Book Read Free


Page 25

by Christina Bauer

  Across the after-realms, I sense water elementals everywhere bowing onto their right knee. They speak to me in a voice that rings through eternity.

  Your Eminence. We are yours.

  A part of my essence finally clicks into place. It’s like some piece of me was always missing, and now I am whole. I turn to Maxon.

  “I feel my people,” I say with a smile. “Do you?”

  “Yeah.” He returns my grin with one of his own. “We’ve got a lot of work to do.” He leans in and whispers in my ear. “Together.”

  I do my best Maxon impression, keeping my voice low and my mojo controlled. “Yeah.”

  We share a grin and then return our attention to the Valta. They clearly want a speech, and that still isn’t my strong suit. I frown.

  “Want me to go first?” asks Maxon.

  I’m about to take him up on that, when suddenly, I know exactly what to say. “Nah, I got it.”

  “That’s my woman.” He kisses me gently on the cheek. Warmth and love radiate from his touch. I turn to face the crowd.

  “I don’t give speeches much,” I begin. “Well, at all, really. I can’t begin without saying that I wouldn’t be here without some very dear friends. Namare rescued me. Fisk sacrificed everything to keep me safe. And you all have connected me into your power. Together, we will heal our world.”

  A pulse of energy hangs in the air. I totally nailed that speech. Or at least, I’m pretty sure I did. Either way, I’m feeling good.

  Maxon winds me into a deep hug as his voice sounds low in my ear. “Good work, beautiful.” He kisses me, brief and sweet.

  Too soon, our kiss ends. Now, it’s Maxon turn to scan the crowd of faces. What will he say? Will he leave his warrior-self behind and go all statesman on me? Not that I mind that but… Okay, I would totally mind that. Maxon and fighter are one and the same to me.

  Maxon rubs his stubbled chin. “You’re all warriors, so I’ll do you the honor of being direct here.”

  A small grin rounds my mouth. That’s my guy, all right.

  With pointed movements, Maxon positions me so my back rests against his firm chest. His solid arms wind around my waist. A fluttery feeling starts up in my rib cage. I do love it when Maxon gets possessive. “There’s been a lot of bullshit around here about which element is the best. That ends today. You make Water your enemy, you make me your enemy. Everyone understand?”

  The Air Valta nod silently, their gray eyes large with surprise. A realization moves through me me as well. This is the moment Maxon whispered about on the beach. Now that he’s monarkki, he’s making his play to end Zephyr’s policy of one element being first.

  That’s my guy, again.

  “Now,” he says. “You all play by the rules and we’re good. No one’s number one anymore. No one gets hurt because of that shit anymore, either. We’re all a team now.” His voice lowers. “I know this is a big change for you. It’ll be weird for a while. Hell, it took me some time to adjust to the idea of having a battle twin, too. Trust me, once you’re there, you’ll never go back.” He turns me around to meet my gaze, and all the love and respect in the after-realms gleams in his eyes. My skin glows with joy.

  He’ll never go back.

  “You got anything to add, beautiful?”

  “No, you said it perfectly.”

  “Good.” He leans forward, nuzzling into my neck. “Now, since you already got your tiara on and all, how about we head off to Antrum and finish getting ready for your party?”

  Crap, I almost forgot. Octavia’s throwing me a ball tonight.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I say.

  We’re still holding hands when we walk away from the Water Palace, and that’s what’s I call a good day.


  I step around the floor of the Golden Ballroom, bored out of my damned skull. Lianna’s not here yet, and I know why. Octavia’s spending a million years making my woman ready for tonight. And why? She already looks beautiful.

  Plus, I miss her.

  There, I admitted it to myself. The guy who needs no one except a good demon to kill now misses his woman. I shrug. When the woman’s Lianna, that’s a good thing.

  G spots me prowling in the shadows, so she comes over to chat. As she steps closer, I can see her black velvet gown and shit-eating grin. Finally, G got to throw her ‘my grandson got a girlfriend’ ball. She steps up beside me and surveys the crowd.

  “How are you enjoying the festivities?” she asks.

  I shrug. “You know how I am with formal stuff.”

  “That I do.” G grins.

  “It’ll be better when Lianna shows. When are you releasing her from the girlie brigade?”

  G shoots me a sly look. “My Ladies in Waiting know you call them that, by the way.”

  “They got no complaints with me.”

  I know that because they tell me that all the time, mostly while hitting on me. I’m not into cougars, so I’ve never been tempted to take them up on their offer. Not that I’ll tell G a word about it. She’ll flip her lid.

  “Suffice it to say that Lianna will be here soon.” G freezes in place. “What the?”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “They brought out the enchanted sculptures too early. The magic will wear off before the first dance.” G pats my forearm. “Excuse me.”

  As G steps away, Mom and Dad approach my hiding spot. A small crowd of courtiers and hangers-on trails behind them. My tail arcs into battle stance over my shoulder. I hate courtiers. People should fight with knives, not words.

  “Hello, son,” says Dad. We do our man-hug thing.

  “My baby.” Mom’s voice breaks with emotion. “My sweet, sweet boy.”

  Normally, Mom gets weepy faster than anyone I know. Lately, she’s been on a hair trigger.

  The courtiers create an ad hoc circle around us, chattering about Lianna, the ball, and how excited they are to have a royal elemental. I’m glad they’re all pumped about my new state, but five minutes of their love is usually all I can handle. Tonight, I’ve had to listen to them for hours. It’s getting on my nerves. Some courtier starts chattering about my new Kristalli crown and I’ve officially had enough. I raise my hand.

  “I’m talking to my parents now.” All the courtiers stare at me with open mouths. “Alone.”

  They don’t budge. On reflex, I start calculating how to take them all down. Mom fidgets uncomfortably. She hates royal events almost as much as I do.

  Dad catches the vibe. His face takes on that King look he gets sometimes, mostly when he’s feeling protective. And these days, there’s only one thing really sets off his protective side. Mom.

  Huh. Something’s definitely up with her.

  “Excuse us,” says Dad. Two words never sounded so powerful and threatening. The courtiers take off like a small bomb exploded nearby.

  Once they’re well out of earshot, I carefully scan my parent’s faces.

  “So, what’s going on?” I ask.

  Mom twists her hands nervously at her waist. Whatever’s happening, she needs a little time to talk about it.

  No problem, I can wait.

  “Have you seen Cissy and her girls?” Mom asks quickly.

  Cissy is Mom’s best friend from growing up in Purgatory. She’s also the Diplomatic Senator. She and her husband have six girls, all part lust demon. I dated the two oldest. And by ‘date,’ I mean the relationship lasted all of three hours. Mom doesn’t know this and I want it to stay that way. So, I avoid them at all costs to keep the peace. They’re beyond clingy.

  Mom keeps looking at me, waiting for the answer. “Well?”

  “I saw them tonight.” From a distance.

  Dad slides his arm around Mom’s waist. “Cissy and her girls are fine.” He shoots Mom a sly smile. “Zeke is great, too. Why didn’t you ask about him?”

  “Must’ve slipped my mind,” she says with a chuckle. Mom and Zeke never got along, although these days, Mom feels that six girls is some kind of karmi
c payback for Zeke being a player in high school.

  Dad nuzzles closer to Mom and changes the subject. At least, he changes the subject as far as Mom’s concerned. Dad and I continue a hidden conversation about Cissy and her daughters.

  “Did you see Hildy?” Dad asks me.

  Those are the words that come out of this mouth. The look in Dad’s eyes says ‘I totally know you nailed two of Cissy’s girls.’

  I shrug, which is my way of saying ‘hey, I’m a guy.’ Out loud, I say, “Yeah, Hildy and I talked for an hour. Her school’s going great.”

  “Lots of legal issues with that school,” says Dad. “You ever put yourself in situations like that?” Translation: Am I going to have trouble with Cissy on this? Were any of the girls underage?

  “No way. You know my system, Dad. I’m all about keeping it legal.”

  Mom’s eyes narrow. She’s starting to see through our shit, which isn’t good.

  “What are you two boys talking about anyway?”

  I put on my most winning and innocent smile. Mom is a sucker for dimples. “Dad and I were chatting about Hildy’s new school for monopsyches. She built it in the Wastelands without Anton’s permission. The Earl’s having a hissy fit but she won’t tear it down. Dad’s acting as legal intermediary.”

  “I’m changing a few laws so she can keep the school,” explains Dad. “I told you about that last week.” He kisses her forehead. “Your memory’s a little tricky these days.”

  Which is totally true. Another reason to get the full story out of Mom.

  A long pause hangs in the air. I’d hold my breath now, if I still needed to breathe. Will Mom drop the Cissy conversation?

  “Oh, that’s right,” says Mom. “You did mention the legal troubles.”

  And she’s moving on. This is my lucky night. I decide to push it.

  “So, what’s going on, Mom?”

  My mother blushes, which is something that I’ve seen about three times in my life.

  “We didn’t want to say anything until we were certain,” she says.

  “About what?” I ask.

  Dad beams from ear to ear. “You’re going to have a baby sister.”

  “Really?” I raise my brows. “You’re too old for another kid. I mean, I know we’ve got an extra-long lifespan and all…”

  Mom raises her right brow. “Keep talking like that, and I’m liable to get insulted.”

  “No, I mean… That is…” I scrub my hands over my face.

  You’re babbling, Maxon.

  “Here’s the thing,” I say. “I thought Mom couldn’t get pregnant. There can only be one Scala and one Scala Heir, and I’m the Heir.”

  “And you lost that job when you changed into an elemental,” says Dad.

  “Exactly,” says Mom. “You practically threw a party when you found out the igni weren’t coming back, remember?”

  I rub my chin. “Uh, I forgot about that.”

  “You did?” Mom’s face gets all pale and worried.

  “I’ve had other stuff on my mind, Mom.”

  Plus, igni get on my nerves. Once I knew I didn’t have to deal with them, it’s like I automatically erased them from my memory.

  Mom turns to Dad. “Do you think he’s fully recovered from his change to an elemental?”

  “He’s fine,” says Dad.

  Mom keeps going. She’s on a roll.

  “Maybe you suffered some kind of brain damage.” Mom raises her hand up to my face. “How many fingers am I holding up, baby?”

  Dad lets out a low chuckle. “Give Maxon a minute. He’ll put two and two together.”

  “Yeah. Let’s do what Dad said.”

  I stare at them both, trying to process this news. Mom’s right. There isn’t a Scala Heir anymore so it makes perfect sense that a new one would be needed. And who better than Mom and Dad to bring up the new Heir?

  All kind of warm and happy now bubble up through my chest. “I’m going to be a brother!” I wrap Mom and Dad big hugs. “This is great news.”

  And speaking of karmic payback, Mom and dad deserve some of the positive variety. My parents got a major shaft when I was abducted. This time around, maybe they can have a typical parenting experience. Well, as typical as you get when you’re supernatural thrax royalty.

  “Glad to see that you’re excited, son.”

  “I should’ve guessed this would happen,” I say. “The igni worship Mom.” I shoot her a sly wink. “When they got in my head, half of what they said was about you.”

  “And what was that, exactly?” she asks.

  “Hell if I know. It was a lot of nonsense with your name thrown in every so often.”

  Mom all-out laughs, which is one of my favorite sounds in the world. “That’s the igni, all right. They have lots of opinions on the baby, too.”

  My brows lift with interest. “Like what?”

  “Her name,” explains Dad. “They want her to be called Portia.”

  At this moment, my grandfather Xavier leans over my shoulder to pop his head into the group. “Hello, everyone!”

  “Pops!” Now, Dad’s not the only one smiling from ear to ear. I’m beaming, too. “I thought you and Grandma Cam couldn’t make it.”

  “One advantage of being an archangel,” says Pops with his toothy grin. “You can tell the other angels to reschedule conventions and they go along with it, no problem.”

  Grandma Cam bursts into the group and kisses my cheek. “Your grandfather cancels things and then I have to reschedule them. We have our system down to a science.”

  No surprise, there. The pair of them have been running Purgatory for years.

  “I’ve been thinking,” says a still-smiley Pops. “The after-realms need monarkki for Fire and Earth.”

  Not sure where this is going. Knowing my grandfather, it’s a short list of places.

  “Yeah, Pops?”

  “Well, the easiest way to create new monarkki is for you and Lianna to start a family.”

  And that would be one of his favorite places. Grandkid-ville.

  “Don’t push it, Pops. Lianna and I haven’t known each other for very…”

  I freeze mid-sentence. There’s more for me to say here. Really, there is. Still, I can’t get another word out. That’s because Lianna’s finally shown up and damn, she looks gorgeous.

  My family says a bunch of stuff about her, but I don’t hear them. There are people around Lianna, complimenting her blue gown and long blonde hair. I don’t see them, either.

  There’s only her.

  I march up to my woman, wrap my arms around her, and kiss her with everything I’ve got.

  “And hello to you, too,” she says with a smile.

  “You know how to dance?” I ask.

  “Wasn’t part of classic monarkki training.”

  “Damn.” I lean into her ear and speak in a growling-whisper, which I know drives her crazy. “I need my hands on you.” I nuzzle into her neck and her hair smells fucking awesome. How does she do that? Take a bath in strawberries or something?

  A smile sounds in her voice. “I’m supposed to meet the thrax nobility. Your grandmother was most specific.”

  I scrub my hands down my face and admit the truth to myself. Yeah, G is right on this one. The thrax are taking my change in status pretty well, considering I’m technically no longer thrax. This night is about getting them used to Lianna and me as elemental rulers.

  And about my surprise for Lianna, too. But that’ll have to wait.

  I steel my shoulders and slap on a half-hearted smile. This is what G calls the ‘royal expression’ and it’s what we’re supposed to use at formal stuff.

  “Let’s do this,” I say.

  Lianna stares at me for a long minute. “Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that you have something else up your sleeve?”

  “Because I do.”

  Her mouth opens, ready to ask a slew of questions, so I whisk her off to meet the Earl of Striga.

  And this is the fir
st rule of Furor seduction: Anticipation makes everything better.

  Lianna meets all the earls and nobles. The guys come by too, and we gab it up. They all look great, fully recovered after the battle with Zephyr. The night passes pretty quickly. As formal balls go, it’s one of the best. It may have something to do with Lianna being at my side, too. Actually, it has everything to do with her. I could hang around watching paint dry and it would be fun if she were with me. Before I know it, the herald announces the end of the evening.

  Lianna scans the room while worrying her lower lip with her teeth. Not sure I like that look. “What’s wrong, beautiful?”

  “Walker never showed up.”

  “Oh, that.”

  “You know where he is?”

  “Yup.” I pull Lianna close to me again. “You ready for your surprise?”

  He gives me one of her dazzling smiles. “Absolutely.”

  We head off to one of my hidden Pulpitum and take a quick ride up to the Earth’s surface. For sentimental reasons, I pick the station near Charybdis. We step outside into the darkened desert, and Walker’s waiting for us, his long black ghoul robes fluttering in the breeze. When he spies Lianna in her crown, his face glows with happiness.

  “Lianna,” says Walker. “You’re the monarkki at last.”

  “Thanks to you.” She wraps him in a big hug. “Wish you could’ve been at my crowning.”

  “Me, too,” he replies. “However, I understand why it was a closed event. The Valta had enough to adjust to, what with it being a double coronation and all. Allowing outsiders in would’ve put everyone on edge.”

  “You were there in my heart,” she whispers.

  Now, I don’t want to be a jealous little bitch here, but I can’t help it. The hug and happy chatter are lasting way too long, so I step closer and rest my hand on Lianna’s shoulder.

  “That’s enough of a hello, don’t you think?”

  Walker backs off, a sly look in his all-black eyes. “Why, you jealous?”

  “Hell, yeah. Besides, you’re here for another reason.”

  Lianna playfully swats at Walker’s shoulder. “This better be good. I can’t believe that you missed my ball.”

  “Oh, it’s good,” says Walker as he opens a portal behind him. After linking hands, we all step into the darkness. Seconds later, we reappear at the top of a black volcano in Hawaiian islands. Portal travel is sweet.


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