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Page 11

by Charlie Lee

  “You better start running before that chain she has around your dick cuts off circulation,” I say, tip back my beer, and chuckle.

  “Fuck you. I could make you go, you know. It’s your woman who doesn’t know how to pack a bag.”

  True, but that isn’t the reason why they're going shopping, and he knows it. His daughters need new dresses for their school pictures. We all know when those two sweet angels ask for something, they get it. They may be spoiled rotten when it comes to getting what they want, but you won’t find two kids as polite and respectful as them. Curtis and Rachel are doing one hell of a job raising them. Half the time, our prez comes home with pink shit in his hair. Ain’t nothing wrong with a man giving all he’s got to his kids. Girls, boys. It doesn't matter.

  “I’ll give you that one. Not sure which one of our women’s asses looks better in those jeans,” I tease. Wink at Eden when she climbs inside the back of Curtis’ blacked-out Escalade.

  “Let me get this shit over with, and I ain’t even going to go there about you checking out my wife’s ass, fucker. You take over getting everything set up for the barbeque tomorrow. I’ll call if I hear from Katch or Roan. You do the same.”

  “Have fun.” I tip back my beer, watch him climb in and take off with my woman.

  It’s still un-fucking-believable she’s mine.

  Nothing but love for her.

  I would have never guessed I would want to settle down, let alone with a chick who has a damn good head on her shoulders. Can suck a cock like no other and feels perfect sleeping in my arms.

  Eden might be stuck somewhere close to hell right now, but I see signs of the real her peeking out more and more.

  Asking about safe sex is one of them. The other was dealing with her job.

  I blew her off this morning when she asked about my house. I have one. The thing is, it isn’t anything like what she’s used to. I’m a single man. My needs are simple. She’s used to having everything.

  I reach for my phone. Hit speed dial number one.

  “Any news?” my brother asks.

  “Not yet. Katch and a few other guys decided to hang around out there just in case. How’re Amelia and my niece?” I ask. Stand and head into the clubhouse.

  “Both of them are perfect,” he responds. I can hear the happiness in his words.

  “I’m happy for you, Zeke. You know that, right?”

  “I know, man. I also know you. Something is bothering you. Spit it out.” I can’t help but smile as I make my way down the hall to my room. Shut the door and lie down on my bed.

  “I love her, brother. I get it now. All that shit you want to do for Amelia. I want to do the same for Eden.”

  On cue, the asshole belts out in laughter.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I growl.

  “Never thought I’d see the day when my brother was pussy whipped.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “So, what’s the problem with finally finding love?” he asks.

  I throw my arm over my forehead and let it out. “She wants to see my house—”

  “Go on,” Zeke interrupts.

  “Shut your Goddamn mouth and listen, fuckface. It’s just a normal three-bedroom, two-bath house, and simple at that. The rooms are smaller than normal. No fancy shit and centered on the outskirts of the suburbs. You know all this, since you helped me pick it out.”

  “I know I did. It’s a nice house. Are you trying to tell me that you think Eden is going to walk away from you because you have a simple house that’s more than likely a nasty bachelor pad?”

  “More or less.”

  “Just another prime example that you’re a fucking dumbass. Saxon, Eden wouldn’t give a shit if you lived in a cardboard box. All you can do is give her your whole heart. It’s the most priceless object you can give her.”

  “I’m there, man.”

  “Give her your all. Be you. And enjoy the ride.”

  “I think my dick just transformed into a vagina. Enough of this mushy shit.”

  “You did always think your dick was a transformer when you were little,” Zeke gets out through bursts of laughter.

  “Bitch, you’re gonna tell that damn story at my funeral, aren’t you?”

  “Your first morning wood, and you ran into the kitchen showing Mom your dick was a transformer.”

  “Fuck off.” I smile at the memory even though Zeke can’t see me. There’re only a handful of memories like those before our life went to hell in a handbasket.

  “On another note, the board at the hospital held an emergency meeting. They granted Eden her leave of absence. Only know this shit since I’m a department head.”

  I’m stunned. “Shit, she emailed them this morning.”

  “It only happened about fifteen minutes ago. I walked out of the meeting right when you called. I’m glad she’s taking time off.”

  “Didn’t care if they were going to grant it or not; wasn’t letting her go back either way. This is the best thing for her right now. I’m glad she won’t have that worry hanging over her head.”

  “Gotta run, brother. Duty calls. If you doubt anything with Eden, summon your inner pussy-whispering abilities and show your love.”

  “Got it.”

  I end the call. My phone beeps with an incoming text. My girl.

  Eden: They granted my leave of absence.

  Me: Good, darlin’. In my room. Come find me when you’re done.

  Eden: Have a few more shops to hit up before we leave.

  Me: Buy some crotch-less panties with the cash I sent.

  I sent Eden with a chunk of cash from my stash. Hell, I have enough of it from living a simple life and not indulging in elaborate shit. My eyelids grow heavy yearning to sleep. Feel like a dick knowing Eden has to be just as tired as me.

  Everything goes black. No nightmares come or the typical anxiety that attacks me. It’s peaceful, just like the rest of my life with Eden in it.

  A soft voice purrs. Grinding down on my cock. Hands are running up the side of my hair. Sweetest dream ever. My hands glide down to the thighs straddling me. I work my hands up and down her legs. I moan. Something is wrong because I swear to God my woman’s legs are longer than these. The fuck?

  The sound of my zipper going down rings in my ears. My eyelids flutter open. Nelly, a club whore who once was my favorite, has the elastic of my boxers pulled back with her hand about to dip in them.

  “Nelly,” I growl.

  Her face lights up when she takes my greeting the wrong way.

  “Get the fuck out.” I push her hand back then point to the door.

  “Saxon, I came here to make you feel better. I’ve heard you’ve been stressed.” She tilts her head, capturing her bottom lip between her teeth. Jesus Christ.

  It’s a gesture that four months ago would make me go rock hard. Today, my cock is limp as fuck, worse than any case of whiskey dick I’ve ever experienced.

  “Saxon.” She goes to pet my chest, but I capture her wrist before she can touch me.

  “Get the fuck out, or I’ll have a prospect haul your fucking ass out.” She doesn’t listen; she stretches herself out, legs pressing against my head and pressing her chest out.

  “Tina’s going to be here in ten minutes. I was going to suck you until then. Two women have always been your favorite.” Again, all that shit came before I found me someone worth treating like gold. Not that these women don’t deserve a man to call their own. They do, but they’re the ones who keep coming back around and fucking everyone. What they do is on them, not me. I’m done with messing around.

  “Last fucking time,” I grit out. “Get the fuck out and don’t return. Spread the word among your whore friends. I’m off fucking limits.”

  Nelly leans forward until she’s inches from my face. “She’ll never be able to fuck you as good as I do. You’ll be coming back.”

  “No, I fucking will not. And, babe, you ain’t got nothing on her.”

  My grip on her wrists battle a war
of their own. I want nothing more than to snap her in half. But I ain’t that kind of man. Would never hurt a woman, but this bitch is pushing me to my limits.

  Nelly licks her lips, tucks her legs under my ass, and I’m a second away from throwing her off my bed.

  “You can lick Tina’s pussy while I suck your cock, and then fuck both of us just like good old times.”

  “Get. The. Fuck. Out. You know the rules, bitch, and you just crossed them. You do not come into a man’s room unless you are invited or you are his old lady. Which, neither one applies to you when it comes to me. You better not ever step foot in this club again. You get me?” I’m seething.

  Nelly’s head jerks back as if I’ve slapped her before I have the chance to roll her off me. Her screams fill the room. Her body flying off mine. I sit up on my elbows coming face-to-face with a pissed-off Eden.

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Saxon?”

  Nelly’s on the ground crying out in pain. Eden steps around her, getting right up in my face. Rock hard instantly. Jesus, this woman pissed off is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “This how club shit works? Let little whores dry hump you?”

  “Eden,” I warn her. She’s having nothing to with my warning. She tilts her head to the side and stares me down. Fuck me. I’m all over that ass the first chance I get.

  “I get it now. Everyone shares around here. Point taken. I’m going to take care of this trash and then go find a prospect, or hell, maybe even a brother of yours.”

  “Eden,” I roar and grab her wrist, tugging her to me. “Watch your fucking mouth.”

  Her palm connects with my cheek, leaving behind a stinging sensation. The slap startling me, making it easy for her to rip away from me. My dick tries to punch through my jeans. Eden may be pissed off right now, but she has no idea how much she just turned me on. Jealousy looks damn good on her. The fact she’s jealous and raging over me is just the sweet cherry on top.

  “Oh, no, you don’t, bitch.” Eden grabs a handful of Nelly’s hair when she stands up. “You want my man?”

  Nelly doesn’t say a word.

  “You fucking deaf? Must be, since my man told you to get the fuck out.” Eden grabs Nelly’s hair, shoving her back into the wall.

  Nelly recovers quickly. “He’ll come back. Your prissy ass won’t be enough for him. You don’t belong here. It’s not your world.”

  “Ahhh, shit.” I scrub my face and scoot off the bed before blood is shed.

  “Not my world? The last time I checked, we were all walking around on the same planet. Oh, wait, you must mean because I don’t spread my legs for all the men here. That’s it, right? Let me tell you whose world I’m in. His. He belongs to me, and if I ever catch you touching him again, I will cut you from your rotten snatch to your mouth.”

  Hot fucking damn. Pissed-off Doc is downright sexy.

  Eden cocks back her arm in a flash. There’s no bitch slap but a solid punch connecting with Nelly’s jaw. Her knees go weak, and she goes right back down. Eden jumps on her, sending punch after punch. Nelly tries to fight back. Her efforts are worthless. She begins screaming. Eden is one tough bitch, and I can’t wait to fuck her anger right out of her.

  “The fuck is going on?”

  I turn to see Curtis breathing heavily, standing in the doorway. His eyes light up at the scene before him. The cocky bastard has the nerve to smile and throw his head back in laughter.

  “Your mess. Clean that shit up.”

  I ain’t cleaning up shit. Nelly can drag her own ass out of here. I’m taking my woman to my house.

  “That bitch does not get to come back here,” I tell him.

  Eden tenses up when I slide my arms around her waist. Pisses me off that she’s shying away from me. Her back goes stiff, her anger clear as she screams out loud. I lean down and whisper in her ear.

  “Let’s go.”

  “Fuck off, Saxon!” she hollers.

  Curtis laughs even louder. Ain’t doing this shit right now. Eden’s about to learn a damn lesson right fucking now. I turn her around, slam my lips on hers for a few seconds, and then toss her sassy ass over my shoulder. She doesn’t go easily, beating my back with closed fists.

  “Put me down, asshole.”

  I ignore her as I brush past Curtis and send him a chin jerk as I do.

  “You can’t just fucking do what you want.”

  “Watch me, darlin’.” I stride down the hall.

  Curtis’ voice booms out. He’s giving Nelly the what for. That bitch won’t be seen again around this club. There are some lines you don’t cross, and she just did. I kick the front door of the club open with my boot. The bright sunshine is blinding me. I flip down my sunglasses, striding right up to my bike, then place Eden on the back.

  She doesn’t shut up. Doesn’t dare move from the back of my bike either. Damn fucking right; she’s mine, and that’s right where she belongs. I put her helmet on and buckle the strap underneath her chin. My bike roars down the road. I’m taking her to my house hoping like hell she’ll approve. The honest truth is, the open road will always be my home, not some damn wooden box posed as a house.



  The fifteen-minute ride to my house did nothing to calm down my little firecracker. She tensed up every time I put my hand on her thigh. I’m pissed.

  The minute we pull into my drive, she hops off the bike in a fighting stance. Hands on her hips as if she’s ready to throw me down. I damn near laugh.

  I ignore her, struggling to hold back the smirk on my face. I need to piss her off a little more often because it’s sexy as fuck.

  “We need to talk, Saxon.” She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing up her tits. “This isn’t going to fly with me. I don’t do this.”

  “Shut up, Eden.”

  “You know what. I don’t have to shut up. I think I told you before that I’m not one of those women you talk to like that. I deserve an explanation, damn it.”

  “Get in my house.” I wrap my arms around her waist, pushing her to the door like a stubborn child. I’m going to redden her ass in about two seconds if she doesn’t knock this shit off. Reaching around her, I punch in the six-digit alarm code to the system Katch installed when I bought this place.

  “You are a real asshole.” She elbows me in the gut with all her gusto. “Were you going to fuck her?”

  I continue to ignore her bullshit, walking her right down the hall into my bedroom. The room is pathetic at best with just a bed and a tall dresser. I slam the door with my boot then let go of her, pinning her to the wall. My body barricading her to the wall.

  Kicking off my boots, I smile at her, then slide down my jeans and boxers, and then reach back pulling my shirt off.

  My cock has been rock fucking hard since she stormed into my room at the club ready to throw down for me.

  I take a step back. Then another. Two more until the back of my legs hit the bed. Eden stares at me, mouth gaping and shock covering each of her features. My arms shoot high above my head, opening myself to her. I fall back on the bed, arms still above my head.

  I lie there open and unprotected. Giving all of me to her because she fucking owns it. Ain’t ever been a liar and not about to hold any truths back right now.

  “Are you fucking serious?” Eden throws her head to the side and places a hand on her hip.

  “You pissed?” I lift my head from the worn-out blanket-covered mattress, hooking up one eyebrow.

  “I’m fucking livid.”

  “Come take it out on me, darlin’.”

  “This isn’t a time to be fucking cheeky, Saxon!” She takes a step closer, her anger building with each ticking second. “I just walked in on you while a whore was dry fucking you.”

  “Yeah. That’s right. She. I didn’t touch her. Told the bitch I was taken.” I shrug.

  Bingo! Ignite the pistons. Showtime. Eden begins ripping at her clothes while screaming at me. I damn well know she heard me tell Nelly t
o fuck off. My vixen is still pissed, irritated, and in this frame of mind, she needs to own me.

  “Stop,” I roar, throwing my hand up to her as she sheds her last piece of clothing. “You that fucking pissed?”

  She nods her head not saying a Goddamn word. My hand finds its way down to my cock. I ain’t about being subtle or a Goddamn gentlemen. I am who I am.

  “Then take what’s yours.” I massage the head of my dick.

  “Saxon, she was on top of you—”

  I cut her off, done with this fucking conversation. Eden knows damn well I’m hers. She’s hurt by what she walked into, and I get that. But she also knows I’d never do a thing to hurt her. Her mind is so fucked right now it’s ridiculous. How she’s getting through each step of life is beyond me. If roles were reversed and it was Zeke’s child, I’d be shredding the universe. It’s what attracts me to her. She’s passionate, educated, and fucking fights for what she wants. Don’t find that authenticity often, and it’s at this moment I realize why I fell so hard for her.

  She’s my complete opposite in every possible way, placing the final puzzle piece of my life. The picture perfect. She’s my end game, and no matter the cost, I’d sacrifice everything for her happiness.

  “Take what’s yours, Eden. Work out that anger right on my dick. Ain’t gonna sit here and argue or even defend myself because you damn well know what the fuck didn’t go down in my room. Your choice. Whatcha gonna do?” I throw my head back on the bed, stroking my cock from base to tip. My balls tighten, nearing a fucking painful state. They remember how fucking blissful her cunt feels. My hand will always be a sorry excuse compared to her.

  Each of her movements is calculated and precise. It’s like watching a documentary on the Animal Planet. I’m the prey, and she’s the predator. Exactly how I wanted it. ‘Bout time, Vixen. Come eat me alive.

  “I heard what you told her, Saxon.” Her knees dip onto the mattress. “Doesn’t change the fact I saw red seeing her straddle what’s mine.”


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