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Compromising Positions (Invested in Love)

Page 5

by Bayley-Burke, Jenna

“Damn it, Sophie.” Playing footsie was not on his agenda for this conversation. He swore under his breath and tried to ignore the way she wrapped her feet around his ankle. He shouldn’t be trying to be nice about this. Cold, indifferent, and apathetic was what he was going for. But she wasn’t having any of it.

  He shouldn’t have smiled when she first approached him. It had set the wrong tone, but she’d taken him completely by surprise. He’d been standing in line, minding his own business, thinking that maybe he would stop by Working It Out and bring her some zeppole. He’d been trying to come up with a reason to talk to her all week. Phoning to say “sorry for groping you” didn’t seem appropriate.

  He’d been practicing the conversation for days and finally thought he had it down. He’d explain that nothing was going to happen, she’d agree, and they’d both move on as if nothing had ever occurred. Why couldn’t she do her part? Why did she have to pop up out of nowhere just as he was thinking about her? Why did she have to know about his favorite bakery? And why, oh why, did she have to keep looking at him like that?

  “You need to play fair.” He tried to free himself but only managed to bring her closer, so that only the table separated them.

  “Play fair? You’re the one trying to forfeit the game.” She somehow managed to tighten her grip on his ankle and run one foot up his leg.

  “This isn’t a game, Sophie. This is your life.” She dropped her feet to the floor with a slap.

  “Fine.” She huffed, her pink lips forming a perfect pout. “You’re no fun.” She unzipped her parka and peeled off the layers. Beneath the jacket she wore a silky wrap top in a shimmering pink exactly the color of her cheeks when she blushed.

  He swallowed hard, unable to ignore her ample cleavage. She does not play fair. “I’m not the kind of fun you should be having.”

  “Says who? I’m a healthy twenty-six-year-old woman. I deserve a little fun.”

  Twenty-six? He was thankful because she barely looked old enough to drink, and defeated because she was still nine years his junior. Not that it mattered.

  “Sophie,” he said slowly, wishing she would put her coat back on. Though, being covered up hadn’t helped him resist her before. It must be the sugar, or maybe the caffeine. There was ricotta in the cannoli. Protein—maybe that would help. “I don’t believe you’d still be a virgin if all you wanted was a little fun.”

  “What do you mean?” Again with the big eyes. He was going to get her a pair of sunglasses.

  “You’re gorgeous. If you wanted a fling, you could have had a bunch of them. People don’t wait this long unless they’re waiting for something.” His gaze drifted from her face to her breasts. She knew how to use her assets.

  She waved her hand dismissively and picked up her chai tea. “My sexual development stalled in junior high when my dad got sick. I was going through some pretty deep stuff teenage guys didn’t want to deal with. During high school, both my parents were ailing. Dad passed away my freshman year of college and Mom the year after I graduated.

  “I didn’t have wild high school romances or frat party flings. I was giving insulin shots and changing catheters. It sucked, but it needed to be done. I was the one who didn’t want them in a home.

  “Once they were gone, I realized I didn’t exactly have the dating skills expected of someone my age.” She wrapped her tiny hands around the cup. “I’ve tried, but no one has even interested me as more than a friend. Plus, mention you’re a virgin and some guys don’t think you’re worth the effort or expense.

  “And then Daphne was having fertility problems, so I left my job and came to work with her so I could help her with the hormone treatments.” Her curls tumbled as she tilted her head to the side. “Then there was the surrogacy option, but thankfully, she got pregnant on their last round of in vitro.

  “Now the pregnancy has her on bed rest, so I’m still helping out at the gym.” She sat up straight and smiled. “I haven’t had sex because I haven’t had the time or opportunity.”

  He felt a lot of things. Sad, guilty, and strangely touched that she’d even considered sleeping with him. Her honesty was amazingly refreshing. The more he found out about her, the more he liked her. Which was another reason to keep his distance. “You should be with someone you care about. I don’t have relationships, Sophie. I don’t do complicated. I don’t have room for it in my life.”

  Her ice-blue eyes narrowed, pinning him in place. Suddenly his stomach felt queasy. Too many zeppole?

  “I know. You never go out with the same woman twice, and only with super-tall blondes with brown eyes. They have to have a career and understand you will not be calling the next day. Never women from the club, since your father got sued for sexual harassment, never anyone you might have to do business with later. No one who’s married, though divorcing is okay. No fake breasts or obvious nose jobs. You’ll only talk about the weather or the news, no discussion of your business or your family is allowed, ever. Always at her place, never at yours.” She cocked her head to the side. “Does that about cover it, or did I miss a rule?”

  David slid back in his chair. He didn’t know how to respond to such a barrage of truths. This was nowhere near the conversation he’d planned on having.

  “For someone who doesn’t do complicated, you sure have a complex set of criteria.”

  “Who told you all that?” He knew the answer as soon as the words came out of his mouth.

  “Daphne isn’t your biggest fan.”

  He was relieved when Sophie’s gaze softened. He wasn’t sure how much more of the slanted look he could take. “So she’s told you about me. That’s how you knew who I was when I showed up at your club.” He’d wondered about that. He’d hoped she’d asked about him at the wedding. He shook his head. It didn’t matter what he’d hoped. What she’d said was true for the most part. He just hated that she knew it.

  “I knew you from pictures mainly. And from Daphne’s venting.”

  “Yeah, I bet.” He wrapped his hands around the paper cup, cool because it was nearly empty. “She really hates me, doesn’t she?” Sophie bit her lip, and he remembered that she said she didn’t lie. He wondered if that was true.

  “It’s not you necessarily. It’s what you represent.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You have a part of Craig she doesn’t. The two of you are such good friends, but you lead very different lives. Daphne isn’t the most confident person. I think she worries Craig might decide he wants your kind of freedom, and you would make it easier for him to leave her.”

  David took a deep breath, pondering her insight. “Craig would never leave Daphne.”

  “I know that, and you know that, but Daphne’s insecure, and she projects her fears onto you. Not that you do much to help matters.”

  “I never would have thought Daphne was insecure.”

  “Everyone has a fatal flaw.”

  He didn’t like the way that sounded, as if she had him figured out as well as her sister. This was about Daphne, not him.

  “Is that why you weren’t in the wedding? She’s jealous that you’re prettier than she is?” Daphne was pleasantly pretty in a typical way. Sophie was head-turning. You wanted to look again to see if her eyes were really that blue, if her gypsy curls really had the bouncy shine you thought you’d seen.

  “I thought you weren’t trying to charm me out of my panties.”

  Her smile was infectious, and for a minute, he didn’t fight it. Being with her felt natural, like he’d always known her. And yet he knew so little about her.

  “My mom had vascular surgery two weeks before the wedding. She was really weak, and if it hadn’t been Daphne’s wedding, I wouldn’t have taken her out of the house. I was too busy to be a bridesmaid. Too busy to do a lot of things.”

  “Like dance with me?” He was relieved.

  “That really stung your ego, didn’t it? I must be the only woman who has ever turned you down.”

  “What? No.�
� Pretty much. “I just wondered, that’s all.”

  “I know something that would make you feel much better,” she said, her voice deep and throaty. He knew right where she was going, and as much as he wanted to go there, he wouldn’t.

  “Sophie, it’s not going to happen, ever. Craig asked me to help you with the class because he trusts me.”

  “The Sensational Sex class.” She said the words slowly, just to taunt him, he was sure of it. “But you didn’t tell him what happened after.”

  She had him there. “No. He has a lot on his mind right now.”

  “Exactly.” He felt her feet on either side of his leg again, but he didn’t have the heart to pull away yet.

  “I know all your rules, and none of them apply to me. No one ever has to know you didn’t hold to them this once.”

  She leaned across the table, and all he could see was her. How could someone so small completely block out his view of the outside world? She was offering an arrangement no man would walk away from.

  “Sophie,” he hissed, “be good. Play fair.”

  “If you’ll play.” Her tongue peeked out, wetting her lips. His gut clenched.

  “I can’t,” he whispered, closing his eyes. He heard her slump back in her chair, listened as she zipped up her parka. “Where are you going?” he asked, opening his eyes.

  “Back to work. I have a class at noon.” He watched as she stood in line and bought six more zeppole. He shoved what was left of his treats in the bag and offered to walk her to her car.

  “I took the bus,” she said, clutching her bag.

  “Are you sure you have a car?” he teased, glad to lighten the mood again.

  Her shoulders squared as she looked up at him. “I have a full-size van with a wheelchair lift. Not exactly something you drive around for fun.”

  David winced. He’d deserved the hit, but it still stung. It was a reminder of how much she did for other people. He knew he could help her more by keeping his distance than he would by giving in and letting himself touch her.

  “I’ll drive you back.”

  She stared down at her bag. “I was going to eat them all on the way. I was hoping the sugar buzz would kill the sexual frustration you’re giving me.”

  He laughed and looked at his own full bag. “Does it work?” he asked as they walked out the door together.

  “Yes,” her voice rang with honesty. “That’s how I got fat.”

  He stopped dead in his tracks. “Sophie, you weren’t fat.”

  She turned and smiled. “There you go, trying to charm me out of my panties again.”

  “I’m not. I don’t like the way Craig makes you feel about your body.”

  She arched an eyebrow and touched his arm. “Craig means well, really. I actually like the way I look now, and that’s what matters.” He looked down into her crystal-clear blue eyes and was glad. Glad she was happy in her own skin. Glad she was standing so close. “You know, there are other ways to get rid of sexual frustration.”

  “Really?” he asked, putting his hand on the small of her back and urging her toward the car. He was picturing a couple of them, and if they made it to his car before the logical side of his brain kicked in, they’d both feel a lot better.

  “Yes,” she said as he opened her door. “That’s why I bought a vibrator.” He froze for a minute before slamming her door as hard as he could manage. The smile on her face showed she knew she had won this round.

  She didn’t play fair.

  Chapter Five

  Taunting him seemed to work better than a full-frontal assault. Sophie had four Sensational Sex classes left, four chances to get him to follow her home and try out the moves she’d taught him in class.

  She’d taken extra care getting ready today. Daphne traded classes for beauty treatments with the day spa up the street, and for once, she’d taken advantage of the perk. She’d squeezed in everything she could in the last few days. She showered after her last class and slathered her body with lotion, hoping her skin would be soft. All the prep work made her feel ready, prepared for her crusade of seduction.

  She even dressed better. She wore yoga pants again, but replaced the sports bra with a pushup bra and low-cut, scoop-neck T, much more suggestive, but still appropriate. She was ready. If the poses affected him half as much as last time, he might just be weak enough to let her take advantage of him. As long as he made it to class.

  Sophie had thought of almost every contingency, except David not showing up. Last week, he’d been forty minutes early. Class began in twenty minutes, and there was no sign of him. In a flurry of nervous energy, she had already prepped the room. Sitting on the platform, she tried to do the deep breathing she practiced before every class. But it was no use trying to relax. She couldn’t calm down. She wanted him to be here too badly. He was her best fantasy—her only fantasy, really—come to life.

  She rose and marched through the door toward her office to get the slides depicting the positions. She could teach the class with those in case he didn’t show up. Or worse, if he backed out and Craig came. There was no way in hell she was getting into any position with her brother-in-law.

  She stalled at the door to her office, grinning from ear to ear because David was stretched out in her chair, his feet on her desk like he owned the place. Her excitement faded, annoyance filling the space. She wanted to tell him to take his feet down, but she bit her tongue for now. She was glad he was here, looking just as yummy as last week in his black track pants and T-shirt.

  “I thought maybe you forgot.” Stepping closer to stand next to his feet on the desk, she smiled, watching him look her up and down and settle on the cleavage visible above her top. He swallowed hard and then raised his gaze to meet hers.

  “I don’t disappoint. I was looking for the cards so I would know what to expect. I see you prepared for tonight.” His eyes darkened in a sinister way she wasn’t sure she liked.

  “I prepare for all my classes,” she said coolly, still trying to figure out just what his stare might mean. He stood up, towering over her. The subtle scent of his crisp cologne hit her like it had been laced with pheromones. He hadn’t been wearing any the first class, or at the bakery. She prayed it meant he’d put it on for her.

  Standing toe-to-toe, she wound up with an amazing view of his hard chest that made her want to reach out and touch him. Soon enough, she reminded herself. She could fondle him all she wanted in class and say she was doing her job.

  “Sophie, Sophie, Sophie. I see you decided not to play fair.”

  “What do you mean?” she teased, looking up at him, hoping he’d noticed how she’d dressed.

  “Maybe I should level the playing field.” His voice went gravelly and low, his eyes growing impossibly darker.

  “Oh, please do,” she taunted, wondering what he had in mind.

  She gasped as he reached down and pulled his shirt over his head. Ripples of bronzed muscle stretched out in front of her, making her mouth water. It was obvious he was still working out every day, still keeping his body-builder shape.

  She raised her hand on instinct and touched the smooth skin of his bare chest. He was sexier, more masculine, and somehow even bigger than she had imagined. Pressing her hand flush against his chest, she felt his heart beating, racing just as fast as hers. She looked up, meeting his seductively heated gaze.

  “Hey, you two lovebirds, it’s time for class,” someone interrupted in a nasal whine from the open doorway.

  “Right,” Sophie said, spinning around. “We’ll be right there.”

  He chuckled. “Why do you let them all think we’re together?”

  She turned back to him and was instantly disappointed. The moment was gone. His expression had gone from smoldering to business as usual. Why indeed?

  “Some of our patrons think matchmaking is their civic duty, and I’m sick of blind dates.” She shrugged. It was true—not the whole reason, but part of it.

  “So I save you from nephews who talk mo
re on their cell phones than to you?”

  “How did you know about that?” Craig. She smiled, not sure whether she wanted to kiss David or kick him for that smug expression on his face.


  “What’s in the cards for tonight?” David whispered once she motioned for him to join her on the stage after the warm up.

  Sophie grinned slyly. “You just lie there and look hot.”

  David’s face fell. He was used to women treating him like a sex object, and he’d invited it by taking his shirt off, but for some reason, it bothered him when she did it. It was about the only thing she did that bothered him.

  “Calm down. It’s a bunch of female superior positions. You really don’t have to do anything. Just lie back and think of England, it will all be over soon.” She patted him pertly on the arm and turned to address the class.

  “For some couples, experimenting with new positions can help them find greater sexual fulfillment. For a lot of women, female superior, or woman-on-top positions, can do just that. We’re going to transition through a series of positions in which we hope you’ll all find satisfaction.

  “Gentlemen, you will find your role in these positions is largely to relax and enjoy. I know that sounds simple, but relinquishing control can be very difficult for some men. Most of you here are more open-minded than that, but if you are having trouble with letting your partner be in control of your lovemaking, you can start slower, letting her be in charge of kissing, then foreplay, the closeness of the afterglow, and finally of the act itself. Remember that you are making love to each other, but sometimes it can be nice to be on the receiving end.”

  He watched in awe as she directed the class. She had an amazing ability to make everyone feel at ease with the understandably delicate subject matter. She was completely professional, and yet all he could do was wonder what she had in store for him next.

  He liked this game they were playing, even though he knew it was dangerous. He’d lost control once, but he had the upper hand now. Sophie wanted to push him, to test herself. He’d let her, and push back until she found her boundary. He knew her now. You didn’t make it this far in life as a virgin if you were as open as she was pretending to be. He’d call her bluff, and she’d call it off. He wouldn’t even be the bad guy, because it would be all her idea.


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