It's Still Just Us: (Sequel to It's Just Us)

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It's Still Just Us: (Sequel to It's Just Us) Page 11

by R. Phoenix

  Sometimes he asked about my opinion, but usually, he just decided if he thought it was okay. It was rare for him to let me have a say in it, especially if it came to the other part of our relationship. I didn't like the idea of making the decision at all. He was Daddy, and he decided what we did. It was as simple as that. While he did have my consent, it was just that: not having to decide.

  I raised my head and kissed his neck. “I want you to decide that. If you think I need it, go ahead, please. I'm okay with it. You're going to decide if and when I need it.”

  Carter raised his head and looked at me. “Of course, baby. I'll gladly take that over from you. I just don't want you to feel like I'm suffocating you.”

  "You don't. I'm just… it's so much right now, you know?" I'd been feeling the pressure all the time, but today, it just got to be too much.

  "Then I'll do that. Thank you for trusting me, my sweet boy." He kissed me, then murmured, "Why don't you exactly tell me what's making you so stressed out, and then I'll draw you a nice bubble bath, feed you, and take you to bed?"

  I shook my head. "I need to get some studying done, then I’ll take a shower. I can't take the time to bathe now."

  "Shh. Talk to me first. And then we will have some downtime. You trusted me to know what you need, so this starts now." His voice grew stern.

  "I'm— I'm sorry, Daddy." I swallowed. "I'm really not sure I can relax right now."

  "I know, baby. But if you can or not, it's not your choice. I know you're stressed, but you won't learn anything new if you're that exhausted."

  I sighed deeply. "I have no idea if you're right."

  He kissed my head. "Let's start with you telling me what's wrong, and then I'll figure out all the rest." Carter’s voice was kind and warm, yet unforgiving. I needed to tell him, get it out, then allow him to take over and make me forget for a couple of hours.

  So I started talking.

  Carter made me eat and bathe, then he put me in a onesie and cuddled me until my eyes wouldn't stay open. Snowflake was curled up beside us, bringing me warmth from both sides. I was hard, as I always was when Carter touched me, but he didn't even try to have sex. He just held me and within moments, I fell asleep.

  The next morning, things didn't look so bad anymore, even though I was still worried about my exams. But my head had cleared a lot, and I gave myself a few minutes to snuggle close to Carter and enjoyed his warmth against me. Snowflake lay next to us, now stretched out to his full length, taking up about a half of the bed.

  Next to him, on my pillow of all places, rested Creamsicle like he didn't have a care in the world. As I stared at him, his golden eyes blinked open, and he looked at me like he was judging me for interrupting his sleep. Cats. He got up and leaped off the bed, disappearing underneath it, when I tried to reach out to pet him.

  I turned around to wrap myself around Carter.

  "Morning, baby," he murmured, his voice rough and sleepy.

  "Morning." I kissed his shoulder.

  "How did you sleep?" He held me tighter, telling me I wouldn't get out of bed soon — which I don't have any objections about.

  "Pretty good. I'm feeling way better."

  "That's good to hear." He moved around until I wasn’t lying against his side, but his front instead.

  That put him into the perfect position to kiss me. His hands snuck around my body, finding ways to move beneath the onesie and caress my skin. I moaned against him as he grew harder as well.

  I needed him, and I knew I'd have him. Exams and everything else be damned, I'd have some good times with my Daddy before the real world interrupted again.

  Of course, I was totally, absolutely late for classes by the time we finally made it out of bed, but it so was worth it. It wasn't like they could teach me anything new, and time with Daddy was way better than repeating the topics we'd already gone over. Hopefully.

  I tuned out the teacher as my mind drifted off. Daddy had helped me dress, and we’d decided I needed to wear panties in school. Not like usual, but tight, silken panties that completely distracted me all the time. The soft fabric caressed my ass and balls, and, not to forget, my cock.

  At least I managed not to get hard, but that was just due to sheer willpower — and the fact that I’d already gotten off once today. It didn’t hurt that I’d forbidden Carter from texting me today, so I wouldn't start sexting him again. I was already having a hard enough time concentrating, and I didn’t need the distractions. Even if I was sure there was nothing left to learn, I wanted to pass my exams, thank you very much.

  There was no news on the job front, but Carter suggested I could always continue working part time at the shelter, and, if I didn't mind, just take my time looking for a job. He made enough to support both of us, at least for a while, and so there wasn't any hurry.

  I'd been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t even fully appreciated it the day before, but now it hit me full force. I'd known he saw a future with me, of course, since he asked me to move in, but gestures like those hit me sometimes. He wanted me, wanted me to stay with him… and I wanted the same. The fact that he was willing to take care of me so completely startled me.

  It was hard to accept his offers of help when I was used to being so independent, but he did way better at this adulting thing — and I had to admit I increasingly liked being taken care of. I'd just accept his suggestion and roll with it. It worked for me, and he was okay with it — otherwise he wouldn't have said anything. It felt like an easy solution, even though I was leery about accepting so much from him.

  I looked at the teacher, listening for long enough to see that he was still going on about stuff that we should know in our sleep, and tuned out again.

  I should've stayed home to go over the things that hadn’t been as familiar to me instead of listening to the rundown of the basics. Besides, I could curl up on the couch and get myself a paci while studying, which would earn me way too many strange looks here.

  When I had a break between classes, I decided to take my chances of missing something important and headed home.

  As I opened the door, Snowflake greeted me like he always did, tail wagging and tongue hanging out. I scratched him before I called out for Carter.

  "Upstairs!" he called.

  I set my bag by the door and went upstairs to greet him. He met me in the door of the nursery, kissing me softly.

  "Hey baby. What's wrong?"

  I smiled at him. "Nothing. Just figured I'd be able to study here much better than going over basic stuff like my teacher did, so I left."

  Carter held me close and kissed my head. "Seems like a wise decision. Do you want to take a break first or start right away?"

  "I'm going to start once I find something to snack on." I turned around to leave again, but then stopped. "What did you do in there? Getting everything ready for me later?" I wiggled my eyebrows, a teasing grin on my face.

  "Well, maybe. Maybe not? That depends if you're a good boy and get your studying done. If you need some relaxing later, I'm sure I can help you. You slept peacefully last night."

  "I was totally exhausted, yeah. And you were right. I needed time to get out of my head."

  Carter smiled at me. "You know I'm always right…”

  My lips twitched. "That you are, oh mighty Daddy.”

  "Now that sounds interesting…" He kissed me, then drew me back to his chest. "But come on and let me show you what I did."

  I allowed him to lead me to the nursery.

  He stopped at the door, letting me enter the room first. I looked around, trying to figure out what he'd done. The changing table was the same, and the bed was, too. My eyes fell on the dresser, where something was different. There was a small fish and a princess on it… two things I'd never seen before.

  "Back when I was together with Nic, there were other animals. When the two of us met, I took off the tiny figures, since they weren't ours. And now, I… Well, I got some new ones for you. For us." Carter stopped speaking, and I
looked up at him.

  My throat constricted as it hit me, the significance of what he'd done. "Thank you." I swallowed, trying to find the right words. "I'm… they're beautiful." I stepped forward, touching the princess and the fish. They were carefully done, beautifully carved and painted. My fingers trailed over the wood as I felt Carter step behind me.

  He hugged me close to his chest, kissing my neck. "You're welcome, baby. You know how much I love you."

  I grinned up at him. "Love you too, Daddy." After a pause, I added, "Where are Nicholas's animals? Did you…” My smile faltered. “You didn’t get rid of them, did you?”

  Carter shook his head. "No, I kept them. They're in a cupboard, next to his picture."

  "Take them out and hang them up here, if you want. He'll always have a place in your heart and that's okay with me. You don't need to hide him."

  "Are you sure?" I could hear how much he doubted my words, which only made it more important to convince him that I meant what I was saying.

  I nodded. "I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise. It's not like it's a lover you left me for or the other way around." I kissed his cheek when he didn't reply.

  "Thank you," he finally managed, and then he turned me around to bury his head against my shoulder.

  I held on tightly, trying to give him a few moments to get a grip on himself. "You should never worry about that, Daddy. I know you loved him, and I'd never try to take that away from you." My words were soft, but they were sincere. I needed him to understand I wouldn't ever hold his past with Nicholas against him. Like I'd said, he wasn't some random ex-lover. Nicholas was his deceased husband, someone he’d treasured. That was something completely different and something I'd respect.

  "Still, thank you, baby." His voice was more controlled now, and he pulled back to kiss me.

  I smiled at him. "Now let me get to studying. Otherwise you'll have me at home much longer because I'll fail."

  "Wouldn't be the worst," he murmured, but he led me downstairs and settled me on the couch with the promise to bring me something to snack on.

  And he did.

  I managed to go over most of my notes, uninterrupted except for breaks to eat, use the bathroom, and get some kisses from my Daddy. Oh, and of course, dog kisses from Snowflake.

  By bedtime, my head was spinning, but I got a nice bath and Carter got me to bed, like the day before.

  Even though I was stressed, I was doing much better than I anticipated.

  My first exam was so easy that I was afraid I'd gotten everything wrong, but others in my class were saying the same thing as they left the room. Maybe I was worrying for nothing, but I couldn’t get it out of my head. I wouldn’t be able to until I got my final grades, and it was hard not to stress about it.

  But now, it was time for my playdate, and I needed to set those thoughts aside.

  Daddy had invited Sean and Rick over again, claiming it was easier that way.

  It probably was, even though Creamsicle would hate us forever for intruding upon his living room and actually having strangers sitting on the couch. His couch, where he always stayed. Besides the one time when he’d slept in our bed, he hadn't made any movements toward accepting us. He tolerated my presence, but not Carter’s.

  I shook my head. Now was not the time to think about our cat and his issues.

  Moving the water around with my hands and splashing a little over the edge of the tub, I leaned back when Carter came close with the washcloth. "Ready, baby boy?"

  He got me ready, washing me, drying me, and putting some lotion on me — without me getting off, which sucked — and then his eyes moved to the diapers.

  We hadn't played again with them, but… was I ready? Would I be able to handle wearing one while Sean was over?

  My cock jerked.

  Well, that answered one question, I guessed, but just because it aroused me didn’t mean it was a good idea. I just wasn’t sure I was ready yet.

  "Not today, Daddy. Otherwise, I won't relax at all, but jump you… and I'm definitely not into public stuff." I laughed quietly.

  Carter’s expression flickered, just a tiny, tiny emotion, but I noticed it.

  I didn’t know what to make of it, so I offered, "Hmm. How about the diaper later, when you're getting me ready for bed?" I grinned at him. "That sounds like more fun anyway.”

  “Of course, baby boy,” Carter said, stealing a kiss from me.

  He might’ve meant it to be quick, but I wasn’t ready to let him up so soon. By the time we came up for air, we were both breathing hard — and I was wishing we didn’t have company coming over.

  “Do we have time for—”

  Carter kissed me again, silencing me, and I pouted at him. “You know we don’t have time,” he told me, chuckling. “And you’re the one who got us both into this state.”

  I made a face at him, but I didn’t argue when he picked a pair of sapphire blue panties from the drawer and helped me put them on. The lace tickled my balls a little, but they were beautiful to look at. It wasn’t as soft against my cock as the silk, but I had a feeling the sensation was going to be even more distracting.

  “Onesie or regular clothes?” he asked, carefully watching me.

  I knew what he wanted me to choose, and I knew what I wanted to choose, but I wasn’t sure I was brave enough. Then again, Sean and Rick were coming here, and it wasn’t like anyone else would be seeing me in it… “Onesie with pants,” I finally decided.

  Carter smiled at me, but he asked, “Are you sure, baby? You don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with it.”

  “I know,” I said, and I wrapped my arms around him. “I’m sure.”

  He nodded to me, getting a onesie that matched the panties and pulling it over my head. He tugged it into place, securing the snaps at my groin before leaving the room long enough to get a pair of my pants. I still got a thrill out of the idea that he was able to go get my clothes from his room — from our room — and I was still smiling when he got back.

  “Here we go,” he said, and he helped me put the pants on too.

  I got up, feeling awkward, and I touched my hip where I could feel the layers of fabric. I knew what was under my pants, Sean and Rick might know what was under there… and Carter definitely knew what was under there. Would I be able to handle it?

  I wanted to at least try.

  The doorbell rang, and Carter took my hand, drawing me behind him. I followed, my heart racing and my mouth a little dry as I peeked past his arm to see Rick and Sean standing on the threshold.

  Sean was dressed similarly to how I was, or at least, his shirt was tucked into his pants if it wasn’t a onesie. He looked cute, contented, and far more relaxed than he’d been the last time we’d seen each other.

  It was a relief. I wasn’t sure I’d have been able to deal with him being a brat in my space, especially not to the degree that he’d been acting out when we’d been at the bar.

  Rick smiled at Carter. “Thanks for inviting us over.”

  “I’m glad you were able to come,” Carter said, stepping back to allow them inside. I pressed up against his side, and he wrapped his arm reassuringly around me. “Why don’t you two head into the living room and play with some of Micah’s toys?”

  After how Sean had scrawled all over his coloring page at the bar, I wasn’t interested in letting him near my books, but I had a bucket of cars we could play with. Sean took my hand and tugged, urging me in that direction before I could even react.

  Carter chuckled. “Go on, Micah. We’ll be in there in a moment.”

  I bit my lip, not sure if I wanted to be alone with Sean, but then… This was a playdate, and it was for me. I had to at least give it a chance. “Yes, Daddy,” I said, accepting the kiss he offered me before letting go of him.

  “What do you have to play with?” Sean asked, pulling at my hand again. “Are we going to color?”

  I had a feeling he was trying not to laugh at me, that he knew perfectly well what I thought
about him and my perfect coloring books, and I scowled at him. “We’ll play with my cars,” I said. “They’re over in the—”

  Before I could even get the words out, Sean had let go of my hand and seized the bucket, dumping them out all over the floor.

  I stared at him while he happily started playing with two of the cars, making zooming noises. I’d thought this was a good idea? All it was doing was adding to my stress, having someone around who was more energetic and active than I was… but I instantly felt guilty at the thought.

  Sean was just comfortable with himself in a way I wasn’t, and I had to admit I was a little jealous of him.

  “You’d better pick those up when you’re done with them,” I grumbled, plopping down onto the floor across from him. I picked up a truck from the sea of vehicles between us, running it experimentally along the mat on the floor.

  “You’re not my Daddy,” he said, sticking his tongue out at me.

  “But they’re my toys,” I told him, frowning at him.

  He studied me then softened. “We’ll clean up when we’re done, Micah. But let’s just play for now. Okay?”

  His voice was so sweet, so earnest, that I couldn’t help but listen to him. As much as I wanted to pick up the mess now, I could tell he was just getting into this. And, well, we were supposed to be playing, not stressing out.

  “Okay,” I agreed after a moment. I nudged the truck a little closer to him, making my own vroom sounds.

  He laughed, not at me, but with me, and he started to push one of his cars alongside it. “Race you!”

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  Maybe Sean had the right idea.

  Chapter Twelve


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