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Operation Cupid

Page 3

by Allyson Lindt

He didn’t dare breathe with her sitting so close. The light contact stole his concentration, and he didn’t want her to pull away again. “I do believe it; I’ve lived it. They told me over the years they’ve streamlined this process. They can’t let people have their old bodies back, because if people recognize the dead walking around, they tend to get a little freaked out. They don’t take people’s memories, but I don’t have mine because of the head trauma. They tried for a while to trigger the past, but the only thing I could ever remember was laughing blue eyes. Kind of like yours.” He looked at her again. “A lot like yours.”

  He twisted a strand of grass around his finger. It all sounded a bit weak when he said it out loud, and even he’d scoffed two years ago when someone had explained it all to him. But as he met other cupids, and went on more and more assignments, he realized he didn’t have a choice but to believe.

  “So how is it really a second chance if you can’t have your life back?” There was pain in her gaze still, but it seemed directed inward, almost like she was lost in a memory.

  “Each person’s salvation takes a separate amount of time. I won’t get my actual old life back. That’s what they told me.”

  “What does that even mean? Are you like…immortal or something?”

  “Sort of, I guess?” He plucked the grass, tearing it along the grain and shredding it into as many tiny pieces as he could. “It’s kind of like walking in suspended animation. I don’t get diseases, I don’t age, I can’t do things like have children while I’m still a cupid. But once I find that second chance, they make me mortal, and I can have a life again.”

  Her brow furrowed. “That doesn’t make any sense. If you’re good enough for a second chance, why don’t they give you what you had before?”

  He shrugged. “Because not everyone comes from a past they should return to. In fact, most of the cupids I know don’t have that option. I assume I’m the same.”

  “How do you help people?”

  This was the bit he didn’t want to get into. He was terrified she’d take it the wrong way, but he had promised. “That website you landed on this morning? The one you typed your wish into? I don’t grant wishes, but I help the people who stumble onto that site. That’s why I found you this morning. I’m supposed to help you cope and move on, so you can have a second chance too.”

  She crossed her arms. “So keeping me company is your job?”

  “No.” He poured every ounce of sincerity into his reply. “Keeping people company is my job. You…you’re different. I don’t even know how or why, but you are. Even if I’d met you outside of work, I still would have done everything in my power to spend the day with you.”

  Her hard expression softened, but her posture didn’t relax. “So you’re really this selfless guy, who just helps people because he likes to, and because he wants a second chance at life, and there’s a whole bunch of you, and you’re cupids?”

  “Pretty much.”

  She exhaled loudly and leaned back on her hands, gaze drifting to the now dark skylight above them. “This entire thing is so fucked up; it’s almost easier to believe that than to try and figure out what’s actually going on.”

  She didn’t believe him. He didn’t know if he was relieved or the teeniest, tiniest bit hurt. “What do you mean?”

  She caught the inside of her bottom lip between her teeth and locked her gaze on him again. “Did they tell you what my wish was?”

  He nodded. “That you wanted someone named Tyler back. And I’m sorry, like I said, I don’t do wish fulfillment.”

  She gave a bitter laugh and shook her head. “So do you ever get a say in things?”

  “I, uh…” He stared at her, not sure how to answer. “They’ve never given me a job I didn’t like, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Not quite. I mean…It’s just…It doesn’t make any sense. Say this is true—and I’m not admitting that at all, so don’t think you’re off the hook—but if it were, it means you’re a good enough person to be given a second chance. But they just shove you into a life that’s not yours, strip your past away from you, and make you spend your time making other people happy? Did anyone ever ask you what you wanted in return?”

  “It’s not like I’m actually giving anyone else what they want. I’m helping them find a little happiness, and maybe move on. So it’s not like I’m getting the raw end of the deal.”

  She sat up straight again, knuckles brushing his when she gripped her legs. “But what about you? Don’t you deserve a little happiness?”

  What was she getting at? He had no idea where the questions were going. “I get to make people smile. There are far worse fates. Ceasing to exist, for instance.”

  She licked her lips. “But what about what you want? Say you landed on the site one day, and you didn’t have any idea what it was. What would you type in the box? What do you want?”

  “You.” The answer slipped out before he could consider it. It hung in the space between them, and he couldn’t bring himself to take it back. He reached out and twisted a loose strand of her hair around his finger. “I only ever wanted you.” The words flowed out without him filtering them, and even though he didn’t know where they came from, each one felt right. “And I would spend an eternity looking for a second chance to have you.”

  He traced a thumb over her cheek, and—letting impulse and instinct drive him—leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. His chest sank in on itself when she didn’t respond.

  And then she tangled her fingers in his hair and kissed back hard. His pulse screamed into overdrive, and he slid his tongue into her mouth, dancing and massaging. She tasted amazing. It was enough to leave him lightheaded, and he wanted more. He ran his hands down her arms, nudging her body back in the process.

  She didn’t resist, leaning back on one palm, but still holding his head in place.

  He broke the kiss to catch his breath, resting his forehead against hers. He still didn’t know where the nickname had come from, but he liked the way it felt rolling off his tongue. “I meant it earlier, Kelle-belle. You’re the most gorgeous sight I’ve ever seen.”

  Chapter 5

  The words and sensations tugged Kaylee’s memories loose, and this time she let them tumble free. There was no way Devin’s ridiculous story was true. At the same time, she couldn’t convince herself to do anything but believe. He shared a birthday with Tyler, a name, the story of how he’d died…

  He brushed his lips up the side of her neck, and she tilted her head back to expose more skin. She kept her fingers tangled in his hair, afraid if she let go, everything would evaporate. She was done wondering. Whatever this was, she was going to enjoy it for as long as possible.

  He dropped one hand to her hip, and then pushed her sweater up a notch. His palm was hot against her skin. Sharp tingles of want and memory flowed everywhere he touched. A new thought occurred to her, and as much as she hated to take herself out of the moment, she wasn’t so far gone that she’d lost all reason. She forced the question out. “Do you have a condom?”

  His tongue trailed up the side of her neck, and he nipped her earlobe. “Disease free and sterile, remember?”

  That was enough for her. She wasn’t in the mood for anything but him.

  He tugged her sweater up farther, shoving her bra out of the way at the same time. Friction and lace heated the sensitive skin, and she thrust to get closer to his touch. He kissed a path down to her breast, and she arched her back when he reached her nipple. He flicked his tongue over the hard nub, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. A damp throb pulsed between her legs.

  She twisted and writhed under the pleasure, hips coming off the ground, pelvis colliding with his, when he nipped lightly with his teeth.

  His hand dropped to her stomach and then slid lower. He didn’t seem dissuaded by her jeans at all. Within seconds, the button was undone, and the zipper gliding down. A whimper tore from her throat when he dipped below her panties and glided over her lower lips.
r />   “Damn, you’re so wet.” His words vibrated against her skin, and he resumed his attentions, sucking harder on her nipple.

  She almost came when his hand slid between her wet folds and brushed her aching clit. She ground against his fingers when he placed one on either side and stroked. “Harder,” she begged, not sure what she wanted more of, other than everything.

  He nibbled while he massaged her aching center. His hip rested against her leg, and his stiff cock dug into her through their jeans. She wanted him inside her, but she was too lost in the sensations washing over her to do anything but fall into his touch. His pace increased, and a pleasant wave swept through her. She bucked against his hand as she came. Her orgasm shredded her senses and tore a scream from her throat.

  He moved his mouth back to hers, still lightly stroking her but not touching the now hyper-sensitive nub between her legs. He kissed her hungrily, his free hand tangling in her hair and holding her captive. His lips glided to her ear, and he nipped at her lobe. When he spoke, his breath sent a new wash of want across her skin.

  “I want to be inside you.” His voice was soft, but commanding. “To feel you wrapped around me, milking me.”

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak as he yanked his shirt over his head. He unsnapped her bra and let it fall away. Her skin heated even more when his gaze lingered on her bare chest; a tiny smile tugged at his expression. She wriggled out of her jeans. The warm air of the atrium caressed every inch of her bare skin, kissing the dampness between her legs.

  He stood long enough to strip off the rest of his clothes, his cock springing free the moment it found a way out of his boxers.

  He lay next to her again. She wrapped her fingers around the shaft, hand moving up and down slowly. He half closed his eyes, and a low moan drifted between them. “So good. So amazing.” He grabbed her wrists and rolled onto his back. “I want you on top of me. I want to watch your gorgeous body ride me.”

  She straddled his legs, moving until she was positioned above him. His bulbous head glided along her slit, and then he thrust his hips up, driving deep inside her.

  She dropped onto him, gasping as he spread her open. She loved the feeling of him stretching her out. They rocked against each other slowly, his hands against her hips, setting the pace. Gasps punctuated his voice. “I’m trying to hold out, Kelle-belle, but you feel so incredible. So tight and wet.” His thumb slid up her inner thigh, parted her folds, and brushed her clit again. A sharp bolt of arousal sparked through her, and she increased her pace.

  He rubbed the aching button hard, and she bounced against him. “Come for me, Kelle-belle,” he coaxed.

  He moved his other hand to her breast, massaging the sensitive mound, pinching her nipple and rolling it between his fingers. The series of sensations tore through her as he pounded deep inside her, and her climax built and then washed over her quickly, but didn’t vanish as his every new touch, from so many places at once, rushed over her.

  He dropped his hands back to her thighs, breathing in short bursts. He thrust against her, slamming into her hard, and drawing out the tail end of her orgasm as she clenched around him.

  He grunted as he came, and his pace slowed as he finished.

  Warmth and contentment flowed through her as she rested above him. His hand travelled up her bare stomach, between her breasts, and then cupped her cheek. She leaned into the gesture. I could stay like this forever.

  Which she couldn’t, not really. Even only considering the practical reasons, her knees would start to ache soon. She moved next to him.

  He rolled onto his side, patting the ground. “You don’t have to leave yet, right?”

  Definitely not. She shifted her weight so she could recline and snuggled up against him, memorizing the sensation of her bare skin pressed to his. “I know I shouldn’t ask, but how often do you sleep with an assignment?” She winced at the bitter hint in what was supposed to be light teasing, but she couldn’t get the apprehension out of her thoughts.

  He pulled her closer, laying a series of tiny kisses along her bare shoulder. “You’re the first, and not just because it’s technically breaking the rules. Sleeping with someone is one of those things that gets us fired. But I’ve already broken all the others, and you’re worth it.”

  The warm words settled into her. He sounded so much like Tyler. She couldn’t let him go again. How did she get him back, though? Could she take him home with her? Could they hide from these people who had given him a second chance? Would they need to? “Do I get to see you again? If I come back here tomorrow looking for you, can I ask the doorman about you or something?”

  “You can’t find the place unless you have a cupid with you.”

  That explained why, despite having an excellent sense of where everything was in town, she’d never seen the diner before.

  His hand trailed over her stomach, tracing light circles. “I need to know something, and I’m probably going to ruin the moment, and I’m sorry, but I have to know.”

  She snuggled closer, eyelids far heavier than they should be. She needed to get up. Get dressed. Get home. With him. But she wanted to lie here a little longer, wrapped up safe with this incredible impossibility. “It can’t be that bad. What is it?”

  “I…This Tyler guy. Do you really want him back because you love him or because you’re lonely and feel bad about what happened?”

  The words rocked through her, tearing away the euphoria of the moment, and summoning every regret and guilt she had about that night two years ago. Tears stung her eyes, and she tried to blink them away. She couldn’t find her voice.

  His sigh filled the empty space between them. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be him.” His words drifted through her grief. “I really, really am.”

  * * * *

  Kaylee sat straight up, and her eyes flew open. Something was wrong. She blinked as the surroundings of her apartment coalesced. Wait. She was in her apartment? She had been…

  She rubbed her hand across her eyes, trying to make sense of the memories. The atrium, Devin, all of it. Where had it all gone? On her nightstand, her phone chimed with a new e-mail.

  She shook her head, trying to chase the clouds away. But the memories wouldn’t budge. She grabbed her phone. February 15. Seven a.m.

  What the hell?

  Chapter 6

  A loud series of bangs shot through Devin’s eardrums, jarring him awake. Gunshots? No, that wasn’t right. He looked around his apartment. Wait, I’m in my apartment? He looked down—stripped of his street clothes, sleeping in his undershirt and boxers. Even though he knew he’d fallen asleep in the atrium with Kaylee. The name sent a spike of longing through him, but where he’d woken up had him concerned.

  The banging started again. Someone was pounding on his door. That made more sense. He stumbled out of bed, tripping over his own feet several times before reaching the door and yanking it open.

  “Shit.” The curse slipped out before he could stop it.

  His boss, Amanda, stood in front of him, arms crossed and lips drawn into a thin line. “Something wrong?”

  He held the door open and ushered her in, turning away at the same time. “Just need some pants is all.” He found his jeans where he normally left them, draped over the back of the chair by the bed in his studio apartment. He pulled them on while he talked. “What’s up? A new assignment?”

  She still stood near the doorway, brows furrowed and jaw set. “What were you thinking?”

  She didn’t know. They didn’t know. There was no way. As long as he played it cool, everything would be fine. Except I still won’t have Kaylee. He pushed the thought aside. He’d have to deal with that—and the gaping hole it left inside—when he was alone again. “I don’t understand.”

  Amanda’s sigh echoed through the room. “You’re one of our best. Why did you do it?”

  They knew. Fuck. Maybe he could deny it anyway? “Still don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She drummed the fin
gers from one hand on her other arm. “They can bring people back to life, Devin. Change their appearances. They run a diner that always serves whatever a person is in the mood for. Did you think they wouldn’t know if you slept with an assignment? The rules exist for a reason. You don’t get to pick and choose which you obey.”

  He sank onto the edge of his bed. “Sorry, I didn’t realize big brother was watching. Y’all keeping tabs on everything we do? Like powdering our noses? I thought our assignments were ours to make good on.” He heard a twang slip into his voice, almost like a southern accent. Where the hell had that come from?

  She raised an eyebrow. “Don’t try and pull that. You do your job as you see fit, within the confines of the rules. It takes a special kind of person to get into this program. To get this kind of second chance. Are you done trying to deny you broke a pretty serious set of rules? You told her. Do you know how hard it’s going to be to convince her those memories aren’t real? Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

  “I love her.”

  Amanda raked her fingers through her hair. “You knew her for less than twelve hours. You’re male and in your late twenties. You let your hormones win. It’s not love. You just needed to get laid.”

  Each word dug deeper and deeper, threatening to tear him apart. He ground his teeth, not sure how to respond. She had a point; it had been less than a day. But there was no way he could deny what he felt for Kaylee.

  Amanda’s expression softened. “You really are one of our best, and we are about second chances. That’s why we’re here, right? Just don’t do it again in the future, please?”

  Don’t… He couldn’t even make sense of the words. Don’t tell another assignment who he was? Don’t sleep with them? Don’t track Kaylee down and tell her it had all been very real? The last thought made something inside snap and brought her words rushing back to him from the night before. “You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you and your rules and your stupid fucking rehabilitation program that’s meant to give us lives because we lost ours early. What good does that do her? Kaylee’s still alive and hurting, and she would go out of her way for almost anyone. Did you know she’s the first person in two years of doing this job to ever ask me what she could do for me? And really, at the heart of it all, she just wants the love of her life back. She asked for him. Why couldn’t you have sent him?”


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