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Wyatt: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 3)

Page 23

by Chelsea Handcock

  "Shit I didn’t even think about the dog’s what are you planning?"

  "Well, you know how I trained my dogs to recognize Bastian, I also taught them to recognize Judy’s scent as well. With Alpha and my babies, we will know the minute she steps foot on my property. Then it is just a matter of detaining and questioning her and finally getting her out of my life for good."

  The team minus Jacks and Ryleigh made their way to Peyton’s house in the mountains. Making sure that Alpha presence wasn’t known Peyton took on the duties she had before all this had started trying to appear as life as normal as possible. It only took two days for Judy to take the bait. When the knock at the door sounded, Peyton was anything but surprised, she had heard the dogs out in the wild barking her arrival and the fact that she had brought help. She relayed all of this to the Alpha Team members who were hidden around the property. Opening the door, she was surprised to see Judy crying and frantic.

  "Peyton, you need to come with me they have Bastian. I didn’t know what they were going to do, but if you don’t hurry oh Peyton, they are going to hurt him, bad. I didn’t know!" she cried and carried on with her theatrics. Peyton didn’t fall for the act; Judy was trying to get her to leave with the only thing she knew would affect Peyton.

  "Cut the crap Judy, I know Bastian is alive and well and nowhere near the people you have been working with. Why don’t you tell me exactly what you want Mother?" Peyton said with a distaste for using the word that did not describe the woman standing in front of her.

  Judy came out of her distressed crying act so quickly it was almost scary. " Oh, so you think you have it all figure out do you, why Peyton you have no idea what is really going on. It really doesn’t surprise me you were always quite naïve and gullible weren’t you, too bad it took you so long to develop a backbone I could have used that but no worries I found another way to make my sacrifice all these years finally pay off," she laughed.

  "If I had known it would take over twenty-five years to get paid for pushing you out, I would have let the bastards at the lab have you back then, oh well." she said pulling a gun from her pocket," no need to look back now is there. But let’s get some things straight once, and for all you are not my daughter, you Peyton are my payday."

  Peyton only uttered one word, "Angriff." Judy didn’t know what hit her as Brut lunged from her side dislodging the gun from her hand. The mighty pit had her on the ground with his jaws clamped over her throat in a matter of seconds. Judy was visibly shaken but didn’t utter a word.

  Peyton couldn't help but taunt her a bit. "Now, Judy, you need to know a few things, I never thought you were my Mother, but I am happy to finally have confirmation of that little fact. Also, you might want to stay really still right about now. You see my dogs are the best-trained animals around all it will take is one word and the bane of my existence will be gone once and for all. I find it really ironic that one of the things you always taunted me with is the thing that has finally brought you down, you never did understand why my dogs meant so much to me did you?"

  "No don’t answer that I really don’t care," noticing movement from behind her Peyton’s said, "Declan have the others been taken care of?" "Yep, she came prepared sweetheart, six armed men. We have them in custody, and if you give Zeus the order, I will take her off your hands for good." "My pleasure, rot in hell Judy" and then she commanded," Freisetzung" and Brut released the woman walking back to sit at Peyton’s side with a smile on his face that only a Pit Bull could pull off.

  Some of the guys took the prisoners away while Wyatt stayed behind with Peyton. " What now honey? I want to go home, Wyatt. Can we just go home?" "You got it sweetheart home it is."

  Peyton wasn’t involved with the questioning of Judy or the men she had hired to help her abduct Peyton. The suits that Judy had been working with were not with the group that hand invaded Peyton’s property, they had waited back in town for Judy to bring Peyton to them but they hit a snag in their plan by the name of the Ruthless Bastards MC. Unfortunately, they didn’t make it through that snag, so the Alpha team wasn’t able to question them, but Judy was another story, and she sang so much they couldn’t get her to shut up, they also couldn’t trust what information without backup which Judy had surprisingly enough.

  As it turns out Bastian was right, Judy had agreed to be a surrogate for a company that offered big bucks for healthy children. She had left before she gave birth thinking she could get more money out of them holding the child for ransom but quickly became spooked because she figured out that after she had given birth, she was no longer of any use to the people that had paid for her to become pregnant.

  The suits wanted to retrieve Peyton, but the bigger prize was the Alpha Team by all accounts they didn’t know what the people they worked for wanted the guys for, but the money was right, so they really didn’t care. Peyton was a bonus her surrogate was more than willing to give up letting the suits know that Pandora wanted her as well. Yes, it was confirmed Pandora was behind the ransom that had been placed on all their heads.

  Chapter 28

  Peyton and Wyatt found out that she wasn’t pregnant and decided it was best if they waited a while to bring children into the world and to give themselves time to get to know each other better. Winter was in full force, and Peyton enjoyed the family time. Ryleigh was getting close to her due date and watching Jacks follow her around like he was ready to catch the baby if it just happened to pop out was hysterical.

  Peyton regretted that she wasn’t able to get into Davis Defense to plant her worm. But she understood Declan would take care of it. He had a plan that he hadn’t included any of the team in on, Peyton knew he was trying to keep them all of the safe and she loved him a little for it. The man took his role as honorary Dad to heart. Declan considered all the people that served with him his family and Peyton decided that she was going to adopt him herself. So, that is why on a stormy winter day, Peyton, Wyatt, Bastian, and Declan made their way down to the County Courthouse and made it official. No, they didn’t get married they legally changed her name from Peyton Carlton to Peyton Green, and it was the best day of her life and Declan standing there like her proud papa was the final string that Peyton needed. She had a family, Wyatt was the center, but all the others completed the circle.

  That name was the final thread linking her to Judy and her childhood. Wyatt was her future, along with Bastian and the entirety of the Alpha Team.

  On the way, back to the lodge, Peyton was surprised when Wyatt pulled off the main drag onto a little driveway," Where are we going, Wyatt?" " It’s a surprise baby one I think you will really like." At the end of the driveway sat a log cabin with a wide covered porch. Peyton was confused but figured okay, from what she knew they were on Alpha property still, but she didn’t know there were other houses.

  Wyatt asked her to wait for him as he jumped out of the SUV and walked around the front to her door, when she went to get out he picked her up and carried her to the door. Opening the door to the cabin, he said, "Welcome home baby. “Still confused she asked, "Home? “" Yeah baby I had this built for us, I like living at the lodge, but sometimes it can be a little bit intense I wanted somewhere we could just be us, he laughed."

  "We can even run around naked if we want. Best of all you can give me all those noises you tried in vain to hide last night. I know you are holding back not wanting the other to hear, now you can let go." The cabin was beautiful an open concept kitchen family room greeted them with a massive stone fireplace dominating the room someone had already lite a fire making the beautiful room warmer and inviting. Wyatt walked her to the fireplace laying her down onto a pallet of quilts and pillow that had been sprinkled with rose petals.

  Next, to the pallet, Peyton noticed champagne was chilling in a bucket of ice, and a covered plate waited right next to it. " Who did all this?" "The ladies helped, but it was my idea," Wyatt laid down next to her and said," Today you took my name, but you have been living in my soul since the day you were born.
Peyton Green I love you with all of my heart, my bear has claimed you, and we have been blessed by the gods. I have bound you to me in every way I can, and it is still not enough."

  "I am only content while deep inside your body where I know I belong, where we are one." Choked up Peyton could say much except for "I love you, Wyatt, since the first time I saw you to the last breath I take, I love you.”

  The End.

  Sebastian’s book is coming soon. And there will be a little surprise to go along with that book. A new MC series the Ruthless Bastards.

  Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the newest adventure with NAC & The Holly Group. If you liked Wyatt and Peyton’s story, please take a little time to leave a review. Even a few stars help.

  Authors Note:

  They say it takes a village to raise a child. I get that what I didn’t know when I first started writing these stories was it took a village to write a book. I have had so much support and encouragement I will always be eternally grateful.

  Sadie as always you are the bomb. I didn’t give you much time and you pulled through like a trooper. We will get to that steak dinner sometime. (Sorry inside joke.)

  To my sister, you always have my back and that is something I will never be able to repay you for, thanks for always being there. Thanks for the encouragement and supporting my dreams.

  To my husband, I know I make you want to pull your hair out sometimes but your unwavering support and confidence in my abilities astounds me every single day.

  To my reader’s thanks for giving a nobody a chance. I hope you stick with me and discover all the trials and tribulations yet to come. I hope I leave you guessing but most of all I hope I leave you intrigued. Enjoy the ride and happy reading.




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