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Wyatt: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 3)

Page 9

by Chelsea Handcock

  "Senior contacted the Elders and has them combing through any history we have of this condition. All I can tell you is that if you start to feel unnaturally attracted to a woman, or feel an undeniable urge to protect and possess. We need to look into that further. Keep in mind fuckers I’m not giving you the green light to drop trough and fuck anything and everything that catches your attention. These urges will be unlike anything you have felt before. I realize that’s not much to go one, but we really don’t have anything else."

  "I can only tell you my experience and Dalton has agreed to do the same. Since these situations are personal and private in nature, I only ask that you think first before you ask. No way in hell either one of us are going to disrespect our mates for your benefit if you get what I am saying. But as I said we both will be available to any of you for questions."

  "The other thing is so far, the other woman that were part of Pandora and Dr. Franklin's experiments that have already been located are also testing positive for having Shifter genes. It’s possible all of them could be true mates. We have had one confirmed match. You all already know some of this. We have a list of names that Ryleigh was able to procure with birth dates and conceptions dates. We also have locations of the inseminations, what we don’t know is if the children were kept in the same area. We also know we aren’t the only ones that have this information."

  "Other teams are actively trying to track the children down. Now before any of you ask we are not going to be having any fucking meet and greets or social gatherings of any sort. These women have no idea what we are or who they could be to us, for now, it needs to stay that way. If nature takes its course and a mating results excellent but that is not the focus of our mission. Keeping them safe has to be our priority."

  "All indications show that both Pandora, Davis Defense and The Association also have this information or some form of it. We need to stop them from finding the children. The easiest way to do that is to find them first and protect them. All indications point to Dr. Franklins last group of children is just now coming into puberty that is why we are seeing the increase in kidnappings, like Cassie Larson and a few others that have come to light as of late."

  The Cassie Larson case was a tough one and the one that spearheaded all this new information coming our way. She was taken from a school trip and held in a Pandora facility. Pandora wanted to impregnate her but had to wait until her contraception wore off." Wyatt hated thinking about that and what those people had planned. Cassie was still a child. Then again Pandora was proving not to have much of a moral guide.

  Wyatt was glad the others couldn’t see him right now. The pacing wasn’t helping his agitation and being in the middle of bum fuck Egypt while his team needed him only pissed him off further. He needed to complete his mission and get back to base. He needed to help protect these “children” just as much as the rest of the team. At least now they were getting the whole scope of the problems they faced. Stopping he leaned his body against his car, his body was tight with tension and demanded action, but Wyatt was determined to stand still and listen to the rest of what his Alpha had to say. He knew Jacks didn't like this conversation or the state of things any more than he was.

  "The last batch of children are the ones that Pandora, Davis and The Association are unquestionably interested in. Just like Cassie Larson, it is believed they all hold only one strand of Shifter DNA. At least that is the theory we are working with until something more concrete comes our way."

  Wyatt could hear his teammates rumbling and outrage. The distress and anger permeating the phone line making his animal twitch. He knew the men back in that room were getting those vibes one hundred-fold he was really surprised no one had snapped yet. He felt it himself but remained quiet tensing his body waiting for the unexpected blow that was sure to come. Time was running short, and he needed to get as much information as he could before he had to end the call. Then and only then would he let his animal out to release some of the pressure.

  "That’s not all. We have leaks all throughout NAC. All Teams have been infected. Senior dispatched Matthias to ferret out any and all traitors. So, watch your backs.".

  Damn Matthias was a ghost something or other. Wyatt had only come in contact with the man once, and it set his animal on edge. The man or whatever he was could mask his scent right up until he was one you. No indication he was ever present before he chose to make himself known. Being a Shifter that was impossible. His and all of the guy’s senses were superior, sight, smell touch, and instinct fueled their animals. But if Matthias chose it he could negate those things. He was one scary mother, what had always bothered Wyatt the most was that he also didn’t smell of an animal. He didn’t carry any scent signatures. He did not exactly know what he was but, he definitely wasn’t human either.

  What he was, was the only person Senior called in when major shit was hitting the fan. Dalton might be the Enforcer of The Alpha Team, but Matthias was the Enforcer for the entire race. Shit.

  "Everyone in this room along with Wyatt has all been cleared." Wyatt wanted to scream at that statement, of course, they had all been cleared had their loyalty really been in doubt? Then he remembered Eli and his betrayal, they had all thought he was loyal as well. The man had attacked his team leaving Wyatt, Cash, Ethan and Bas for dead and then setting their temporary base on fire.

  He then went after Jacks and Ryleigh. Holding her, so her fucked up brother could do what he wanted to her. But that changed when he revealed his own intent. He was a member of The Association, a group of Shifters that wanted to contain the status quo keeping Shifter bloodlines pure. They wanted the children with only one strand of Shifter DNA to cleanse the human filth out of their bloodlines. In Wyatt’s opinion, they were all sick fuckers as well. Shit, they hadn’t been pure for over a century.

  Wyatt really needed to focus because this information was imperative to all their futures. "Matthias has done the same with The Holly Group at least the original six. He is making his way through the other teams. A few traitors have been discovered, Michael from Bravo, James and Noah from Charlie. All of them were working for the Association same as Eli."

  God Wyatt knew those men, had worked with them over the years. Had saved their asses and had the favor returned to him. Never once would he have suspected them of being purists or traitors. Then again, he lived and worked with Eli for years and if asked he would have never questioned him either.

  "They have been dealt with accordingly." Jacks continued. Wyatt knew what that meant those men were no longer breathing. It hurt to think of someone that you thought of as a friend gone. But it hurt worse realizing their common goal of protecting women and children had gone so completely haywire. These people, the purist, probably scared Wyatt the most. Fanatics had a way of taking things one step further. Greed and Power hungry people you could deal with by cutting off the supply. Fanaticism was an animal all on its own. History proves that in many ways.

  "Abernathy has been eliminated, but his reach continues. Charlie Team tore apart Harlan Carlton and the Hamilton brothers houses apart, as you know these men were linked to Davis Defense. They found information in Abernathy’s home that leads us to believe this is bigger than we first suspected. Ryleigh was Abernathy’s end goal. But we now know he was also the one that funded Emma’s abduction and impregnation."

  Julius Abernathy was Ryleigh’s so called brother, and he was one sick fucker. Wyatt had wanted to be in on his ultimate demise but had suffered a head injury given to him by Eli one of his trusted Team mates. Turns out maybe having everyone vetted wasn’t such a bad idea. Even if it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  "The search of Carlton and the Hamilton’s brothers yielded very little useful information regarding Davis Defense or The Pandora Group. Abernathy, on the other hand, had a wealth of information. The problem we are facing is the fucker was such a pompous ass he destroyed or blacked out any or all information that would indicate where he got the information. According to Ryleigh and
the intel we have, Abernathy didn’t have the knowledge or intellect to come up with all of this on his own. We believe he was working with someone higher up. The problem is it’s going to be hard to find out who that person or persons are."

  "He had too much information about Franklin’s children and Shifters to have just gotten it from his parents. They were already dead by the time he was a teenager. When Senior got Ryleigh out all the data was destroyed within the lab she was being kept at. Also, we believe there is no way a child could have remembered so much even if he was in the loop at that time."

  "That leads us to Kenna she is showing signs of being a Shifter way earlier than anyone could have predicted. Mia said that when the first bomb went off Emma had a hard time holding on to her. Showing signs of strength, no infant should process. Her eyes also changed to the bright glow indicating she is near shifting. These incidents have only occurred when Emma or another adult in her company is agitated. It is our belief that she has been enhanced somehow, none of us shifted before puberty, but Kenna is showing signs that she will do so well before she ever reaches that. Everyone in this room has sensed her animal I wouldn’t be surprised if she shifted for the first time soon which should be an impossibility."

  Declan spoke up. " It is imperative that an Alpha is around the baby at all times so that if need be, he can force the change."

  "No fucking way are you going to hurt my little girl like that Jacks. I’m a grown fucking man, and I can tell you the pain that causes would damage Kenna, and I won’t let that happen. No way in hell!" Dalton nearly growled. Hearing the obvious pain and anger in his friend’s voice hurt Wyatt.

  He wasn’t there for the confrontation between Hamilton and his men at the base. But he had heard about it, the assholes had busted up Ruby and her cook in order to get Emma’s location. They then breached the team’s perimeter and proceeded to place bombs around the lodge. Jacks had gotten the women and the child to the safe room and were able to capture Derrick Hamilton, the brother of the man that had abused Emma.

  While Dalton went on a rampage in bear form to eliminate the others ultimately getting bloodlust. The phenomenon where a shifter is more animal than man craving vengeance and blood. Demanding justice. At least that was what Wyatt hoped having never experienced it himself he could only guess.

  Ethan had to shift and attack Dalton to keep him from Cash and Bas. But Jacks was ultimately the victor, forcing both to change back. Wyatt shivered at the thought, it was said that forcing a shift brought on the worst pain imaginable and if the Alpha wasn’t careful it could backfire causing permanent damage to the beast and the man. He was kind of glad he didn’t witness it.

  "Shit Dalton do you really think either of us wants to do that to Kenna? Use your fucking head. Our first shifts never go as planned and there is a possibility of the animal taking completely over without guidance. It’s hard enough to talk a teenager through the process how the hell are we supposed to talk and infant or toddler through it!"

  Wyatt couldn’t agree more. His first shift had been horrible. Thinking he was man enough he tried to complete it on his own but the animal was too strong.

  Wyatt remembered how scared and out of control he felt during his first shift and he couldn’t imagine a baby going through that. Feeling your bones pop and break to accommodate the animal and then all the heightened instincts were scary. There wasn’t another word for it. His Dad had warned him, told him what had happened, but it was one of those things that until it actually you experienced it for yourself, you really had absolutely no idea what you were in for.

  He had been one of the lucky ones, his animal at the time was relatively mild. When he decided to shift back, he did. His Father told him it was a family tradition, a rite of passage for the members of the Green family to shift on their own for the first time. If they made it, they were considered a man, if they didn’t, they weren’t mentioned again.

  Wyatt’s family life growing up was different than many of his friends. Not horrible or abusive like some of his teammates but different all the same. His parents stayed together but were not mates, more like companions. Wyatt’s Dad was free to do whatever he wanted, and his mother accepted that. Meaning when the urge hit his old man would find someone to satisfied that itch. They slept in separate rooms and very rarely showed each other any type of affection.

  They had been older when they conceived Wyatt, and he always justified their lack of attention where he was concerned with them being already set in their ways. He was not a happy surprise for the couple. He just was there. Left to his own devices more often than not he developed closer ties to his teammates than his blood relatives. He was given shelter, clothing, and food the basics. They also provided him with his first computer which he was grateful for, but besides providing for him, he parents offered nothing else. He was just an inconvenience they had to deal with, it was just the way it was.

  When Wyatt was younger, it really bothered him. Now that he was older sometimes it still got to him. Shit, when his mother passed away his dad didn’t even bother letting Wyatt know. He found out because of Jacks. His Dad had told him about it, and when Jacks came to Wyatt to ask if he wanted to leave to attend the funeral, Wyatt hadn’t even known what his Alpha was talking about. That was how his family was needless to say he didn’t go back home for the funeral.

  Now that he was older his shifts took more effort. His beast was harder to control and fought harder to stay present. Wyatt kept a firm leash on the beast. Shit, they all did. He was afraid one day his efforts wouldn’t pay off, and Jacks or one of the others would have to put him down. He didn’t fear much but going rouge was not something he never wanted to happen. Not for his sake but for the benefit of the men he had come to think of as brothers. Because it would be their responsibility to put him down and he knew if he ever faced that with one of them it would kill a part of his soul.

  God, Damn it. Wyatt hated hearing the despair but agreed with his friend. He hadn’t met Emma or Kenna yet, but the team had sent him pictures and talked fondly about them. He couldn’t wait to become an Uncle in person. The little girl was a doll, all pink and chubby. He was sure that she would have him just as wrapped around her little finger as the rest of the guys. Shit in a way she already did.

  "Listen that is only one possibility. Right now, we are all just guessing. We need more information. We need to know what these women and Kenna were enhanced with. Delta is working on trying to find the information. We just don’t have all the answers yet."

  "You all know that right now we are on lockdown. Our mission is to keep the woman and Kenna safe. I will keep you all in the loop as will the other Alpha’s but until further noticed you are needed right where you are. Once Wyatt completes his mission he needs to return along with Miss Carlton. She is too much of a liability to be left out in the wind. Sorry, Bas I know she is your sister but you have to understand not only is she a target she is also a possible victim, just waiting to happen. We assume we have maintained her anonymity but if you honestly believe she is a product of Franklin's experiments that only increases her vulnerability."

  Cash interrupted," Times running out we need to wrap this up." Shit, Wyatt thought at least someone was paying attention to the time. That was usually his job but what Jacks was saying was blowing his mind. He needed to get moving find Bas’s sister and get back to base. That was where he was needed not standing here in the fucking woods.

  "Yeah okay, you all also need to be aware that Pandora has developed a tranquilizer that will freeze our animals. I’m not talking about putting you to sleep like a normal tranq. If you get shot with one, it takes hours for it to run out of our systems. It is unlike any drug we have ever come a crossed before our metabolisms can’t process it as fast as other drugs. Echo and Bravo got hit with these on their mission, and from all the reports the process wasn’t pleasant. Like trying to deal with an amputation. Your animal is there, but you can no longer communicate with it. We have people working on a counter
measure, but so far, we have nothing. We also know that the fuckers a desperate for a new supply of specimens specifically sperm."

  God Wyatt instinctively covered his dick no way was anybody getting semen from him. His little soldiers were his and his alone. That was until he decided to share them. "All teams and clansmen have been advised to stay away from clinics or doctors’ offices for the time being. At this point, only vetted members of NAC are acutely aware of what is going on. We have left it up to the Alphas to disseminate the information as they see fit. But we couldn’t leave our clansmen hanging in the wind without even a warning."

  Yeah, they had learned their lessons from the past. Pandora had released a contagion into the rural areas. Making several Shifters sick causing them to seek out medical help. Once the medical professional had them, they ran tests designed by Pandora and if the results came back positive. The Shifter was given a sedative and samples were taken. Those samples created the children like Ryleigh and the others. Sick fuckers. We don’t think Pandora would be stupid enough to try old tactics, but hey it worked before we can’t leave the possibility off the table.

  "Son of a bitch!" Ethan yelled. " Do we even know how the fuckers knew or have known about us? Where did they get their information? How are we just hearing about all of this know and why were we kept in the dark in the first place?" Wyatt was right there with him he wanted those answers himself. What really surprised him but shouldn’t have, was how quiet Cash was being. That meant that only the remaining members of Alpha had been left in the dark and he didn’t like it.

  "We have theories but no concrete answers. We are hoping that Delta will be able to get more information. They are systematically hitting known Pandora facilities, but the fuckers are wiley. They close one facility and open up two more. Once Bravo clears their cases which should be soon they will join Delta. All I can say is watch your ass’s boy’s things are about to get bumpy, and the ride will be a rough one.


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