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The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3

Page 13

by A. J. Medina

  Lucah had summoned a battle axe and he hit me with such force that I fell on my back. While Lucah stood over me, he looked up at the wizard, surprised that he hadn’t scored a point. I tapped my sword to his chest plate.

  “Two points Alora.”

  Lucah spread his arms, questioning the wizard. Still on my back, I swung my sword in an arc parallel to the ground. It struck his shin armor with a loud clang. “Winner Alora!” the wizard announced, and the king motioned for a round of applause.

  I thought Lucah would at least offer to help me up, but he didn’t. I got to my feet and saluted him. He tapped his fist to his chest, shaking his head the whole time. By the look of confusion on his face I could tell he didn’t understand the rules. He didn’t understand what happened. He didn’t strike my body with his axe. That’s what gets him a point, not hitting my shield or knocking me to the ground.

  Lucah had decided to be a sore loser and was boasting and yelling to the other boys that girls should go home. I of course, yelled out in protest and Tessa and the other girls joined in. The wizard jumped off the balcony with his eyes glowing, landed with a gust of dirt rising up and turned to Lucah. “Lets see how you fight when someone is actually trying to harm you,” the wizard said calmly.

  He summoned a sword and swung at Lucah. Lucah was caught off guard, the wizard hadn’t given him any sort of warning. He didn’t salute and he didn’t say, on guard. Lucah flinched and backed away. Summoning his sword and shield, he prepared to defend himself.

  The wizard didn’t hold back. He lunged, Lucah deflected. He chopped, Lucah dodged right. Lucah’s eyes were wide and filled with terror. The wizard didn’t let up on his assault. He lunged forward, Lucah deflected his sword strike with his own, but not soon enough, blood spilled from his cheek.

  Instinct caused him to raise a hand to the wound. The wizard summoned a second sword and weaving both swords — hand over hand like a windmill, his lips pursed in a snarl — edged closer and closer. Lucah simply stood cradling his cheek unsure how to react. The wizard finally stopped, both swords resting on opposite sides of Lucah’s neck. Lucah stood still as a statue and stared at the wizard.

  I gasped, not wanting Lucah to be hurt further, and half of me wanted to jump in and save him. The other half felt he got what he deserved. He shouldn’t have been talking nonsense about me. The wizard held his position for a moment letting the situation sink in when his swords vanished.

  “Had we been enemies, you would not have just a scratch on your cheek.”

  “Why don’t you show them how to soar,” the king commanded.

  The wizard turned to the king. “There’s not enough room in here to teach it safely, m’lord.”

  “Then take them out of the castle, down to the fields.”

  “As you wish,” the wizard agreed. “Wait here,” he said, and then went through the doors leading deeper into the guard’s wing.

  When he returned he had more vials for us. He handed them out and asked us to drink them. “Need to make sure your magic is topped off for soaring. Don’t want anyone fizzing out mid flight. Armor on, swords sheathed and all other weapons dispersed.” The wizard’s staff appeared and he finished by saying, “Now follow me.”

  We followed him out of the guard’s wing and passed the square, the stables and out of the main castle gate. We marched towards the bridge gate and the roar of the waterfall reminded me of what was waiting. The bridge dipped low as we followed it down to the fields. I stood tall and tried to breathe. Fine... I’m fine... I won’t fall, I told myself. I focused all of my attention on the knightlys in front of me, my hearing focused on the clinking of our armor instead of the waterfall.

  When the wizard was satisfied that we had enough room and were far enough from the trees, he stopped. “Next, you are going to learn how to soar. By creating a shift in pressure under you, you will be able to launch yourselves high off the ground. Then you must activate the change again before landing.”

  Wait, did he just say launch? And high off the ground? My hands began to tremble and my stomach burned. This was not going to be fun.

  “I will demonstrate.” He took aim at the ground with his hand. His eyes flared and his hand did too. Next thing I knew, he was soaring up through the air. When he came back down, he aimed his hand at the ground and wind blew across the grass where he was to land. He absorbed the impact by bending his knees and stood gracefully, like it hadn’t even taken any effort.

  He performed it one more time in order to return to us and said, “Two things you must know. Leaning forward will help you move in that direction, just as leaning backwards will move you in that direction. When you land, you must time it correctly so that you land easily. If you use too much force you might take off again and if you don’t use enough, you will crash into the ground—hard.”

  “How high can you soar?” I asked, afraid of his answer.

  “I’ve tried and can soar from the water line to the castle. The higher and longer you soar, the faster your magic will deplete. Who’s first?” he asked, bringing his palms together and sliding them back and forth.

  Tessa cried out. “I am!”

  “Come then. Aim at the ground and feel the power building. Then imagine that your are throwing a punch or pushing the wind and trying to put out a candle. That helps.”

  “Aye,” she said, and then took aim at the ground in front of her. Tessa didn’t lean forward like the wizard had advised and shot herself straight into the air. Me, I was terrified, but the wide eyed excitement that filled her face showed she was having fun again.

  When she was close to the ground she took aim and fired again. She landing on one knee like if she was kneeling for the king.

  “Well done Tessa. Nice control. You’ll be able to practice in the courtyard without issue.”

  “Who’s next?” Someone pushed me from behind and I was forced to step forward. “Aye, Alora come closer.”

  He called me. I had to go. I stepped forward and he explained what I should do again.

  I aimed my hand at the ground, but nothing happened. I tried to imagine that I was punching someone and pulled my arm back and shot it forward. I felt weightless as my body left the ground. I was soaring and was terrified and excited at the same time.

  But the scale tipped more to terrified when I realized I was still climbing. I was going higher than Tessa had. I passed the tree line and could see the castle and the end of the world. My fear over took me and I couldn’t concentrate. And then I felt a moment of complete weightlessness before my stomach was thrust into my head.

  Falling at a rapid pace, I watched as the ground came closer and closer. I stuck my hand out and punched. Nothing. I tried to focus and do it again. I pulled my arm back and punched at the ground, but nothing happened. I continued attempting to fire as the wizard instructed but it wasn’t happening.

  “Now Alora! Do it!” The wizard was yelling with his hands cupped around his mouth.

  “I can’t!” I yelled back.

  “You must. Hurry!”

  I tried again. “I’m trying, I can’t!”

  The wizard started running, looking up at me and back at the ground. He was trying to gauge where I might land. He took aim, raised his hand and at the last possible moment fired.

  I hit the ground and rolled three times before coming to a stop on my back with my arms and legs spread out to my sides like a big X. Everyone gathered around me and the wizard made his way through the crowd. “Alora, are you alright?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Well then. On your feet. Try it again.”

  Again? How could he want me to try it again? Didn’t I almost just die.

  “The only way to master something is through practice. Get up and try again. But this time try not to go so high.”

  I slugged to my feet. Try again, he said. Well here goes. This time all of the other knightlys stood back, giving me plenty of room. I guess they thought I would make a fool out of myself a second time. If so the king
might make me his court jester instead of his knight. I inhaled slow and deep and held it. With all eyes on me, I aimed my right hand at the ground and—

  “STOP!” The wizard broke my focus. “Alora, which is your stronger arm?”

  “I don’t know, Wizard.”

  “Which arm do you favor when you hold your sword?”

  I looked at my hands. “My right.”

  “Then for now, try using your left hand.”

  “Aye, Wizard.”

  I inhaled again and held it. Taking aim at the ground with my left hand, I let the breath out and lifted off the ground. I landed easily on my feet.

  “Good. Again. And this time try to go higher than an ant. At least high enough that you need to fire to land.”

  I sighed. “Aye, Wizard.”

  On the way back to the castle the wizard had said we were done for the day and I was imagining how good it would feel to collide with my pillow. Today was trying and I couldn’t wait to eat my evening meal and wash up. I rather eat and go straight to sleep, but princess’ orders and such. She might be right today though, all the dirt would stain my sheets. I chuckled when I remembered Mother said the same thing about my feet, that day.

  Neala was lingering by the main gate and rushed over when she noticed me. “The princess has sent for you. Please come with me,” she instructed.

  She led me into the castle and I wasn’t quite sure where she was taking me. “Where are we going?” I asked her.

  “To the palace. I mentioned to the princess how you wanted to walk in the garden. She thought now would be the perfect occasion. She was busy all day with the queen and she is dying to hear about your training.”

  “The garden?”


  I stopped and looked at myself. “Wait... Neala, shouldn’t I wash first? Look at me I’m filthy.”

  “The princess commanded I find you and take you straight to her.”

  “Well... if she commanded it.”

  We passed the guards at the entrance to the palace without them even batting an eye. Neala did work for the princess. I guess they wouldn’t dream of stopping her. We walked through the king’s court, passed the king’s throne, and out through the arbor that led to the garden. The arbor was white, and green leafy vines twisted through it and covered the entire thing. At the end of the leafy tunnel there was a wooden fence that came up to my thighs, which secured it from the garden.

  Past the fence, sunflowers and lilies lined the path to where the princess waited. She sat in the middle of the field on a wooden bench wearing a sky blue dress and her hair was tied in a horsetail with a matching ribbon. I walked around the bird feeder that forced the path to turn left and right, and her eyes lit up when she noticed me.

  I touched my fist to my chest and bowed my head in salute.

  “Thank you Neala. Please stay with us in case we need anything. Oh, there go my manners again. Can I offer you something, Alora?”

  My throat was dry. “Water?”

  Neala nodded and left to fetch some.

  “Look at you. You look like a knight now.” She patted the bench next to her. “Sit.”

  “Um... Princess, did Neala mention that I love to walk on the grass in bare feet?”

  “Nay, she did not. Please feel free to do so. I will join you.”

  With our shoes off, the princess wrapped her arm around mine and we strolled through the grass. It was soft and cool and I was transported to my meadow again. “Tell me everything,” she said, “I want to know it all.”

  I began at the beginning. “The morning began with us being called to the king for questioning—”

  “Oh, I heard about that. The poor boy. Did you know him?”


  She waved her hand. “I don’t want to hear about that. Tell me of your training.”

  “When we returned to the guard’s wing, our armor was waiting for us. I tried mine on and I didn’t see the chain mail suit. And then Ser Hector put me on the stage in front of everyone and I was so embarrassed.”

  “I will have to speak to Ser Hector.”

  “Nay Princess, please don’t.”

  She didn’t respond. “And then what happened?”

  Neala arrived with a goblet of water. I thanked her, drank it down in one gulp and continued. “The wizard took us into a special room and fed us a potion. The potion allows us to perform magic and we can make our armor appear and disappear.”

  She released my arm and clapped happily. “You must show me.”

  I did.

  “Your eyes glow just like the wizard’s. How exciting. You look so knightly in your armor.”

  “Funny you should say that. Tessa thought we should call ourselves knightlys from now on.”

  “I agree with this Tessa. It suits you. Remove your armor for now while we talk.”

  With my armor gone, and her arm wrapped around mine, we strolled and I explained everything that had happened today, including my almost dying when I couldn’t land correctly.

  “I missed so much. And Father... he asked for a show? I missed that too. I would’ve loved to have seen you duel... Lucah is it?”


  “Aah,” she sighed. “Are the two of you in love?”

  “Princess?” I asked. How did she know about me and Lucah? I never mentioned him.

  She lay her head on my shoulder. “You duel by day and sneak away for romantic meetings under the moon light. How romantic.”

  Princess Evelyn was well informed. I focused on the soft grass under my feet.

  “I can see why you enjoy walking through the grass barefoot. It’s very relaxing. Have you changed your mind about your boots?”

  Should I tell her that they’re evil? Designed to hurt all girl kind. “My boots don’t fit right, they squeeze my toes together and hurt. They slow me down some and I can’t fight as good with them.”

  “I must remedy that quickly. The leatherman will make you something more suited to your liking. I should be available to watch you tomorrow. Neala, please take her to the leatherman.”

  “Aye, Princess,” Neala said, and waited as I put my boots back on.

  With my boots tied, I tried to summon my armor, but it wouldn’t appear. I waved to the princess and followed Neala back to the arbor. The princess stayed in the field studying her feet as she scrunched her toes into the grass.

  When I arrived at the leatherman’s shop, Neala explained that the princess wanted me to get new boots and my current ones were unacceptable for battle. The leatherman eyed me suspiciously and then asked me to sit down and remove my boots.

  He slid a piece of hide underneath my feet, traced an outline around them and then proceeded to take some measurements across the bridge of my foot, around my ankle and even higher up on my calf. Next, he asked me to stand and put all of my weight on them and to spread my toes. He made another mark on the hide and finished by asking me to stand on my tip toes.

  “I believe I can make something that will work for you. I should have them ready by the time you’re done with the evening meal.”

  “Thank you Ser,” I said.

  Neala bowed and we left. Walking past the square the same merchant from the other day offered me an apple and that’s when I noticed Silas and his penetrating eyes—they looked worried.

  “Alora,” he called, running over to me. “Your armor. We’re supposed to wear it at all times.”

  “I tried to summon it, but I think my potion has run out.”

  “The training day is over, so the wizard isn’t going to give you another one, but what of the evening meal?”

  I just realized, how am I supposed to go without armor?

  “You need to speak with the wizard. Come with me.”

  “Alora, shall I stay with you?” Neala asked.

  “Nay. Neala, go do whatever you need to, I’ll be fine.”

  She waved goodbye and went towards the palace.

  Silas led me behind, what he said was, the baker’s ho
use. Since he was in the square selling his daily breads, no one was home. After Silas had surveiled the area making sure no one could see, he handed me the vial.

  “What are you doing with this?” I asked.

  “I didn’t drink it all. I saved some just in case.”

  “In case what?”

  “In case I needed it. Take a small sip and summon your armor.”

  I took a sip and it worked—my armor returned. Tomorrow I’ll ask the wizard about this type of thing, if we’ll get into trouble over it.

  Silas’ violet eyes no longer showed worry or concern. They now burned with… yearning. Or was I imagining it? He moved in closer and I backed away. He moved in close again and I tried to back away again, but my back was against the baker’s home and it prevented me from doing so.

  “When I saw you the day of our auditions, I knew I was in trouble,” Silas said, running his fingers through his hair.

  “Huh...?” Was the only word I could muster.

  “You were standing there observing everyone and taking it all in. I was observing too. I was observing you.”

  “Um...” I could feel my face turn as red as the apple I was still holding.

  “I see the way that guy treats you. And he talks about you all the time, saying girls don’t belong here.”

  “Who’s saying that?”

  “That guy... Lucah.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Then don’t. I want you to know I don’t believe that. I think you’re one of the best here.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m going to go back to my chambers... Want to walk together?”

  “Nay. I...” I glanced at the apple in my hand, “I need to get another apple for Tessa.”

  “See you at the evening meal then?”


  He placed a gentle kiss on my cheek and his warm breath smelled like cinnamon. My heart stopped and I just watched him strut away, unable to regain control of myself. Before he was out of ear shot he turned and said one final thing. “Oh, and the squires tell me that the apprentice isn’t as evil as the king is making him out to be.”


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