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Feel the Fire (Hotshots)

Page 16

by Annabeth Albert

  “Too exhausted to argue too loudly with that.” Giving him a tired smile, Luis buckled up. Tucker didn’t miss his wince as he shifted in the seat either.

  “What else can we do for you? Meds? Heating pad?” Tucker started the slow trek back to the main road, following a line of other vehicles leaving the fire camp.

  “I took a dose of an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory a while ago. I don’t like taking the stronger stuff unless the pain is way worse than this. This is just how chronic issues tend to go—flaring up when it’s least convenient. I know I look a little worse for the wear, but a good night’s sleep on a decent mattress will go a long way to getting me back to normal.”

  “I splurged on a quality orthopedic mattress when I bought the house. And my offer of a back rub still stands.”

  “Sounds tempting.” Groaning, Luis stretched again. His flexing triceps made Tucker remember how his cat had stretched on top of the fridge when he’d visited.

  “And how about Blaze? Do we need to stop by your hotel, pick up her and a change of clothes for you?”

  “She’s generally good on her own—I left multiple bowls of water in case anything spills, the automatic dry food dispenser, and a second litter box, and let the front desk know the situation. But even though it’s out of the way, I’d probably feel better checking on her. And clean clothes sound great.”

  “It’s a plan then. Food, your place, then my shower.”

  “Tucker?” Luis’s voice dropped lower and softer, and a quick glance revealed that his face had gone decidedly more tender.


  “You’re a nice guy. I was about to give you crap for going into dad mode on me, trying to fix everything, but then I realized you’ve always been like this. Caring about me. Taking care of little details.”

  “I try.” The back of Tucker’s neck heated. “I mean, I know I didn’t always do the best job of thinking about your needs—”

  “We were kids. There were things we both could have done differently. I meant what I said last week. I own my part in what happened. Quit beating yourself up for the past, because I’m sure as heck not dwelling on it, not when the here and now is so enjoyable. And I mean it. You’re a good guy.”

  “Thanks.” He let a few more miles tick by, absorbing Luis’s praise, and during that time, Luis shut his eyes.

  Tucker let him rest until their stop for food. Giant piping-hot burgers and a basket of fries to share had seldom tasted so satisfying. They were far from the only forest service people who had stopped for food there, making for a lively atmosphere but not particularly date-like, making Tucker all the more eager to be alone again.

  “Okay, that was worth the food splurge.” Luis’s smile was at least a little wider as they resumed their drive, heading south to Blaze, who greeted them with the full force of her disapproval, meowing loudly as they entered the suite, then turning her back on them and stalking off.

  “I’m going to change her water and such, but I’m not going to bring her to your place.” Luis made quick work of his tasks. “In this mood, she’s likely to climb your blinds or scratch the sofa before settling in to ignoring us again.”

  “Makes sense. I don’t mind taking the risk though, if you’d feel better bringing her.” Tucker tried to pet the cat, but she swished her tail and jumped out of reach onto the counter. Simply the prospect of spending the night with Luis had him more energetic despite the days of little sleep, and he’d put up with the cat if it made Luis more likely to stay.

  “No, I think she’s fine here.” Grabbing clothes out of his dresser, Luis quickly filled his backpack with essentials.

  “You can bring...” Tucker nodded at the nightstand, hoping Luis could read his mind without him needing to spell this out.

  “Yeah?” Luis got the hint, retrieving the bottle of lube and putting it in the bag’s front pocket. “Not too tired?”

  “Apparently not.” He had to laugh at his own eagerness, which honestly delighted him. Being this interested in sex with a specific person was still unfamiliar to him, and the arousal Luis inspired felt good, like champagne bubbles in his veins or like sampling a dessert he only rarely got to have. “Wade brought me condoms the other day.”

  “Wade did what now?” Luis gave a slow blink as he zipped up the bag.

  “I think it was supposed to be his seal of approval or something, but anyway, I now own condoms. But not lube.”

  “I see.” Luis rubbed his chin.

  “My main priority though is getting you feeling better. Hot shower. Back rub if that helps. I’m not saying we have to have sex of any kind, but I also figured you might be feeling better by morning...”

  “Oh, I’m feeling better right now, simply knowing that you’re thinking about sex.” Chuckling, Luis started to heft his backpack, but Tucker grabbed it from him.

  “Let me save your back.” He pointed at the door. “And if the cat is squared away, you can think more about sex in the car.”

  “Aye, Captain.” Luis gave him a tired-but-still-wolfish smile. “Tell me you’re joining me in this magical shower you keep promising me.”

  “If you want.” Tucker led the way back to the SUV, and Luis waited until they were both buckled up to speak again.

  “You do know that just because Wade gave you condoms, we don’t need to do anything that requires them, right? I’m perfectly fine with what we’ve done so far, and I’ve been in long-term relationships where anal wasn’t on the table for a variety of reasons. I don’t want you feeling pressured by me or anything else.”

  “I want to.” The very tips of Tucker’s ears were on fire as he headed toward Painter’s Ridge. “I’ve never... I’ve been curious before, but there’s never been anyone I felt comfortable with enough to go there with. Not sure when the opportunity will arise again, honestly, so yeah I’d like to try that with you, if it’s something you enjoy.”

  “I enjoy.” Luis’s laugh had a tight edge to it, and Tucker couldn’t tell if he was turned on or if his back was bothering him again. Then their eyes met at a stoplight, and the heat there stole his breath for a second. Turned on it was. “Can you get a little more specific with what it is you want? I’m rather vers, so I’m happy to be your...experiment either direction.”

  “I didn’t mean that you were convenient,” Tucker was hasty to explain. “More like I feel so close with you, and I really want to know what it’s like to get fucked by someone I care about, but also very specifically you.”

  “I get it.” Laughing more readily now, Luis gave him a quick pat. “I appreciate that. A lot. And my back is feeling better by the second, thinking about fucking you through that mattress of yours.”

  “Don’t make me tempted to speed. And only if your back is truly up for it. I’ve waited this many years. I can wait until you’re able.”

  “Trust me that my cock is doing everything it can to make that happen.”

  “Don’t exhaust it before I have a chance to.” Chuckling, Tucker began counting down the miles to home, to having Luis in his shower and in his bed at last. It was strange how very right it all felt, like they’d been destined to end up here all along.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “And here we are.” Tucker flipped on the light to the bathroom after Luis set his bag near Tucker’s bed. The rest of the drive back and the race upstairs made him feel like a teen again, desperate to be alone with Luis, willing to trade an awful lot for a room with a door that locked. And now they had that, and despite his tiredness, time stretched deliciously in front of him, a whole night with Luis. Unable to resist, he wrapped Luis up in a hug from behind.

  “Okay, now that’s a shower.” Luis sagged against him, gesturing at the shower, which occupied most of the far wall. The bathroom itself was a bit much for a single guy—sage-colored walls, double vanity, walk-in closet, separate toilet stall, but the glass-and-tile
shower was definitely the star. He’d agreed to double showerheads for resale value, then added a rain-type upper shower for his own indulgence.

  “Told you. Choice was a big walk-in like this or a soaking tub, and I’m not really the tub type. But I did upgrade the fixtures in here.” Releasing Luis, he busied himself with fetching towels for them.

  “I love it. I may move in tomorrow.” Chuckling, Luis started removing his clothes.

  Please. Do. But somehow he managed to snort, not reveal that private wish.

  “Seriously, this is gorgeous.” Still moving stiffly enough that Tucker felt for him, Luis finished stripping, revealing his muscled body. It was a working man’s body with several scars—upper back, arms, and one across his thigh. However, to Tucker, he was more gorgeous than any airbrushed model. He liked everything from the gleaming tats to his already half-hard cock, and all of it made his own blood hum.

  Sliding back behind Luis, he dropped a kiss on his shoulder. “So are you.”

  “Flatterer. I’m a dusty mess.”

  “But a cute one.” He managed to sneak in a neck kiss before Luis wiggled away.

  “Less compliments, more naked.” Luis flipped the shower on while gesturing for Tucker to get busy.

  “Okay, okay.” Tucker made fast work of undressing, slipping into the shower right behind Luis, who turned to give him an appreciative look.

  “That’s more like it.” Luis tilted his head, getting his hair and body wet before he moved closer to Tucker, looping his arms around him, pulling him close for a soft kiss.

  “Yeah, it is.” Not ready to let him go, Tucker held him tighter, bestowing a kiss of his own. This one started like kindling catching a spark in winter, soft glow, gradually increasing in warmth until there was a powerful blaze, heating him from the inside out. They went from trading little sips and nips to Luis backing him against the wall, all out claiming his mouth. The tile was cool against his back while Luis was warm and urgent against his front, and the contrast was enough to make his cock pulse.

  “Damn.” Breathing hard, Luis moved so that their hard cocks brushed, making them both moan. “You’re going to distract me from my plan to soap you up.”

  “Me first.” Tucker grabbed a bottle of body wash and squirted some in his hand, gleefully lathering up Luis’s chest and arms, reveling in his smooth, slippery skin. Laughing, Luis retaliated by getting his own palm full of soap and rubbing it all over Tucker as he continued his mission to touch as much of Luis as possible.

  “I’m not sure we’re supposed to have this much fun.” Still grinning, Luis moved so that they could both rinse off.

  “Sure we are.” Tucker pulled him back into his embrace for a quick kiss.

  Luis’s eyes danced. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “Of course I am...fuck.” His voice went from boast to groan as Luis fisted his cock, stroking slowly. “You’re too good at that.”

  “Mmm. Just you wait.” Licking his lips, Luis raised his eyebrows.

  Unfamiliar need unspooled in Tucker’s gut. He wanted. His body wasn’t entirely sure what yet, but simply that look was enough to unleash a powerful urgency. Behind the need was a tremor of nerves, worry that Luis had way more experience in this sort of thing. “That confident?”

  “Take pride in your skills.” Luis shrugged, adjusting his position so that the spray rained down on his back. “That’s what my abuela was always saying.”

  “Somehow I doubt she meant that.” Tucker moved so that even more water could massage Luis’s back.

  “Point. But I still stand by my claim. It’s not bragging when it’s true.” Arching into the spray, he briefly closed his eyes.

  Not even Tucker’s dreams had ever conjured up such an arousing sight, and again he worried that maybe he’d be the one letting Luis down. He exuded sex appeal while Tucker...well, he was Tucker.

  “Now I’m the one worried I won’t live up to your lofty standards,” he finally admitted as he took a minute to actually shampoo and wash instead of simply finding more excuses for making out. “I haven’t... I’m not sure of all the moves and rules.”

  “There’re no rules. Only what feels good.” Luis punctuated his words by pulling Tucker close again and giving him a lengthy kiss that went a long way to chasing out Tucker’s nerves. Luis’s eyes were tender, like he knew something of Tucker’s unease. “And it’s you. It’s going to be good, even if you change your mind about the fucking part.”

  “Not changing my mind. I want this with you. For exactly that reason. It’s you.” Not releasing Luis, he gave him a firm but fast kiss.

  “It’s us.” And with that, they were kissing again in earnest, Luis backing him into the corner until they were rocking together, lips and tongues and teeth combining to get him back to that needy, urgent place.

  “Damn. I wish we could stay right here forever,” he groaned when Luis finally let him up for air.

  “Your water heater might have something to say about that.” Luis laughed, which honestly was probably better than him taking Tucker seriously. Forever wasn’t on the table, and he didn’t need the burden of knowing how much part of Tucker wished it was.

  “True.” He echoed Luis’s light tone. “And your back.”

  “Quit worrying about my back. The hot water was exactly what I needed. And you.” He gave Tucker another lingering kiss before finishing his own washing.

  “Good.” When he was done, Tucker flipped off the water, which was indeed starting to cool.

  “Now show me to your bed.” Luis grabbed a towel and handed one to Tucker. “Shower fucking is probably not what I’d recommend for your first time.”

  “I gotta admit, I’m intrigued, but yeah, you’ve got a point.” Toweling off quickly, he led the way back to his room where he turned on the gas fireplace and adjusted the dimmer. “Now, where were we?”

  “Here.” After grabbing the lube from his bag, Luis steered him toward the bed. Stretching out, Tucker made room for him, cuddling him close.

  Luis rolled so he could peer down at Tucker, leg brushing Tucker’s cock before he settled more firmly against him. The electric sensation of their skin meeting had Tucker gasping. “And maybe here?”

  “Definitely there. More of that.”

  Indulging Tucker, Luis gave him slow kisses and even slower grinding together until Tucker was thoroughly drunk on every single thing about this.

  “I could kiss you all night.” He stroked Luis’s cheek, running his finger down his bristly jaw. Neither of them had shaved, but Tucker found he loved the contrast.

  “We might fall asleep in the middle.” Luis gave him a playful kiss on the nose. “I think we’re still running on adrenaline.”

  “Always so practical. But true. We better hurry before one of us starts snoring.”

  “Now that’s romantic.” Dipping his head, Luis licked Tucker’s neck.

  “I’ll show you romantic.” Tucker tugged him back up for a thorough kiss.

  “Yup. That works.” Smiling, Luis wiggled backward, sending more friction against Tucker’s aching cock. He moved until he was low enough to nip at Tucker’s chest. “But my turn now.”

  “Mmm. I like your turn already.” Stretching, he arched into Tucker’s roving mouth, groaning more when Luis sucked at one of his nipples. It wasn’t electric, like his cock, but still arousing.

  “You’ll like this even more.” Holding eye contact, Luis continued his trek south pausing with his lips millimeters from Tucker’s cock.

  “Fuck. Yes. That.” He made a rather undignified whimper until Luis took pity on him and flicked his tongue all along his shaft. Then, right when Tucker was about to really start begging, he sucked him in deep.

  “I want to finger you open while I suck you, okay?” Luis reached for the lube. “Want you nice and warmed up.”

  “Oh, I’m warm. Burning.” Tucke
r took the opportunity to grab a condom from the nightstand where he’d stashed them. He tossed it next to Luis.

  “This? You’re barely at code yellow. I want you all the way to red. Spontaneous combustion.”

  “Sounds messy.” Tucker had to laugh with him. Joking like this, even this turned on, felt wonderful, another layer of something to share. And he was pretty sure the only extreme warning level risk was to his heart, not his body.

  Not that Luis’s efforts to turn him on more were in vain though. Once Luis began teasing him with slick fingers, his nerve endings all jangled even louder, that need he’d felt in the shower back now, stronger.

  “Yes. That.” He tried to be encouraging even as speech was rapidly failing him.

  Rubbing little circles around his rim, Luis resumed a slow rhythm of taking Tucker’s cock deep with his mouth, holding his cock there, and gradually getting firmer with his touches at the same time. It felt...good. Powerful. Alive, even, like a whole new part of his body was coming online. He’d experimented some on his own, but it had never felt this intense.

  Gasping a little, he bit his lip as Luis pressed a finger in. “Okay...”

  “Still with me?” Luis licked idly at Tucker’s cockhead.

  “Uh...” Tucker opened his mouth to say that maybe it was too much, but then Luis moved his hand, finger delving deeper, curving, and all he could do in the end was moan. He knew perfectly well what a prostate was, but he hadn’t realized that his was apparently hardwired to his cock, which pulsed with every caress from Luis. In fact, he’d assumed much of what he’d heard was exaggeration, but there was no mistaking how hard even the slightest contact made him.

  “More,” he groaned because he wanted to know now what else could feel this good. If one finger lit him up like a Christmas tree, then two or even Luis’s cock might be like a whole bodily carnival, might do something about this rising urgency inside of him.


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