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Come Back to Me

Page 5

by Scarlett Rush

  At one point I fleetingly thought that she had only got me into bed so that she could spell out her intentions for you - a kind of sexy advance warning. She could never be so calculating though. Jealousy and spitefulness is just never on her agenda. She believes only in opportunity and fun. If she was doing anything with her dirty talk other than trying to turn me on enormously, it was to let me know that the chance existed, if we chose to take it, to have the most exciting and eternally memorable time of our life. It wouldn’t even dawn on her that the inevitable outcome as I saw it would be you losing your heart to her.

  So the notion was born back then. Before I had even officially made you my man I had determined that you were one day to be shared. She was upon me with her thighs apart either side of my head, sighing and looking down into my eyes as the sweet juices from that delicate puss ran down my tongue. She reached back to gently stroke my slit with one finger.

  ‘I want to watch him spank you while you lick me,’ she said, and I knew I wanted that too, even though I had no idea how much a hard smacked arse might hurt. Then she turned around and sat back down, her soft cheeks pressed to mine, spread open so that I could feel the heat of her at my wet lips.

  ‘I want to sit on him like this whilst I watch you ride his big cock,’ she said, and I couldn’t help but thrust my tongue deep up inside her. Her hips moved back and forth, ever so slightly, almost imperceptibly riding my face. Then she was down with her belly and chest pressed to me, her hands sliding over me to part my thighs.

  ‘Hold me open for him, please, darling,’ she whispered. ‘Let him see me. Let him see you sucking on my little pink clitty as he forces that big cock all the way inside me.’

  She breached me with two fingers at once, curling them immediately, wiggling them inside me as her thumb pressed at my throb. Even now, when her words were getting so much ruder, it never was more than just lips and tongues and fingers between us, nothing more extreme than her on me or vice versa, yet I had never felt more sexually alive and turned on.

  ‘Can you see him now? Can you see that gorgeous hard prick going in and out of me, my creamy come all over it and dripping onto your face?’

  Yes, that’s exactly what I could see, even with my eyes closed. It was pitch black outside and the curtains were still open when the glow of pleasure became too fatiguing and another embrace became no more than a cuddle. Even with just the little bit of light coming from outside I could see the brightness in her eyes.

  ‘You know I love you,’ I said, thinking that there was no other explanation for the swell of contented joy inside.

  ‘Don’t go all soppy on me, you silly donut,’ she replied, giving my backside a little squeeze and nuzzling into me all ready for sleep. ‘It’s only sex!’

  You would think that having done this the once, more of the same was bound to follow, but it didn’t. She acted like it hadn’t happened, other than the odd playful groping along with a proclamation of how much she wanted my tits or my bum, just as a reminder that I hadn’t dreamt it all. Wanting it doesn’t mean she took it. I visited her again but she made no mention of it. She was apparently all about boys again. We were the same as we would have been if it hadn’t happened. It was a smooth transition from best friends to lovers back to best friends again, with no join visible.

  Naturally I was pining for her but seeing her behaving normally just made that seem like clumsy emotion. Once we had both graduated and were back here things moved so quickly between you and I that there wasn’t a chance of anything further developing between me and her. She never made out that she saw this as a problem. I sometimes thought that I was given that one night because she knew once would never be enough. The enticement of having her so near would surely break me. That fantasy she put in my head would grow and grow until I could barely function for the thought of it. I would have no choice but to make it real, to deliver you on a plate to her. And, of course, she was right. I could fear the thought that she would come out of it with your heart as the prize and I would be left with nothing, but I knew it couldn’t stop me from making it happen. Being with you, being with her, it made me happier than I thought possible. It was written in the stars that I would have to share you both.

  Here I am then, swathed in night-time, sat upon the hunching gale-blown headland where the black granite plunges into nothing. My anger, my anger: rising all-consuming and uncontainable, wrenching and burning and totally ineffectual, billowing to nothing and leaving me scrunched in a sobbing heap upon the saturated grass. How’s that shrug-shouldered indifference of yours, now that you can see what it has done to me? Is my hurt worth less than any other’s? Why won’t you come here and face me? Is it because you know I’m right when I say you shouldn’t have left me? There is still time; I’m not quite lost yet. Please come back to me.

  Just the Three of Us

  I did consider telling you that it was Jacqui’s hand on your crotch that first night. I almost did it to drive you to her and get it over and done with. You were so nice to me. Right from that day I came back from university and we became that item you had wanted us to be three years before, you never did or said anything that didn’t have my heart soaring. It was almost too much to bear, knowing that it was lies, whether you knew it at the time or not, that all the promises you made for me would inevitably become hollow.

  Two years we had together and they were good ones. I watched your business grow, albeit steadily, but enough to know it was ever cementing you to this place even if your volunteer work didn’t. Time runs away when you don’t live with the person you want to. It drags when they aren’t there but then rushes through when they are. All you do is look for the next time you can be by their side. We had the boathouse for some privacy, and your rooms at your parents’ house. I hated doing it under their roof. I couldn’t have looked either of them in the eye if they’d ever have heard us at it. I liked them too much to have them think the worst of me.

  It seemed ridiculous us not having a place of our own but the prices here have gone sky-high with the demand from outside for holiday cottages and second homes. It never defeated you.

  ‘Soon,’ you would say, as we cuddled together. Never rush a thing, of course - that was your motto.

  It was mainly on my bad days that the doubts used to creep up on me but my insecurities could come from nowhere and drag me in the direction of down. Work is the curse of new lovers and sometimes it seemed like we never had any time alone, especially when Jacqui had invited herself along, or them girls down the Galleon were all over you. My God, we laughed though - do you remember? Sometimes it didn’t seem like we had a serious bone between us. You said we would find our way through those other times and if we ever couldn’t see how to then there would always be someone that could show us because that’s what humans do - they help each other.

  There wasn’t anything specific that led me to my Big Decision. It was just that the more time Jacqueline spent around you the more infatuated you were bound to become. It couldn’t be a case of simply leaving her behind because she was my friend and in my own way I was hooked on her too. She was sweet and very funny, gorgeous and spontaneous, and she wanted you, so how could you resist? I remember one night when we were alone I told you that Jacqui fancied you. I’m not sure whether or not I did this just to force the issue. You laughed and then drew in your breath.

  ‘She’s a bit too hot to handle that one,’ you said, and although you doubtless said it for effect it was nice that you spared my feelings and didn’t admit the mutual attraction.

  ‘I once thought you might be a little bit forward for me too,’ you went on to say, pulling me in close. ‘You know - our first kiss down by the harbour. Too much for innocent old me I reckoned, me being a quiet guy. But I was already too much taken by you so there was nothing else for it but to jump into the fire!’

  We giggled and kissed. I knew you were only pulling my leg. There was
so much about your private life that I never discovered. I was always too afraid to pry in case the truth reminded you that I was not your “perfect girl”, despite the number of times you proclaimed this. Whenever we were in company you were always shy about getting too physical with me. Some of the guys would be all over their girls regardless of who was present. If ever Jacqui caught us getting close she always jumped on it.

  ‘When are you buggers going to let me join in?’ she would say. It was a scary notion but one that I couldn’t shift. It brought shivering reminders of the night I shared with her. It just grew and grew until it seemed the only reality. You wouldn’t have resisted her for long. All she had to do was make one major play for you and I would have been forgotten. I was on borrowed time. It seemed like the only possible way through it - to let her in on my terms, while I was around, so that hopefully I would somehow stay in your mind.

  Without question it was dangerous. I knew precisely how exciting she was in the bedroom. A dark part of my mind, when my moods were bad, even suggested that it was for my own ends and not yours that I made it happen, just for a chance to be with her again. The sensible part of my brain threw this notion aside, knowing such selfish frivolity was beyond me. Losing you would finish me and I had to concoct a way to prevent it. I was fully aware of what she would do to you given a chance because she had told me in great detail. I also knew there was no way you couldn’t love her for it. It was certain that I would be riding a precipice but perhaps, somehow, I could come through it with you still by my side. If not, then at least the agony of waiting for my downfall would be over.

  So when I purposefully leapt on your lap the next time the three of us were together, to illicit her inevitable question about when she would be allowed to join us, I told her outright:

  ‘On his next birthday - if we can find a suitable place.’

  You just tutted and raised your eyebrows, batting it away as our usual jokiness. My heart was pounding and I was hoping she would think the same, me having opened my big mouth, but when I was next alone with my best friend she told me she had indeed got the ideal place for it. And so there was no going back. She didn’t even think it was a big deal. She would tell me where and I would get us there, and it would happen. I didn’t tell you beforehand. I wanted to but I reasoned that if you knew you were destined to end up in bed with Jacqui, you might have decided to cut out the middle man and leave me behind. I was hanging on to every hope of still being with you afterwards.

  ‘So what delectable treat has my Perfect Girl got lined up for my birthday?’ you said, still none the wiser.

  ‘We’re going away for the night,’ I replied. ‘Jacqueline’s uncle has got a place further down the coast we can borrow. It’s all on its own, with a massive bed and a full-length window that looks out onto the sea, so you’ll feel right at home. It’ll be all romantic. I’m going to cook you a proper feast - not a plate of fish for once. I’ll do you a nice loin of venison that Kipper Meaden says he can get me.’

  ‘Any afters?’ you said, grabbing me and squeezing my behind in both hands.

  ‘Not half, lad - you won’t believe what’s coming to you!’

  You didn’t realise that Jacqui was going to be there waiting for us. She just has this way of making any situation seem normal. She disarms you with wit and those odd stories of her day, chattering away, distracting your brain until it accepts the status quo. I doubt there was time for you to have considered the implications of her being there. It was your birthday: she was there helping us to empty our wine bottles and eat our meal; helping you to celebrate. It is never bad when she is there, always good, so what else was there to think about?

  Even on the sofa afterwards, with you sat upright between us, me with my hand stroking at your jumper-clad front, she with her head on your shoulder, drawing lines and circles on your thigh with a single finger. She often put her head on you, leant into you, touched you in places a non-girlfriend shouldn’t. This was her norm. She had put months and years into laying the groundwork so that when it came to the crunch nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I wouldn’t have had a clue how to progress from that point but she managed it with a minimum of fuss.

  ‘I think it’s time we started,’ she said, quite simply. She moved her hand off your leg and up to the hem of your sweater and started to bring it upwards. I watched and copied. There was nothing you could do but sit there and raise your arms to allow us to peel your top right off, leaving the air just above your head alive with the tiny ticking of static. Your broad chest was left bare. You looked a bit sheepish, perhaps the gravity of the situation only just dawning upon you. My hand went back to your warm naked skin. Jacqui was in no mood to let you sit squirming. In no time her top was unbuttoned and cast aside to leave her lacy purple bra on full view. That was it. There already was no going back. There was nothing left for me to do except giggle a bit and take my top off too.

  ‘I think you should kiss her,’ she said, as my top was landing on the floor. It was clear we were going to be in her hands. I could easily have thought of that but I didn’t. However, I did act upon it. I could tell from your face you weren’t entirely sure what was going on but it didn’t stop you kissing me with your usual eagerness. I thought of our first snog by that harbour wall and, sure enough, when I broke off her hand was down there on your crotch, the bulge visible between her open fingers. I wondered how many other times when I had kissed you she had been surreptitiously there, either physically or just in mind, silently making you hard for me.

  ‘I think you should kiss me now,’ she said, already leaning into you so you had nowhere else to go. I had seen this before but it didn’t stop the flurry of internal panic. She is so nice to kiss. I knew that so well. I had never told you about that evening in our student days but I don’t doubt she had let you in on that secret at some point. I couldn’t tell you because I’d have had to tell you how irresistible she was. Now you were finding out. Her hand stayed down there at your crotch although it should have been my turn. I didn’t have the power to force her to yield to me. I stayed quiet.

  Everything about that evening was done on her terms. The only voice was hers. She was the first to get her breasts bare but she then ordained that mine were to be the first sucked, having told me to dip my finger in your whisky and rub it all over my nipples before offering them up to you. I opened my eyes and saw her head bent down at your chest and the signs of slick wetness there. I saw her tongue snaking out, her lips closing around your nipple, the hollowing of her cheek. I had never even considered doing this to you and yet I don’t know why. It just wasn’t in my repertoire. Was I always too busy having you give out all the treats?

  I could tell you liked what she did. Your pleasure was transmitted through your actions: if she sucked hard or pressed the swollen flesh between her teeth then your reaction was to do the same to me. I could shut my eyes and still see exactly what she was doing to you, feel it through you, know precisely the senses you were feeling. It was like being done by proxy. In fairness there was nothing here that you wouldn’t normally have done; no new tricks other than mindful patience - the constant return to gentleness after harder action. However, it felt sublime, knowing you could feel exactly what I did; knowing that she was so hungry for you yet couldn’t help but want me to feel every tiny fraction of that same bliss.

  When it was her turn I had my heart clanging, seeing her sigh of pleasure, knowing it was my man forcing the breath to escape from those lovely open lips. There was a moment of disquiet but this was lost in the thrill. I knew what it was to have your mouth at me there, the sure way you always drew out the tingling surge of excitement. I was glad she could feel it too. More, I knew what it was to suck on her, to hold that softness, to roll your tongue around those little points, so small and yet so hard, to fill your mouth with half of that delicious yielding breast at once. It was pride I felt, and runaway joy. You two were the twin suns tha
t lit and warmed me, always waking me from the darkness, keeping me up there way longer than those nasty chemicals in my body wanted me to be. There was some fear in there too but it could only intensify my body responses and magnify the thrill.

  Her hand was lightly at the back of your head to keep your mouth down at her chest. She let out another breath and then opened her eyes to look at me. There was a slight flush to her cheek and she was beautiful. There wasn’t the slightest trace of guilt from having succeeded in getting her way, no sign of triumph whatsoever. There was only the moment, the reflection of the physical bliss she always knew you could give her - what we together would give her.

  ‘I love your gorgeous titties,’ she said to me. ‘Won’t you give them to me?’

  They could turn my insides to fire, words like these, and from her face I could tell she meant every one of them. I wanted to say something back but it isn’t in my nature. She knew how to sound sultry. She knew exactly the volume and the tone to use. She knew the precise timing so that her words could drive the progression and keep her in control. It was her unbuttoning your fly, once there was no way you couldn’t want it to happen; her dragging down your jeans with belated help from me; her that waited no time in getting your boxer shorts around your ankles too. Hers was the first hand on your waking cock, feeling the blood rushing in the instant it was unconstrained. I’d had this unique treat often enough of course, but seeing you grow and harden in her grasp gave me the notion that her hand was back where it deserved to be, back giving that same golden touch that had initially earned us girls a place in your head and heart. If things hadn’t already gone past the point of no return then it was her who ensured they went that way.

  ‘Why don’t you kiss her again whilst I suck your cock?’ she said.


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