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Born To Sin (Born #1)

Page 16

by A. L. Simpson

  He slips my left ballet flat off and massages my foot. It’s heavenly. The right foot gets the same treatment.

  “Not ticklish?”

  “Not my feet.”


  “None of your business.”

  “Babe, everything about you is my business at the moment.”

  He unbuttons my designer pants and I lift my hips so he can slide them off. His thumbs hook in the sides of my thong and it joins my pants on the chair. His head dives between my legs. His tongue slips between my folds and I moan as his mouth suckles my clit. I bend my knees and lay them out to the side to give him better access. My hands scrape at his back.

  My body is on fire. The heat could generate goddamn electricity. His hand sneaks under my blouse and inside the lace of my bra. First one nipple then the other are deliciously tortured. I bite my lip to keep from shouting out as I explode. The last thing we need is for Steve to walk in. I push my pussy against Hamish’s mouth as he milks every last drop from me.

  I sink back into the mattress. He hovers above. We’re both breathless. His cock is straining at the seam of his pants and I can feel it against the bone of my hip. Reaching down, I undo the button, slide down the zip and release the beast. I guess there something to be said for going commando. My hand wraps around him and his dick flinches in response to my touch.

  I ease up and down slowly, fondling the entire length. He moves off me and flops onto his back. I roll onto my elbow but my hand remains in place on his cock.

  “My arms won’t hold me up when you do this. They shake and I’m worried I’ll squash you.”

  “Not a problem. I’m happy to have you on your back, at my mercy.” My hand moves away and he groans. “Lift” I tug at his pants and he lifts his hips so I can slide them down his never ending legs. They float through the air and onto the floor.

  Lowering my head I capture his amazing dick in my mouth. Pre cum droplets ooze from his slit. I slide my fingers in and use them to lubricate. Then I tease the ring of his ass.

  “Shit that feels good.” It’s more of a moan than a statement.

  I push two fingers deep inside and as I suck and slide over his cock with my mouth, one hand cups and massages his balls and the fingers press on his prostate. He’s groaning and moaning as he writhes. He obviously feels good. It’s satisfying to know I’m capable of making him feel as good as he makes me feel.

  “I’m gonna come, babe.”

  I don’t move away. I increase my pace and take the salty, sweet cum down my throat. He pushes at my head and I nip on his dick. This elicits an “ouch” and he gets the message – I’m not done. I know he’s super sensitive at the moment, his dick is dancing, trying to escape. I feel it getting harder and harder until once more he erupts.

  This time when he pushes my head, I sit up. After all, I want some of his cock too.

  “Goddamn it babe, how do you do that? How the fuck do you make me cum twice so close together.”

  “What can I say? I’m good.”

  “That’s a fucking understatement.”

  I cuddle into his arms to give him time to get his breath back. One leg is draped over his thigh, my head rests on his chest and his hand plays in my hair.

  “I really like Steve. He’s a gorgeous little boy. You’re good with him.”

  “Thanks. We’re learning about this father/son thing together. I guess we’ll both make mistakes but we love each other and that’s all that matters.”

  “It certainly is. It’s obvious you love each other and it’s hard to believe he’s had such a rough start to life. What was his mother like?”

  “Lost. Got lured into drugs. Prostituted herself to get them. She was either screwing around or drugged up and asleep on the couch. Steve had to do everything for himself. There was never any food for him. The John’s fed her I guess. I fed Steve. I used to make him something at work and take it home for him. On my days off he stayed at the apartment and actually had three meals a day.”

  “What about school?”

  “He took himself to school most days. I washed his clothes and bought him a pair of shoes for school but that was the only time he wore them. The rest of the time he played in the streets if I wasn’t home and was barefoot. He was terrified if he wore his school clothes and shoes, he’d get beaten up and they’d be stolen.”

  “My God, that’s terrible.”

  “That’s how it works down there, babe. People have got nothin’. Most are druggies and they lie, steal and cheat to get their fixes. They don’t care if it’s a seven year old they’re stealing from or a seventy year old.”

  “Is that why you stole, to get drugs?”

  “Nope. I stole to get food. I didn’t have someone to feed me like Steve. Fuck, I was cheating at cards to get money for food when I was eight years old. When another eight year old tried to muscle in on my territory, I beat him up. The police said that was assault and I could have gone to kid jail. They recited something about charges and said I was lucky, they were letting me go. Other kids stayed out of my way after that.”

  “Tough guy on the block, huh?”

  “Had to be if I didn’t want to starve to death. It was hard. Shootings, drug busts, people getting beaten up. It’s why I wanted Steve out of there.”

  I cannot begin to imagine what Hamish has been through and what so many others are still going through. It breaks my heart to think of his lost childhood. Thank God he was able to save his son.

  “Enough talk, on your back. And you’re wearing way too many clothes.”

  He unbuttons my blouse and slips it off me. The clasp on my bra is flicked open and that follows suit. I’m gathered into his arms and kissed senseless. The fine hairs on his chest pass back and forth over my breasts. It’s an erotic sensation and my nipples are hard enough to hammer nails.

  His hand slides down to my folds and his fingers slip inside. My hand finds his cock. It’s thick, hard, and ready. Our kissing is frenzied. He pushes my hand away and enters me. He’s deep inside. His hugs crush me as he slides out to the tip and slams back in deep. We crash over the edge together and I struggle to hold back my screams. Hamish starts to shout. I cover his mouth with my hand and see the realization that his son is close by, in his eyes.

  We collapse side by side. He scares me half to death when he bounds to his feet and begins pacing the floor. His fingers are being dragged through his hair at a furious pace. His eyes are focused on the floor. I’m scared. I have no idea what is wrong.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck. No, no, no, no.”

  I spring from the bed and stop him mid stride. “Hamish, look at me.” He lifts his head. There is fear in his eyes. “What the fuck is wrong?”

  “I didn’t use a fucking condom. Please tell me you have protection.”

  I spin and start pacing. “Shit, shit, shit.” He grabs me and spins me to face him. “I haven’t been in a relationship or fucked for so long, I haven’t bothered. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault, babe.”

  He seems to be calming down. He sits on the bed and pulls me onto his lap. “We won’t panic. I mean it’s the first time without a condom. Chances are nothing will happen and we’re worried for nothing.”

  Yeah, chances are something will happen. What the fuck will I do then?


  “Dad, I’m hungry.”

  The little voice startles me awake. Fortunately my naked body is covered with a sheet. I’m cuddled in Hamish’s arms and Steve is now on the bed looking down at us.

  “Hello, Miss Blossom. How come you sleeped with my dad? Are you making a baby?”

  I bury my head in Hamish’s chest and giggle. I don’t even know how to begin answering that. The child may very well be right. Fortunately for the rest of the night we remembered the condoms when we fucked. Bit like closing the gate after the horse has bolted really.

  Hamish pinches my side to stop my giggles. I giggle harder.

  “No, we’re not making a baby.
Miss Blossom and I are friends and sometimes we’ll sleep together.”

  “Oh, okay. I’m hungry.”

  “Go and get dressed for school and I’ll make breakfast.”

  I hear him kiss Hamish and the door close as he leaves. I raise my head and burst into another fit of giggles.

  “Big fuckin’ help you were.”

  “Hey, he’s your son. You are responsible for answering his questions.”

  “You could have helped.”

  “It was much more fun listening to you try to explain it. Who the fuck told him when adults share a bed they are making a baby?”

  “Fucked if I know and I’m not sure I’ll like the answer if I ask.”

  “You better get up and make his breakfast before he comes back in and starts asking more questions.”

  Hamish kisses my nose. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning. Now, go and make the child some breakfast. I’ll take a shower.”

  Hamish drags himself from the bed and pads to the bathroom. He returns with his hair combed and his face slightly damp. I watch as he pulls on his jeans and drags on a t-shirt. He doesn’t bother with shoes.

  “Would you like something to eat?”

  “Toast and coffee?”

  “Done. I’ve got the evening shift. Do you have to be in work early?”

  “I can stay for a while. I have a meeting with the designers at eleven.”

  “Good, because I’m gonna fuck you before you leave.”

  “You’re very demanding for someone who doesn’t want any attachment.”

  “I’m used to calling the shots. If you don’t want to stay, you’re free to go.”

  “I want to stay. I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

  He gives me a megawatt smile before he leaves the room. I hop out of bed and head for the bathroom and a hot shower. Evidence of our sex wafts from my pussy. I need to clean up.

  Standing under the hot torrent of water my thoughts drift back to last night and my carelessness. While I lay awake worrying I calculated my dates. I’m very regular so it was easy to figure. Yep, you guessed it. I’m fucking ovulating! There is no way I’m gonna worry Hamish with this knowledge. I’m not going to panic until something is confirmed. Then, I’ll decide what to do. Hamish has been through enough in his life. There is no way I’m going to saddle him with a child and a relationship he doesn’t want.

  The hot water caresses my aching joints. We tried a few varied positions that tested my joints. I swear the fuckin’ man is an acrobat. It’s the only explanation for how limber he is.

  “Hey, you staying in there all day?” Hamish pokes his head into the bathroom.


  “Coffee’s ready and your bag is on the bed. I figured your fresh clothes were in it.”

  I turn off the tap and step through the glass door. Hamish hands me a towel and I dry off. “Thanks. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “I’ll put the toast on.”

  I dress in my jeans and a blouse, slip my feet into my ballet flats and brush my hair. I don’t bother with makeup as we’ll be going back to bed and I don’t want it smudged.

  Hamish and Steve are laughing about something when I enter the kitchen.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Steve has football practice this afternoon and we were talking about one of the kids who ran into the goal post last week. He was new and not watching where he was going.”

  “He was busy looking back at the ball and he smacked into the post. Then he crashed into the ground and when he lifted his head he had a mouthful of grass. It looked like he had a green moustache.”

  Hamish and Steve start laughing again at the other poor child’s expense. I couldn’t help but join in. Their laughs are contagious.

  I kiss the top of Steve’s head and sit down at the table. Hamish places a steaming hot cup of coffee in front of me. “It’s really not nice to laugh at someone else’s misfortune but it does sound funny.”

  “I know. Coach said it’s unsympafetic to laugh when someone gets hurt but we couldn’t help it.”

  “UnsympaTHetic,” Hamish corrects his son.

  “Yeah, that’s what coach said.”

  Hamish glances at me and we both burst into laughter. His son is an absolute delight. I feel a teensy bit jealous. I really am starting to want to be part of their lives. Hey, what am I thinking?

  Chapter Nineteen


  I’m sipping on my morning coffee waiting for Blossom and Steve to get ready. I’m not working today and I’m taking them both to the fair. Steve has never been before, no points for guessing why not. He’s so excited and has been babbling at a hundred miles an hour. I can’t wait to see the expression on his face when he sees all the rides.

  The past couple of days have flown by. Mason is doing a good job and will make an excellent Head Chef. I hear Desiree is doing a damn good job learning to be a Manager too. In fact, I’ve been hearing a hell of lot about Mason from Wade and Desiree from Samuel. Looks like they’re hooking up. I am pleased for them.

  Blossom and I have been together every night and I’ve become quite attached to her. I love hearing her laugh at something Steve has said, holding her in my arms after we’ve made love. Whoa. Back the fuck up. Make love? Since when do I make love? I fuck, that’s it. No argument. End of story. Yes, I really like Blossom and yes, I’m quite attracted to her. Oh, and yes, the fucking is smokin’ hot. But, and it’s a big but, she’s way out of my league. She might think I’m enough but before long she’ll realize, I’m not.

  Steve races into the kitchen and hurls himself onto my lap. He’s like a fucking tornado when he’s excited.

  “Can we go now, Dad? Will the fair be open? Will you buy me cotton candy? You’ll go on the rides with me, won’t ya?”

  “Okay, okay. Stop and take a breath. You’ll be worn out before we even leave the apartment.”

  I catch sight of Blossom in the doorway and wink at her. She looks gorgeous in a pair of skinny jeans and pale pink sweater with matching pink shoes. Her hair is up in a ponytail, I think they call it, and her makeup is barely there. She will make some man real happy one day.

  My gut clenches at the thought of another man’s hands on her. Sharing her bed, kissing her. Her voice pulls me away from my unsettling thoughts.

  “Are we ready?”

  Steve jumps down from my lap and runs over to Blossom. His little arms wrap around her legs, his head tilts back as he looks up at her. “You’ll come on the rides with me won’t ya, Miss Blossom?”

  She bends down to his level and holds his hand. “I’m a real fraidy cat but I think if you hold my hand, I might be brave enough to ride with you.”

  Steve pats her cheek. “I’ll take care of you like my dad does. I’ll make sure you don’t get scared ’cause dad says you protect the ones you love.” He places a kiss on her cheek.

  Blossom stands and I notice the tears in her eyes. Steve takes her hand and turns to me.

  “Come on Dad. Let’s go.”

  I stand and put my coffee mug in the sink, gather my wallet and keys and we head off.

  I hold Steve’s other hand as we walk the few blocks to the fair. He’s jumping up and down, skipping, talking non-stop. He’s like a fucking Mexican jumping bean on steroids. When we finally arrive at the entrance gate, the kid is strangely quiet. I look down. He’s fixated on something. I follow his line of vision and see it’s the giant Ferris wheel. This is only my second time at a fair and I can understand his reaction. Mine was pretty much the same the first time. The wheel is fuckin’ huge. I can’t begin to imagine how big it must look to a kid like Steve.

  His fingers tighten on mine. He’s scared to death. I crouch down and turn him to face me. “Son, tell me what’s wrong.” I know but I want him to talk to me about his fears, not only this one. He let’s go of Blossom’s hand and moves into my arms.

  “Dad, I don’t want to go on that wheel. It’s too high and it might fall dow
n. I don’t want us to get killed.”

  He bursts into tears and I hold him close. I let him cry for a few seconds before I ease him away and dab at his eyes. “Listen to me.”

  Steve peers at me wide eyed.

  “I would never, ever force you to go on a ride you’re afraid of but, Blossom and I will be with you if you decide you would like to try. I promise you, it won’t fall down.”

  “I don’t want to, Dad.”

  “Okay, but if you change your mind, let me know.”

  The kid is going to have to learn to push through his fears or he’s never going to take any chances in life. Today is not the day for learning that lesson though. He’s had so much to deal with in the past few weeks and he’s never complained. I think he’s earned the right to refuse to go on the wheel.

  He pulls himself together and I pay for us to go in.

  “Look at the little boats in the water, Steve. Would you like to try a ride on those?” Blossom points out brightly colored boats that are floating around in a circle. It’s a good ride to get him started on.

  “Yes, please. Can you come on with me, Dad?”

  “I can’t, buddy. That ride is only for little kids. The boat would sink if I got in it.”

  “Okay. You can watch.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” I purchase the ticket and we line up behind other small children. When it comes to Steve’s turn, I lift him in to a bright blue boat and step out of the way.

  Blossom slips her hand into mine as we watch. Every time he comes past us, he laughs and waves. We wave back.

  “I would guess your son is enjoying himself.”

  “I think these might be the best type of rides for him until he gets a bit more confident. He’s a smart brave little kid and I think, given time, there won’t be much he’s afraid of.”

  “I agree.”

  We stand in silence until the ride finishes. A man lifts him out and he runs toward us.

  “Dad, Miss Blossom, did you see me? I was floating in the water and turning the steering wheel so it went in a circle.”

  Blossom crouches down and answers him. “We did see you and you were so clever. Your boat didn’t bump the wall at all.” She gives him a hug and he kisses her cheek.


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