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Page 9

by Charlie Lee

  My mind is struggling to stay in this moment when all I want to do is swing my legs off this bike and hold him.

  That’s what I do when his words sink in and his eyes plead to me that we both need it.

  “I’m so sorry, Saxon.” I wrap my arms around his waist; his chin drops to the top of my head. We may be opposites, but we sure fit together perfectly.

  “No need to be sorry, babe. It’s life and the cruel way it shapes us.” His arms pull me closer to him until I’m drowning in everything Saxon.

  “I hurt for you.”

  He pulls his head back without letting go of me. His beautiful, scarred face drops to mine. “All this pain and hurt brought us together, that’s what we need to focus on.”

  I smirk. “For being a big badass biker, you sure can go all romantic on my ass.”

  He growls and then attacks my lips. I react without thinking, opening up to him. Our tongues dance together, exploring every single space inside each other’s mouths. Saxon presses his want for me into my stomach, causing me to giggle into his mouth.

  He pulls away even though I know he doesn’t want to. “Don’t be spreading that bullshit around about me. I ain’t no Prince Charming here.”

  I crook up an eyebrow in protest. “Could’ve fooled me.”

  “Darlin’, I’ll bend you over this fucking bike and take you from behind right out in the daylight.” Saxon whirls me around.

  I can’t help the damn laughter rolling off me. His powerful palm presses down on the middle of my back while his other hand grips my hip.

  “’Bout to Prince Charming the fuck out of you, babe.”

  “Brick.” A gruff voice interrupts the playful banter. I wouldn’t put it pass Saxon to make good on his promise. I’d probably let him. I mean, come on. He’s bringing me to life. A life worth living. This might be the first time laughter has graced me in a long time. This man makes me forget everything and feel safe at the same time. It’s priceless.

  Saxon pulls me up from his bike until my back collides with his chest. He keeps both arms laced around my front.

  “Griff,” Brick barks back.

  “Church, you dirty motherfucker.” The man called Griff takes a deep inhale on his cigarette.

  “Fuck,” Saxon murmurs into my hair.

  Griff strides right back into the club with no fucks given. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell these men aren’t worried about bedside manners. Saxon begins walking us forward.

  I crane my neck. “Who was that?”

  “Our sergeant of arms. He’s a brother.”

  “What’s church?”

  “Meeting where only brothers and the prez attend. Discuss club business. Nothing behind those closed doors leaves.”

  Both of my eyebrows shoot up. I’ve entered a completely new world. It’s not until I step into the clubhouse that it hits just how far out of society these men function. It looks just like a hometown bar. Smoke thick in the air, a long bar with a man behind it pouring whiskey, a pool table, couches, tables, and a few hallways, and it’s all cloaked in dim light.

  “Brick, get your fucking ass in here,” another man hollers at him.

  He whirls me around to him, dropping his forehead to mine. “I gotta go. No questions asked.”

  I push at his chest. “Go.”

  The torture playing out in his eyes is evident. He doesn’t want to leave me, but this is his life. I don’t need an apology. I just need him to be him, and that means club business from what I’ve learned in the little amount of time.

  “You’re safe here.” He kisses me then strides right past me.

  The room Saxon disappears into is closed by a harsh slam of the door. Well, I thought I was badass when I encouraged him to go, but now it’s awkward. There are a few men walking around wearing similar cuts as Saxon’s, but theirs have the word ‘Prospect’ on them. I take a harder look around. Several women are sitting at the bar, asses hanging out. Shirts way too tight. I’m guessing whores.

  “Hey, girl.” I turn to the welcoming voice, twiddling my fingers, and manage a weak smile.

  “Come have a seat.” The gorgeous brunette pats the seat next to her. There’s another girl sitting at the table with her. I notice the row of empty shot glasses lining the bar. Oh, boy. I might be in for some trouble.

  Whores or not, I’m going to get drunk. I study the way the two women carry themselves and the confidence that oozes off them. Something tells me they’re not whores. These women belong to someone. I wonder if they are referred to as old ladies. Dumbest thing I’ve heard in my life. Learned that one from some motorcycle magazine I flipped through while waiting in line at the grocery store. These women aren’t old. They are beautiful. New rule in this club. Old ladies out. Beautiful ladies in.



  “Nothing grinds my Goddamn ass more than a man laying a hand on a woman. Unless she fucking deserves it,” Roan shouts, tosses Eden’s phone back to Curtis, and stands.

  He stayed behind to help out here. The guy is damn good at tracking people down. I can tell he isn’t having any luck.

  “You aren’t the only one. We may go around calling our women names, but that doesn't mean a thing when it comes to respecting them. My wife has my dick shriveling every time I raise my voice. She’d chop the fucker off if I attempted to threaten her. Which I’d never do,” Curtis admits. I toss back my beer. Throw the can in the trash and reach in the fridge for another. “Don’t any of you say a fucking word about what I just said, or I’ll toss you the fuck outta here. Especially you, Brick,” he adds. Didn’t take him long to figure out just what Eden means to me once I got the call back from Shorty that Eden was running. Told me to go after her and bring her here. Now he’s as pissed off as I am over Ricky and his threats. We all are.

  “Yeah, what the fuck ever. Every man is whipped. Some are man enough to admit it, is all,” I smart off. He knows I’m playing.

  With Cain and Dilan on the road with Snake and Katch, Roan has been trying to find Ricky’s location. Ain’t happening; the bastard is using a burner. We all knew he would be. Still had to check it out. No stone unturned.

  The entire time during church, I sat here half listening to Curtis rattle on about how he’s pretty sure Katch’s theory about Ricky being messed up in something other than just running. It’s drugs, gambling, or some other shit where he owes people money. We all know it is. The money he wants doesn’t have a damn thing to do with him trying to take care of his kid. The bastard is worried about saving his own ass. Pisses me off even more. Hurts my fucking brain to think he tried to pull some bullshit on my woman. That fucker is going to die by my hands. There isn’t anyone going to get in my fucking way. I don’t give a shit who he’s running from. I’ll take them down right along with him.

  “You doing alright over there, Brick? Been awful quiet,” Roan asks.

  “Hell, no. I’m fucking seething over here. In all the fucked-up shit I’ve seen in my life, this right here burns as bad as it did when my sister was killed. I feel helpless. We have some of the smartest people around looking for a weaseling motherfucker. Been looking for weeks now, and we can’t track him down.” Everyone stops breathing in the room. I swear to God they do. I never bring up my sister’s death unless I have to. That’s twice in the past hour. That’s how much this situation is getting to me.

  Roan clears his throat. I continue on. “You mentioned earlier about drugs. Not a one of us messes around with that shit. I say we start there. See if any of our connections know who Ricky is. I can’t believe they would condone him killing an innocent woman, then using his kid as a bargaining chip. I know you have as many connections all over our country as we do, Roan, let’s dig our feet into the grime and dirt a little fucking deeper.”

  “Let me call a couple chapters up north, see what I can find out,” Curtis responds.

  The two of them continue discussing our options, while the rest of us sit there looking fucking stupid. We all know now’s
not the time to butt in. My motherfucking jaw ticks to keep my damn mouth shut. I want to be in Colorado hunting this piece of shit down. It needs to end fucking now.

  “Two days. I’m giving them two days, and if they don’t find him, we make a new plan.” Curtis slams the gavel down and the men surrounding the table rise.

  “I’m flying back to New York. I’ll contact some associates to see what I can find out. They don’t deal with small-time shit. Not sure I’ll be any help to you, Brick. I’ll do whatever it takes to help you find him. I know what it’s like to be at the bartering end. You hang in there. We’ll find him, and he’s all yours when we do,” Roan says, extends his hand for me to shake. I nod, gripping it tightly.

  “I appreciate it.”

  I never sit during church. Always been too fucking anxious and prefer to have my back to a wall. Then his words sink in. Two days. I scrub my face, annoyed and pissed off. Two more days of sitting idle trying to keep Eden sane. This shit sucks.


  I look up to Curtis walking over to me while lighting a cigarette. The damn nicotine is taunting me. I’ve made good on my promise to Eden and quit. Shit fucking sucks.

  “Prez.” I jerk my chin.

  “You holding up?”

  “I’m here.” Being short with Curtis is never a good idea, but a man can only handle so much.

  He exhales a thick cloud of smoke up toward the ceiling. “No, you don’t talk much, brother, but know I got your back. Have never seen you so wrapped up into pussy.”

  I advance on him, stopping my fist before it connects with his jawline. The fucker laughs. Throws back his head and laughs so damn hard it only pisses me off more. He places the cigarette between his lips, letting it dangle there, then slaps both of his hands on the top of my shoulders.

  Curtis and I got into a scuffle outside of a bar years ago. That’s how we met. He was beating the shit out of someone. I tried to stop it. Neither one of us was backing down from the other. He ended up laughing in my face over it. Told me no one touches him and I had balls to do it. He’s been my brother, my leader, every day since.

  “Congrats, brother, you’ve officially handed over your dick to a woman. Happy for you. Now, let’s go get fucking drunk.”

  I grip the back of my head, pissed off. The ass was testing me, and it’s a good thing he was because I don’t think I could handle Curtis referring to Eden as a sweet pussy.

  “I’m all in for getting drunk,” I say, follow him out into the main bar where we both stop dead in our tracks. “What the fuck?”

  I see Eden found Caitlin and Rachel. The women are fucking louder and rowdier than all the brothers combined. Rachel has her arms extended wide like she’s telling a fucking wild fishing story showcasing her catch.

  “Shit you not!” she squeals in excitement. Her volume control long fucking gone. “He’s hung like a fucking horse.”

  Curtis elbows me, proud as hell, then cups his junk.

  “After years of marriage still begs to put it in my ass. That’s never going down. Ever.” She leans in like she’s going to tell a secret. The problem is, the level of her voice doesn’t change. “He teared up one time when I told him no. We were young and in love, and he actually thought tears were going to work on me.” The girls all toss their heads back and laugh. Yup, man is whipped. There isn't any doubt who controls his pussy getting days in this relationship.

  Eden’s face is crimson red, and I’m not sure if it’s the whiskey or flat-out embarrassment. But it’s the genuine smile lighting up her face that’s intriguing me. Curtis steps forward. I’m sure to go toss his wife over his shoulder and paddle her ass. I grab his elbow, stopping him.


  “Fuck that. My cock is going in her mouth to shut her up.”

  I jerk him back again. “Prez, my girl is smiling and laughing. Let her have this for a bit. Then you can go fuck an apology out of your wife.”

  He peers over at me and shakes his head. “Fucking pussy-whipped bastard.”

  Caitlin downs a shot, slamming the glass on the tabletop. “I like it in the ass, and if we were playing a drinking game, I just took a shot for it. Okay, Eden, your turn.”

  Caitlin claps her hands together then slaps her forehead. “Oh, and for the record, Katch is hung like a fucking elephant and I still love me some ass play.”

  I fucking swear grown-ass men turn red listening in on this conversation. None of the fuckers dare approach the prez’s wife, or Katch’s either.

  “Eden,” Rachel encourages her.

  “Um.” She nibbles on her bottom lip. “Brick has a dick.”

  “You made a rhyme!” Rachel claps, then they burst out in laughter.

  I growl to Curtis. “Are you fucking kidding me? That’s all I get?”

  Prez laughs right along with the girls.

  “Details,” Caitlin demands.

  Eden slaps her palms over her face then does me proud. “It’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen, and that includes the pornos I’ve watched, and it’s pierced!” Caitlin and Rachel’s eyes go wide.

  “Oh, yeah.” I nod my head. Although she won’t be watching any more porn. Unless it’s with me.

  “Let’s go.” I stride over to the table, creeping up on Eden. My fucking dick grew rock hard watching her. I reach down to my cock, cupping it in my hands. The dick imprint strong on my jeans. The girls straighten up when they realize they have company at the table. Eden nearly falls off her chair. She’s shit-faced wasted.

  I squeeze my dick through my jeans, making my knuckles go white, staring her dead in the eyes. “And it’s all yours, darlin’.”

  I can’t help myself from bending over and kissing the fuck out of her in front of all my brothers. I don’t give two shits if it makes me look like a pussy or not.

  “This is bullshit. A good ol’ dick talk and two vaginas have your men here.” Caitlin slaps the table as I pull away from Eden.

  Curtis wasn’t so polite, because he’s still manhandling his woman. I think history might be made in their bed tonight.

  In a swift move, I pull Eden up from the chair wanting nothing more than to march her ass down the hall to my room. I know she’s enjoying herself; she can enjoy herself with me. I want her mouth on my cock while I’m shooting back some fucking whiskey. I take her chair and then place her on my lap, so she’s straddling me. We come nose to nose.

  I mumble into her lips. “Having fun, baby?”

  She kisses me and then pulls back. “Kisses mean yes.”

  “Are you drunk?”

  She kisses me again, but when she pulls away, a hiccup escapes her.

  “Gonna fuck you all night long until the sun rises. Sound good?”

  Another kiss.

  I run my tongue over my bottom lip. “Gonna devour that sweet cunt of yours until you’re screaming.”

  Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

  “Hey, vagina biker boy,” Rachel hollers.

  I look over Eden’s shoulder to where Curtis is trying to shut his wife up. Shit, anyone else calls me that, drunk or not, they wouldn’t be sitting down right now. But Rachel is like a sister to me. She mothers all of us members.


  “Give Eden back. She’s ours.” Rachel sticks her tongue out at me.

  Fucking women and their whiskey.

  My hands tangle in Eden’s hair, pulling her lips back down to mine so I can whisper into them.

  “Gonna kiss you right now just like I’m gonna dine on that pussy tonight.”

  I attack her lips like I’m eating her out. My tongue swirls in her mouth, darting in and out. When Eden’s hips seductively begin rolling against my cock, I know it’s time to stop. I squeeze my eyes shut when I pull back, hating myself for it.

  “Gonna be over there on that couch with Curtis.” I tilt my head in the direction. “I need to catch up with you.”

  She nods. “Saxon.”

  Goddamn, the way she says my name hits me every single time.

bsp; “Yeah, darlin’.”

  “Would you freak out if I told you I was falling in love with you.”

  I smile then blink knowing she’s drunk. “No, but how about you tell me that in the morning to make sure it’s not the whiskey talking.”

  “Okay, but I’m falling in love with you.”

  I kiss her forehead. “Good, because you’re mine.”

  I stand up with her hanging on to my shirt then turn and set her down. “Let’s put some soda with your shots.”

  Curtis hollers to Slick, our bartender, for two bottles of Jack. It’s fucking delivered before we sit down on the couch. We both kick our black boots up on the table and tip back our own bottles.

  “They’re fucking trashed,” I say.

  “Fuck.” Curtis scrubs his face. “And Caitlin is staying with us until Katch gets back. Fucking cockblocker.”

  I roar in laughter. “Sorry, man, Rachel might have let you slide it right in tonight.”

  Curtis punches my arm not holding back on his force. “Talk about my wife and sliding in one more time, and I’ll fucking cut your balls off.”

  We both take a long pull from our bottles. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

  “Ass-fucker virgin,” I manage to get out between laughter.

  The whiskey is hitting me hard and fast. It must be doing the same to Curtis because he even cracks a smile.

  We all needed this tonight.



  “Have you ever given it to someone up the ass?” I ask Saxon as he lifts me off the stool, cradles me in his arms, and carries me to his room.

  “We ain’t talking about our past ever, Eden.” I think he’s slurring or he doesn’t want to hear about the men I’ve been with. Whatever. I feel too good to care. Even in my right state of mind, I wouldn’t care. He’s mine now. That’s all that matters.

  I run my tongue up his neck, stopping at the base of his ear. “I want to ride you,” I murmur.


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