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Take a Breath (Take 1)

Page 20

by Jaimie Roberts

  The song is coming close to its end as I spin round once more and move my hips up and down above his crotch. He growls once more as I trail my hand down his chest towards his groin and squeeze just how hard he is for me. He jerks at the chair and I feel the vibration in his chest as he lets out the most pained sound.

  “Please Ana; you have to get me out of these cuffs.”

  I could have played with him some more, made it more unbearable but I felt I had taken it as far as I could. I caressed his face as the song came to an abrupt end.

  I plucked the little key situated between my breasts, Jake is watching my every move. I placed my left leg in between his thighs, bringing it up to his groin, and rubbed it with my knee. He moans and gives me a look as if to say, that’s enough. I quickly move myself around gently pressing my left leg against his as I turn. I let one hand free which he moves towards him, but he waits patiently for the next. My heart is pounding against my chest as I let the other hand free. He rises from the chair and spins round rubbing at his wrists. I stand there transfixed at his hungry stare. I move my hands to toward my back and grab the bedpost bracing myself for what he has in store with me now that he is let loose. The thought has my senses running wilder than ever.

  “Ana, you fucking tease. I don’t know whether to spank you or fuck you seven shades till Sunday.”

  I grip the post begging him with my eyes exactly what I want him to do. I drop the riding crop and take off the hat letting it fall to the floor. “I think I’ll settle for seven shades.” His face morphs into the animal I know he is as he strides towards me, picks me up and drops me on the bed.

  “Seven shades it is then.”

  I giggle loving the moment. He throws himself on top of me and pushes his hand between my suspender belt and down into my stocking. I’m as wet as hell. This has been the best foreplay I’ve ever had. He presses his hand on my sex and quickly realises they have buttons he can swiftly rip off, which he does in one fell swoop. I moan into his mouth which is now pressing against me, the hunger evident in his whole body. I feel like I’m on fire. Sex with Jake is always this intense, but the build up to it has lit fires alight I never knew existed. I can feel how hurried he is to get inside me and the feeling is more than mutual. He places a finger inside me and I move my hips up meeting his finger.

  “Ana, you’re so fucking wet. I think I’m going to come on the strength of this.”

  I rip at his shirt, pulling at him desperation oozing through my very pores. “Jake, fuck me please.” He hears the desperation and the same vibration through his chest ripples through to mine.

  “You need to keep those shoes on. You don’t know what they do to me. I nearly died when I saw you in them that night. I didn’t want anyone else to see them on you but me.”

  I suddenly wished I had never gone out with them on if this was how he felt. His need for me was like a genie granting the ultimate wish. I wanted to please him in every way possible. Nothing else mattered when I was with him. It was just us, in our big bubble of Jake and Ana and I prayed every day that it would never burst. He is my all, my everything and these moments with him were all I ever needed.

  He starts kissing my neck, any fears quickly forgotten as my eyes rolled to the back of my head in ecstasy. The feeling of his lips on my skin has my whole body a slushy mess beneath him. We’re both desperately trying to yank at his jeans as if we can’t get them off soon enough. I have this abrupt wish to be superwoman, as if I were strong enough, I would have ripped them off him by now. We barely manage to get his boxer shorts down enough before he thrusts himself into me. “Jake,” I cry as he thrusts again and again. My heart is pounding through my chest and the tension builds and builds through each of his thrusts. I’m grabbing at anything I can reach, anything I can grip a hold of so that I can pull him deeper and deeper inside me, more and more. I scream again, “Jake.” His pounding becomes faster and faster, as the stars again are forming all around me. My head feels lighter and lighter as pure bliss takes over my being. I feel my whole body lift as I climb into the depths of heaven never felt by anyone else in the world. “Jake,” I scream again. I feel I am getting close. Any barriers around me knocked down by the decadent monster that is Jake. I close my eyes as I let the feeling take over. I can’t hold back anymore. Jake screams my name and I lose control digging my nails into his back, willing him inside me more and more, as I climax all around him.

  “Ana, fuck, you keep doing this to me,” he screams as he thrusts his release again and again and I meet him time and time, ready to take what he can give. My mind is racing with the comedown of the most magnificent sex.

  Jake pants, “Just when I think it can’t get any better with you, something happens to change that. Ana, is it just me? I can’t fucking think straight around you.” He sighs into my mouth as he kisses me.

  “Jake, it’s not just you, believe me.” He buries his head into my shoulder and we lay there for a while trying to catch our breaths. The candle light is dancing off Jake’s silhouette, as I watch fascinated by his beauty. I’m so happy; I never want this moment to end.

  “Ana, I...”

  “Yes, Jake?” I suddenly feel that this next sentence is going to be one of the most important sentences of my life. I wait patiently.

  “Ana I...” Suddenly at the pivotal moment Jake’s phone decides to chime and all thoughts about what was about to be said next are lost. “Sorry Ana, I have to get this just in case, you know, work?”

  I nod in understanding as Jake fumbles to reach for his phone. Moment immediately ruined by whoever is on the other end.

  “Bennett. Oh it’s you. Yes its fine, go ahead. Sorry to hear about that buddy. Ok, I hope you feel better soon. Yep, Ok. You know they will probably want to come visit, don’t you? Ok, just so you know. I will give you a heads up. Yep, speak later. Bye.” He flips his phone shut. “That was Tony.”

  I wriggle underneath him and Jake manoeuvres himself off. “I take it he’s still not well then?”

  He shakes his head, “No, he says he has some sort of stomach flu, so he can’t make it tomorrow. He says he should be in on Thursday, but I think the Feds will want to go to his home once they realise he’s not coming in.”

  I move myself onto my stomach and lean up, so I can look at him better. He lies on his side and with one finger gently traces from my shoulder down to my back. I shiver under his touch.

  “My god you look so damn sexy in that outfit. Ana, as much as I enjoyed that little stunt you pulled; don’t ever do that to me again. I’ve waited long enough to hold you; I don’t ever want to feel that restricted again.” I laugh. “What?” Jake asks.

  “I thoroughly enjoyed myself I must admit.” He flings me over and climbs on top. He grabs my wrists and pins them to each side of the bed.

  “If anyone is cuffing anybody here, it’s going to be me. I have the badge remember?”

  Heat resumes back between my legs. Dang it, can I not just get enough already? He kisses me, licking his tongue across my lip. It’s so erotic.

  “Sweet Ana, you taste so good in every which way.”

  He lets go of me and climbs off. I feel the emptiness straight away and mourn for his touch again.

  “Nice choice of song by the way.” Jakes says.

  “I thought so,” I mused.

  “You like your music, don’t you?”

  “Yes, it helps me think a lot and helps me run, when I can get out of the house that is.” I look at him but he’s not amused.

  “You know, when I was about 12 years old; I had this Bon Jovi Album, Keep the Faith I think it was called. I loved that album, used to play it over and over again, but then it broke. I was really upset for a while after.” The slight pain in my stomach erupts as I remember just how it became broken in the first place.

  I was playing it in my bedroom about the 50 time, when Alan came in. I had my headphones in my ears as I didn’t want to make any sound to alert him. It was no use anyway he came barging in. He took it
from me shouting about being sick and tired me playing Bon Jovi over and over; that I must want to fuck him and that he would show me that he was a real man one day. He took it from the walkman and crushed it under his foot. I was mortified, I wanted to scream at him, but then he had got up close to me and I was scared to death. He grabbed my breast and squeezed hard and I yelped out. My mum then starts calling to him from the stairs, so he huffed his way out told me to clean the shit up, and that was it. I will never forget it though.

  “That’s a shame. I take it you never got another one?”

  I daren’t get another after that incident. “No, I grew up getting into other music, although I still like Bon Jovi,” I said.

  “Yes, but he’s not as good looking as me though is he?”

  I nudge his arm, but he’s right. “No Mr Bennett, he is not as good looking as you.” I pause a moment. “You know, I would like to have a shower with you, but I’m afraid your exceptionally large head may not fit through that bathroom door.” Jake stands to attention, grabs me, lifts me into his arms and winks. “You wanna bet?”

  I giggle and wave my feet about as he takes me to the showers and places me gently on the floor. He starts the shower up as I put my leg up on the bidet to unhook my suspender belt.

  “My god that’s a sexy sight.”

  I look at him and smile and we take our shower lathering each other up. Once dried I put on a tank top and boxer shorts and we head downstairs to have a quick snack.

  I opt for some cereal and fruit and Jake puts on a couple of slices of toast. We’re sitting eating when Matthew comes through the door. I check the clock and find it’s already 11.20pm.

  “Hey you guys are still up?”

  I watch him smiling.

  “What?” Matthew asks.

  “Come on then tiger, who’s this Cindy then and how long have you been hiding her?” Jake looks as eager for him to answer the question as I am.

  “We’ve been hanging out, you know for a couple of months now. I didn’t want to say anything as I didn’t know how it was going to go, but I really like her.”

  “Well by the look I saw on her face I’d say the feeling is mutual.” Matthew seemed contented by my remark.

  “You’ll have to invite her round for dinner sometime then; if you like her that much son.” Matthew nodded and smiled at Jake.

  “Clive was all up in my face about you two when we left.”

  I wince, “I’m really sorry about that Matthew. I didn’t think.”

  “It’s ok but he wouldn’t shut up about it. I kept telling him to concentrate on his girl instead of asking me questions about what’s going on at home between you two.”

  Oh dear, “I feel really bad now Matthew, I’m so sorry.” He came and gave me a hug and told me not to worry.

  “I better hit the hay, got school tomorrow and I’m feeling beat.” He dragged his feet.

  “Don’t you want something to eat, a snack?” Jake asks.

  “No Dad, I’m fine, we all went for a pizza after the match so I’m good to go.”

  We said our goodnights and off he went up to bed. Very soon after I could feel how heavy my eyes were feeling.

  “Come on you, we have to be up in just over 6 hours.”

  I gave him that look. “Ana, I could never be that tired. Once the alarm goes off, you’ll just have to lie there and think of England.”

  I laugh loudly, “As if I could ever do that with you.” We put our plates away in the dishwasher and he lifts me up to carry me upstairs. “You don’t have to keep carrying me everywhere, but I could get used to this you know.”

  He kisses me tenderly, “So could I Ana. So could I.”

  Chapter 24

  Again the alarm goes off at 6am, and again I want to go back to sleep, but the feel of Jake nibbling my ear gets all my senses going into overdrive. Once again, he has me at his mercy. “Jake you’re incorrigible.” He inhales the scent on my neck.

  “Hmm, I just can’t get enough of you.”

  His hands suddenly feel like they’re everywhere as I’m gently pulled out of my sleep into perfect bliss. Will it ever stop feeling like this? I turn to face him as I reach down and grab his cock. It is throbbing against my touch and he moans in appreciation. “Always so ready Mr Bennett.” He moves on top of me and places his hand on my sex.

  “I could say the same for you Miss Sinclair.”

  After another spell bounding morning in bed, we get ourselves ready deciding on a white and pink floral dress for today. We make our way down the stairs for a quick bite to eat. I grab a muffin and juice for Joe and make my way outside. “Oh, you’re not Joe.”

  Steve laughs, “No, Joe’s on days, so he should be heading to work now.”

  I feel remorseful, “Sorry I didn’t realise it was you in the car when we got back, I thought I was waving to Joe last night.” A look of guilt comes across my face remembering how eager I was just to get back home to execute my plan.

  “Don’t sweat it Ana.”

  I hand him the muffin and juice and head back into the house. Jake lightly pats my backside as we say our goodbyes to Matthew, before heading out.

  Again it’s another beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. I feel nervous about going in to work after how upset I became yesterday, but I have to get on. I can’t let it rule me. I suddenly remember with annoyance that I won’t have Jessie with me today. I wonder how she got on last night. I pull my phone out to text her but then suddenly remember that it’s early and that she may be having a lie in. I don’t think she would appreciate me texting if she were. I wonder if I should text Tony, but I’m still a little baffled by his behaviour the other day, unless he was just a little delirious from his fever.

  We get to work in no time at all and I quickly get myself settled at my desk. Tom is hanging around Jake’s office with a man I’ve never seen before, as they make their way in. Probably just another agent. I boot up my computer and sift through a few case files when I suddenly have the urge for coffee. I get up and find standing in front of me Jake, Tom and this new guy.

  “Ana, this is our new Detective here David Willis, he’s just started today and Tom here will be showing him the ropes.”

  He puts a hand out to me and I take it. He’s a little small about my height, but well in proportion. He only looks in his early thirties, but he has his black hair slicked back with gel, a bit too much gel. It makes him look a bit like a slime ball. If he is, then he’ll get on with Tom no end.

  “I’m sorry your name is Ana…?”

  It is then I decide to blurt out, “Bennett.” I smile and then realise my mistake. Tom looks like he’s just heard the funniest joke ever and Jake stands there aghast until a big smile develops on his face. My cheeks burn with obvious embarrassment. “Sinclair sorry, my name is Ana Sinclair. Excuse me I have to make a coffee.” Shit, did I really just say that out loud? I rush to the coffee room and bang my head against the wall. What is Jake going to think of me now? Shit, how am I going to explain this?

  I fumble about trying to make my coffee when Michael pops his head round.

  “I see you’ve met the new guy?”

  I jump at the sound of his voice and he looks worried.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I shake my head, “It’s ok Michael, I’ve just been a little shaky lately that’s all.” Also caused the world’s worst blunder but never mind that.

  “That’s completely understandable Ana; you’ve been through a lot lately. You know I’m here if you need anything?”

  Michael’s been so sweet recently; I wonder what’s gotten into him. “That’s kind of you Michael, thank you.” I pour my coffee and I’m just about to leave when Tom pops his head in.

  “I wished I had my camera out ready when you did that Ana. The look on your face, it was classic.”

  I sneered at him, “Fuck off Tom,” I scowl.

  “Ooh tetchy Mrs Bennett.”

  He storms off laughing his head off and
Michael looks at me in wonder.

  “Have a missed something? You haven’t run off and got married since you were in yesterday have you? Is that why you both left early?”

  I put my hand up to stop him. “Michael, no we’re not married. It’s just Tom pratting about.”

  He frowns, “Pratting about?”

  Americans, they always need translations, “Being an ass.” Michael nods in understanding and follows me out of the room. He’s about to say something else when Jake is standing there, the great Adonis that he is and looks at us both. Michael quickly retreats and Jake has that silly smirk back on his face. My own face flushes at his reaction.

  “Are you embarrassed Ana?” I put my head down and he comes a little closer, “Ana, look at me.”

  I do as he commands, but I just want the floor to swallow me up. “Yes, embarrassed as hell. I’m sorry; I don’t know what came over me. I keep saying that lately. I know it’s a lame excuse but it’s all I got.” The smirk on his face is still plastered there. He’s obviously enjoying my humiliation.

  “Don’t worry about it. Ana-Lucia Bennett. It has a certain ring to it don’t you think?”

  I gasp in horror as he saunters passed me, pleased as punch with my reaction. I almost drop my coffee.

  I stumble back to my desk not sure how my legs carried me there. I can’t believe he just said that and what does it mean? My head is exploding with all sorts of thoughts, but none of them help me out that much. I have this sudden pang when I realise Jessie isn’t here. I could really have done with her being in today. I need to talk to her about this. I glance at the clock, its 11am; she should be up and ready about now. I pick up the phone and call. A couple of rings later she answers. “Jessie, it's Ana, how was it?”

  “Ana, hi, it was great thanks, Jerry was the perfect gentleman. He took me to a steak house. He said it was the best steak house in Richmond and it was. You must try it Ana, maybe you should set up a date this weekend with Mr Boss man. I’m sure you two would like the hotel also.”


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