Book Read Free

Take a Breath (Take 1)

Page 15

by Jaimie Roberts

  Chapter 18

  The afternoon goes by quickly as I make Matthew a sandwich and help put all his stuff away from his trip. I also load up the washing machine and get done with some much needed ironing. It is all done swiftly as he is anxious to get a shower and get on with any last minute homework and prep for school. It was 7pm by the time I was sitting down with my feet up, watching Marley and Me. I was so busy crying my eyes out at the part where Jennifer Aniston’s character loses the baby, that I almost didn’t hear Jake’s car pulling into the garage. I dart up and run to the toilet to grab some tissues, so I can dry my eyes. I don’t like people to see me cry over movies. I run into the kitchen and start putting on some spaghetti, so I can make us all some quick Bolognaise now that Jake is home. He swings the door open to the kitchen and I run and throw my arms around him. He squeezes me into him and inhales the scent of my hair. He has only been away a few hours and it’s frightening just how much I’ve missed him. “Tell me Jake please? I can handle it, honest.” He sighs and lets me go. I sit on the bar stool and wait for him to start.

  “I won’t lie Ana, it wasn’t pleasant. The scene I found when I got there was horrific. She wasn’t strangled this time; she was stabbed multiple times, in a frenzied attack. She has been left there since the early hours of Saturday morning. They say time of death was, somewhere between 1am to 5am.”

  This just gets worse. “How do they know it is our killer then?” I ask. He looked pained.

  “She fits the right description. Blonde hair, blue eyes, in her 20’s, but that wasn’t the most damning part. There was a note. Another note, we know it’s him.”

  I braced myself for what he was going to say next. “What did it say Jake?”

  He sighed, “It was only one word, but same paper, same writing. They’re going to examine it for sure, but we’re fairly certain it is the same.”

  I waited and nothing was said. “Jake, please, what did it say?” I grabbed his hand to try and pull him out of it.

  “Bitch, it said bitch.”

  I looked up startled not knowing what all of this meant. Did he mean I was the bitch, or that poor girl he stabbed to death was a bitch? One thing was definitely certain. He was angry. Why? What has changed to make him so pissed? “Was that agent there?”

  He nodded, “Yes along with Tom and Michael.”

  “What were his thoughts?”

  “He asked after you and then warned me how grim the scene was. Tom and Michael both looked sick. First time I’ve ever seen the smug look wiped off Tom’s face to be honest. The bottom line is he’s pissed so something has changed. We’re all concerned it has made him more dangerous. He’s changed his M.O. and it has made everyone nervous. We’re having to bring in more men on this to nail him ASAP. He has to be stopped.”

  I nod and cup my hand on his face and kiss him gently. “He’ll be caught soon, I know he will.”

  I get up to grab some spaghetti from the pantry and start loading some in the pan. I take some meatballs from the fridge and start lightly frying them up. I’m stirring the meatballs, when I feel a set of arms wrapped around me from the back. Jake kisses my neck and I make a light humming sound in my throat. We’re like that a while until Matthew comes bouncing through the door. Jake jumps out of his skin and moves quickly. I start laughing which also sets Matthew off.

  “Wow Dad, what a way to look guilty. Did I interrupt something?”

  He winks at me and I blush. “Don’t tease your father Matthew, he feels a little delicate about all this.” We both start laughing again and Jake is standing there shocked.

  “Well, I’m glad you both find me so amusing. This is all new to me you know. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to act.”

  Matthew sits himself down on the stool. “Dad, I’ve told you, I’m fine. It’s ok, honestly, take a chill pill.”

  “Take a what now?”

  The look on Jake’s face was priceless. Everything already forgotten, as I try and push these awful dealings away and try not to let it rule me. Matthew and I laugh again and eventually Jake relaxes his stance and lets out a chuckle. I grab the sauce for the meatballs and get some parmesan cheese out of the fridge. “Matthew take a seat mate, the dinner’s nearly ready.”

  He salutes me and sits down, “Alright Governor.”

  I give him a stern look for his mickey taking and he just giggles at me. After a few minutes of stirring everything, I gather three big bowls and start dealing out the portions. Jake grabs some cutlery and we sit down to eat.

  They both make appreciative noises.

  “This is good Ana, I didn’t realise how hungry I was.”

  Matthew smiles and I say thank you. Jake touches my hand and winks at me. If Matthew wasn’t here, I would dribble some of this sauce on my chest and request that he lick it all off. My, my I have it bad.

  “You know Clive really has the hots for you Ana. He wouldn’t stop going on about you and how much he wishes you were his stepsister and what a lucky, erm person I was.”

  He looks at his dad, obviously choosing his words carefully not to aggravate him.

  “Boy is he is going to be angry when I tell him what’s been going on whilst we were away.”

  Jake puts his fork down, “Matthew I think it's best you don’t tell anyone anything until we have caught this killer.”

  Matthew sucks on a piece of spaghetti, “So what happened earlier, has there been another murder?”

  Jake nods his head, “Yes, another girl in Reston. Forensics are there sweeping the scene, so we’ll probably know more in the morning.”

  Jake wasn’t going to say anymore and Matthew wasn’t going to push. He knew he wouldn’t get much more info out of him, than what he had already divulged. Jake gets up and moves to the cabinet and gets two glasses. He then moves to the fridge and pours out some Rose into the glass. He places it on the table for me and then gets Matthew a drink.

  We sit there for a while eating and the boys practically licked their plates clean and muttered their approval. Jake then loads the dishwasher up and starts its cycle. Matthew excuses himself so he can finish off getting ready for school and leaves Jake and I in the kitchen. I take a few sips of my wine feeling suitably filled and refreshed.

  “Back to work tomorrow and I am for now, fitting my hours around you. We’ll drive together and come home together.”

  I smile, my caveman. “Jake honestly, you can’t change your life around me, I’ll be fine.” He looks disgusted.

  “You think I’m going to let you out on your own knowing he’s still out there, think again. I won’t hear any more of it Ana. I’m the boss, I say what is what and that’s the end of it.”

  I suck in a breath, “Wow you’re really quite sexy when you get all caveman on me.”

  He scolds me, “Ana, this is serious. I want you to be safe.”

  I nod my head, suitably told off and we finish off our wine. Who am I to complain, this means I get to spend 24/7 with Jake, this is like heaven for me. He pours us another glass and we enter the living room. We sit for a while watching a robot going around murdering anyone associated with John Connor and we snuggle so comfortably, that I must have fallen asleep.

  “Ana, Ana, wake up, it’s time for bed. Come on its 11pm and we have to be up early tomorrow.”

  I moan and I hear him laugh. “So comfortable,” I sigh. He drags me in his arms and we head on up the stairs. I give him a kiss and go in the direction of my room.

  “Erm, where do you think you’re going young lady?”

  I turn and scratch my head still half asleep.

  “Whilst you were asleep, I moved some things of yours in my room. I hope I got everything, but if not we can sort it out in the morning, now in my bed.”

  He points towards his room like he is ordering me in there.

  “I’m just going to say Goodnight to Matthew if he’s not already asleep. I’ll tell him Goodnight for you, now get.”

  I salute him and move into his room. Jake disappears for a w
hile and I get out of my dress and underwear and climb under the covers. A few minutes later Jake is lying naked next to me and spoons me. I sigh contently and soon fall back to sleep.

  Chapter 19

  I hear the alarm going off, but I don’t want to move. I’m so comfortable just lying here. I could lie here all day with Jake next to me. I feel him switch the alarm off and he’s soon back spooning me. Did we seriously stay like this all night? I feel Jake’s hardness digging into my back and I immediately feel myself alert and ready for action. “What time is it?”

  Jake sighs, “It’s 6am.”

  I scoff, “6am, why so early?” He moves his hand up to my breast and gently squeezes. I ease myself into him ready for what he has to give me. He kisses my neck and I moan.

  “Because sweet Ana, I knew that when I woke up beside you I would have a raging hard on, that could not be ignored and we simply cannot be late for work this morning.”

  He carries on kissing the back of my neck and squeezing my breast. I push myself even deeper into him.

  “So eager already Ana, so ready for me.”

  I moan, “Always.” He moves his hand down towards my clit and starts rubbing. I moan out a little louder.

  “Shh you can’t be too loud remember? I need to be inside you Ana, right now.”

  He lowers himself further down and enters me. I try not to moan too loudly, but it is hard to contain myself around him. He pushes himself gently in and out and positions himself upright so he can find my clit, to carry on the delicious rubbing. He bites my shoulder and I can’t help it, I moan again.

  “Ana, hush now.”

  I whimper out, “I can’t help it Jake; you don’t know how good that feels.” He carries on the wonderful onslaught kissing and nibbling the back of my neck. With all these sensations running through me, he is certainly making sure I get every pleasure imaginable. I feel myself rising and my body goes rigid ready for the beautiful climax about to rip through me. I cry out still trying not to make too much noise as I come apart around him. Jake starts working faster and faster and he’s grunting getting worked up.

  “Fuck, Ana, what are you doing to me? I’m going to come inside you now.”

  He squeezes at my hips as he buries himself deeper, trying to release as much as he can. I am there positioning myself to take everything he can give. He kisses the back of my neck again and we lay there for a while, with Jake still inside me. I don’t want to move but I know this can’t last forever. As if sensing the same Jake pulls out and I wince at his departure.

  He smacks my bum, “As much as I want to lay here and have full access to your beautiful naked body, we have to get going.”

  I moan out a no, and he pulls me up.

  “You see Ana, I happen to know the boss is a hard ass and if you’re late for work, he’s going to have to punish you.”

  I raise my eyebrow, “Not sure if that really is a threat Jake. Maybe I should make myself late just to see what punishment he has to offer.” His amusing smile is infectious.

  “You’re a complete sex kitten do you know that, but I can’t do this now, we have to get going, come on.”

  We both enter the shower together and wash each other all over again. I could definitely get used to this. If I wake up to this every morning I’ll be a happy woman. We get out the shower and I see all my little trinkets on the ‘her’ side of the sink display, which tugs at my heart. I put on a bit of makeup and sort my hair out in a high pony tail. I get to the wardrobe and find myself a nice fitted white shirt and pencil skirt to wear to work again. I proceed to get dressed impressed with Jake’s attempts at making me at home in his room.

  “Ana, I haven’t seen you put any panties on.”

  I smile, “I know Mr Bennett, maybe I like going commando now. It saves the hassle for any eventuality that they may need to come off at any time.” He goes to the drawer and picks out a lace white thong and hands it to me.

  “You’re not going to work with me knowing that you have no panties on. I don’t think I can take it and I need to concentrate.”

  I huff at him, but take the panties from him anyway and put them on. I watch as he is putting a white shirt on with a silk navy tie and some black trousers. My god he looks fit. He sweeps his beautiful hair back and I can see the piercing green eyes stare toward me. “Why do you always look like something I want to eat?” Jake bursts out laughing at my outburst.

  “I can say the same for you too Ana. You look like candy on a stick and I just want to lick you all over.”

  I sigh, “Yes please.” He comes over to me kisses me gently.

  “Don’t tempt me. Are you ready? It’s 7:20 now.”

  I nod my head and we make our way downstairs.

  We grab a quick bite to eat and gather our things getting ready for our day ahead. We shout goodbye to Matthew, who by now was up and getting ready for school. When I enter the garage the heat just hits me. I’ve been cooped up in a lovely air conditioned house so long I forgot all about how hot it really is out there. We get in the car and he starts the engine.

  He looks at me and grabs my hand, “Are you ready?”

  I nod, “Ready.” The garage door opens and we see a squad car outside, we wave to them and off we go. “Why are they still here?”

  “I just want them there until Matthew leaves. He’s going to make sure the house is locked up tight before he heads off to school, and I’ve already told him to text me the minute he gets to school so I know he’s ok.” I nod. “I’m not taking any chances with this Ana, not until it’s finished.”

  I show my approval and we make most of the journey in silence, holding hands until we finally reach the station.

  Once Jake has parked in his spot we make our way inside and are greeted by everyone along the way. Jake touches my arm goodbye and makes his way to the office. I miss him already. I sigh knowing that life still has to go on, so I carry on walking over to where my desk is. An eagerly awaited Jessie is sitting perched high in her chair. She looks radiant with her red locks bouncing from her fair rounded face.

  “Wow, look at you, you look radiant Ana.”

  I chuckle, “Funnily enough, I was just thinking the same thing about you my dear.”

  She beams, “I know I think being in love suits me doesn’t it?”

  I gasp, “Jessie and Jerry are getting serious?”

  She nods, “Yes, who would have thought I would fall for a guy called Jerry Maguire but he’s perfect. We can’t keep our hands off each other. Hey, never mind that for a moment, talking about keeping hands from each other, spill goddammit. Do you know how hard it has been for me waiting to hear everything that has been happening with you, for the last three days? You’re driving me crazy missy.”

  “Ok, but first come with me for a coffee, it’s quieter in the kitchen.” We make our way over to the small room where the machines for making all sorts are laid out in front of us, and we gather our mugs to make our drinks. Luckily we were on our own. “It all started really Thursday night when Jake and I found ourselves on his sofa barely able to contain ourselves.”

  Jessie’s eyes bulged, “No shit, Ana, go on.”

  I proceed, “Well, I don’t know how he manages it, but he throws himself off me and starts babbling about what we were doing was wrong blah, blah, blah. I was just sitting there horny as hell and he throws that at me. I was pissed. The next day he gets angry at me for flirting with Matthew’s mates and we end up having sex, but he still feels it’s all wrong. Well, long story short your plan worked and the next minute we’re on the table in the kitchen, in his bed, in the shower, in the bed again, in the Jacuzzi. I think you get my drift.” Jessie looks at me stunned.

  “Wow, you little slut, you never told me anything. I found you so quiet at times and so within yourself and next minute you walk into the offices looking well and truly fucked and telling me how many times Mr Boss man shagged you over the weekend.” We both start laughing. “Seriously though Ana, you look even more fantastic than n
ormal. Jake is obviously good for you. I think the men here will be more over you now than ever until they know. Are you going to tell everyone?”

  I’m suddenly confused, “What do you mean all over me more now?”

  “Well, you’ll be oozing sex from every pore of you. Men can tell that you see. Notice when you’re single and nothing happens, and as soon as you find a man they’re all sniffing round you? Well, that will be you.”

  I pour us each a cup from the ready hot percolator. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re wise upon your years, but have a serious potty mouth disorder?” I hand her the mug.

  “It’s a gift I think, but you can kiss my ass with the potty mouth missy. Anyway, why are you keeping this all a secret anyway? He’s not really your dad you’re banging is he, because you know that’s against the law right?”

  I screw up my face in disgust, “Jessie, that’s just. Shut up, that’s sick.” She laughs, squeezes my arm and tells me she’s only kidding. I then tell her all about the not nice things that were happening at the weekend and she looked in complete shock.

  “The blonde killer is obsessed with you? Who could it be, do you suspect anyone?”

  I cringe at the thought of Alan, but I can’t tell Jessie this, not if I’m hiding it from Jake, it wouldn’t be fair. I’m not sure whether she would be able to keep that sort of thing secret anyway. I have Agent Marcos onto it, so if that is a lead I’m sure I will know soon enough. “No, I have no idea Jessie. I can’t understand why he needs to create such a fuss over me. I’m nothing special after all.” Jessie shakes her head at me, clearly unhappy with my remark but doesn’t say anything further.


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