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The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3

Page 47

by A. J. Medina

  Aednat lifted the ladle of water to her lips and drank. She watched the other knightlys practicing in the courtyard of the guard’s wing. It had only been days since Alora left the castle city with Neala, but it felt like weeks.

  Davina stood alone against the west wall watching everyone practice. She stood wearing only her second skin, choosing not to wear her armor or even practice her fighting skills.

  Aednat couldn’t blame her. She hadn’t felt like practicing the day after either, but Davina had also taken to being alone lately.

  Thomas walked over to Davina and took her hand, but she quickly snatched it away. It wasn’t the first time she had done that.

  Aednat refilled the water ladle and drank again before placing it back in the pail.

  It was as if Davina didn’t want to be friends with Aednat anymore and she no longer cared for Thomas.

  Davina was fairly quiet before their journey, but she was never so quiet with Aednat. They used to talk about everything, but now Davina ignored her completely.

  And then a loud smack filled the air. Everyone stopped practicing to see where it had come from.

  “Don’t ever touch me again!” Davina yelled at Thomas. “I belong to the king now!”

  Poor Thomas, he had no idea what she was talking about, but her words gave Aednat some insight as to what might have been bothering her. Davina had been called to the king’s chambers last night and he must’ve commanded her not to be with anyone else but him.

  He hadn’t commanded Aednat to stay away from other boys, so he must not have cared.

  Of course he didn’t care, she told herself. How could he?

  Aednat looked down at her armor covered body.

  She didn’t look like the other girls. Her armor was flat where the other girls had curves. And while the king didn’t seem too disappointed with her, he must have had a better experience with Davina. Her armor had many curves.

  “But Davina,” Thomas pleaded. “What do you mean you belong to the king?”

  “Are you really that dense?” she responded. “Don’t you know what’s happening right here in front of you? The king can have whomever he wishes.”

  “And he wishes to have you?” he asked.

  With a mean and hurtful tone, she answered him. “He already has!”

  Thomas stepped back, almost as if he was punched in the chest by her words.

  “Leave me alone,” Davina said, and then she turned and walked into the guard’s wing. A few moments later she appeared on the second level walking across it and past the balcony. When she disappeared into the turret entrance that led up to their chambers, Aednat had a feeling she had lost her only other friend in the world.

  Aednat was now all alone in this terrible place.

  Chapter 5

  Princess Evelyn entered her mother’s chambers. She was wearing only her robe and slippers and she was prepared for her mother to scold her. She could hear her now. “How dare you walk through the palace looking disheveled? That is no way for royalty to carry themselves.”

  But to her surprise, her mother didn’t mention it.

  The queen was sitting in front of her mirror, her hair being brushed by one of her maidens—one of the less pretty ones.

  “Mother, have you seen Genevee?”


  The princess sighed. “Genevee, Mother. I have not seen her today and it is time for my bath. Have you seen her?”

  “I have,” her mother said, and then focused on her own reflection in the mirror. Her mother pulled at the skin under one eye and gazed at her eyeball. “Do you think my eyes are white enough?” she asked the princess.

  “Aye, Mother. Genevee. Where is she? She hasn’t seen to my chambers or prepared my bath.”

  “Child, you worry too much. I grew tired of her. She will not be returning.”

  “Mother, your jealousy of the maidens is—”

  The queen jumped to her feet. “Hush daughter. Do not speak to me of jealousy.”

  The princess found herself staring at the floor like one of the queen’s servants.

  “You there.” The queen addressed the maiden that was previously brushing her hair. “Take my daughter into my washroom and wash her. Maybe then I can have some peace.”

  “Aye, My Queen,” the maiden answered. “Come, Princess. I will see to you now.”

  The princess nodded and then stared at her mother. She was pulling the skin down under her other eye and studying it in the mirror.

  The princess would never understand why her mother cared so much about her appearance, or about the appearance of all the other maidens.

  When the princess entered the bath, and the maiden began washing her, she thought about her past maidens.

  Her mother never told her where the maidens had gone off to, only that they would not be returning. Princess Evelyn imagined them running in an open field somewhere playing catch me if you can with each other the way her and Alora did.

  She imagined them happy and free, away from the palace and their servitude. Princess Evelyn watched the maiden, who was a few seasons older than her, washing her thighs. Alora had opened the princess’ eyes to the idea that the servants were slaves.

  This girl was a slave, and yet the princess had grown so accustomed to being waited on hand and foot that she found herself both caring and not caring all at once.

  She wasn’t sure how she felt about having slaves, but she knew how Alora felt and Alora didn’t like it one bit.

  “Please sit so I can wash your feet,” the maiden said.

  The princess exhaled deeply after she sat in the water and placed her foot into the maiden’s hands. If Alora didn’t like it, then maybe it was wrong. Maybe the servants should all be set free.

  But then who would wash my feet? the princess wondered. And who would make my food and serve it to me?

  Nay. She wasn’t ready to give up her servants just yet.

  After being dried by the maiden, the princess was helped into her robe and slippers. She thanked the maiden and went out into her mother’s chambers, but her mother was no longer there. She shrugged, oh well, and made her way back to her own room, clean, relaxed and ready for bed.

  — — —

  In their washroom, Aednat waited as Branna dried Ryanne’s body. She rubbed the towel up and done furiously, rushing to dry her. When Ryanne was dry, Branna wrapped the towel around her and tucked the end.

  After helping Ryanne, she held her hand out and helped Aednat out of the bath. Aednat took hold of it and made her way down its steps. Expecting Branna to rush while drying her as well, Aednat was surprised when Branna took great care in the drying of her body. In fact, Branna seemed to be moving much to slowly for Aednat’s liking. She regretted waiting and wished she had climbed out first and dried herself.

  Back in their room, Aednat was preparing to throw on her sleep shirt, but Branna stopped her.

  “My apologies Aednat. I wasn’t quite sure how to bring this up.” Branna stared at the floor.

  “Bring what up?” Aednat asked.

  Branna didn’t answer. She went to Aednat’s closet and retrieved a blue gown and lay it on Aednat’s bed.

  “What are you doing? What is this gown for?” Aednat said, looking at Branna.

  Branna didn’t answer her. Next, she retrieved Aednat’s shoes from the closet and placed them next to Aednat’s feet.

  “This can’t be,” Aednat said quietly under her breath. “Davina had been called to his chambers this night, hadn’t she?”

  Aednat looked past Branna and to Ryanne. She was standing still with her mouth hanging open.

  With her attention back on Branna, Aednat was about to ask what she hoped was a mistake, but she didn’t have to.

  Branna finally spoke. “The king has commanded that you return to his chambers.”

  Aednat’s heart thumped loudly in her chest. “This must be a mistake. Surely he has confused me with one of the other girls.”

  “Nay. He has called for
you by name.”

  It wasn’t a mistake. The king had called for her again. Aednat felt her world get heavy. With her new added weight she couldn’t stand. She felt herself sit on her bed, but she didn’t remember asking her muscles to move.

  A pair of hands — Branna’s hands — removed her towel and then the room went dark for a moment. The soft material of her gown was pulled over her head and down her body until it could move no further. Aednat didn’t stand to allow the gown to fall all the way to her feet.

  That didn’t stop Branna though. First one shoe and then the other.

  “Please stand, Aednat,” Branna said.

  Aednat couldn’t remember how to.

  This couldn’t be happening. Not again... Not so soon. She didn’t want to go see the king. She didn’t want to do as he commanded.

  “What if I refuse?” Aednat whispered trying to keep what she said just between the two of them.

  Branna sounded worried. “You cannot refuse, Aednat. It would be an insult to the king.”

  Aednat was offended by what Branna said. An insult to the king? she wondered. What wasn’t an insult to the king?

  Aednat remembered how to stand again. She commanded her muscles to follow her orders.

  Branna moved quickly and pulled the bottom of her gown down to her feet. After brushing it smooth with her hands, Branna stepped back and admired her work.

  For the second time in the last few days, Aednat wanted to leave this terrible place.

  “I am to escort you to the king. Give me a moment to get dressed,” Branna said, and then ran back into the washroom.

  When she emerged, it felt like only a few seconds had passed and in that time, no one had said anything. Ryanne simply slipped into her sleep shirt and sat cross legged on her bed. Davina didn’t even seem to care at all.

  Aednat was lost in thought. She pictured in her mind what was going to happen and was afraid, sad and angry all at once. She was so lost in thought she hadn’t even realized her winter cloak had been thrown on her.

  “Ready?” Branna asked, after securing the front of Aednat’s winter cloak.

  Nay, Aednat thought, but I must do as I’m commanded. “Aye, lead the way.”

  Branna threw on her cloak and led Aednat down the stairs, out of the guard’s wing, threw the falling snow, and into the palace.

  When they reached the king’s chambers, Branna knocked and they waited.

  “I’m told you will spend this evening until tomorrow’s with the king,” Branna announced.

  Aednat screamed inside her head. Tomorrow evening!

  She was going to be spending an entire day with him. The tears almost came, but she held them back. It would be an insult... it would be an insult she kept telling herself as the door to the king’s chambers opened.

  — — —

  The queen prepared for her discussion with her husband. With her free hand she pushed open the king’s door.

  Inside, he was pacing back and forth. The sound of the door opening caused him to look in her direction. His huge smile disappeared in an instant.

  The queen tried to push her hurt feelings down deep into the recesses of her soul. She knew he was expecting someone else.

  “Rosaleen?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to talk to you,” she held out the mug, “and to bring you some elixir.”

  Remi took hold of the mug and peered into it, studying its contents.

  “Drink, my love.”

  And so he did.

  “You should go, Rosaleen. I... I need my rest.”

  Queen Rosaleen screamed inside. She was furious, her rage fueled by his lie.

  “Why do you hurt me so?” she asked.

  Remi turned and walked towards his bed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He wasn’t ready, he hadn’t drank enough. She would return to that subject later if there was time. “I need to talk to you about Alora.”

  “What about her?”

  “I believe her and The Apprentice will try to take over our kingdom.”

  He took a sip of his elixir. “Don’t be silly.”

  “I am not being silly. She is very powerful and the two of them together will be more powerful than we could ever hope to defend against.”

  “I remember you saying Alora was nothing. A servant who would do as she was told. What of that now?”

  “She was our servant, but now she has betrayed us.”

  Remi drank some more. “It was your abuse of Neala that drove Alora to betray us. It was also foolish of me to sentence her to death. I don’t know why I listened to you.”

  The queen’s eyes began to water. “Because you love me and care for me.”

  “Aye, I do, but it may have cost us the kingdom.”

  The queen knew that he was right. Her jealousy had created this. Not just her jealousy, but her desire to rule, her desire for power.

  “I am truly sorry, but what has been done cannot be undone, my love. But I do have a plan. A plan that will keep us in control. Will you hear it?”

  “Of course. Don’t I always?”

  The queen smiled, knowing that was true. No matter what else she had done, no matter how much she complained to him, he would always listen to what she had to say.

  “Drink,” she said.

  The king gulped it all down.

  Now it was time for him not just to listen, but to do what she suggested.

  “Here is my plan. We will let the girl knightly’s escape.”


  “Aye. We will let them leave Ly’vera and journey to find Alora.”

  “But that will just make Alora stronger. She will have them at her side.”

  Queen Rosaleen wanted to scream at him. Yell at him that they were already on her side because of what he had done, but somehow she maintained her composure.

  “They will go to her and she will be thrilled they are at her side.”

  “And then what?” he asked.

  “One of them is a spy for me. She will tell me if and when they will attack so we can be ready for them.”

  “Will your spy kill her? That would make it easier for us.”

  “Nay, she can’t physically kill her otherwise she will lose her ability to perform magic. Alora is still a young one.”

  Plus the queen wanted the pleasure of killing Alora.

  The king sat on his bed and motioned for the queen to sit with him.

  After sitting on the edge, she continued. “When I am told they are leaving, we will need to make it easy for them. The guards must remain out of sight and allow them to go.”

  He nodded. “And then?”

  “After they are gone, and are in her good graces, we will send a message to Alora telling her if she doesn’t surrender herself, then all the remaining boy knightlys will be sentenced to death.”

  “If she doesn’t surrender then we will have to kill my king’s guard of boy knightlys?” Remi asked.

  “Aye, my love. We will have to follow through on the threat, but believe me Alora will not allow innocents to die because of her.”

  “And what of The Apprentice?”

  The queen didn’t want to tell him her whole plan so she said, “He won’t be a problem. Make this happen, my love. I will tell you when everything must be done and you will do it.”

  “Aye, My Queen,” her husband responded.

  Since he was expecting company, the queen decided to fan the flames on another fire she was creating. He didn’t call for that particular girl, but the queen had made sure she was the one summoned.

  A knock came from the door. Their conversation was over. Queen Rosaleen walked back to the door and pulled it open. Standing there was the girl, the other part of her plan. The queen gestured for her to come in.

  “I take my leave of you, my love. Until tomorrow.”

  The king walked over and took the girl’s hand.

  “Aednat, I’m pleased to see you. Come.”

bsp; Remi led her over to his bed and the queen slowly closed the door from the outside, her jealousy burning deeply as usual.

  Chapter 6

  It was far too early to be in bed. Her mother had commanded her to go to sleep early, but Princess Evelyn couldn’t fall asleep.

  The light from the fireplace in the corner barely lit her room. The flame was dying down so the princess tossed her covers to the side and climbed out of bed to tend it.

  After tossing a small piece of wood inside, she looked around her room. It was lit more so than before and she wanted to go to sleep, but her wyes just wouldn’t stay closed.

  The corner of her mouth scrunched up as she figured out what to do next. She decided she would become Alora. Alora, the wizard and guardian of the palace and of Ly’vera.

  She took hold of Alora’s practice sword and sliced it through the air a few times. Next, she slowly pulled open the door to her room and peeked out into the passageway.

  When she was sure no one was there, she took off sprinting to the steps and then as fast as she could made her way to the bottom of the staircase. She continued running across the palace and stopped when she thought she heard footsteps. She hid behind a pillar in the great hall, trying to silence her heavy breathing so she could hear her assailant.

  When she didn’t hear anyone coming, she leaned forward and peered down to the other side of the great hall. It was empty.

  Off she went once again, running as if she was being chased by a villain, toward her father’s chambers. Before she got there she slowed from a run to a skip. Her imagination no longer made her Alora. She was back to being just a young princess.

  The princess daydreamed as she skipped towards her father’s chambers. She was telling herself she was already a woman. She was old enough to get married and have children. To become a queen in her own right.

  And then she saw herself as a knight fighting by Alora’s side.

  As she was about to pass her father’s chambers wearing only her royal sleep shirt, someone emerged from his room.

  After the door clicked shut, the girl stood frozen in her tracks when she realized it was the princess who approached.


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