It's Still Just Us: (Sequel to It's Just Us)

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It's Still Just Us: (Sequel to It's Just Us) Page 4

by R. Phoenix

  “I work with people every day, baby. It’s okay.”

  “I still don’t want you to just be home with me and get bored or anything…”

  I would’ve shut him up with a kiss, but his face was still hidden against my chest. So I settled for leading him to one of the chairs and drawing him into my lap where he couldn’t hide his face anymore.

  Rick was somewhere rummaging around, but I spoke quietly, “Listen, baby. The most important thing to me is to spend my evenings with you. Preferably curled up on the couch, maybe even giving you a bottle, if you feel like it. I want to take care of you. Not the others around here. The bar and especially Sean and Rick have been great after Nicholas’s death, but now… I have you. You’re my world, baby, even though that sounds slightly stalkerish—” I paused as he giggled. “But I don’t need you to drag me out of the house.” I kissed him softly on the lips before going on. “I’m happy to spend an evening with Rick and Sean alone, or here, or whatever you want, but not because you think I need it.”

  “I just… I think you should spend time with Rick sometimes. You wouldn’t like it if I never spent time with my friends…” Micah trailed off, and I knew he was thinking about the fact that he really didn’t have friends outside of me and Sean. “I’m not going to get upset or anything.”

  “I didn’t expect you to. But I thought—”

  Micah placed a finger on my lips. “You think you don’t need anyone. Listen. This is going to be a grown-up-Micah moment… You need friends outside of our relationship. Think about Nicholas’s death. What would you have done without them?” I opened my mouth to speak, but he interrupted me, “And no, don’t tell me I’m not allowed to die, but I’m not going anywhere.” He paused, looking at me. “You will meet with Rick, and I will also try to hang out with Finn and Sean. I’ve seen Finn a few times at the college, and Sean… well, we can invite them over again. Or I’ll go out with him and we—”

  This time I interrupted him. “Not going to let you two go out unsupervised. Sean only will get you in trouble.”

  “We can go as grown-ups.” He laughed, then he cuddled closer to me. “Anyway, what I meant is that we need to spend time with friends. Have some contacts outside of work and us. I won’t give in on this, so you might just as well agree.” He looked at me through long lashes, biting his bottom lip. Playing me.

  I really needed to learn how to say no to him. But today was not the day, so I sighed. “Once a month?”

  He smiled at me. “At least. One evening as a couple with friends, and one evening where each of us is alone with a friend.”

  I dropped my head on his shoulder and bit him lightly. “Sometime, we need to talk about who’s in charge here, baby.”

  “Oh, I know who’s in charge very well, Daddy.” The little imp grinned at me, since he’d just gotten his way. Then he started wriggling around on my lap, very much aware of what that would do to me.

  “We’re not going to get in trouble because of public indecency, so stop it. And yes, I know you let me believe I’m in charge.” I slapped his ass lightly to get him to stand up. “But you might be right.”

  “You’re in charge, Daddy.” Micah didn’t seem to have any plans of getting up, so I kissed him and held him close. We needed to finish setting up, but I had my baby on my lap. That beat dragging mats over the floor.

  “That means I need to make us get up now to finish. And then we can cuddle all you want. You can be little, you can be grown and just color, or do whatever you feel comfortable with, okay?”

  Micah nodded. “Yeah. Thank you, Daddy.” He jumped off my lap and started dragging the next mat over the floor.

  Even though he usually called me Daddy, he wasn’t always little. Often, he was both my little and my boyfriend all at once, just as he’d been a few minutes ago, and I loved it too. It was kind of sexy to have him talk to me like my partner, yet behave like my boy.

  And now I was hard, which I could do nothing about, and we had to be here for at least a couple of hours until we could leave.

  Once the bar filled, I was at least distracted enough so I didn’t think about fucking Micah somewhere in a dark corner. Not that he’d allow me to do that, but I certainly could fantasize. Though, usually, I preferred a bed and time to tease him and pleasure him and make him mad with want.

  That would have to wait, though. First, we needed to socialize.

  Sean was even worse than his usual self. Rick had his hands full, and I was pretty sure there would be a cock cage on Sean by the end of the evening as well as a spanking earned.

  “Daaaaddyyyy?” Sean whined, looking at the stack of coloring books. “I want!”

  “You have the cars here.” Rick had given them to him about two minutes ago.

  “Books!” Sean demanded, his bottom lip quivering. “I want books.”

  “Baby, you know what you’re aiming for. You can have the spanking, but you don’t have to be a brat because of it.”

  “I'm not a brat. I wanna color!” He shoved the cars towards Rick.

  “Uh-oh. Baby, last warning.”

  “No.” Sean actually stomped his foot.

  Micah was just watching, sitting on my lap, but not participating. He’d been paying attention to the puppies with interest, but his attention went to Sean and Rick.

  We both followed the “fight” Sean and his daddy were having. Or rather, which kind of punishment Sean was trying to get.

  “Yes. And this was one too much. Off to the bathroom.”

  Sean’s bottom lip quivered, but he got up. With a sigh, he allowed Rick to take his hand and lead him away. Rick carried their bag over his shoulder. Sean skipped along, apparently not at all concerned about his impending punishment. Since he’d so much asked for it, he probably was happy he’d gotten Rick to react.

  “What is he going to do to him?” Micah asked.

  “Are you worried about him?”

  “Nah, just curious. Sean couldn’t have made it clearer that he wanted something.”

  I held Micah tighter. “No, he couldn’t. Question is just what he’ll get, because Rick doesn’t always deliver what Sean is trying to get him to do.”

  “Uh-oh. Should I worry about Sean then?”

  I shook my head. “He’s probably not going to enjoy his punishment as much as he thought he would, but that’s about it. They have been together for a long time, so Rick knows what to do to make him suffer… just a bit.”

  Micah chucked and angled for his sippy cup. I took it from his hand and held it to his lips, letting him drink. When we’d first met, I didn’t know how to touch him to not make him feel uncomfortable, but now I was not only allowed to rest my hands on his hips, I could also sneak a hand under his t-shirt, touching his bare skin. Every time I did that, he shuddered, and I could see goosebumps on his arms.

  By the time he’d finished his drink, Rick appeared, leading Sean by his hand again.

  Now, Sean wasn't skipping, though. He made a face, like he wasn't feeling too good. Or wasn't completely comfortable.

  Rick winked at me, then led Sean back to the table. Instead of letting him sit down next to him, he pulled Sean on his lap, holding both his hands in his.

  Sean made a face again, squirming a bit.

  "Not one word, baby." Rick warned him, but he started caressing Sean's thighs.

  "No, Daddy. I won't."

  "Are you okay?" Micah couldn't help but worry, apparently, especially since Sean wasn't playing again, but sitting very, very still.

  Sean nodded. "Yeah, I am. I just… I guess I need to behave a bit better now." He cast a look at his daddy, who ran a hand over his cock, which brought a shudder and then a flinch.

  "Cock cage," Rick murmured. Then, louder, he said, "He wanted it, he got it. And it's gonna stay on. Isn't it, boy?"

  Sean nodded and a blush crept over his face.

  I looked at Micah, who was watching with interest, but didn't comment.

  "How long did he get?" I asked Rick, fully awar
e of how it would make Sean feel.

  "A week. And the plug stays in until I fuck him tonight." Rick moved his leg again, making Sean drop his head back against his daddy's shoulder.

  "Ah, I see. I guess that wasn’t what he wanted?" I grinned.

  "Not at all. Especially since he's wearing his diaper, which is about the fastest way to get him hard… He can be a brat all he wants, but this was too much, wasn't it, baby?"

  Sean nodded, even though his eyes were closed now.

  "And the spanking still stands for tonight. Off my lap now, baby. You can play with your cars."

  Chapter Four


  It was weird seeing Sean like this. Even though he’d pushed and pushed for his daddy to react, it didn’t seem like this was what he’d aimed for. He was completely silent when he slid from Rick’s lap to his own chair and started playing with his cars.

  I couldn’t help but notice that he wriggled around a little bit, probably to relieve the pressure from… I didn’t really want to know which one it was. Rick had mentioned a chastity device and a butt plug. Even in theory, that seemed like way more than I could handle. I couldn’t even imagine acting out like he had, let alone knowing this could be the punishment.

  Sean looked up at me, a frown on his face.

  I shrugged and shook my head, not understanding why he’d pushed so hard. Thankful I didn’t need that, I leaned back against Carter and murmured, “I love you.”

  He held me tighter, and he pressed a light kiss to my neck before he answered, “Love you too, baby.”

  He went back to talking to Rick while I leaned forward, flipping one of the coloring books open. I wasn’t sure if I was feeling up to coloring, but I wasn’t in the mood to listen to the very adult conversation going on between Rick and Carter. It just sounded boring, and I didn’t even want to know what they were talking about.

  When I looked up, I could see Sean looking longingly at the book. A second later, he ran one of his cars over the table until it was on top of the page I’d opened it to. He made car racing sounds, bouncing in his seat.

  “Stop,” I whispered to Sean, mildly alarmed. I didn’t want to get myself into trouble, and I didn’t want him to get into even more trouble.

  Even though I’d tried to be quiet, Rick looked over at us. “Sean, last warning. Do you want to go to time out?” Rick sounded stern, and it was enough to make me squirm.

  Why had they skipped over time out and gone straight for the big punishments, anyway? Or was time out worse for Sean than the plug and the cage combined? That wouldn’t surprise me, really. He loved getting attention.

  “Sorry, Daddy,” Sean said, moving the car off the coloring book and leaning in close to Rick.

  Rick caressed his hair. “That’s my good boy. I know you had a hard week, I get it, but if you keep this up, you’ll regret it later. Trust me. Now behave so I can help you relax later instead of punishing you more.” He kissed Sean lightly then held his paci up. “Now here. Think about something else and stop trying to get Micah into trouble.”

  I balked. Me? I hadn’t done anything worth getting in trouble for. Why would Sean’s behavior get me in trouble? I looked up at Carter.

  “Shh,” Carter murmured in my ear. “I know better. And because I know you’re probably wondering, yes, that’s more brattiness than I can handle. I like you just the way you are. But if you do want to be as bratty as Sean, we really will try that spanking out.”

  I laughed. “No, Daddy. I’ll earn my spanking another way.” I moved my ass over his lap, feeling him stir.

  “Good, because I don’t want to punish you like Sean needs to be punished. I like you without your cock caged, thank you very much.”

  Of course he did. Carter liked touching me too much to want me caged. He wouldn’t like not being able to get to me any more than I would.

  “I promise I’ll behave better,” I said. “But maybe you were right, Daddy. Maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea for me and Sean to hang out alone.”

  Sean looked startled as his eyes met mine, but he couldn’t speak around the paci in his mouth.

  “Oh, boy, that sounds bad for you. Serves you right. But maybe one of us can stay close and make sure you don’t get Micah into trouble,” Rick said.

  Sean cast a glance at Rick, then averted his eyes. Even though Rick and Carter exchanged a smile, I didn’t really like this. I liked Sean as the vivacious, bubbly little he normally was. I wanted to ask him why he’d done it, why he’d gotten himself into so much trouble even though he’d known what he was doing, but I didn’t dare ask.

  Rick had mentioned that it had been a hard week for Sean, so maybe this was just his way of getting through stress. Still, I couldn’t imagine angling so hard for a punishment, no matter how out of sorts I felt. Even spanking was still one of those things we only teased each other with, but we hadn’t tried it.

  Maybe I’d just ask for one and be done with it. It might be better than the constant back and forth about it. I always just wondered, but once it would be done, I could stop trying to imagine it.

  And now I was getting hard.

  I wiggled around on Carter’s lap, trying to get his attention without saying anything. I didn’t want to be the one who said he wanted to leave, especially since Carter was lost in his conversation with Rick, which he really needed.

  But I was — no, I wasn’t tired, exactly, but I wanted to relax and be myself. There were definitely too many people to do that here. I could do some coloring and even have my sippy cup, but that was it. No more being little in public for me. Not yet, and maybe never.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” Carter squeezed my hips, trying to steady me.

  “Nothing. Why?” I asked, looking back at him.

  “Because you either need to go to the bathroom or want to go home.” Carter kissed my neck, holding me against his growing cock. “And if you don’t want to go home, I suggest you stop doing what you’re doing. Otherwise, we will leave.”

  I stopped moving, but just for a second. Then I started to squirm in his lap again. “Maybe I think it’s time to go. If that’s okay with you?”

  He’d stopped talking to Rick anyway, and Sean was busy with his cars, so it wasn’t like I was interrupting something.

  “I think that’s a very good idea.” Carter lifted me off his lap.

  While I collected the coloring books and crayons, he got our jackets.

  As soon as we were in the car, though, he started talking. “About Sean… he really was something else today, right?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I can’t imagine being that way.”

  Carter took my hand, caressing my fingers. “I don’t think I could handle that, so don’t think you need to be like him.”

  “No, don’t worry. I want you to take care of me, not punish me.”

  “For Sean, it’s sometimes the same. Sometimes, he just can’t relax, and then he needs to be … focused for lack of a better word. And he needs to be shown his boundaries.”

  I nodded. “That sort of makes sense.” I still couldn’t wrap my mind about how this worked, but as long as Carter didn’t want me to be that way, I didn’t need to fully understand it.

  “Would you like to try something new tonight, too? Not a cage and not a plug, though. Unless you want to?” Carter looked at me, a grin on his face. He was messing with me, right?

  “Nah, thanks. I think I’m good without a plug. But what else would you suggest?” I was curious. So far, I’d enjoyed everything we’d done, except the diapers, but that was because — I stopped myself. Not again. I wasn’t going to think about it.

  “No cages, no plugs, I promise. I wanted to curl up on the couch with you and give you a bottle? How does that sound?” Carter’s voice was quiet and he still held my hand, running his thumb over my skin.

  A bottle. I wasn’t sure what to think of that yet. Carter had bought them for me a while ago, but it hadn’t been something we’d experimented with yet. It felt a little strange, eve
n Carter than the sippy cup, and I wasn’t sure I’d like it. But at the same time, if it meant Carter was going to hold me and cuddle me… I’d try it.

  I’d try nearly anything with Daddy.

  “That sounds… good,” I said cautiously. “Relaxing.” Much more than Sean’s idea of how to get his mind off the things troubling him at least.

  “If you don’t like it, just say it and we’ll stop, just like always.”

  I nodded. That I could do.

  Carter got us home, then helped me take a quick bath — with the strawberry body wash and shampoo I loved so much. Afterward, he dressed me in my pajamas, the blue one with the little fish on it, and got me to sit on the couch.

  Maybe, just maybe, his hands lingered a bit longer on my ass and cock, and maybe I was getting hard when I actually was supposed to relax. But I’d been sitting on his lap, he’d been touching me a lot, and yeah, I was horny. I wanted Carter to make love to me.

  But first, I needed my cuddles.

  Carter appeared again, the bottle in his hands. As he spotted me sitting on the couch, waiting for him, his eyes lit up.

  “You’re so sweet, my boy.” He spoke quietly, then sat down next to me and pulled me into his arms.

  I snuggled up close to him, already feeling self-conscious of the idea of a man giving me, another grown man, a bottle. I didn’t know how this was supposed to work, so I let him guide me against him until I was propped up with his arm around me.

  “There we go,” Carter said, and he held the nipple of the bottle against my lips.

  I laughed nervously, trying to get the nerve to suck on it.

  He pulled it away from my mouth. “You don’t have to do this if you aren’t comfortable with it,” he said, his voice serious.

  I wasn’t sure if I was comfortable or not, but I wanted to try it because he wanted me to try it. “No, it’s okay,” I said, taking the nipple between my teeth.


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