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Then Came You: A Lake Howling Novel

Page 24

by Vella, Wendy

  “No worries, take your time.”

  “I—ah, I was out walking—”

  “And I hijacked her.”

  “She’s forceful,” Cubby said to Lani before leaving them. She heard him talking to Buddy.

  She felt Katie put on eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. Then something glossy on her lips. She then plugged in her straightening iron.

  “I don’t think—”

  “Excellent, not thinking is the way to go. I wish a few more of our community took your advice,” Katie said, picking up a lock of Lani’s hair.

  “I can see why you’re in the line of work you are.”

  “I learned to be forceful when I went to LA. Spoilt little girl that I was, I got a shock when everyone didn’t fall at my feet, but I soon learned to be heard.”

  “You lived in LA?”

  “I trained and lived there for years. Now, Lani, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m a straight talker and I want to say a few things.”

  “About what?”

  “My take on you is you’ve been hurt by someone and that sent you running. I also think you’re in some kind of danger. The living in the car, all your possessions in a suitcase that you don’t unpack. The hiding behind the plain appearance and cap. Also you wear contacts, which tells me you’re hiding your eye color. There’s also the fact that you dye your hair black when you’re a blonde.”

  Lani’s heart rate increased. Katie had noticed so much more than anyone else.

  “I don’t want to scare you, Lani, but you can’t keep running forever; one day your past will catch up to you.”

  “I need to go.”

  “I understand you feel you need to, but you don’t. Now why don’t you talk to me. I’m a friend.”

  “I don’t know where to start.”

  “Pick a place, then go for it,” Katie urged.

  “It’s just that I’ve lived this life for so long and I don’t know what to do.” Lani hadn’t realized she so desperately wanted to talk to someone until Katie started questioning her. “I was fine moving from place to place before I came here, but now suddenly it’s not enough.”

  “You want to settle, and I’m guessing Noah is a part of that?”

  Lani nodded. She was doing what she’d vowed never to do, opening herself up to another person. But she did trust Katie, and she hadn’t told her everything.

  “If you want my advice, Lani, you need to talk to someone, try and find a way to stop the running, and face what is in your past head-on. With help, maybe you could overcome it. I’m here, as is Cubby, and some of the others.”

  “I agree, Lani.” Cubby stepped into the room. Clearly he’d been listening. “If you’re running because someone is threatening you, or in danger, let us help you.”

  Could she?

  “But tomorrow is soon enough to discuss this some more, not tonight. Tonight we’re going to have fun, and you are going to buy Noah at auction,” Katie said. “Because now we’re ready.”

  “I’m not sure I want to do this,” Lani said.

  “It’ll be fun, trust me.”

  “She’s right. If there is one thing this town knows how to do, it’s have fun,” Cubby ushered them both, and Buddy, out of the house, and Lani realized she hadn’t looked in a mirror yet. Why that worried her more than the fact that she’d just told Katie and Cubby she was on the run and in danger, she had no idea.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Lani hadn’t arrived by the time the auction started.

  “Where is she?” He stood at the rear beside Mrs. C. The woman wore a flowing white caftan with pink starbursts all over it and bright pink sandals. On her head was a matching turban with a large blue stone pinned to the middle. When she turned to face Noah, he saw sparkling blue eye shadow.

  “She said she’d be here, so she’ll be here. Now relax and worry about where you’re taking me on our date when I win you.”

  “I thought waterskiing.”

  “Okay, but it would have to be tandem.”

  “Then a long hike through the trails.”

  “Do I get a kiss after?”

  Noah laughed.

  “The only man you kiss is me,” Hank said from beside her. Unlike his colorful wife, he wore gray pants and a white shirt.

  “Oh, Hannah Neeps looks nice, considering.”

  “Considering what?” he whispered into Mrs. C’s ear. He nearly gagged on the scent she wore, it was so strong.

  “Considering she curses like a sailor.”

  “Why would cursing like a sailor change her appearance?” Jake said over his shoulder. He was standing in front of them.

  “It just does. Why do you young people constantly question me?”

  “Because you love to argue,” Noah said, looking to the door. Still no sign of Lani.

  “She’s always been the same,” Hank added. “It’s what I love about her.”

  Mrs. C melted and blew her husband a kiss.

  “Will you two stop doing that? It gives women unreasonable expectations of how a man should behave,” Noah groused.

  “She’s my princess,” Hank said. “The love of your life should always be the person you would die for.” Hank rarely talked; if he did, it was to say something important. This was one of those times.

  “Oh, Hank.” Branna sniffed. “That was beautiful.”

  “Like I said, you’re spoiling it for the rest of us,” Noah muttered.

  “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!”

  Mr. Hope was on the microphone. He explained what the proceeds of the night would be spent on and thanked Noah and Faith for hosting the event. He then introduced Hannah as a sweet-natured young lady who liked reading by the lake and taking boat rides. Her favorite food was fudge.

  “No surprise there.” Mrs. C snorted.

  Lani entered as Mr. Henry won a night with Hannah, and he couldn’t drag his eyes from the vision she presented. He felt like he’d swallowed his tongue.

  She looked uncertain, nervous, and why the hell was she arriving with Cubby and Katie? He’d known she had a killer body, known she was beautiful, but seeing it all there exposed nearly dropped him to his knees.

  The dress was simple. Buttons up the front, short sleeves, and the hem stopped a few inches above her knees. She was wearing tan wedges. Someone, he was guessing Katie, had styled her hair. Lani normally had messy curls, but now they were tamed into a soft, silky black cloud. Her eyes looked bigger, and he realized that was because for the first time since he’d met her, she wore makeup.


  “What?” He wheezed as Mrs. C elbowed him in the ribs.

  “You made a sound, like a wounded animal.”

  “I did not. Have you seen Lani?”

  Mrs. C turned and found her.

  “Lordy me, will you look at that girl. Finally someone has taken her in hand. I was getting there, but she keeps resisting me.”

  “I’m looking.”

  “Well, don’t just stand there gaping like a landed trout, get over there before someone else talks to her.” She thumped him hard in the back and set him moving.

  “Lani,” he managed to get out around the lump in his throat.


  “You look amazing.”

  Her eyes shot left and right.

  “Excuse us for a minute, Cubby, Katie. I need to speak with Lani about something.”

  Katie had a silly smile on her face. Cubby simply nodded.

  “I want to watch the auction.” Lani tried to shake her hand free from his grip.

  “It’ll only take a minute.” Noah led her to the office, then opened the door and nudged her inside.

  “Surely people will have seen us coming in here. What do you want, Noah?”

  “You.” He wrapped a hand around her neck and kissed her. Kissed her with everything he felt but hadn’t said. “You’ve been avoiding me, and I missed you,” he rasped as they came up for air.

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “No, you’ve
been avoiding me because Faith threatened you so you’d stay away from me. She told me everything.”

  “She’s your sister, Noah, and right. It’s better this way. Faith was only looking out for you.”

  “I know she was, and no, she’s not right. I want you, and I’m not sure where this is going but I know I want it to go somewhere.”

  He saw the hope as she looked up at him. “I don’t know if I have the right to want more.”

  “But you do want it like I do?”

  “Katie asked some questions today, and I answered a few of them, and I realized one thing.” She sounded uncertain, so he kissed the curve of her jaw.


  “That I can’t keep running, but as yet I don’t know how to stop.”

  “Let me help you.”

  “I don’t want you hurt.”

  Noah wondered if she knew she’d placed a hand on his chest.

  “I don’t want you hurt either.”

  She sighed as he eased her closer and felt all resistance leave her body as she rested one cheek on his chest. To Noah, it felt like she was coming home… home to him.

  “Don’t run from me, Lani.” He felt the need to say the words again.

  “I promised you I wouldn’t and that I’d come to you if I felt the need.”

  “I know, I was just checking. You smell nice.”

  “Katie is really forceful.”


  “I can see why. I was just passing her house, walking to think things through, and she dragged me in.”

  “The effort was worth it; you look sensational.”

  “Clothes aren’t everything, Noah, and thinking they are makes you sound shallow.”

  He liked that she was telling him off, because it sounded like something someone in a couple would say.

  “I didn’t say you don’t always look good, Lani. Even in those jeans that could fit me in there with you I know how hot you are. I just wanted you to know that you look extra sexy as hell in that dress and with your hair like that. In fact, I’m thinking we skip the auction and I take you upstairs—”

  “Stop that!” She moved back and slapped his chest. “Besides, Mrs. C said you’re likely to raise the most money because she’s buying you.”

  “Think that’s funny, do you?”

  “Hilarious.” She gave him a cheeky smile, so he kissed her again.

  “I want us to talk tomorrow, Lani. Really talk. Will you do that with me?”

  “I’ll try, but it’s hard when you’ve kept your secrets close for years.”

  “You’re not alone anymore, baby.”

  She cupped his cheeks. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know exactly, but since you came into my life I’ve been changing for the better. For so long, I didn’t dare believe in a future or have hope; now I’m starting to.”

  “You’re welcome.” He took her hand in his, opening his fingers and letting hers settle between. He then walked out, taking her with him.

  “If you bid on me at the auction, I’ll pay for it. I don’t want to spend a night with anyone but you.”

  “Okay, but Mrs. C is going to be angry.”

  “She’ll get over it.”

  His friends had gathered around a table, and he joined them. No one commented on the fact they were holding hands, and Lani seemed comfortable keeping the connection. For Noah, it felt right, like he’d had her in his life forever.

  “Fin from Ryker raised eight hundred dollars. The painting circle won him, and he’s sitting for them tomorrow,” Jake said. “And now we need you to top what Jack Trainer got a few years ago.”

  “What did he get?” Noah asked.

  “Two thousand dollars.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I do,” Lani said. “You’re worth every cent.”

  Fuck it. He leaned down and kissed her right there in front of his friends. She’d just openly declared she felt something for him, so he was doing the same.

  People came and went, everyone earning well. There were hoots of laughter and lots of heckling from the crowd.

  “You’re enjoying yourself.” Noah looked at a smiling Lani. It suited her, and he vowed to make sure she was happy more often. To do that, he had to first sort out her past.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Lani did feel happy; in fact it was terrifying how happy she felt. Was it time for her to walk into the future and put the past behind her?

  “So Willow is doing okay, I called in there earlier. Buster is fussing, which I’d kill him for, but Willow is tolerating it,” Branna said.

  “He was always the tough one,” Annabelle said. “And look at him now. It’s pathetic.”

  “Totally,” Ethan added. He was pushing a baby buggy back and forth. “We’re not staying long, just wanted to see if Noah beat my price.”

  “Beat your price?” Lani asked him, and around the table everyone groaned. “What?”

  “No one has raised more money than me. I made one thousand the only time I took part in the date auction.” Ethan preened.

  “They felt sorry for him,” Jake said. “It was sympathy money, and it’s still not the two thousand Jack Trainer made.”

  “Ryker is bigger and has wealthy tourists,” Ethan said.

  “The knitting club bought him,” Joe said.

  “Got your money ready, Lani? Noah’s about to step onto the stage.” Newman nudged her.

  “He won’t beat me,” Fin bragged.

  “So did you see us in the paper today, Lani, the Brook Chronicle?” Ethan asked.

  “Pardon?” The words made her heart race.

  “We looked pretty good, to be fair. Even sweaty from the potato race. Not sure how the guy got the shot, but it’s a good one, you can see each of our faces clearly.”

  Stay calm, Lani, it was a local paper; no one would read that, he wouldn’t see it.

  “I have it in the buggy. I wanted to show Jake how ugly he looked.” Ethan bent and retrieved it. Then he spread the paper out on the table and everyone crowded in to take a look.

  There she was with Noah. They were running down Main Street in the potato run. Anyone who knew her would recognize her instantly, even with black hair. Her name was printed on the bottom. Lani was close to what it had once been.

  Stay calm, he won’t find you.

  “I think they ran it because we had the drug bust here too. It’s probably going to go global.” Jake laughed. Lani didn’t join him.

  This was her fault. She’d let herself relax, and now he’d find her. Searching for the date, she saw it was printed four days ago. How had she missed this?

  “Here’s your man,” Katie said from across the table.

  Looking to the stage, she watched Noah walk out with a sexy smile on his face. His eyes found her, and she managed to smile back. Managed to hide what she was feeling.

  Did she need to run? Should she talk to Cubby and Katie?

  “Noah likes water sports, and snuggling before the fire,” Mr. Hope said.

  “Snuggling before the fire, really?” Jake asked.

  Lani felt the old fear slowly fill her veins. What if he had seen this when it was first printed and had come looking for her. Glancing around the table and room she saw so many people she now knew… now felt were her friends. She’d put them in danger if he came here. He’d do what needed to be done to see her dead; he’d tried once.

  “You doing okay there, Lani?’

  “Oh hey, sure, Cubby.”

  “You’re pale, and your hands are shaking.” He touched her fingers.

  “I’m good.”

  “Nope. But I’ll just stand here beside your seat until you are. Then we can talk.”

  She watched Noah push his hands into the pockets of his trousers, clearly uncomfortable with the commentary from Mr. Hope. Mrs. C yelled out for him to take it off.

  “The seniors in this town cause me the most trouble,” Cubby said. “You shut that do
wn, Mrs. C, or I’m arresting you for disorderly behavior.”

  She waved at the sheriff. “I’d enjoy that!”

  “See what I mean.”

  Lani couldn’t find a laugh.

  “Aww hell, what are they up to now?”

  Lani followed Cubby’s gaze to where two men were arguing.

  “Idiots. Excuse me, Lani. You stay right here, and I’ll be back soon.”

  “How much do you want to spend on Noah? I’ll bid for you and he’ll think it’s me,” Jake said with a wicked smile.

  “As much as it takes,” Lani managed to get out around the lump in her dry throat. “I’ll be right back.” Standing, she smiled at the others and then made her way slowly through the guests. Fighting the urge to run, she nodded to the staff member on reception.

  “Hi, Lani.”

  “Hi, Ella.”

  Keep walking. Stay calm, she chanted silently.

  “Lani?” Katie grabbed her arm when she’d just about reached the front door. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. I need to go.” Panic had her shaking. She knew the signs. Rapid breathing would follow.

  “This is not nothing. I saw your face when you realized your picture was in the paper. You were scared. That’s why Cubby moved to your side.”

  “I’m okay, I just need some air.” She wrenched her arm free. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “No! Please, Katie, I just need to be alone. I promise I’ll come back, I just need a minute.”

  “You are not going to be alone in this state, Lani. You’re scared. Tell me why?”

  “I’m not!” The words were a shriek. Lani closed her eyes and tried to calm down. She would leave before he found her. Be gone in twenty minutes, and no one would stop her because they were all in here. She had time; he was hours away from here, surely.


  “You’re not leaving here, Lani. Come and sit. I’ll make you a coffee.” Katie grabbed her arm and held it tight.

  “Excuse me, Lani, but there is a call for you.” Ella held out a portable phone for Lani.”

  Her hands trembled as she took it. No one knew she was here, unless…


  “Hello, Elaine, such a long time since I’ve heard your voice.”


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