Africa, My Passion
Page 23
Schulprojekt Barsaloi
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Carrying gourds, Himba style.
The local women are amazed at the first sight of our camels.
A Himba woman carrying her child in a goatskin pouch.
A roaring waterfall at Epupa.
A donkey ride to the well.
Himba children in a dried river bed.
Fetching drinking water is a job for the girls.
My ‘home’ for a few weeks.
The camp fire is also our kitchen.
Market women in Nairobi.
The ironing man with his wooden ironing board.
Washing done by slum women hangs on balconies in a middle-class district.
Matatus struggles with the chaotic Nairobi traffic.
A view over Kibera slum and school.
On our way to meet the slum dwellers.
Irene in her garden.
Doreen and her son, outside their home.
A Mathare United FC training session.
Innocent and Joseph – Mathare United FC stars.
My former husband Lketinga, back in 1987.
Me with my daughter Napirai, in Barsaloi, 1989.
A warm reunion with Mama.
Mama is delighted to see her granddaughter Napirai again.
Napirai with her youngest half-sister and her proud father.
Most of the family gather outside James’s house.
Napirai with her devoted cousin Diego.
Papa Saguna’s daughter along with little Albert and Saguni.
James in his house, with Papa Saguna on the left and Lketinga’s wife on the right.
Saguna and Shankayon, Napirai’s half-sister.
A final meeting with Mama before we leave.
About the Author
CORINNE HOFMANN achieved international fame with The White Masai, which details the extraordinary story of her life with a Masai warrior in Kenya. A major motion picture followed and the book went on to sell over six million copies worldwide. Arcadia Books has also published two sequels: Reunion in Barsaloi and Back from Africa. Corinne Hofmann lives in Switzerland. For more information, please visit
Arcadia Books Ltd
139 Highlever Road
London W10 6PH
First published in the UK by Arcadia Books 2014
Originally published by A1 Verlag GmbH, München, as Afrika, meine Passion, 2011
Copyright © A1 Verlag GmbH, München 2011
This English translation from the German
Copyright © Peter Millar 2014
Corinne Hofmann has asserted her moral right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publishers.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978–1–909807–64–8
This Ebook edition published in 2014
Picture credits:
Plates 1/2/3/4/5/6 © Corinne Hofmann/A1 Verlag
Plates 7/8/9/10 © Klaus Kamphausen/A1 Verlag
Plate 11 © Privat/A1 Verlag
Plates 12/13/14/15/16 © Klaus Kamphausen/Albert Völkmann/A1
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