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Prime Deliverance (Katieran Prime Series (Book Five))

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by K. D. Jones

  Males shared sex with females, but they always pulled away before they released their seed. Katieran males scent marked females they wished to mate by releasing their seed into the female. Her Aunt SandELa explained all of this to her when she was a little younger. None of it made sense to her then. But now, she got it. Would he have scent marked her if given the chance? Or would he have pulled out without putting his seed inside her? She may never know the answer and it was probably for the best. She was leaving for Kiljor soon and may not see TarAK again. That thought left her feeling depressed again. Damn the male!


  TarAK followed Prime Commander KydEL down the hallway to the lift. Neither man spoke until they got inside. He could feel the other male’s eyes on him.

  “You realize she is going to Kiljor and is considering mating Prime Leader KadEN?”

  “Yes, I know.”

  There was a long, uncomfortable pause. “I am trying to keep myself from knocking your head off your shoulders. What are your intentions toward my cousin?”

  TarAK sighed. “I request to travel with her to Kiljor as her security liaison.”

  “Why would I allow that?” the Prime Commander demanded.

  “I know that I am not worthy of her. I just want to make sure that she will be happy on Kiljor and the Kiljorn Leader will treat her as she deserves,” TarAK said with humility.

  KydEL sighed. “Your request is granted.” Just before the doors opened KydEL reached out and grabbed the male by the throat. “If you put your hands or any other part of you on my cousin again, you had better intend to mate her. If you don’t, I will kill you.”

  All TarAK could do was slightly nod his understanding. The taller male let him go and then walked out of the lift. It took a few seconds for the oxygen to return to his brain before he realized what the Prime Commander had said. “…you better intend to mate her.” His heart jumped with the sliver of hope those words brought.

  Chapter Eight

  A few days after the last fiasco with TarAK, it was time for AriELa to travel to Kiljor. The shuttle taking them up to the Kiljorn Transport ship was full. The Kiljorn Commander, TylOR, was piloting the shuttle and Prime Leader KadEN was acting as co-pilot. The aisle in the middle of the shuttle divided the seats into sets of two. On one side of the aisle was Lindsey Carreli sitting with her cousin, Prime Commander KydEL, Captain Malone was beside Dr. Morris, and then behind them sat two more medics. On the other side of the aisle, AriELa sat beside her cousin, Prime Medic SydEL. To her disbelief and excitement, TarAK sat beside Lieutenant SilAS.

  Her cousin, SydEL, was heading up a research team that was going to Kiljor to collect samples and compare the mutations caused by the virus instigated by the Morins. Her cousin believed that by studying the differences and the similarities between the two nations, solutions could be found about the fertility problems both nations faced.

  AriELa did her best to ignore TarAK. He had not approached her since that morning she woke to his hands and mouth all over her. She did notice something was different in the way he looked at her. It confused and excited her. However, she made herself push her feelings for him down deep inside. This was her chance to start a new life.

  She had not been off planet since the attack on her family. She was going to treat this as an adventure. She actually was excited to see a new planet.

  “Is there anything specific you are looking for on Kiljor?” she asked her cousin, SydEL. He hadn’t heard her because he had been staring at Dr. Morris. She had to remember to call her Kat and Captain Malone, Jaxon. She lived with them now. It was obvious her cousin was interested in the female Medic. She hoped they mated. Kat was beautiful, smart, sweet, and would be perfect for Syd.

  It didn’t take long to reach the Kiljorn Transport ship. It was larger than the landing field on Katiera. So large that it had to stay in orbit at all times. The Kiljorn Transport was similar to the Katieran Transports from what she could see.

  The group was shown to their sleeping quarters so they could get settled in. Kat and Jaxon shared sleeping quarters. AriELa was sharing quarters with Miss Carreli. She insisted that she call her by her first name, Lindsey. This was the first real opportunity she had to be alone with the other female since the first day that she had arrived on Katiera with her family.

  “How do you and your family like living on Katiera?” AriELa asked.

  “We love it. I am so grateful to the Prime Leader and the Katieran High Council for allowing me to bring my family with me.”

  “RendEL would never want you to leave them behind when they mean so much to you. Did you have a male on Earth that you had to leave behind?” This was the perfect opportunity to broach the subject that started to nag at her. She saw the way the Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN watched Lindsey. Lindsey also kept giving KadEN glances when he wasn’t aware. AriELa suspected there was some spark between them. It should bother her the male she was thinking of mating had feelings for another, but it didn’t.

  “No, I wasn’t seeing anyone. I hadn’t had a steady relationship for a while.”

  “Why not?” AriELa was curious. She had never had a relationship with a male except for her cousins.

  “I have never had much luck with men. They disappoint me every time.”

  “I hear our males are much different than Earth males. Perhaps you will find someone on Katiera or even Kiljor.”

  “Maybe.” Lindsey looked off into the distance.


  AriELa was bored. Pretending to be a perky, happy Prima was beginning to irritate her. She wanted to do something, not just sit around on the transport ship being stared at by all the males. An idea came to her while sharing the Morning Meal.

  “I am so tired of being treated like some kind of fragile flower that if touched, the petals will fall off,” AriELa complained as the four women shared the Morning Meal.

  “I can teach you a few moves,” Jaxon offered.

  AriELa was excited. “You will train me to be a warrior like you?”

  “I was just thinking of a few defensive moves that will help you escape a possible dangerous situation. No offensive moves or weaponry,” Jaxon clarified.

  Both Kat and Miss Carreli were willing to participate as well. Jaxon asked one of the Kiljorn Lieutenants where they could spar. He told her the transport ship had a training facility they could use.


  An hour and a half later AriELa was breathing heavy, it was harder than she thought. Not to mention it hurt like hell. The female warriors from Earth were a lot tougher than they looked.

  Jaxon was working with AriELa, teaching her where to place her kicks. She was doing fine until TarAK showed up. The moment she saw his angry face, she lost her focus and did not block the punch that Jaxon threw her way. AriELa fell backwards onto her butt.

  “I am so sorry.” Jaxon helped her up off the floor.

  “AriELa!” TarAK stalked their way.

  “I’m fine. I just have to concentrate harder.” She got back up on her feet. “Can I try that again?”

  “Absolutely NOT!” TarAK declared, running his hands lightly over AriELa’s body to check for injuries.

  AriELa swatted his hands away. “I’m fine. And you are not the boss of me. If I want to keep training, I will.” She turned her back on him and faced Jaxon. “Can we do that over again?”

  Jaxon offered to pick back up the training the next morning. AriELa stalked off and she knew TarAK followed close on her heels. She was livid. How dare he act like he had any say in what she did or didn’t do.

  As soon as they were in the corridor away from prying eyes, TarAK grabbed her arm and pulled her to a halt. “What do you think you are doing?”

  AriELa tried the pull her arm free, but he had a good grip on her. “I am having Jaxon train me.”

  “For what? You can’t possibly think to train to be a warrior,” he snickered at the very idea of sweet AriELa being a warrior.

  “Why not? Jaxon is a female warrior.
There are other female warriors on Earth.”

  “They are different from you,” he told her as he dragged her with him to a more secluded corner.

  “Are they stronger than me? Do they have keener senses than I? Just because I’m a Prima doesn’t mean…” She was cut off when he took her lips in a bruising kiss.

  He was frustrated, angry, concerned for her welfare, and more turned on than he had ever been before. It was like she had two sides. The prim, proper and docile Prima. Then there was a little warrior inside her with such fire, determination, and conviction. He liked both sides of her, but he had a very male need to conquer the little warrior.

  AriELa raised her hands up against his chest intending to push him away. Instead, she found herself giving in to the desire his kiss had ignited. She looped her arms around his neck and rubbed her front against his. He growled without completely releasing her lips. She could swear that she felt the vibrations from his growl travel down her body straight to her lower half. She felt herself getting wet between her legs.

  TarAK wanted to throw her over his shoulder and take her somewhere more private to claim her. Kitana! He was becoming out of control. He had to fight every instinct to pull back from her. The drowsy and fully aroused expression she had on her face was going to be his undoing. He had to get away from her before he released himself in his pants.

  “Go to your quarters,” he ordered roughly, then turned quickly and headed down the corridor.

  AriELa just stared at his retreating form. Her brain cells were a little sluggish so it took time to sink in what he said. “Asshole!” she yelled. That was a word she learned from Jaxon. Too bad he was out of hearing range before she said it.

  She took a tentative step with her wobbly legs. The male was tearing her apart little by little. With each look he gave her or with kisses he withheld and then suddenly poured onto her when she least expected it. How was she to build her defenses against him when she could never see what his next move would be? That was what fascinated her the most.


  The rest of the trip to Kiljor was about the same. Everyone else seemed to have something to do or somewhere to go. She was stuck either in her quarters or being followed around by TarAK. He didn’t talk about what happened. Big surprise there. She was learning sarcasm from Jaxon as well. She chose to pretend that nothing happened also. She was elated when they finally arrived to Kiljor.

  While on the shuttle that took them from the transport ship to the planet below, AriELa observed the differences between Kiljor and Katiera. The most obvious was that Katiera had green water whereas Kiljor had blue. Jaxon had told her Kiljor looked similar to Earth. Kiljor followed the same exact laws the Katierans did. They made sure their natural resources were protected.

  AriELa sat with the Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN. He was very proud of his planet. He described different areas of Kiljor that could be seen on the viewing screens. KadEN had a pleasant speaking voice and he seemed very knowledgeable. She found herself listening to him in fascination. She could feel TarAK watching her, but she ignored him.

  Once they were within site of the City of Kiljor, AriELa leaned closer. “What material are your buildings made of?” she asked.

  “The buildings in the city are made of a steel metal alloy. On smaller homes and buildings further away from the city you can find structures made of the same clay brick as what you would see on Katiera,” KadEN answered.

  “It is a beautiful city,” AriELa assured him.

  Chapter Nine

  The shuttle landed on a landing pad on the top of the Prime building. The Kiljorn Commander TylOR explained that they had many platforms all throughout the city. The view from the top was spectacular.

  They were taken to their suites. All the females would share a suite while the males were paired off. AriELa was grateful to be able to take a rest. Traveling in space for any length of time is tiring to your body. She didn’t know how the Earth females were still standing upright after a month of space traveling. They were smaller built and didn’t have the same energy level as Katierans.

  The suite had enough rooms that each female had their own bedroom. AriELa chose the middle one and went to take a quick shower. Afterwards, she changed into a sleeping gown Cassie had given her. One of the females from Earth received permission to open a shop on Katiera. The female designed clothing and Cassie had bought several things from her. She said the moment she saw the light blue gown, she knew it was meant for AriELa. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair and body was still slightly damp. The thin silky material clung to her every curve. She wasn’t well endowed as Cassie or as toned with muscles as Jaxon, but she had a tiny waist and her breasts were proportionate to the rest of her body.

  Cassie had bought her the underclothing they called bra and panties. AriELa politely accepted the gifts but had no intentions of wearing the inhibiting material. It made no sense to cover areas that were already covered by her outerwear. Plus, they just did not look comfortable. However, the gown, she would definitely wear the gown. The lighter blue made AriELa’s dark blue eyes stand out. It had tiny, thin straps called “spaghetti straps” on each shoulder that left her arms and neck exposed. The length of it reached down to mid-thigh. She had been concerned that it might be too short for her, but Cassie assured her that gowns came in all different lengths, shapes, and sizes. She said that with long legs like AriELa’s, she should wear shorter gowns to show them off. She had wondered who she would be showing them off to.

  After the shower, AriELa wanted to go straight to bed. She was about to do that when there was a knock at her door. Without looking in that direction she called out, “Come in!”

  She busied herself with pulling down the covers to her bed. When she straightened and turned to face whichever female had entered, she was shocked in her place. It was TarAK.

  He had only meant to drop off the rest of AriELa’s bags and then leave. The female carried more clothes just for traveling than he owned in his entire family home. He knocked and entered when AriELa called out. He wasn’t prepared. No male could be prepared to see the perfect, almost bare, vision of loveliness. Oh Kitana.

  AriELa looked at him curiously. He dropped the bags he had in his hand onto the floor. She thought he was leaving when he turned back to the door but instead, he slid the door closed and locked it. “TarAK?”

  His response had been a deep, throaty growl. He turned back to her and started walking in her direction. It wasn’t walking, more like stalking. She tried to head to the bathroom, but he cut off her direction. She tried to move around him but, he forced her to retreat until her back hit the wall.

  She knew he was aroused. It wasn’t just the growl he kept giving her that clued her in. When he pressed his body against hers, she felt his manhood against her stomach. Goddess KatieRI, please give strength. She closed her eyes as she felt his rough hands touching the tiny straps to her gown.

  “What are you wearing?” he whispered in her ear making her shiver.

  “A g…gown Cassie gave me.”

  He lightly skimmed his hands down her sides and back up, just barely grazing the soft material. He kept repeating the pattern, bringing his hands closer and closer to her breasts each time. He placed his lips in the cradle of her neck and shoulder, nuzzling her.

  “If you don’t like it, I can take it off,” she whispered, leaning her head to the side to give him more room.

  Another growl. “Yes, take it off.” He hooked his fingers around the straps and drew them down her arms.

  “Uh…” AriELa couldn’t find the words. His breath on her skin made her whole body come to life. She just wanted to feel for once in her life. To feel like a desirable female. Not be treated like a Prima that must be put on some kind of pedestal, only to be gazed upon with admiration but never touched.

  The light material slid slowly down her body and lay around her ankles on the floor. She was completely bare to his view. He removed his hands from her and stepped back. O
h sweet Goddess. The female was perfect. He never could have imagined anything so beautiful. Her pink nipples hardened into tight tips before his eyes. He licked his lips. He was probably going to go to Kitana for this, but he had to know her taste. Once was not enough and he needed to know whether he had imagined it all before.

  He knelt before her, bringing himself almost eye level with the most perfect pair of breasts. He slowly reached up with both hands to cup the mounds. Soft, warm flesh met his palms. They were so smooth and delicate. He rubbed his thumbs over her taught nipples. He looked up into her flushed face. Their eyes locked. She watched him as he bent forward to take a tip into his warm mouth. She tilted her head back and moaned, “TarAK.”

  He kept his other hand messaging and teasing the other breast while he suckled. The taste of her exploded in his mouth. It was sweet, so sweet. He growled around her areola. When he got a whiff of her arousal, he sucked even harder. TarAK wanted to please her.

  AriELa had never felt anything like this. She touched herself. Especially after reading some of the romance books Cassie and Kat had at the suite. She learned how to touch herself to feel pleasure, but it never felt like this—ever.

  She arched her back, pushing her breast further into his mouth. Her hands trembled as she wrapped them around his neck. His other released her breast and she protested. “Don’t stop.”

  He released her breast from his with a pop. Then he took the other nipple in to suckle. His hands skimmed down her slim body. He massaged her hips. Her arousal grew stronger as did his own. He wanted to taste more of her. He pulled back and released her nipple to watch where his hands were going.

  He lowered his hands to cup her smooth, hairless, untouched mound. The Gods had truly made her perfect. Juices ran down her inner thigh, gleaming and tempting him. Over the years he heard other males speak of the arousal juices from females they had shared sex with. All agreed that it was delicious. He had refrained from sharing sex with other females, but now he desperately wanted to know AriELa’s taste. He couldn’t resist. He leaned down and ran his tongue up her thigh drawing every drop. She tasted like the sweetest of berries. He almost released at the first taste of her. One thought ran through his mind. MINE!


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