you both tomorrow.”

  They mumble a goodbye as I walk out the kitchen door. Outside it’s a warm sunny day with a light breeze. I stride through the crowds on the sidewalks with a spring in my step. I feel good. About myself. My life. Thoughts of seeing Blossom bombard me and my cock twitches in anticipation of the pleasurable night to come. I like the woman. She’s sassy. Knows what she wants and goes after it. I have a feeling I was something she wanted and, to her credit she wasn’t taking no for an answer. Why the fuck she wanted someone like me I have no idea. I’m glad she did though. She has a smokin’ hot body and the sex is to die for. Yep, I’m looking forward to tonight.

  I arrive at the school gate as kids begin filing out. I stand off to one side. It’s where I usually wait for the kid. He shouts out when he sees me and his little legs move flat out in his effort to get to me. I scoop him into my arms and plant a kiss on his cheek. He gives me one back. I’ll never get tired of his affection. I plant him back on the ground and take his hand.

  “What would you like to do this afternoon?”

  “Can we go swimming, Dad? Will you give me another lesson?”

  His eyes are pleading with me to say yes. There is a large pool in our apartment complex along with a gym where I can work out. I’ve cancelled my membership with my regular gym. Steve comes down and watches me. He gives me instructions and says he’s my personal trainer. It’s one of the reasons
I asked Wade to help me to get it. He talked with the agent on my behalf and convinced him I was a good guy. The agent said I must be if I was raising my kid on my own. Steve and I love the place and the people we’ve met are friendly.

  “Yep, can’t see why not. Do you have homework?”

  “I have to read some of my book and you need to sign the sheet to say I’ve done it.”

  “That all?” I make sure Steve gets his homework done before he gets too tired. Our routine when he doesn’t have football training is: after school he does some sort of activity with me or Grace. Homework is before dinner. After dinner we play a game or watch a movie. Bed is at seven thirty. Grace helped me to come up with the routine and it works well. On weekends either I take him out or, if I’m working the lunch shift, Grace does. He seems happy and is putting on weight so he looks healthy.

  “Yep. Can I read after dinner?”

  “I have a lady friend coming for dinner and she might stay overnight.”


  He’s quiet and I wonder what is going through his little mind.

  “Do you think I could read to her?”

  “What, I’m not good enough to read to when there’s a woman around?”

  Steve laughs. “Of course you’re good enough, Dad. I thought it might give your ears a rest.”

  I’m laughing as we enter our apartment. I think I’ve laughed more since the kid came to live with me than I have in my entire life. He has filled a void I didn’t know I had. He makes me feel ten feet tall and as though I can do anything. Invincible, and I really hope it will stay that way. Wade said it’s because Steve honestly believes it. He also says the kid admires me. I’ve never been admired by anyone.

  He races me to the elevator and pushes the button. The bell pings and the doors slide open. We step in and Steve pushes the button to whisk us up to the eighth floor. The doors are barely open when he catapults himself into the hallway and starts running to our door.

  He waits impatiently for me to join him and dances from one foot to the other as I slip the key in and unlock. He barrels through like a bull in a china shop.

  “Hurry up Dad.” Steve races for his room to get his swim shorts on. He loves his swimming lessons and he’s learning fast. He can almost swim across the pool by himself now. I’m so fucking proud of him.


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