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The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3

Page 37

by A. J. Medina

  But what was that in her hands?

  It twinkled, picking up some of the fire’s light as she twirled it and studied it.

  Draycko focused on it. It couldn’t be, he thought. Could it?

  Since the young ones would be asleep, Draycko landed with a light foot, his wings causing a gust of wind to stir and blow out the fire.

  “Sorry. I’ll relight it,” he said.

  Draycko inhaled lightly and then spit out a tiny ball of fire. With the camp fire ablaze once more, he lay down close to Alora.

  “Everyone else went to bed?” he asked.

  “Aye, they were tired.”

  “And you. You’re not?”

  “Not anymore.”

  “Tomorrow you journey home. You should rest.”

  “I’m not tired.”

  Alora rotated the emerald in her hands again.

  “Can I see that?” Draycko asked her.

  Alora held it out for him. When Draycko reached out to take it, Alora yanked her arm back. “You see with your eyes, not with your claws,” she said.

  Draycko moved his head in for a closer look. Alora watched as his snout came closer and closer toward her hands. Draycko closed one eye and studied the emerald with the other.

  His eyes burned with fire before he turned his gaze to Alora. Now noticing that she was watching him closely, he stood tall.

  “May I hold it?” he asked.

  “Aye, you may.”

  This time Alora allowed him to hold it in his claws. He studied it closely, bringing it up to his snout and sniffing it. Draycko could feel the power emanating from the emerald. His dragon shape could sense things others couldn’t. He turned his gaze out into the dark water and tested his theory. He could see far into the darkness, a gift of having dragon’s eyes, but now he tried to see even further than he knew he could. In a flash, he could see twice as far and clear as day. This was it. He was sure.

  A whisper escaped his lips. “The Emerald of Kali.”

  “What was that?” Alora asked.

  Draycko tried to hide his excitement and composed himself. He cleared his throat. “Nothing.”

  Alora didn’t believe him. “You said the Emerald of Kali. What’s that?”

  Draycko could spread his wings now and fly away with the emerald, but Alora was powerful. Was this why? Because she had the emerald all this time? Was Agbavitor aware that she possessed the emerald?

  Nay. Even without the emerald, Alora was an elemental. Now was not the time. He must be wise about his next move.

  Alora held out her hand and shouted. “Give it back!”

  Draycko extended his claw to return it.

  “What is the Emerald of Kali?” Alora asked again, taking the emerald from him.

  Aednat’s voice came from within her tent. “Quiet! No one cares about that stupid legend.”

  Draycko was surprised that one of the young ones knew about the emerald.

  “Aednat, come out here,” Alora commanded her knight.

  “Ugh... I’m trying to sleep.”

  “That’s an order.”


  Aednat emerged from her tent. She didn’t appear to be happy. Why did Alora take her disrespect? If Aednat was in Draycko’s army he would command that she be tied to a tree and roasted alive.

  Alora slid the emerald and its ribbon into the handle of her sword. As she screwed on the end, Draycko wondered why she didn’t wear it around her neck. She obviously wasn’t hiding it since she didn’t even know what it was.

  “Aednat, what is the Emerald of Kali?” Alora asked.

  Aednat squatted down by the fire and rubbed her hands together. “There’s a legend. There’s an emerald called the Emerald of Kali. Kali was a great wizard. She was said to be the most powerful wizard alive. When she died she didn’t have an apprentice or anyone to pass her powers to, so legend says that she passed her powers into her emerald. And any wizard who has the emerald will be very powerful.”

  “Thank you. Was that so hard?” Alora asked.

  Aednat shook her head. “Can I go back to sleep now?”


  Aednat retreated back into her tent and said from the inside. “Please be quiet out there. We’re trying to sleep.”

  Draycko took one step towards her tent ready to exhale and set it on fire. Not just because she spilled the secret, but because she was a disrespectful little brat.

  He was able to restrain himself and when he turned to Alora, she was watching him intently.

  She still held her sword in her hands. “Are you saying that this is the Emerald of Kali?”

  Draycko pondered how he should answer. If he told her the truth, she would protect it even further. “Nay. It’s the first emerald I’ve seen in ages and I just thought...”

  “Thought what...?” Alora asked, still focused on him.

  If he was human again he swore he would be sweating pails.

  Draycko scratched the back of his head. “I just thought it would be nice if it was. But it’s not.”

  Alora loosened her grip on her sword and lay it down on the ground.

  Success. She believed him.

  “Good night, Alora. I will see you in the morn,” Draycko said, and then flew over one of the walls and into his chambers.

  Draycko couldn’t wait until Alora went back to sleep. She stayed up some more staring at the fire and throwing water droplets at it while turning it into ice and then letting it melt.

  When she finally went into her tent, Draycko was relieved. Even with his size he knew he could make off quietly, but he didn’t want anyone to see him. Like he used to do when he was human, he crouched low, and then stepped lightly towards the edge of the ruins. So as not to create a gust of wind when he lifted off, he chose to throw himself off the side instead of flapping his wings. After stepping off and into the air, he spread his wings and glided away from his castle. His final destination—Ly’vera and the castle city.

  As he flapped his wings slow and steady, Draycko focused on the moon. He used it as his homing beacon, knowing it would lead him in the right direction.

  He headed east, his wings letting out a rhythmic whoosh as he flew. The wolves forest came into view beneath him. He used his keen dragon vision to search for the slightest sign of light from way up high. Scanning the trees, he nearly passed it. His wings spread out wide, catching the air and bringing him to a halt. Next, he flapped them and lowered himself upright to the ground. In his usual manner, when he wanted to alert people of his presence, he folded his wings and landed with a thunderous boom.

  Patiently, he waited for the door to the small cottage to open. He hadn’t seen her in so long. He hoped she would welcome his unannounced visit. A shadow finally moved from within the cottage and the door flung open.

  “Draycko,” the woman with the black hair greeted. “It’s been what... ages?”

  “Aye, I need a favor.”

  The woman stepped out onto the small porch. “All this time and you come asking for a favor?”

  “It’s important. What’s about to transpire will benefit the both of us.”

  The woman crossed her arms and studied Draycko. “And what is about to transpire?”

  “I believe I will regain my kingdom.”

  “Don’t you mean our kingdom?”

  Draycko didn’t think after all that time, she would still want to be with him. He had imagined when he’d remained a dragon that she couldn’t love him anymore.

  “Aye, our kingdom. Will you help me?” Draycko asked.

  “Of course. What would you have me do?”

  Draycko lowered his head closer to hers. “Send a falcon to King Remi. Tell him to expect me soon. Have him wait on one of the turrets for me and I will land by his side. I am heading to the castle city now. Tell him I have news. Good news.”

  “What news?” the woman asked.

  “News of the Emerald of Kali.”

  “Of Kali? Why give it to him when we—”

nbsp; “Because he is currently the ruler of the realm. He defeated The Apprentice and has him in his dungeon. He can return my... our kingdom. Will you help me? Will you send a falcon?”

  The woman lowered her head and then nodded. “Aye, my king.”

  Draycko stood tall and turned. As his wings spread to take off, he glanced over his shoulder and said, “It was nice to see you again, my queen.”

  The woman curtsied in her ratty old sleep shirt, and Draycko took to the sky once more.

  So as not to be seen, he lifted higher and higher until he was up and over the clouds. The thought of what he was about to do brought joy to his heart. After hundreds of years he would finally be able to get his kingdom back, or at least he hoped he would. And his queen. She would return to his side. She still appeared as he remembered, not aging a day since she learned of the youth potion that could be put together using wolf’s blood. Perhaps he was foolish spending all his time alone now that he knew she would have stayed at his side.

  Draycko couldn’t help but wonder if the Emerald of Kali was as powerful as the legends said. Could it truly restore magic to someone that had lost their ability? Could it heal? And even though it was never spoken of, could it turn him human again? Oh how he hoped it could.

  Life as a dragon hadn’t exactly been rough, but he missed being human. Feeling warmth, feeling cold, and feeling the touch of another. Walking on two legs, that was nice. Sleeping in a soft bed, that was nice too. Silly as it might seem, one of the things he missed most was running. Sprinting through the castle, chasing his beloved. He hoped he might be able to do that again. Once he held the emerald in his hands, and with the help of his queen, he would know if it was in fact capable of turning him human again.

  As Draycko soared high above the clouds, he shook his head. How foolish of him to stay a dragon for so long. If he became human once more, he would never use the potion of deceit again.

  Draycko’s thoughts now turned to King Remi. He knew of King Remi’s search for the Emerald of Kali. He knew that the king would pay a large sum reward to whomever could lead him to it. And Draycko was about to do him one better. He would deliver the emerald to him personally.

  Draycko turned to the east so that the moon stayed on his left. He was almost there now. He needed to be careful on his approach. He took his time and circled high above the castle city just a bit longer. His queen would have sent the falcon as soon as he left, but he needed to give it time to arrive. The last thing he needed was the castle city attacking him.

  When he figured enough time had passed, Draycko began his descent. His dragon eyes scanned the castle city below, searching for the king, and he found him waiting on top of the western turret at the top of the palace.

  Draycko aimed for the turret and landed with the least amount of wind possible, but it was still enough wind to blow out the king’s torch. And so Draycko motioned with his hand for the king to hold it up. The king held it up into the air and Draycko spit out a small amount of fire, bringing it back to life.

  “I received your falcon, Draycko. You’ve found it?”

  Draycko lay down so that he wouldn’t tower over King Remi during this most important conversation. “Aye, King Remi, I have.”

  “Tell me where!” the king shouted, stepping closer to Draycko.

  Draycko held up his hand. “I will, but first... my reward.”

  The king composed himself. “What do you want?”

  Draycko scratched under his chin and looked towards the sky. “Hmmm... let me think.”

  “Am I to believe you haven’t thought about it?” King Remi asked.

  Draycko dropped his hand to the ground. “You know me well.”

  “I know of wanting. So what is it that you want, exactly?”

  “My kingdom, returned to me.”

  “Southern Ry’uet? That kingdom hasn’t been yours since before I was born.”

  “That may be, but I want all of Ry’uet now. I shall rule once more. I will be... The Dragon King.”

  King Remi turned around and walked to the edge of the turret looking out at the sea.

  Draycko knew what he asked for was huge. The kingdom of Ry’uet was a large territory. Larger than even King Remi’s Ly’vera. But Draycko also knew the king would give anything to have the emerald. Perhaps even sacrificing his own wife for it.

  With his back still to Draycko, Remi spoke. “Would you take Ky’lima instead?”

  “Ky’lima isn’t my home. I want Ry’uet.”

  “Ky’lima is bigger than Ry’uet. You can destroy the bridges and cut it off from the rest of the realm if you like.”

  Draycko thought over the king’s proposal. Ky’lima was much bigger than Ry’uet. And cutting it off from the rest of the realm would put all of its citizens at his mercy. After not ruling for so long, it sounded like a great idea. “I accept.”

  The king still didn’t turn around. “I need assurances from you, Draycko.”

  “What kind of assurances?”

  The king turned back around to face him. “I need to know that you won’t try and conquer Ry’uet or Ly’vera once you have your kingdom.”

  “I won’t.”

  The king’s facial expression showed he was unsure. Draycko stood on his hind legs. “King Remi, I pledge my allegiance to you. While I will rule my kingdom of Ky’lima, I pledge to honor and obey you and to never turn against you. Besides even if I did, you have Alora and you’ll have the emerald. Anyone would be a fool to challenge you.”

  King Remi bowed and Draycko bowed in return.

  “We have an accord,” King Remi said. “Bring me the Emerald of Kali and I will have my knightlys destroy anyone in Ky’lima who gives you any problems. We will take the castle for you and it will be your new home.”

  “What about any other wizards, sorcerers and sorceresses that still call Ky’lima their home.”

  “What about them?”

  “I don’t want them there.”

  “I will have Alora destroy any wizard who stands in your way. All I need to know is where the wizards are hiding.”

  “Very well. I will have the emerald for you in a few days, if not sooner.”

  Draycko spread his wings to lift off, but King Remi stopped him.

  “May I ask where you found the emerald?” Remi asked.

  Draycko knew the king had to try to get the information from him for free. But the king was no fool. He knew he wouldn’t be able to capture a dragon and force him to say where the emerald was. Not without a wizard there to help.

  Draycko could tell Remi didn’t like that he had to give up the kingdom of Ky’lima. Draycko looked down on him. He was a puny human. Someone that Draycko could char to a crisp with one breath if he truly wanted to. “Now Remi. You know it wouldn’t be wise to show my hand.”

  “Aye. But I had to try, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “We have an agreement,” the king said. “Now bring me that emerald.”

  “Aye,” Draycko replied, and then spread his wings. With one strong swoop, he was airborne.

  Draycko flew over the sea, north and parallel to Ky’lima’s shores. He wanted to take a quick look over the land that would soon be his.

  The forests were all dark and there were a few wolves hunting for a meal down below. Further away from the shore, he could see a town. He soared higher so that they wouldn’t be afraid of him. At least not yet. Soon those would be his citizens and he would tax them for living on his land. They would pay him or they would have to leave. If they didn’t leave then he would have them killed.

  No one lives on The Dragon King’s land for free.

  Ahh, it will be great to be king again, Draycko thought. To have citizens, servants, land, food whenever he pleased, and power over everyone. His queen would be at his side once more and they would build an army and invade Ry’uet before turning their sights onto King Remi and Ly’vera.

  King Remi was a fool for believing Draycko. Draycko would never keep his end of t
he agreement. Draycko wanted to rule the entire realm and he was well on his way.

  And King Remi didn’t realize his mistake. By telling Draycko to burn all of the bridges that connected Ry’uet to Ky’lima, the king made sure he could never invade The Dragon King’s kingdom. At least not by surprise anyway.

  Draycko’s dreams of ruling this part of the realm would soon be realized. Patience is one thing Draycko had learned over the years. For good things come to those who wait.

  Chapter 22

  Draycko wasn’t around to say goodbye, but he left the staircase down so that we could leave. I waited for a bit, but we had a long day ahead of us and I had no idea if he would even show up and I wanted to at least make it back to the camp close to the hot springs before night fall.

  The trip through the forest went by in a flash and we made it to the camp a lot faster since we knew where we were going.

  Why did it always seem to take longer one way and then faster when going back?

  Our camp appeared untouched since we left it, so we dropped our things and setup our tents. Neala mentioned the fact that we hadn’t washed the whole time we were with Draycko and she felt horrid.

  “Can we wash again in the hot springs?” Neala asked.

  This time Aednat said, “I don’t want to. But I’ll stand watch over Thomas and make sure he doesn’t spy on you.”

  “That’s foolish,” Neala said, “we should all wash.”

  “Go on,” Thomas said. “I swear I won’t spy on you again. Besides, I couldn’t see much.”

  Aednat took that as an insult to her body and leaned in and punched him in the face.

  I jumped in between the two of them so that she wouldn’t hit him again and said, “Thomas, you deserved that.” And he did.

  We all left to the hot springs, leaving Thomas in his own filth again. How he didn’t smell rotten yet, I didn’t know.

  After washing in the hot springs, we returned to the camp and then ate Neala’s evening meal. After a small relaxing break around the fire, we all went into our tents for the night.


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