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Wyatt: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 3)

Page 16

by Chelsea Handcock

  "Cool, since I am going South I will get with Dane and see if Brody is available for a day or two," Wyatt said. " Baby Michigan is Alpha Teams territory. We will need to talk with Jacks to see who he can send. With me, Bas and Cash being in the field that leaves Alpha base pretty vulnerable. Maybe Carter or Liam will have someone they can loan out."

  Ryleigh spoke up, “I don’t think we need to worry about that, Dad’s due here pretty soon we can just ask him if he will help out. I already texted him he should be here any minute."

  "Shit that is perfect, baby if I am going to trust anyone to your care it might as well be the dragon himself,” Wyatt said relieved. Peyton, on the other hand, looked kind of shell shocked.

  Peyton whispered at the same time placing the call on mute not wanting the rest of the group to hear what she was saying to Wyatt, “You mean Declan Quinn the head of NAC and the only Dragon Shifter you know?”

  "The one and only honey." Shit, she was kind of intimidated. The man was infamous in both the private and military sectors.

  Just then a very attractive but older man came into view. The only indication of the older part of her assessment was the slight salt and pepper that graced his temples. He was just as built if not more so then the rest of the Alpha team but even the Webcams showed his strength and power. If she thought Jacks was scary this man was downright lethal.

  Peyton had to blink she had never seen a human being with that color of green eyes they sparkled almost like emeralds when he looked at Ryleigh. Peyton also liked that she could see there was an underlying kindness in the man that she couldn’t dismiss, taking the edge off her initial impression. She would feel safe with this man.

  Peyton unmuted the call and listen as Declan addressed Ryleigh." Hey honey, what’s going on? Jacks gave me a sit-rep, but I want to hear what you five have planned." For the next few minutes, the four of them filled Declan or Senior as his teams called him in on the plan. He didn’t mix any words," I’m in. I will make my way to Michigan and secure the vehicle, Peyton is there anything else you need me to pick up? Sorry, honey, please forgive me for being so rude. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. Bas is really proud of you, Peyton. He talks about you all the time it is good to finally put a face to the name."

  "Ah thanks, sorry sir but what do I call you? Declan or Senior?"

  "Well, honey since you aren’t officially part of the team and I’m not your superior, but you are a part of the family how about we keep it informal please call me Declan."

  Peyton was flummoxed, and she blushed. "Okay, Declan it would be an honor to consider you part of my family. I will forward you a list of equipment I will need, I will bring as much as I can, but there are still some things all of us will need to pick up on location."

  "Well," Declan took control of the meeting "it looks like everyone has their immediate duties assigned and phone calls to make. If we are going to be ready by the end of the week, we better get cracking. Once the drivers are in place, have them give me a call. We need to discuss routes, vehicles and the equipment needed. I think it is best that the drivers are on site as soon as possible. We will need to recon the area. How long do you expect the hack to last? I want to make sure there are no obstacles in our way."

  "Shoot I didn’t even think about that Sir. We need to run several tests but at least fifteen minutes and that is just a guess for now. If the tests prove we need more time, I will let everyone know. I need a least a day to set up a test environment. Once I have that up, and in place, I am going to have Wyatt, Tory, and Bas hack me since I have already tried and failed to get in Davis. I know some of their tricks, and as they say, practice makes perfect."

  Bastian groan," I don’t want to hack you. It is never any fun you always win." It was the first time since the meeting started that he actually acknowledged Peyton without a scowl on his face or scorn in her voice. Maybe they had a chance to get over all of this after all. " Well, big brother if you can’t play with the big dogs…" Peyton left her statement open ended to taunt him, Bastian could never resist a dare.

  "Oh, no you don’t, I might even surprise you, I’ve been learning some new tricks he said winking at her." God, she missed this side of her brother for so long now it was all business. They rarely took any time to play or just be."

  "Game on Bastian."

  "My money is on Peyton, that boy doesn’t stand a chance, but even I have to admit it will be interesting to watch. All these big bad men need to be taken down a few notches, girl power and all that," Tory said.

  Peyton smiled, leave it to Tory.

  "Oh, I don’t know Wyatt said, us poor little men might surprise you both. I think I can pull some tricks out of my bag too. How about we make this slightly more interesting?"

  "Sure, no problem." Peyton knew where Wyatt was going with this he wanted to bet. She knew she and Tory would and could wipe the floor with them in this arena. What really got her interest was what Wyatt would be willing to put on the line.

  "Okay, I propose a little bet. If Bas and I can hack Peyton’s system with both of you defending, then you two ladies have to be our slaves for one whole day."

  "What do you mean slaves?" Tory asked not looking one bit happy, finding absolutely no humor with the proposal.

  "I mean exactly what I said, for one whole day you have to do everything we say. For instance, Tory I know you’re working on a new project that will incapacitate a man within a second. I want access."

  "Why you, sneaky little devil, if I didn’t have some much confidence in my girl I might balk at your request, but I think that might be doable. My tech will stay out of those greedy little hands of yours. What I really want to know is when we win what do we get in return? Same reward or do we get to decide on our own spoils?"

  "Nope, I think we should keep it simple. Slave for a day."

  "Hmm, interesting, what do you say Peyton do you believe that we should show these boys who the real masters are?"

  Peyton knew that she could beat these two, it was going to be her system after all and having worked with them in the past she was familiar with their style, and therefore she could anticipate their moves. Shoot even if she and Tory lost it would be kind of a win-win situation. She wouldn’t mind being Wyatt’s slave for a day, but she wouldn’t be offering up her tech to entice him. A certain dream that never got to finish came to mind.

  Squirming in her seat, she answered the only way she could," Ah, yeah sounds good to me." When Wyatt turned his sparkling eyes her way and took a deep breath Peyton was pretty sure he knew exactly where her mind and went. Damn.

  "Me too honey," he whispered and didn’t say anymore. After a couple of minutes of awkward silence, Peyton scrambled to continue the meeting. No way was she going to let her brother in on the underplay that was going between her and Wyatt.

  "Okay, based on previous attempts, we will only have five or six minutes that we are actively in their system. So, it is imperative that we get out of tracking range quick. When I give the word, we need to power everything down. Ryleigh I know you have some skills are you okay with watching our backs? You won’t be actively engaging Davis but using a program, I designed to determine if they are on to any of us?"

  "Damn you guys get to have all the fun but yeah, I’m on it Jacks promised me a trip out to the island this weekend so if you give me one of the satellite passwords I will be able to help but be away from base also," Ryleigh stated.

  Chapter 18

  They closed the meeting leaving Peyton and Wyatt alone once again. You could cut the tension with a knife, but Peyton wasn’t really sure why. Well, she kind of knew there had been this underlying sexual tension between them since he found her and the bet only intensified it for her. But even though those feelings were still there this felt different if Peyton didn’t know any better Wyatt was pissed. She just wasn't sure if she should address it out let it go and let him tell her what was bothering him when he was ready. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to hold his tongue.

nbsp; When he got up to leave the computer room without so much as saying a word she knew she needed to do or say something. She hated this type of tension it was draining. Before he made it to the door, she asked without really saying much, "Wyatt?"

  He didn’t even turn around he just stood there, answering her without looking," Yes, Peyton?"

  Dang it, maybe she should just let him go, but she really wanted to know what he was so upset about. She thought that the meeting went surprising well. He hadn’t liked her plan of splitting up but seemed to get behind it when he realized who would be with her. He even played with her and the group when he proposed the bet. He seemed fine then so, what had happened between then and now?

  "What is wrong, do you not like the plan? We can modify it but I really think it is our best way of approaching this, you have to see that right?"

  "Oh, baby this has nothing to do with the plan."

  "Then what is it, I don’t understand what is happening here you won’t even look at me. What did I do wrong?" Peyton wanted to cringe at the desperation she heard coming out of her own mouth, but she hated feeling this way, she didn’t like that Wyatt was mad at her and she had no idea how to fix it because she had absolutely no idea what she had done wrong. When he turned around the fury in his blazing eyes astounded her, but it was the rest of him that took her breath away. He seemed bigger, more pumped up just like he had seconds before he shifted. What the hell was going on?

  "I don’t know Peyton, was there anything you said in that meeting that you would think might have the possibility of pissing me off? No, well how about the fact that you have been going lone wolf for so long that you didn’t even think to mention the fact to me before the meeting that you went by yourself to meet a bear shifter a man that you know is no good and by yourself no less?"

  "Or that you came up with some harebrained idea that if you tried to seduce the old fucker, you would get the information you wanted. Do you ever stop and think about your own safety? Does it even register in your mind? I know for a fact the fucker beat his own kids for sport, and you just walked right in there thinking that he would just roll over and give you whatever you wanted?"

  "While we are at it why don’t you explain your in-depth knowledge of the CIA’s system do you have a death wish, or maybe you’re into capture fantasies? Because all these risks you have been taking are not acceptable. You need a keeper, little girl, or maybe just a good spanking."

  Peyton hadn’t expected this she knew Bastian would be mad at her for the stunt she pulled but Wyatt she hadn't anticipated. Two words kept on churning in her brain, and they were really starting to piss her off. She had admitted to herself, and maybe even to him she couldn’t remember that she had been acting rashly but damn it at the time she felt it was her only course of action not to mention the fact that she had succeeded.

  "Quit treating me like a child, Wyatt I am no one’s little girl. Where to do get off for all intent and purposes we have just met, this reaction is way overboard for what I did. I know the man or more specifically men like him. I was in a public place not standing in an alley or confronting him in his home where there wouldn’t have been any witness if he decided to strike out at me. I admit the seduction thing wasn’t one of my brightest ideas, but I got what I went there for didn’t I, without any problems."

  "Damn it, Peyton, if you want me to stop treating you like a child then fucking act like an adult with the brain God gave you. You had options you just choice not to use them. One phone call Peyton and you wouldn’t have been in danger. Do you even realize that is all it would have taken? Shit, you could have called Bas or Tory, and either of them would have backed you up or found a way to get the information without putting yourself out there. Shit, you could have contacted me, Wyatt said hitting his chest to accentuate his stance. I would have come in a fucking heartbeat."

  Peyton was so stunned by Wyatt’s reaction she really didn’t know what to say or do next. She had been alone for so long she never really weighed her options in the way he was stating them. She hadn’t wanted to get Bastian involved because she didn’t want to worry him or have him questioning her about Judy. But Tory damn Peyton knew she would have helped and not once had she even considered bring her in on what she had planned. He was right she always relied on one person and one person only, herself. It was easier that way no one could let her down, and Judy couldn’t get her claws into the people she cared about and that right there was the real problem. Peyton knew it was time to deal with her mother and start forming real relationships she couldn’t let them woman drag her down anymore.

  Peyton wasn’t ready to let her new resolve show just yet. She needed to think and figure out a way to let people in. It had been so ingrained in her to push people away she never realized the damage she caused by doing it. Shit even Bastian the one person she considered herself to be closer than anyone else really didn’t have a clue into who she really was as a person. She let him make his own assumptions and she never once tried to alter them. She also never once pushed for them to get closer. She craved it but never once did she encourage a closer relationship and what did that really say about her.

  Deciding that she was going to act just like the child he accused her of being Peyton started to answer his questions at least the easy ones, the others would have to wait for another time. "Wyatt I have been hacking the CIA for years. I know what I am doing, and I am not in any danger of detections. I know what I am doing, and you know that too. As for Bastian’s dad, well I might not have thought that out but I needed to know what Judy was up to and I knew Frank would tell me. I have watched Judy play him and many other men multiple times. I might not be the femme fatale she is but with the right costume I didn’t do too bad, I got the information I needed."

  Wyatt turned back around and went through the door," shit you still don’t fucking get it. You have people that care about you Peyton. I fucking care about you, when are you going to acknowledge that and let us fucking help you. You’re not alone."

  Peyton got up from the chair and followed Wyatt out of the room. He was now standing in front of the couch running his hands through his hair. His shoulders and back were tight with tension and Peyton could see the veins in his neck bulging. She didn’t like it, she caused this and needed to fix it. It might take a little piece of her soul, but that was exactly what she planned on doing.

  Saying the words barely above a whisper she said, “I’ve always been alone Wyatt, I don’t know any other way to be. But I want to try, but I need you to show me the way.”

  Wyatt turned around and starting walking towards her at first Peyton wasn’t quite sure what he was planning on doing, her flinch was unexpected and unwanted, and the look in Wyatt’s eyes nearly gutted her, she saw the pain in them but also regret. And something else she hadn’t seen before he looked at her like she had witnessed Jacks looking at Ryleigh and the promise that brought could bring her to her knees. This man truly did care about her, and she cared just as deeply for him.

  The months and months of communication had built a foundation Peyton just hoped it was strong enough to still hold when he finally beat down all her walls. When he opened his arms, and embraced her the relief she felt was palpable. Laying her head on his chest, she let his robust and steady heartbeat sooth her frazzled nerves. That little confession had taken so much out of her, Wyatt Green was dismantling her and putting her back together faster than any assembly line.

  "Thank you, baby. Thank you for trusting me enough to want to try. I promise I will do everything in my power to give you what you need." When he started to crease, her back Peyton began to squirm his touch felt so good, if she could bury herself in his body for these feelings to continue she would. When his hand ventured down to her butt, she was kind of shocked. This had been such a tender moment she hadn’t expected the move but when he squeezed said butt cheek and said," Now I think we need to talk about that spanking." Peyton froze," What?"

  "Your ass has had a starring role in m
y dreams for a while now but damn baby it is way better than anything I could have made up in my mind. It’s a perfect balance of plump yet firm and damn your skin is so pale and creamy my cock is aching thinking about the warm pink I could place on it with the slap of my hand."

  Peyton could feel his arousal pressed against her stomach and the evidence empowered her, she wanted this man to want her as much as she wanted him. He was everything and more than she dared to imagine, the truth be told she wasn’t exactly opposed to a little bit of pain. Especially if it came from Wyatt and ended in a much more pleasant way. But she couldn’t let him get away with that statement so easily. She had a feeling many people bowed to Wyatt’s will, and she wasn’t going to be one of them. If they were in this, then they were in it together.

  "I don’t know Wyatt you seem to be obsessed with my ass it’s starting to get a little creepy, Peyton laughed coyly. Stepping out of his embrace, dislodging his insistent hand on her butt. Then she turned and walked away but couldn’t resist just one more little comment, so she looked over her shoulder and said, “I like a little slap and tickle as much as the next girl, but you have to earn that right with me.” with a wicked little smile on her lips.

  Wyatt was on her in a blink of an eye, his forearm locked under her heavy breasts and his hand at her hip then he leaned down and whispered in her ear," Oh, baby I will definitely earn that privilege, your ass is so mine. But one thing you should know before we go any further let's get one thing clear this is a hell of a lot more than a little slap and tickle. Your mine Peyton, you might not get what all of that means but you will. Shifters know instinctually when we have met our mate, and for me, that is you, baby."

  Peyton stiffened and tried to move away, Wyatt only moved her closer. " Mates?" "Yes, Peyton mates. I know it’s true can’t you feel it, the connection the chemistry. We have been drawn together for months being together now in person only increases the need for touch, taste, and connection." He pulled her back further into him to emphasize the fact with the hard rod planted firmly in her backside.


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