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The Warrior Woman

Page 17

by Evelyn Lederman

  “It is nice to meet you,” Tolfer answered. “Can we get this over with so I can go home and take a long, hot shower?” His hands were covered with his soul mate’s dried blood. He had a layer of ash from the fires that destroyed most of the Utopia village coating his entire body.

  “Fine,” Stelalyn replied. “Why did you enter the portal after Candace and Kelog? That was quite a sacrifice to make for someone you went to school with but did not maintain a relationship with over the years.”

  “I did not go after Kelog,” Tolfer said. “Candy was staying with my parents and in the short time she lived there we became friends. At the time I did not know why Kelog did what he did. I could not let Candy face what was before her alone.”

  “That is admirable,” Prime Adholm added, taking over the interview. “Tell me about your dealings with my daughter in that universe.” Tolfer knew he was not talking to a mind control telepath, but a father.

  “She was present when we first arrived,” Tolfer shared with him. “I figured she saved our lives. We were traded to the Utopian village shortly after arriving. Candy’s grandmother found out she was in the village. Chartail would visit from time to time while Alaura’s daughter visited her father near the portal. Your daughter held up well, considering. When our rescuers came, Chartail led them to us while we were under attack by the portal guardians. If they had arrived any later, I do not know if anyone would have survived. Your daughter is one of the reasons the villagers are still alive. She lives among them now, free of the sexual servitude she was subjected to.”

  Tolfer did not feel the need to mince words with Prime Adholm. He was partially responsible for the policies over the years that led to both the creation of the penal colony and what drove his daughter to do what she did. The Prime was also one of the men who could change how they dealt with the penal colony in the future.

  He could see his words hit the mark. Prime Adholm looked stricken. Tolfer needed to hit while the target was still in sight. “There are children that need to be cared for in that world now. Perhaps one day even your own grandchild. Necessary supplies need to be sent through the portal immediately. Medicines and more med-tech kits are sorely needed to care for those who were injured in the attack. What resources they had must be used up by now.”

  “Yes, yes,” Adholm muttered. “I will see to it personally. Do you think Chartail would appreciate some of her things sent with the next shipment?”

  It was clear to Tolfer that Prime Adholm was not handling things well. The man could barely hold it together. Guilt associated with his daughter was consuming him. At no time during the interview did he feel the pull of mind control telepathic powers on his brain.

  Stelalyn finally rejoined the conversation. “Tell me about the Nightshade vampires’ involvement.”

  Tolfer shrugged his shoulders. “We were losing and then the vampires entered the village. I had screaming children in my arms hearing the cries first of their parents and then the enemy. It was my job to protect them. I did not see the vampires attack. Only after the battle was done did I venture out and see the devastation around me. Most of the huts we used for shelter were destroyed. The village was still smoldering and we were all feeling the negative effects in our lungs. I do not know what else to tell you.”

  The intelligence officer stared at him. Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears. Tolfer figured the interview was over as she got up and left the room.

  “Thank you for letting me know my daughter is safe now,” Prime Adholm said. “You can join the others in the conference room. I have no more questions for you.” The Prime stood and made his way to the door. He hesitated for a brief moment before turning to address him once more. “I will make sure things are set right for the welfare of those children and my daughter. Perhaps one day we can bring them home.”

  Tolfer was not far behind Prime Adholm upon the completion of the interview. He made his way to the conference room hoping Candy would be there. She had been very emotional earlier and he was concerned about her interview. To date Candy held up extremely well under pressure. The question was, how much more could she take before she truly fell apart? Earlier she had cried with relief. She still had not dealt with the tolls of war.

  If Candy was asked the same question again for the millionth time she was going to scream. She knew one proper cross-examination technique was asking the same question over and over again. Sometimes the question was phrased different ways. The interviewer’s job was to find a hole in her story or an inconsistent answer. On top of her frustration in going over the same items over again and again, the mind control pull on her brain was causing a headache. As her patience wore thin, the headache increased in intensity.

  “I don’t know what else I can tell you,” Candy yelled at the people across the table from her. Rubbing her forehead did little to relieve her pounding head. She was sick and tired of being treated like a criminal. It was not her fault Kelog shoved her into the portal or that she was rescued. “My grandmother is dead and so is my psychotic aunt. She barely talked to me about my mother and how much she loved her. The actions my mother took were ancient history. Early on she told me not to mention my mother again. Alaura’s focus was on the survival of the Utopia community and controlling her insane daughter.”

  She cried out to Tolfer through the soul mate channel. He was done with his interview and was waiting for her to be finished with hers. Tolfer tried to calm her. His words did little to impact the anger and pain building inside her.

  “Did your grandmother mention where Benko Jarlyn and your mother went?” her accuser asked. Candy wanted to reach across the table and punch the woman’s larynx. Her own violent reaction scared Candy. Imagine herself doing this unforgivable act gave her pause. One thing was clear, she needed out of this room.

  She took a deep breath and calmly answered the question again. “We did not talk about my mother’s activities. Each day was about surviving in that world. She wanted to get to know me, not dredge up a past neither one of us could change.”

  Candy could feel liquid running down her nose. She did not have to look at her hand as she wiped the liquid away to know her hand was covered in fresh blood. Alex had gotten numerous nosebleeds since coming to the Troyk universe so Candy was not concerned. The woman across from her did react. She stood and raced out of the room. She said something about getting her some tissues. The pull on her brain stopped.

  “I am sorry if I caused you any discomfort,” the man across from her stated. He had introduced himself when he entered but she did not remember his name. Her usual talent for remembering names had been eclipsed by the events of the day and their return to this inquisition. Candy did not bother to acknowledge his words. She just continued to wipe away the blood.

  The woman returned with a box of tissues. Candy did not bother to reach for one. “Look at me,” Candy screamed. “I am covered in blood. Do you think a little nosebleed matters today after everything I have been through? If you cannot deal with it, then leave the room. I have been stabbed today and have killed to protect innocent children. You have the nerve to sit there in judgment of me! This interview is over. I am going to take a hot shower and sleep for a century.”

  Candy got up and returned to the conference room where she knew Tolfer waited. The two people who had been interviewing her had the good sense not to follow. She could not be held responsible for the damage she would do to their bodies if they tried to stop her. None of the guards she passed attempted to stop her either. Candy immediately went into Tolfer’s arms when she was re-united with him.

  “Take me home, Tolfer,” Candy cried into his shoulder. “I can’t handle any more questions.”

  Tolfer held her for several minutes before he released her. Alex had entered the conference room as they were preparing to leave. Her friend was mumbling to herself. She looked as annoyed as Candy was angry.

  “Idiots!” Alex announced to everyone in the room. “We are surrounded by banal dolts! Did they
ask me about the Nightshade universe? No! Did they ask me about what I saw at while in the penal colony world? No! Once again I was asked about Benko Jarlyn!” Alex then screamed at the top of her lungs, “I do not know Benko Jarlyn or where he can be found!” She was lying through her teeth, but boy, was she convincing!

  The guards who were in the room seemed at a loss about what to do with Alex. Starc came into the room and let out a long whistle. “I could hear you all the way down the hall, Alexia. Although you were quite loud, I cannot disagree with what you were saying. They asked me over and over again if I knew anything about Benko Jarlyn’s whereabouts.”

  Alex approached the guard who stood next to Starc. “I demand you get my cousin Solfa Theffar here immediately or I will start ranting through the communal pathways.”

  The guard looked petrified and quickly exited the room, hopefully in search of Solfa. Through the warrior’s link Candy knew Solfa was currently in the interview room with Shirl. They had been conversing while Alex was blowing her stack. Due to her pregnancy, Alex could not hear all the comments being sent through that pathway. The once quiet Alex was certainly blowing up a lot of dust in her wake.

  Moments later the beleaguered guard re-entered the room with Solfa in tow. Alex approached her cousin. “I know you are a hotshot in this government, Solfa. But these interviews are a waste of everyone’s time. You spend most of your free time with us. Do you not think you would know if we were keeping such a huge secret from you? Plus, look at Candy. She is dead on her feet and needs to clean herself up. I cannot believe you allowed her to be questioned in her current condition. My stomach is heaving just being close to her.”

  If they were back on Earth, Candy would have embraced Alex and totally grossed her out since she was caked in blood. However, in this world they were newly-made friends and it would have been totally inappropriate. Candy figured she would have a little fun with Alex at home before she jumped into the shower. After weeks in the penal colony Candy would never again take indoor plumbing for granted.

  “I have called a halt to all the interviews that were still being conducted,” Solfa shared with them. “You can all go home and clean up. My apologies for not allowing you to refresh yourselves before the interview.”

  With those words they were free to go. By the time they made it to the main hall, the rest of the crew was waiting for them. They all headed to their respective homes. It was decided they would reconnect in the morning. Everyone had enough for the day. They just wanted to bathe and make love to their soul mates. Darden and Koel decided to meet up and hit the bars. Darden’s soul mate was on Ginkgo Terra and Koel had not found his, so they decided to get drunk.

  Candy walked alongside Tolfer as they returned to his parents’ home. She had so many decisions to make about her future in the Troyk universe. But first she wanted to shower and have her soul mate buried deep inside her.

  Chapter 18

  Water pounded on Candy’s back. She had never felt anything better. Well, that was not exactly true. Tolfer did amazing things to her that generated sensations within her she had not thought possible. Candy blushed remembering everything they had done together in the penal colony world. Her mind was captivated with her memories of her time with Tolfer while her body was being caressed by the pulsating liquid that fell from the showerhead.

  Candy had scrubbed her body from head to foot several times. At one point the water at her feet was red from washing off the dried blood that had been caked to her body. She shampooed her hair so many times she was afraid it was going to fall from her scalp. Candy was naive if she felt cleaning her body would erase the horrors of the day. She was probably facing years of therapy.

  She was so deep in thought it startled her when the shower door opened and Tolfer entered. He was as naked as the day he was born. Candy stared at his lust-filled eyes. She had fantasized about showering with a man and all that involved. It appeared her dreams were now becoming reality. As soon as Tolfer stood before her, water rushing over his glistening skin, Candy moved her gaze down his incredible body. His chest was wide and muscular. Water beaded on his pectorals and she longed to lick the liquid from his body. His member was erect and ready for her.

  He did not say anything out loud or through their pathway. She stepped into his arms without uttering a word. Candy did not want to break whatever enchantment surrounded them. His lips met hers and she breathed a sigh into his mouth. This was better than any fantasy she had earlier devised.

  “God,” Tolfer finally groaned through the soul mate link. “You taste so good. I could live to be a hundred and never tire of you.” She felt the same way but did not want to mirror the sentiment back to him.

  “I waited for you,” she told him. She communicated telepathically since she did not want to break the kiss. “Somehow I knew the perfect man was out there for me. I did not want to settle while other girls experimented with sex. I knew it was not right for me.” They had never discussed the reason she had held onto her virginity. She was not saving herself for marriage but for a soul mate she had not even known existed.

  Tolfer lifted her and placed her against the tiled wall. Her body welcomed the cold marble against her back. The rest of her was close to the boiling point being next to Tolfer. She was so hot for him she could barely stand it.

  Candy wrapped her legs around his waist and bought him closer into her body. They still had not broken that incredible initial kiss. Her still soapy hands moved from his hips and glided up his flesh, ultimately ending with them entangled in his now wet, curly hair. Candy loved his wavy black locks. Her fingers massaged his head as they deepened their kiss.

  Tolfer adjusted his hold as he drove into her. His mouth absorbed her scream. She wound his hair tighter around her fingers as she held on for the ride of her life. Releasing her mouth, Tolfer craned his head back as he let out his own cry. Her scalp started to burn as her hair was lodged between her and the wall. Tolfer masterfully stepped back, taking her with him. He backed up a few inches until he was now against the far wall of the shower. Her knees and shins now knocked against the tile as they continued to make love.

  Candy wanted more of him, but did not know how to manage it. He filled her to the hilt. She moaned into his shoulder. Her teeth gently grabbed flesh and held on as her body continued to rock. A small growl escaped from Tolfer as she continued to mark his shoulder. Careful not to draw blood, Candy nibbled gently on his tender skin. This was a different experience from watching the vampires ravage their victims today. Going forward, this was the image she would carry.

  Tolfer’s legs became a little unsteady as they both reached the ultimate orgasm together. Not surprisingly, Candy was a wet noodle in his arms. She was not ready to stand on her own two feet. He must have sensed that because he did not release her. They moved back so Candy was once again pinned to the wall. Pulling her silky strands with one hand, Tolfer swept her wet hair over her shoulder. They continued to stand there as the water from the shower cooled.

  “I think we used up all the hot water,” Candy muttered into his shoulder. She licked the teeth marks she had left as a reminder of their latest encounter.

  Tolfer released his hold on her. With one hand he turned off the water and with the other he opened the shower door. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her. The soft, warm cloth felt wonderful after the cold water. Tolfer led her out of the stall and dried her. He stood soaking wet as he ministered to her. As soon as he completed toweling off every bead of water from her body he encased her in a warm plush robe. He lifted her onto the vanity before he dried himself.

  “Tarsea and Starc are taking their soul mates out for the second seating at one of the local meeting place restaurants,” Tolfer informed her as he continued to rub the towel over his hair. The motion mesmerized her. It was so damn sexy, she could barely stand it. “They want us to go with them. It is important to act as normal as possible. The sooner our stay in the penal colony is no longer a topic in the communal pathways con
versations, the better.”

  Candy had heard about the second seating. It was when Troyk women dressed in the revealing outfits. She had been wanting to wear the lovely black creation that hung in her closet. “I’m game to go,” Candy uttered. For some reason, she did not want to sound too anxious. Maybe she was a little nervous about wearing that daring outfit.

  “Perfect,” Tolfer said as he kissed her nose. “I will quickly dress and give you time to dress and put on make-up.”

  Tolfer was gone within a blink of an eye. Candy continued to sit where she had been placed. Make-up? Never in her life had she worn cosmetics. Facing a horde of spear-carrying savages was less intimidating than applying make-up. She did not know where to start.

  Candy stared at herself in the mirror. There was more flesh showing than material covering her breasts. She knew she was stunning in the outfit. Candy was just too shy to be seen in public in such a revealing piece. Maybe she and Tolfer could have a quiet evening at home. The beautiful outfit should stay hanging in the closet.

  Tolfer’s parents were going out as well. Leenea had basically been a shut-in while her son was in the penal colony. She was inconsolable while he was gone. Tarsea told them he was afraid she was not going to release him when he came to say goodbye to them before he left to rescue his brother. Leenea had hugged her son with a grip Tarsea had never experienced from her before. He had not thought she had such physical strength.

  There was a knock on the bedroom door. Alex and her aunt Norri entered with Shirl close behind. Norri carried several bags. It did not take a brain surgeon to figure out what they contained.

  “We have come to do your hair and make-up,” Alex said as she made her way to Candy. “Well, actually Norri is going to do it. We are going to watch. She did my make-up the first time I went out with Tarsea. I was a nervous wreck. I would have gouged an eye out with the eyeliner if I had done it alone.”


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