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Take a Breath (Take 1)

Page 8

by Jaimie Roberts

  I nearly spit my drink out. “You must be mistaken Mike, he doesn’t see me that way.”

  “You love him?”

  I sigh, “Yes.” Mike’s expression widens in shock.

  “Well, that was easier than I thought.”

  I feel emotionally drained all of a sudden. “I’m tired of fighting it Mike, tired of keeping it hidden; tired of the constant knots in my stomach when I see him knowing that he can’t be mine.”

  Mike gently grabs my hand, “Did you know I’ve known that boy for nearly 18 years now?”

  I shook my head, Jake had never mentioned it.

  “I was a good friend of his father’s and he was only a teenager when I met him. He was a bit of a rascal and had a very carefree attitude until he met Matthew’s mother and she became pregnant. I put him on the straight and narrow and Mr Sensible was born from that moment on. His life was probably very boring, very simple until you came into his life.”

  I straightened up, “Me, what have I done?”

  His smile widened, “My dear, you have brought life back into him. I’ve never seen Jake like this before. I can see it eating away at him, his obvious feelings towards you. It’s fun to watch, but he does need a good kick up the backside.”

  I let out a giggle, “So you don’t think it’s all wrong him and me?”

  He shakes his head, “Of course not, your mother was completely wrong for him, I was quite shocked when I met her and couldn’t understand why he eventually moved her in especially as I could see Matthew wasn’t too keen either. That is of course until I met you and it all clicked into place.”

  I laughed at that one, “Mike, please surely you’re not saying that he moved my mother in just to be close to me?”

  This time he nods, “That’s exactly what I’m saying. He’s not a predator and his intentions were always honourable towards you, I could only imagine he wanted just to be with you, protect you even if it did torture him in the process.”

  I opened my mouth in shock, “Mike, no you must be wrong. He loved my mother and wanted to marry her.”

  He shook his head again, “That was a grave mistake on his part. I think he was trying to kid himself that he could make it work with her even though it was a lost cause. Sorry, I don’t want it to sound mean towards your mother, but they were not right for one another. I tried to talk to Jake about this and even suggested that he picked the wrong Sinclair, but he nearly ripped my head off.”

  I was about to ask more when Alison walked in.

  “There you are Mike, I was looking for you. Ana, you look upset, everything ok?”

  “Yes, sorry just boring Mike about my mother.”

  She looked concerned, “Yes, that was a shock that she left. Have you heard from her?”

  Well, if you count that sorry excuse for a letter as hearing from her, then yes. “Only to say she was sorry but other than that, nothing.” She wanders over to Mike and he protectively places his hand on her shoulder.

  “Well, you are her daughter, I’m sure she will be in touch at some point once she has sorted herself out.”

  Mike lets go of my hand and nods to me in understanding. I nod back and he smiles.

  “Let me get you a drink my darling.”

  Mike gets up and taps Alison on the bottom and she yelps. I burst out laughing and Alison is blushing. “It’s lovely to see that,” I say looking at them both in awe.

  “Married 27 years and she still sets my heart alight.”

  Alison looks dreamy into Mike’s eyes heartened by his words as they lightly kiss each other. I’m caught up in quite a tender private moment between the two of them and have to excuse myself before everyone finds me a blubbering mess.

  I nip to the toilet and also use my time to gather myself and check on my makeup. I come outside to find a few people have already left and Jake is there talking with James and Mike. He looks at me again and I feel weak at the knees. When am I ever going to be able to control myself around him? I see in the corner of my eye that Mike is looking at Jake and then looking back at me. He winks and whispers something in Jake’s ear, which Jake seems offended by and shrugs him off.

  “Just keeping it real Jake. I better go find my lovely wife as it’s time to head on out.”

  James completely oblivious heads over to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek and with an impish grin he states, “Remember what I said Ana; if you ever feel the need just call me ok? I’ll be there waiting. You look delicious in that dress, I just want to…”

  “I think you’ve said quite enough now James.” He spins his head round to find Jake hovering over him.

  “Ok sir, just telling Ana that she is always welcome for a night out with me,” he declares.

  “Yes, I know exactly what you are up to now scram.”

  “Ok, ok, I’ll go. See you next week then.”

  James heads out the door and I look up into Jake’s eyes, “Are you always going to do the caveman act with me?” The side of Jake’s mouth sneaks up, “The caveman act. You think I’m acting like a caveman?”

  “Don’t you think you’re acting like a caveman Jake?”

  “Don’t pull the analysing crap on me I’m just protecting you from the wolves. They descend quite rapidly when you’re around.”

  I look into his eyes and smile, “So you’re protecting me now are you?” I bring a finger up to my lips, waiting for his answer.

  “Stop doing that Ana.”

  “Doing what Jake, what am I doing?”

  “That thing with your lip.”

  “What thing with my lip, do you mean this?” I gently wet my finger and stroke the bottom of my lip back and forth before opening my mouth and biting it. “Fuck.”

  Jake storms off and I start laughing.

  “So where’s Mr Grumpy going off to now?”

  Tony comes into the living area with Mike and Alison. “I think he just needs the little boy’s room, he’ll be out in a bit.”

  “We are going to say our goodbyes now and head off but I’ll wait for Jake before we go.”

  I gave Alison and Mike a kiss on the cheek and excused myself to go into the kitchen to start cleaning up. I’m gathering all the paper plates when Tony walks in.

  “I’m going off now too. I just wanted to say…”

  At that point Jake comes bounding in through the door and Tony quickly shuts up.

  “Did you have a good time Tony?”

  I know Jake doesn’t give a damn if he has or not, he just wants him out of his kitchen and away from me.

  “Yes sir, thank you, I was telling Ana I was leaving.”

  “Ok, great we shall see you next week then yes?”

  At that point I feel quite sorry for Tony; Jake is definitely being alpha male and showing him who's boss.

  “I’ll show you out.”

  Tony comes and kisses me on the cheek which makes Jake clench his teeth together.

  “Call me anytime. I’ll see you soon.”

  I say my goodbyes and Tony along with the remaining guests, head out the door.

  I’m just finishing stacking the dishwasher with glasses when Jake walks in. Standing near the table with a dishcloth in my hand, I’m frozen to the spot. For a few seconds nothing is said, just the same intent look in his eyes I see time and time again. His face turns predatory as he heads straight for me. Before I know it he has grabbed me and his lips head straight for mine in a ferocious embrace. He runs his hands through my hair and starts kissing the side of my neck. I let out a moan, “Oh, Jake.” He lifts me up onto the table and my dress rides up.

  “I’ve been waiting all night for this moment. I never want to wait this long again,” he whispers.

  I’m frantically trying to unbutton his jeans and I rip at his shirt. He growls in my ear and then I hear the tearing of another pair of panties being ripped apart from me. He puts his hand down on my sex and enters one finger inside me and I gasp.

  “So wet for me Ana, so ready for me.”

  “Always,” I
stutter back.

  “You have no idea how hard it’s been for me ever since I knew you felt the same way I do. It’s always been painful for me before but since your drunken confession it’s been unbearable.”

  I wonder what he means for a moment but then he kisses me again and reaches up to my clit to stroke it, all my thoughts forgotten. I go wild at his touch and I feel I’m going to fall apart with a climax any moment.

  “Don’t come yet Ana, I want to feel you around me. I love the way you feel.”

  My head is spinning and the urge to feel my release is palpable. “Please Jake, please.” I hear a slight laugh when he releases his hand and he quickly thrusts his throbbing erection deep inside me. I gasp aloud.

  “Shit, Ana, you’re so tight.”

  He moves gently and it’s killing me. “Faster Jake, faster.” I’ve been waiting so long for him to take me hard ever since that wall. I need it like my lungs need fresh air.

  “I don’t want to hurt you Ana and you’re going to make me come quick.”

  “Jake please, just fuck me.” With that he spurs on letting it be known just how fast he can fuck me. I’m starting to see stars as I know my climax is near building and building. A moan escapes me as I can feel myself tightening around him.

  “I can feel you’re close. You need to come for me Ana, now.”

  I lose control at his command and I’m screaming his name.

  “Fuck, Ana.”

  Jake seems to be racing faster still as my body is convulsing around him. It’s not long before Jake makes a glorious guttural sound as he finds his own release. I feel his hot cum inside me and the feeling is exquisite. Words fail me how anything can be as good as this feels right now. This is my version of heaven right here.

  We are lying on the table panting, trying to calm down from the massive high of the most amazing animalistic sex. Before I can stop myself the words are out, “Please don’t leave me this time.” His understanding sinks in as he answers.

  “Ana, I told you, I can’t leave you alone anymore. I can’t stay away, your pull is too much.”

  He breathes heavily in my ear. “Really, you’re not going to fight me?”

  “No, I can’t do it anymore.”

  He lifts himself off me feeling the loss of his skin on mine and he quickly pulls his trousers up.

  “Sorry about your panties. I seem to be making a habit of this. I’ll have to buy you some more.”

  I smile, “You mean more rippable ones?”

  He laughs, “Yes, sounds good to me. I completely lose it around you, oh and don’t ever do that thing with your finger again in public.”

  I quickly remember what he’s referring to and put my finger up to my lips. “What do you mean this?”

  He lets out a growl, “Yes, and stop it, or I might have to take you on the table again and where I really want you is in my bed.”

  I feel like I’m walking on clouds at the moment. I’m so happy to hear that he wants me. I will not think about tomorrow, I just want to cherish this night. All the worries and the preparation for today was all worth it in the end. I got what I have always wanted. Jake.

  I scoot my bottom down to move off the table when Jake raises his hand.

  “Hold on a Sec.”

  He rushes to the toilet and comes back with some tissues and gently wipes me down. I’ve never had this before; it was kind of weird but nice. He disappears and comes back to help me down.

  “I need to ask you something.” He looks sheepish.

  “What is it?”

  “Are you on the pill? I know I’ve not taken care of the situation very well. I wear condoms all the time and have been ever since I got Matthew’s mum pregnant. I have always been so scared it will happen again, not that I regret Matthew at all, I love him to bits but I was young and stupid and have always thought a baby should be made out of love, so I have been wearing them without fail ever since. With you I seem to lose all my faculties, my thought process goes right out the window and all I see is you and me inside you and everything else is irrelevant.”

  My heart pounding at his words, I’m not quite sure how I find my voice. He’s so beautiful, inside and out. “Jake, don’t worry, I’m on the pill and have been for a while. I have a lot of trouble in that department so need to take them and have done for a while now.” Understanding of what I mean washes over him. “Trust me when I say Jake that I will never want to make a baby with anyone unless it is for the right reasons. Take it from someone who has been there and never wants it for their child.” His admission of how much he wants me raises the butterflies inside me, I wanted him again. I don’t know what his speech all means, but I like it and I don’t want it to end.

  “I just think I should have responsibility on my part. It shouldn’t be just up to you to sort out contraception, I should be sharing it. Sometimes the pill can go wrong.”

  I stroke his arm, “I know what you mean, but it doesn’t make a difference to me Jake, I am on the pill regardless of a relationship, but if you are that worried about it then we can start using condoms.” He grabs me and picks me up over his shoulder. “Jake, what are you doing?” I squeal.

  “I’m taking you to my bed where you belong. Fuck the condoms I like the feel of me inside you too much.”

  He hauls me up the stairs to his bedroom and drops me on his bed. I’m giggling like an idiot now as he bounces on the bed and tickles me until I can’t breathe. “Jake, please stop, please.” He stops and looks into my eyes.

  “You’re so beautiful Ana, my Ana.”

  I stop breathing as he brings his head down to my neck and starts kissing it gently. My god I think I’m going to die from the fire rising in my body.

  “I want this dress off you so I can kiss every part of your body. I have been dreaming about doing that ever since that goddamn shower, turn over.”

  I quickly do as he asks and I feel him unzip me. Anticipation of what we’re about to do sending my heart fluttering again. He remembers that shower being as painful for him as it was for me. Now he knows he can take me whenever he wants.

  “Now turn back.”

  I do as I’m told again as he pulls one strap off one arm and then the other. He is taking his time now as he gently slides the dress down towards my feet and discards it on the floor. He then motions with his finger for me to sit up so I gladly comply. He wraps his arms around me and unhooks my bra letting it slide down my arms, slowly sending shivers down my body. He looks back at me for a moment and smiles.

  “Beautiful Ana-Lucia.”

  I gasp, he knows my full name, I haven’t heard that name since I was very little. “No one’s called me that for a very long time,” I sigh.

  “I think it is a beautiful name. I don’t know why you don’t use it.”

  “It's a little girl’s name,” I say.

  “No, it’s a mature (Kiss) beautiful (Kiss) young lady's name (Kiss)”.



  “You have me at an unfair advantage I feel.”

  “Oh do I now?”

  “Yes, I’m completely naked and yet you’re still dressed, how is this fair?”

  He smirks down at me, “Oh, I think it’s fair as you’re right where I want you to be.”

  “Ok, so where’s thaaaaa,” I scream as suddenly his mouth is down between my legs and he’s gloriously licking my clit, “Fuck, Jake,” I shout.

  “Tut tut, Ana-Lucia, watch your dirty mouth.”

  I slink down on the bed and bury the back of my head in his pillow. I don’t have the inclination to protest anymore as his tongue is gloriously licking just the tip of my clit and then around my folds. The sensation is sweet torture. I cry out as his beautiful pleasurable feeling like no other is about to flip me over the edge. I feel myself building and he knows it so stops. “Arrgghh, Jake!” He gets up and starts laughing as he pulls his shirt off. Oh my, he has pecks to die for, I just want to nip and lick every single one of them. He undoes the buttons of his
jeans and then I see his rise to attention staring right back at me. I involuntarily lick my lips.

  “See something you like Miss Sinclair?”

  I make something close to a feline noise and he starts laughing. “This is not funny Jake, get your hiney over here and finish off what you started.”

  He smirks at me, “Hiney? Did you just call my ass a hiney? Are you angry at me Ana-Lucia?”

  How on earth can I feel this wanton again so soon after the last session? “Angry, no, very sexually frustrated, yes and stop calling me that.” I make a move to get up off the bed so I can grab those pecks of his, but he just pushes me back down. “Jake, what are you doing you little shit?” His expression is a definite given of how amusing he finds this whole situation. How can he be so calm when all I want him to do is put his cock inside me?

  “We are angry aren’t we? Let’s see what I can do about that. Do you want me to relieve your tension?”

  Stupid question, “Yes, now come here,” I scream.

  “Then I shall do it after you say one word.”

  My eyes are blazing now, “I’m going to kill you.”

  “Ah ah Ana-Lucia, one word, that’s all it will take. Just one little word and I will be all yours.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh, “Please,” I whisper.

  “What was that, I don’t think I quite heard?”

  “Please,” I shout louder.

  “That’s better.”

  He comes towards the bed and starts at my feet kissing each toe and then licking up towards the inside of my leg. I shiver at the sensation and let out a moan.

  “Ana-Lucia, so receptive to my touch.”

  I moan out, “Yes, Jake, please.”

  He gets to my clit and blows on it gently. Just this simple thing has me wriggling and moaning underneath him. He kisses my belly and his lips move up towards my nipples as he kisses each one. He then licks over and over until I feel close to orgasm just on that one movement alone. “Jake, please.” He comes up to my mouth and kisses me, tongues overlapping and his body pressing hard against mine. I can feel the friction of his body on my clit and it sends my head spinning. He knows exactly what he is doing to me and it’s driving me crazy. I suddenly feel the tip of his glorious erection at my entrance. He slides it in bit by bit and with each turn I moan and dig my nails into his back. He thrusts his cock into me suddenly and my head tilts back in sweet surrender. I’m now at his mercy as I lift myself further into him so I can feel the pressure of his throbbing wonderful cock. I can feel myself getting closer as he’s pounding and pounding harder and faster. I reach down and grab his buttocks with both hands and squeeze him into me.


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