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The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance

Page 11

by Checketts, Cami

  “Holy crap, what a hooker,” Granny said.

  “Shh.” Alyssa pulled her behind a huge banyan tree. “We’ve seen them, now let’s get out of here.”

  Granny peeked around to take a look at the couple once more. “Just a minute. We’ve worked too hard to find out what’s going on here. I’m not leaving until I have some reassurance that my boy is just being a gentleman with an old friend.” She studied the couple as Alyssa picked at a hangnail and focused on the setting sun over the ocean. This was a beautiful view. If only she could enjoy it.

  “Oh,” Granny said. “Oh, my. Oh, no.”

  Alyssa couldn’t stand it. She peeked around the tree and saw Belle’s full chest pressed against Beck’s arm as he held the menu and ordered his food. Alyssa glanced down at her much smaller bosom and knew she couldn’t compete physically with a surgically constructed woman like Belle. Turning back to the ocean, she took long, slow inhalations.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Granny muttered. “Be strong, Beck.”

  Alyssa wished she could be strong too, but of course she glanced again. Belle dropped her napkin and leaned all the way over to pick it up. Alyssa was certain the girl did not hold stock in Victoria’s Secret. I mean, come on. A bra would at least rein those puppies in. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Beck and see the admiration or lust or whatever men had on their faces at such a moment.

  Granny blew out a breath and said, “Well, this spy mission sucked.” She turned to Alyssa. Her blue eyes soft with sympathy. “Forget Miso Phat. Ice cream for dinner?”

  Alyssa forced a smile. “Maybe that would help.”

  Granny wrapped an arm around Alyssa’s waist and they trudged back the way they’d come. It was sad when even Granny realized there was no purpose in spying any more. Belle was gorgeous and Beck was obviously having a great time, touching, looking at, and whatever else he was going to do with her. Alyssa hated herself for falling for Beck so quickly. He’d seemed so different, but apparently was ruled by lust like every other guy she’d dated.

  “I should’ve known,” she muttered.

  “What was that?” Granny asked over her shoulder.

  “Men suck,” Alyssa said louder.

  Granny fell into step with Alyssa and wrapped an arm around her waist. “They do sometimes, but I can’t help loving them for their bodies.”

  Alyssa laughed uneasily, but didn’t agree. Belle could keep Beck’s gorgeous body. Alyssa was done competing. Sadness ripped through her. She’d given Beck up voluntarily. Why did it have to hurt so much?

  The next morning Alyssa ran some trails above the bed and breakfast. She didn’t usually run alone on trails, but she had her can of pepper spray and she was having a really hard time caring about much of anything today. She was miserable. All she could picture was how gorgeous Belle had looked at dinner in her tight, low-cut dress and how Beck had seemed completely focused on her. Would Alyssa hear from him again? If she did, what would she say? I’m not mature enough to travel with you and help the children unless you promise to only look at me in that special way? Aarggh. She thought she’d written men off and now she was a jealous mess over the first one she fell for.

  Her foot throbbed. Uneven paths tended to do that, but she forced herself to keep pounding out the steps. Eventually, the physical exertion would become all-consuming and she’d forget the ache in her foot and the ache over losing Beck. At least that was the theory.

  Footsteps thudded from behind and Alyssa picked up her pace. She didn’t like seeing other runners when she was in an isolated spot. Paranoia was protection sometimes. But the runner kept coming and coming and then she heard her name, “Alyssa! Please… wait.”

  Alyssa turned as Beck sprinted up to her. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved it was him or not.

  “Hey,” he gasped out, resting his hands on his thighs.

  “Hey.” She glanced over the well-defined muscles of his upper body, too evident in the tight neoprene shirt he wore. She forced herself not to remember how good it felt to be cuddled into that chest and folded her arms across her midsection.

  “You didn’t answer my texts,” he said, straightening up and wiping away the sweat on his forehead.

  “I don’t bring my phone when I run.” She was such a liar. Her phone was tucked in her shorts pocket.

  “I texted you last night about going for ice cream or something.”

  “Oh, those texts.” She pressed her lips together. “I wasn’t up for a threesome.”

  “Not with Granny. Just you and me.”

  “I wasn’t talking about Granny.”

  He cocked his head to the side and studied her. Alyssa sighed when it became apparent he wasn’t going to make this easy on her. She closed her eyes and muttered, “Belle.”

  Beck’s eyebrows arched up. “What about her?”

  Her stomach clenched. His inflection hadn’t been harsh, but sadly it had sounded exactly like the many times her mom had found out about another woman and her dad had sweet-talked her out of believing he’d cheated. That was years ago though, when her dad used to keep up the pretense of being faithful.

  “I’m not into two-timers, Beck.” She turned and ran away, unfortunately the trail was a steep incline and she was panting within seconds.

  Beck caught her easily and wrapped her in his arms, hauling her to a stop. Alyssa’s breath was coming in sharp bursts, from the run, her anger, the feel of his touch, or the embarrassment over her petty behavior, she wasn’t sure. She elbowed him in the gut. He grunted and released her. Alyssa whirled to face him.

  Beck held his hands up. “Hey, it’s okay,” he soothed.

  Alyssa eyed him warily.

  “I would never two-time you, Alyssa.”

  “I wish I could believe that.”

  His dark hair glistened in the sunlight and his blue eyes were sparking. “I’m confused, Alyssa. You said you understood about me going to dinner with Belle.”

  She groaned. She had said that, but she hadn’t meant it. “I thought I did, but… it seems like it was more than dinner.”

  “It wasn’t.” Beck took a cautious step forward. “Belle is a good friend of my family’s. We got together last night to catch up, nothing more. Her dad contributes heavily to my charities and has been like an uncle to me.”

  Alyssa swallowed and nodded bravely. “That’s all?”

  “That’s all.” He cupped her face with his hands and Alyssa was very proud of herself for not melting into a puddle at his feet. He traced his thumb down her cheek and she trembled.

  “Did you ever date her?” She hated herself for asking, but she needed to know.

  “Yes.” He released her face.

  “How serious?”

  He exhaled and shook his head. “It’s been years since we dated and it doesn’t matter anymore.”

  Alyssa felt like it very much did matter. She hated that Beck was closing the subject and she didn’t know how to keep it open without sounding like an insecure wimp. This entire conversation was too reminiscent of her dad and his dismissal of all of her mom’s fears. Her mom had been the stupid sap that had always fallen back into his traps.

  “You’re right,” Alyssa muttered. “It doesn’t matter. You’re just like my father. Apparently all men are.” Oh, no. Had she really just said that? It was too late to take it back now and in her irrational jealous anger she didn’t want to. She caught a glimpse of Beck’s face before she brushed past him and raced up the trail. He looked shocked and angered by her barbed words. It really was unfair to compare him to her father. Alyssa regretted the insult but no way was she going to retrace her steps and chat it all out with him.

  After a while Alyssa realized there were no footsteps following her. He’d given up on her. Tears raced down her cheeks. Beck not following her shouldn’t hurt this bad, but she realized that she wanted more than anything for him to convince her that he was different, that he did care. Her mind replayed every word he’d said and every picture of him
and Belle together as she pounded through the miles.

  When she finally returned home to shower, the worries of Belle and the memories of her dad’s infidelity were so strong she could hardly catch a full breath. Beck had seemed so genuine, but it was just like always… she couldn’t allow herself to trust a man.

  Beck was barely out of the shower when he heard a firm knock on his door. He swung it wide, hoping for Alyssa, even though her parting line had ticked him off so much he didn’t know when or if they were going to make up. She and Ellie had all but called her father a sleaze then Alyssa said she was just like him. That hurt.

  A man stood on the landing with white-blond hair and blue eyes regarding him with a calculating stare.

  “Can I help you?” Beck asked.

  “I certainly think you can.” The man extended his hand and smiled. “Gary Armsworth. I think we have a mutual concern.”

  Beck shook the man’s soft hand as an automatic response, in shock Alyssa’s dad would track him down. “Concern?”

  “My sweet Alyssa.” Gary walked past Beck before he could protest. Beck softly shut the door behind him. How dare Alyssa trounce on his heart and then send her dad to what… chat with him?

  “My sources tell me that you’ve taken advantage of my daughter.”

  “What?” Beck’s neck muscles tightened. Alyssa wouldn’t have told him that, would she? Possibly Ellie. But both of them acted like they didn’t trust or like this guy. Beck could see why already. He made Beck feel like he needed another shower. “What sources? I haven’t done anything but kiss her.”

  Gary arched an eyebrow. “You want more than a simple kiss and you love her.”

  Beck swallowed. Yesterday he might have reluctantly agreed with either statement. After this morning, he was too upset to know what to think. Alyssa had seemed like his dream girl and then she’d accused him of checking out Belle and being a scumbag like the weasel standing in front of him.

  “I’m willing to grant you permission to have fun with her, or even marry her if that’s more your style.” He grinned and spread his hands wide.

  Beck thought punching this guy in the face might be more his style. Who offered up their own daughter to an unknown man to “have fun with”?

  “I have a business proposition for you,” Gary continued. “Might as well keep the business in the family, right?” He nudged Beck’s arm.

  Beck had no clue how to respond. “Business proposition?” He remembered Alyssa’s response to those words. No wonder she had been so skittish with a father who acted like this. He wondered if he felt more pity for Alyssa having to deal with this guy or more anger that she’d compared Beck to him.

  “I understand you manage extensive real estate holdings. I happen to be in real estate too; I own several title agencies. So here’s my proposition: you use one of my title companies for all of your transactions,” He extended a business card, “and I’ll encourage Alyssa to choose you. Help you have all the fun with my daughter you desire.”

  Beck didn’t take the card. He didn’t like this guy, at all, and the way he’d said, “have fun with my daughter” had Beck itching to plant a fist in his face. How many other men had received a similar offer and taken advantage of it. Had Alyssa given in to any of them? A sour taste filled his mouth. “And if I can’t use your title companies for some of my transactions?”

  “We’re throughout the west, it won’t be a problem.”

  “I think it might be. I’m happy with my current business relationships.” Beck arched an eyebrow, daring the guy to contradict him. Gary had done his homework. Between Jordan’s Buds and all of Beck’s family’s real estate holdings he used title companies a lot and this would be a significant boost to any title company.

  The man’s blue eyes, that looked an awful lot like Ellie’s, narrowed and cooled to ice. “I think you’ll want to switch.” He set the card on a side table. “I can make a lot of trouble for you and Alyssa. I don’t think you want that.” He opened the door.

  “No one threatens me,” Beck muttered. He grabbed the card and flicked it at Gary. It fell to the floor and neither man moved to pick it up. Beck took a step forward. “If you ever try to extort me again, I will press charges.” He was struggling through the anger of Alyssa comparing him to this jerk and his compassion at her being raised by such a loser. Despite her final comment this morning, he cared for her more than he wanted to believe. “Threaten Alyssa again and we’ll see who can make trouble for who.”

  Gary sneered at him. “Hawaii is a dangerous place. I’d hate for someone else to attack my precious daughter. There’s no saying what kind of diseases the druggies around here are carrying.”

  Beck’s eyes widened. “Are you driving a silver Lexus sport utility?”

  Gary backed out onto the balcony. “I don’t see that what I drive matters to you.”

  “You paid that idiot to hurt Alyssa,” Beck growled. “What kind of a father are you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Gary turned and walked a few steps away.

  Beck followed him. “You try to hurt Alyssa again and I’ll think about turning you into the police, if there’s enough of you left after I pummel you.” Beck couldn’t believe how overprotective he felt of Alyssa. She didn’t deserve a father like this and he was having a hard time blaming her for being distrusting after being around Gary for five minutes.

  Gary didn’t respond, taking the stairs two at a time.

  Beck debated going after him, but he felt like having leverage on a man like that was the better course. After the way Gary took off out of there, Beck was pretty sure they wouldn’t hear from him again.

  He stalked back into his room and sunk onto the bed, sick that Alyssa and Ellie had to deal with that man. His father would’ve never treated people like cattle. Beck didn’t know what to think about Alyssa now. He wanted to talk with her, look into her dark eyes, and see if they had a chance. Had her comment about him being like her father been said out of hurt because she thought Beck cared for Belle? Maybe. He’d never know if he didn’t get brave enough to ask. He looked at his clenched fists. He was brave enough to fight anyone on the ice or off, but was he brave enough to use those same fists to pound on the door of the woman he thought he’d fallen for? He unclenched his fingers and sighed. Not sure of his answer.

  Alyssa had taken her time showering and sorting through some photos. Luckily Granny slept late each morning so she had a few minutes to dry her tears and try to figure out how to break the news to Granny. She’d offended Beck with her comment about him being like her father and she probably wouldn’t see him again. A despair so heavy it seemed to choke her spread throughout her body. Sadly, the next picture was one of Beck kicking a ball around with some children from the village where they bought banana bread yesterday.

  She traced the lines of his face and whispered, “Oh, Beck.” Had she been wrong about him? She sure thought he was different, before Belle had shown up.

  A hard rap on her door almost made her drop her laptop. “Coming,” she called.

  She wiped at her face and tried to force a smile as she cracked the door open. Beck stood on the other side. His eyes stormy like rough seas. His face softened visibly when he saw her and his massive shoulders, that had been bunched around his ears, lowered.

  Alyssa pulled the door open wider. “Beck,” she breathed.

  “Hey.” He pushed a hand through his dark hair. “Can we talk?”

  She nodded and backed away from the door.

  Beck entered, filling up the small room.

  “I’m sorry,” she muttered before he could say anything.

  He swallowed and said, “Sorry for what?”

  “I shouldn’t have compared you to my father.” She hung her head, unable to meet his gaze.

  Beck gently tilted her chin up with his fingers. Alyssa’s breath caught. He was so close she could smell the clean, crisp scent of his body. Her eyes flickered from the breadth of his chest to meet his gaz
e. His blue eyes were finally warm. They finally looked like her Beck.

  “Thank you.” He released her face but didn’t step back. “But I think it’s me that needs to apologize. I didn’t realize… how uncertain you were of men.”

  “You mean terrified?” she bit her lip, not sure why she’d let that escape. No one but Maryn knew how scared she was.

  “Is that a better way to describe it?”

  “Maybe.” She played with the bottom of her shirt.

  “It all hit me when… well, a little bit ago. You didn’t spend any time alone with me before you got to know me. You seemed almost scared of me and it didn’t make sense.” He captured her hand and stroked his thumb along the back of it. “Can you tell me about it?”

  Alyssa’s breath caught as she met his gaze. “My father used to let his friends play around me with. They never went too far, but… Oh, man.” It was so hard to explain this. “They would tease me and make me sit on their laps. They just made me feel gross and made me think that all men were takers.” She shook her head, not sure how much she wanted to spell out to him as his grip on her hand tightened. “Then I found a boyfriend in college that I thought was great. We went away for spring break and he came through the adjoining door and tried to make me… well, you know.” The grip got tighter. “Ouch.” Alyssa tugged her fingers back.

  “Sorry.” Beck released her hand and jammed his fingers through his already mussed dark hair. “There’s more, isn’t there?”

  “You don’t want to hear it all.”

  Beck’s eyes were full of compassion. “I can handle whatever you want to tell me.”

  Alyssa licked her lips and admitted, “I dated a politician after college. He fulfilled the stereotypes, telling everybody, including me, whatever we wanted to hear. He cheated on me.” She found as she got going it was hard to stop. “I have nightmares every few weeks about a man who tried to rape me.” She hung her head. “My father was going to sell me to him.”

  Beck gave a strangled groan and backed into the door. “Oh, Alyssa.”


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