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Love So Perfect (The Lawson Brothers #5)

Page 12

by Marquita Valentine

  “Still with me?” he asked.

  Yawning, she nodded. “Barely.”

  “You can go to sleep if you want. I’ll wake you for round two later.”

  “There is no way I can survive round two.”

  He tipped up her chin, kissing her softly on the lips. “I’ll make sure you do.”

  “Thank you, Austin,” she said, a shy smile curving her lips.

  “You are very welcome for two orgasms.”

  “No... I mean for not making me feel weird about being a thirty-year-old virgin.”

  “I’m not going to lie and say that it wasn’t extra arousing to think about being the only man who’s ever been inside of you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Men.”

  “Just this one,” he said, meaning something totally different from how he normally viewed sex. There was no way in hell he’d let her go.

  “Just you,” she agreed.

  He rolled her on top of him, watching as their combined orgasms slid down her thighs and onto him. His dick hardened in an instant.


  He pushed up, and her head fell back. “Yes, now.”


  Weak rays of morning sun stream through the window as he came inside of her for the last time. Her mouth parted on a moan, letting him know that she had found satisfaction as well.

  Pulling out, he moved to the bathroom to get a warm, wet cloth. By the time he was at her side again, she was practically asleep.

  “Spread your beautiful thighs,” he whispered before cleaning her up. As soon as he was done, he cleaned himself off, tossed the cloth into the laundry basket, and crawled back into bed with her.

  Gathering her into his arms, he breathed in her scent. “So glad we can sleep in.”

  “Mmmmhmm.” She snuggled deeper into him.

  With a content smile, he kissed her forehead. A part of him felt guilty for sleeping with Harper, but he’d taken care of the PR thing with Finley before it happened, so... he didn’t have to beat himself up too much.

  However, he did have to tell her the truth. Hell, he’d planned to do it last night over dinner, but she had waylaid him with her seduction skills.

  Today, however, he would come clean. Explain what happened. She would understand. It was just her nature.

  And he was the luckiest son of a bitch alive to have found her.

  Chapter Twelve

  For the first time ever, Harper went to the McCoy luncheon with her head held high. Finally, she felt like she fit in, and not because she’d finally had sex... but because she simply felt good about herself.

  More than she thought possible.

  Ruby greeted her at the door. “My, my, don’t you clean up nice after a night of debauchery?”

  “Is that your professional opinion?” Harper asked sweetly.

  “Well, I never.”

  Harper snorted. “Tell that to someone who doesn’t know you.” Finding her mother, she made her way to her, leaving Ruby sputtering behind.

  Apple winked at her. “About time you put her in her place.”

  Harper bit back a smile and sat down beside her mother.

  “Harper, you’re practically glowing. Is Austin responsible for putting that smile on your face?”

  Harper nodded. “He is.”

  “I’m so happy. I was worried when the two of y’all started dating, him being a Lawson and all, but I’m glad to see he’s come up to scratch.”

  Two women at the table in front of her started giggling and looking over their shoulder at her.

  Frowning, Harper doubled checked her clothes. Yes, she had walked to the Tea Shoppe, but she hadn’t broken a sweat. She wasn’t exposing herself either.

  “Oh my gosh, Harper,” Jellie McCoy said, turning around in her chair. “I thought you had finally shed your old skin and become a real McCoy, but I guess not.”

  “What do you mean?” Unease pricked at her. Jellie was always at odds with one McCoy or another, for reasons known only to God and Jellie. Unfortunately, Harper guessed that it was now her turn.

  Apple stood, marching over to them. “Put it away.”

  “Apple?” On unsteady feet, Harper walked to the trio. “Put what away?”

  “Nothing but this viral video of Austin Lawson breaking up with his ex- girlfriend. It’s a doozy.”

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  His stance changed, his jaw hardening. “Takes an asshole to put up with an opportunistic bitch for so long.”

  Harper’s mouth dropped open. That could not be her Austin saying that. He would never call a woman a bitch.

  “I’m sure his PR person was pleased as punch over that one.” Jellie tilted her head to one side. “Good thing he met you to help things.”

  She couldn’t take her eyes off Austin and Bianca as they argued, so Jellie replayed the video from the beginning.

  “Just say you love me,” Bianca said in a pleading voice that sounded like she was on the edge of tears, but the look in her eyes was full-on murderous.

  “I don’t love you,” he softly said.

  “Oh, sweet Lord,” Apple breathed, grabbing Harper’s arm. “Let’s go. I forgot to put an article in the paper about rotten jelly turning stomachs.”

  “You’re such a bitch, Apple,” Jellie said, and then gasped. “Why, look at what the cat dragged in.”

  Harper turned, finding Austin standing in the middle of the room, face white while he held her phone. “You forgot this at home.”

  The entire room went quiet.

  “Thank you,” she said primly, wishing a hole would open up and swallow her. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  He nodded slowly, visibly swallowing. “I can explain then.”

  Honestly, she didn’t want an explanation. She wanted to go back to last night... this morning, when she was blissfully ignorant of viral videos and vindictive cousins.

  “You know,” Jellie began, “the one thing I learned while working in Hollywood is that there is no such thing as serendipity. Everything, and I mean everything, happens for a reason when it comes to celebrities. They are more orchestrated than a symphony.”

  “Swear to God, Jellie, I will—”

  “You don’t scare me, Apple.” Jellie stood, turning to Harper. “Why don’t you ask him why the timing of the video’s release and his decision to come home were so close? Why he just so happened to want to work at an elementary school when this was his time off? Maybe if you’d brushed up on your football knowledge instead of spreading your legs for him, then you’d know his contract dictates things like that. It’s only when a player majorly screws up that he starts popping up in the very places that will make him look good.

  “I swear, Harper, while you are as sweet as the syrup your mother named you after, you’re as dumb as a turnip truck when it comes to men. Must be the Bell in you.”

  “Watch how you talk to her,” Austin said, coming to stand between them. He handed Harper her phone. “Would you like to leave now?”

  “She would like the truth.”

  Harper opened her mouth to speak, but nothing would come out.

  “It wouldn’t be the first time a Lawson screwed over a McCoy, right, Apple?” Jellie gave Apple a sly look. “Maybe they decided to get revenge due to your meddling with Lemon and Tristan’s relationship.”

  “Are you demented?” Austin asked. “I didn’t start going out with Harper for revenge.”

  Jellie crossed her arms, her brows rising. “Then why did you?”

  “Because...” He pulled at his ear. His gaze skittered away. “Because I couldn’t help myself.”

  Harper’s stomach sank to her toes. “Tell the truth, Austin.”

  “Don’t ask this of me right now.”

  “Everyone in this room knows but me.” She had to hear it from him.

  “Coach and Finley sent me home to Jessamine to keep me out of trouble,” he said softly.

  Betrayal stabbed her right in the heart. “I see.”

sp; “No, you don’t see. Things happened, and after I got to know you, I told Finley that you weren’t part of the boost anymore.”

  “Yet, here Harper and you are, cuddling and kissing all over social media,” Jellie pointed out. “The walk of shame, guy style, or should I say... the run of shame.”

  Harper stared at Jellie’s phone, shocked to see Austin running from her house, dressed in the exact same clothes he was wearing now. The caption underneath read: Trouble in Paradise has Avengers’ QB Lawson Running for Cover.

  “I swear I had nothing to do with that,” Apple said. “That’s not my style.”

  “I know it’s not. You are very upfront,” Harper said, and then fixed her gaze on Austin. It was all she could do to not collapse in front of him, but she refused to give anyone the satisfaction.

  “I’m sorry.” He handed her phone to her. “I didn’t mean for you to find out like this.”

  His words were another nail in the coffin of their relationship. Of course, she’d be the dumbass to sleep with a guy only to find out he was using her. Only her.

  “Well, I did. I guess you can be on your way now.”

  Her mother came to stand beside her. “Let’s go home, Harper.”

  Harper nodded, lacing her arm through her mother’s and walking out of the room, her head just as high as when she walked in.

  But inside, her heart had been stomped on and left for dead.

  “Harper, wait,” she heard Austin call out.

  “Let her go,” Apple said, but for once, there wasn’t malice in her voice when it came to a Lawson, which only served to make Harper feel even worse.

  Finally, Harper had been the McCoy to capture the attention of the entire town, but for all the wrong reasons.


  Austin ran the entire way back to Harper’s house, hoping he’d beat her home. Unfortunately, he had no such luck. Her mother was backing out of the driveway while Harper unlocked the front door.

  “Harper!” he shouted and she turned, her face red and blotchy. His heart ached at the sight. “Wait!”

  Crossing her arms, she tipped her chin up and actually waited for him to come to her. Maybe he had a chance after all. Maybe he could explain things and—

  “How could you?” Harper said before he could get a word out. Tears ran down her face, smearing the eye makeup she’d spent so much time putting on this morning. He’d loved watching her get ready, loved how feminine she was, and how she would glance his way every so often.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “Did you mean to use me or was that an accident, too?”

  He deserved that. He deserved every bit of her anger. “I didn’t mean for it to happen. You were just there... right in front of me—the perfect answer to all my problems. What was I supposed to do?” He wanted to hold her, wanted to take her in his arms and assure her that everything would be okay. Only, because he was the source of her misery, she wouldn’t let him, and it was breaking his fucking heart.

  The fight seemed to go out of her. “You should have left me alone,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, I should have. But I didn’t, and if I had to do it all over again, I would. I would pick you every damn time.”

  She flinched. “I need you to leave.”

  “Not leaving until things are settled between us.” He leaned against her doorway, his entire body shaking while he struggled to maintain an outward calm. He was completely screwing things up with Harper, but he didn’t know any other way to say it.

  “Things are settled. You used me. You lied to me. Worst of all, I had to find all of that out at the stupid McCoy luncheon. My mother was there.”

  “Damn it, Harper. I’m sorry. Truly sorry. But I have no control over what your family talks about or shows you on YouTube. I have no control over how they treat you. I have no—”

  “Stop talking. You’re only making things worse—not better,” she cried. “I don’t care how they treated me because they treated me like they always have. I don’t even care about the stupid video. You lied to me, you willingly deceived me, and you fooled me into thinking that I was special. That I was more than this Plain-Jane type who was just waiting for her Prince Charming to help her get rid of her virginity.”

  He winced. “The timing was most definitely bad. Had I known you were a virgin, I would have waited longer. Hell, I had plans to tell you last night during dinner.”

  Her eyes rounded. “That’s why you wouldn’t have sex with me for so long?”

  “Yeah, but that’s a good thing. I respected you and didn’t want you to feel... used.” He scrubbed his hand over his face. “Fuck. This is coming out all wrong.”

  “No, it’s coming out all right, because I finally know where I stand with you.” She began to close her door. “Good bye, Austin.”

  He grabbed her arm, but she shook him off.

  “Please let me have the dignity of walking away from you,” she whispered.

  Jaw clenching, he did as she asked. “We’re not done, Harper. Not by a long shot.”

  She didn’t answer him as she shut the door. That bothered him more than an angry retort would have. Her silence was damning, and he didn’t have a clue how to get out from behind the eight ball.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Harper refused to talk to anyone for the entire weekend. She didn’t answer her phone or texts, including the ones from Austin that begged for her forgiveness. To let him come by and apologize in person.

  She never wanted to see him again and had refused to open the door when he’d stopped by a couple of hours ago.

  Libby went to the back door and whined a little.

  “Sorry, sweetie, I’ll let you out.” Harper went to the door and opened it, nearly tripping over the dozens of bouquets of flowers that Austin had sent her. “Ugh.”

  What was she supposed to do with all these things? Looking at them made her want to cry, but so did seeing them sitting out here for no one to enjoy. It was a shame that she couldn’t just give them away.

  Or could she...?

  Heading back inside, she grabbed her phone from her purse and texted Apple. If anyone would know what an organization would need, it would be her.

  Harper: Do you think it would be okay to deliver flowers to Jessamine’s Retirement Center?

  Apple: That’s an amazing idea, especially with Valentine’s Day right around the corner.

  Harper deflated a little. Once again, she would be alone on Singles’ Awareness Day.

  Harper: Thanks. I’ll take them by today.

  Her phone rang, Apple’s name popping up on the screen.


  “Hey.” Harper sighed. “I really don’t feel like talking.”

  “Then just listen,” Apple said.


  “I think you might have taken the truth about Austin’s interest in you too hard. I mean, even using the phrase, truth about Austin’s interest in you, is rather misleading. It was obvious to everyone that he was... is completely into you.”

  “I thought you didn’t like Lawsons.”

  Apple sniffed. “As a general rule, I don’t, but I will admit that there are some good ones.”

  “Austin is one of them?”

  “The eyes never lie, sugar. What’s in our heart is always in our gaze.”

  Wasn’t Austin always looking at her, even when there were other women, who were younger and prettier than her, around? Hadn’t he made her feel like the most perfect woman in the world, or at least the perfect woman for him?

  Yet, none of that mattered because he lied to her. He used her, and everyone knew it. Everyone laughed at her and pitied her. Before she could live in her little bubble of a quiet life, but now, she was notorious in her own family for being played by a Lawson.

  Her heart pinched.

  “Are you still there?” Apple quietly asked.

  “Yes.” She swallowed down her tears.

  “I’m sorry he broke your heart, but it will get bette


  “I do. It will get better when you least expect it. Let me know if you need any help transporting the flowers.”

  “Thanks, but I got it.”

  Harper ended their call. For a moment, she stared at all the flowers on her back porch. Each one of them had an accompanying note from Austin, all saying the same thing.

  I’m sorry. Please give me another chance.



  She shook her head. How easily he threw that word around on the cards, but when you loved someone, you didn’t lie to them for weeks about your true intentions.

  Love did not lie.

  Love forgives, a small voice reminded her, but she wasn’t in a forgiving mood. Even if she got to that place, it didn’t mean she wanted to see him again. It didn’t mean she wanted to take the chance on him breaking her heart again.

  With a soft exhale and a huge knot in her stomach, she began to gather up the flowers.


  Austin was fucking miserable, even more miserable than he had been when he’d fumbled the ball in a rookie move and caused the team to lose to the Jaguars. Those bastards had gone on to win the Super Bowl that year, while he’d been traded to another team.

  Yet, everything had turned out okay because the next year, he’d led the Avengers to their first Super Bowl win.

  “Why is it that the only time you want to be around me is when you’re pouting?” Caleb said as he worked on repairing a barbed wire fence in the back pasture.

  “Because you’re the only one who won’t make fun of me.” Austin tightened the line, his muscles straining with effort. He welcomed it though, anything to keep his mind off Harper.

  “I take it she broke up with you.”

  “Yeah. I didn’t help things either. Told her I would do it all over again.”

  Caleb shook his head. “No, you didn’t help things.”

  “At least I was honest,” Austin pointed out.

  “There is that.”

  “What would you do?”

  His brother eyed him for a minute. “You sure you need to be taking advice from a man who hasn’t dated in fifteen years?”


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