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Love from the Other Side

Page 3

by Claire Plaisted

  ‘Does he, love me?’ The last words he’d heard, circled in his mind, and yet, there came no answer, only the eerie silence.

  His heart skipped a beat when the chill washed over him, like someone stood behind him, watching his every move. An ominous presence. One that sent his senses on a, terror filled, but pleasurable ride. That was when he saw the long blonde hair, and those amazing green eyes, staring back at him from across the room. She was more beautiful than the others, more graceful in the way she walked towards him; and when she held her hand out for him, he felt himself rise to his feet, submitting to her call.

  He left the circle, and followed the woman, no care as to their destination. Her hand let go of his and her lips pursed as she blew him a kiss, before she disappeared out the back door.

  ‘Wait!’ He called to her, his voice deep, and sinful, while his heart seemed to jump from his chest.

  He had to find her. He had to know her name.

  ‘Please, don’t go...’

  ‘Go where?’ Her voice had returned the minute he stepped outside, and all he could think of, was how lucky he was that he’d found her.

  ‘Don’t leave!’ He replied, watching as she skipped down the back steps and across a vast lawn. ‘Hey, wait up!’ He called after her, just before she vanished behind an old shed; and he tore off into the shadows after her.

  He wasn’t about to let such beauty go. Not now, not when she’d teased him so. She wanted him. He could feel the pull, and was so very willing to oblige.

  ‘Are you there?’ She whispered, her voice carried on the wind. ‘Come find me!’ She told him, right before the moon light disappeared, and the alarm began to blare in the distance. ‘Aryn?’ She called to him. ‘Aryn, where did you go?’ But no matter how hard he tried to find her, it was just too dark, and he was far too drunk.

  ‘Come back!’ He called to her, ‘Please, come back!’

  He was still calling for her, when his eyes opened, to find an elderly man standing over him, with a scowl upon his face, hidden deep beneath years of wrinkles and gray hair.

  “Who, are you?” The man demanded, and Aryn shot up in the bed. “What sort of game, do you play here?” He shouted, running his hands through his shaggy gray hair.

  “I followed the boy...”

  “There’s not been any children here, not for a long while!”

  “I swear to you, there was a boy...” Aryn choked out, but the man’s face turned sour.

  “You think this is funny? Coming in here, spewing lies like that?” The man shouted, “I should take you out back and whip you for such horrid lies!” The man growled, and Aryn jumped back across the bed.

  “Listen, pal, I woke up downstairs...”

  “Then how did you get upstairs?” He snapped, waving his hand about. “The Master catches you in here, speaking like that, and you’ll find yourself in a whole lot of trouble!”

  “I’m sorry, but that kid brought me up here, said it was his room...”

  “Lies! All of them!” The man shouted, and took to Aryn with his fists. “You’re a heathen, and shall be punished for your tricks!”

  “Whoa, calm down!” Aryn shouted, his arms up to defend himself. “Hey, cut it out!”

  “Garren?” Another entered the room, and the man who attacked Aryn, froze in his tracks. “What is the meaning of this?” said a man, with jet black hair.

  Garren turned to face the man in the door, only to mumble a few words as he rushed past him, leaving Aryn in complete shock. What the fuck, had just happened here?

  “I’m sorry, Garren, is not all there!” The newcomer announced, and bowed his head. “My name, is Dawson Kramer, and this, is my house!”

  “Then who was he?” Aryn managed to let out.

  “He, is a friend!” Mr. Kramer smiled. “A very, troubled, friend! But then, that’s why he’s here!” He chuckled, and turned from the room. “It’s why we’re all here!”

  So, Aryn was going to pretend he understood everything the man had just said, and followed him across the hall and into another room.

  “Welcome, to the farm!” Mr. Kramer started again, when Aryn had joined him at the large bay window, behind his desk.

  This, had to be his office, and from what Aryn could tell, he was a busy man. Books and files filled the shelves, weighed down by more artifacts that seemed as ancient as the house itself. There were paintings on the wall, mirrors and hanging plants, and a fireplace, much like the one in the other room; save this one was lit.

  “What is this place?”

  “It is my home!” Mr. Kramer laughed. “And you are most welcome to stay as long as you like!”

  “I should really get back to my own home!” Aryn replied. “Which is why I was in the other room, the...” He stopped short, remembering Garron’s words about the kid. “...I was told my phone was charging in there. I must have fallen asleep!”

  “It is a comfortable room, and can be yours, if you so wish!” Mr. Kramer told him, as he stepped into the light, and Aryn finally got a good look at the man.

  Tall, muscular, and wearing a suit as black as his short-cropped hair. He screamed business man, but Aryn wasn’t about to make any assumptions just yet.

  “I should really, get home!” Aryn told him again, and the man turned back to the window.

  “If you insist, but the next shuttle, does not leave until the morning!” The man replied with a sigh.

  “The shuttle? Where the hell are we?”

  “You, really don’t remember, do you?” Mr. Kramer looked at him with a sort of concern in his eye. “Pity!”

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’d hoped your time with us, had helped you!” The man replied, and made for a small cart beside his desk. “Drink?”

  “What do you mean, my stay?”

  Aryn was so confused. He’d woken up this morning, in a room filled with rift raft, followed a kid upstairs and fell asleep waiting for a reply from...

  “My phone? Where’s my phone?” He said, the panic filling his chest, and he tore from the room.

  He flew on to the bed where he’d lay, tossing the sheets and the pillows, but he couldn’t find his phone. His heart beat faster, he needed the phone, it had all his contacts, all his, everything.

  “Where’s my phone?” He yelled, as Mr. Kramer entered the room behind him.

  “You need to calm yourself!” He told Aryn, but that wasn’t going to happen. “Getting upset will only make things worse!”

  “I need, my phone! I need to call Momma!” He shouted back at the man, “I need to go home!” He added, only to feel the hands on his arms a moment later. “Let me go!” He shouted at them, as they pulled him from the room, and back down the hall, to another room.

  “He’s relapsed!” He heard Mr. Kramer tell another, but Aryn couldn’t see anyone. “We’ll need to sedate him again!”

  “Yes, Doctor!”

  Sedate him? Doctor? What the fuck? Where the hell was he? What was this place? And who the fuck, was Mr. Kramer.

  “We were so close!” He heard another voice, as the pain seared through his neck.

  It was softer than the others, almost angelic.

  “We’ll succeed, my sweet! I promise!” Mr. Kramer replied, as the darkness swirled around Aryn, and he felt himself floating away.

  ‘Aryn?’ He heard his name, and the darkness gave way to a beautiful meadow. ‘Aryn!’ He heard the joy in her voice, and a moment later, saw her long, blonde hair and emerald green eyes. ‘You came back!’

  Part Four – The Party

  ‘Come, Aryn, let’s go! It’ll be fun!’ She told him, taking him by the hand and leading him back to the house. ‘It’s just a little party!’

  And then the scene changed, as if he’d blinked and been transported clear across the city. Gone was the meadow, replaced by a mass of people, swaying and grooving to music. The room carried a scent, one which reminded him of home; and he felt relaxed, if but for a moment.

me!’ She smiled at him, his woman with the blood red lips. ‘Enjoy your party!’

  He nodded, feeling her bump up against him, and slide her way down the front of his chest. She was a smooth dancer, erotic and sensual, pulling all eyes towards her; and Aryn could already feel the lust building within. He wanted her, and every time she smiled at him, he melted even further.

  ‘Come with me!’ She purred, wrapping her arms around his neck. ‘Come have a drink!’

  Who was he to argue? And so, he followed. From the dancing to the drinks, the whole way, he never took his eyes off her, and when they found themselves in a bedroom, locked away from prying eyes, he hoped like hell he’d finally make it. He’d finally pop his jewels, and be the man he’d always pretended to be. He’d prayed for this night, for as long as he could remember, and with her...

  ‘I want to share something with you!’ She told him, as they lay in the bed.

  ‘Anything!’ He replied, the anticipation building, as she reached behind her and handed him her drink.

  ‘Take this, while I slip in to something a little, more comfortable!’ She grinned, and left him lying there. ‘Don’t go anywhere now!’

  Go anywhere? Hell, he was staying right the fuck there. Sex, with a real woman? Fuck, he wasn’t leaving, for anything. This was the major leagues, prime time, the things he could learn from her, and the things he’d heard about, and wanted to try...

  His mind was racing by the time she returned, sliding up on to the bed with him. ‘I want to spend this time, with you!’ She groaned, lifting up his shirt and running her lips across his belly.

  It burned, but in a good way, and he laid back, as she took the cup from him. ‘Baby, you can do that all night if you like!’ He chuckled, as her hand took his, and he felt the smooth, teardrop shape in his fingers.

  ‘I could give you everything...’ She whispered, in his ear, ‘...all you have to do, is...’

  ‘Anything!’ He moaned, ‘Just don’t stop!’

  ‘Do you love me?’ She said, and he laughed.

  He didn’t even know her name, but yes. ‘I do!’ He told her, and felt her lips against his own.

  ‘Good, for this will not work, if you don’t love me!’

  ‘Oh, I love you!’ He groaned, and felt his hand on his chest, clutching the smooth tear drop gem.

  ‘Tell me, how much you love me!’

  It was almost time, he was almost there. Soon to be a virgin no more, with her hand in his trousers, unbuckling his belt...

  ‘Who, the fuck, are you?’ The voice sounded out, and Aryn’s heart, dropped.

  ‘What was that?” He blurted out, now in a panic as his woman left his side.

  ‘I should go!’ She told him, the alarm written on her face as she rose from the bed.

  ‘Where are you going?’ He called after her, scrambling to get her back.

  ‘Perhaps, next time?’ She smiled at him, and disappeared into the hall.

  ‘I said, who the fuck, are all of you? And what the fuck, are you doing, in my cousin’s house?’

  The voice sounded angry, and even more so, when Aryn came into the hall; a hall, that was way too familiar for his liking. Past a bathroom that smelled like a four-twenty fest, and the fish tanks, filled with fish which seemed to glare at him. This, was so not good.

  ‘Get the fuck out of here, now!’ He heard the voice again, and came face to face with a man, he’d seen only a handful of times before.

  ‘You do not fuck with my family!’ Momma’s words filled his head, and the sight of his own living room, sent shudders throughout his body.

  ‘You, out!’ The man turned to him, his chains shining in the light beneath his scowled face.

  ‘But this, is my, home!’ Aryn replied, so utterly confused.

  Who were all these people? What were they doing in Momma’s house? Where, was his woman?

  ‘This one, says he lives here!’ The man spoke into his phone, as a woman shouted from the kitchen.

  ‘Watch it all, mother fuckers! Watch, as it goes down the drain!’ Her voice rang above them all, as they scattered to collect their things and depart. ‘Think you can fucking party here? Ha!’

  Whoever she was, she was mad, and Aryn was afraid to enter the kitchen to see who it was. Could have been any one of the Aunts, or one of his Momma’s friends come to check on the house, none the less, he was safer where he was.

  ‘Yeah!’ The man spoke in to the phone some more, sneering at Aryn as the house cleared. ‘He’s right here! Punk keeps saying this is his house!’ He paused a moment, and then hung up the phone.

  ‘You, out!’ He told Aryn, and held out his hands.

  ‘But this is my house!’ Aryn protested.

  ‘Not anymore! So, hand over the keys, and find the fucking door, before I show your face, the way!’

  What the hell was happening? What was he saying? Aryn was still trying to figure it all out, as he walked down the street with his bag over his shoulder, and a few of the drunks who’d trashed his Momma’s house. How could this have happened?

  Part Five – The Doctor

  “Is he awake?” Aryn heard the voices, and rolled over in his bed, only to come face to face with pale gray walls, and the men he’d seen earlier, in beds of their own.

  “He’s awake!” Another chuckled, and clapped his hands together.

  “Poor fool!” The first sighed, “You think he’ll do it?”

  What were they talking about? What would he do?

  “If he’s lucky, he’s already failed!” The second grumbled.

  “If he sleeps with her, he’s done for!’ A third cut in.

  “But she’s so lovely!” The first replied.

  “Hush! Someone’s coming!” The voices were muffled, and Aryn closed his eyes as the footsteps drew closer.

  “It’s time, for the meeting!”

  “I said hush, or they’ll drug you again!”

  They kept arguing, and Aryn kept quiet, even when the guards, or at least he thought they were guards, came in and escorted them all down a very long, very white, hall.

  “In here!” He was told, his hands at his sides, pulling at the light blue scrubs he wore, his head spinning as he was led to a seat.

  “Good morning!” He heard the familiar voice, and looked up to see Mr. Kramer.

  “What?” Aryn shook his head. “What is this?”

  “Please, Aryn, there will be no disruptions in here!” Mr. Kramer let out with a sigh, “We cannot afford to sedate you any further!”

  “Sedate me? What for?” Aryn lashed out, but the guards had him pinned to his chair a moment later.

  “Just relax!” One of the others told him. “It doesn’t hurt!” He added, and folded his hand in his lap. “The questions, never hurt!”

  He spoke as if he’d lost a few screws, dressed just as Aryn was in the light blue scrubs, but he was older, and his hair had grayed in many places. The others all looked much the same. Old and insane, just waiting for some fun and games to keep their feeble minds entertained.

  “Your paranoia, has gotten the better of you, as of late!” Mr. Kramer told him, as he sat in his desk across the room. “And we cannot help you, Aryn, unless you, help us!”

  “It feels good, to help him!” Another giggled, but the look Mr. Kramer gave him, had him quitting, quick after.

  “Do you remember, who I am, Aryn?” Mr. Kramer asked.

  “Uh, no!” Aryn choked out, he didn’t remember anything really, and what he did remember, was more like flashes of a nightmare.

  It couldn’t have been real. He never would’ve hosted a party, never at Momma’s. She’d taken him in, when his own mother has tossed him out; but the memory was so vivid, so real.

  “I’m your Doctor, and this, is my farm!” Mr. Kramer sighed. “And it seems, we’re back at square one!”

  “Where were we before?” Aryn inquired.

  “You were almost ready to rejoin society, but your recent relapse, has called for further study into your case.
” Mr. Kramer shook his head. “You were doing so well, too!”

  “I don’t remember you, or this place. I want to go home!” Aryn shouted. “I want to call Momma!”

  “You cannot!” Mr. Kramer rose from his chair, and waved the guards aside.

  “And why can’t I? Why I am here?”

  “Getting angry, will only make the memory loss worse!” Mr. Kramer replied.

  “I want to go home!”

  “Aryn, that’s impossible!”

  “Why? Where’s Momma?” Aryn shouted, and the guards made to step forward, but again, Mr. Kramer waved them off.

  “Do you remember the party, Aryn?” Mr. Kramer asked him, running a hand through his short, black hair. “Do you remember the night you let your friends in to Momma’s house, and how they destroyed it?”

  “They what?” Aryn pulled back in horror. “No, it never happened. I would never...” He shouted, again and again, until the guards finally restrained him.

  “You can’t go back to your Momma, Aryn, for the house you once knew, no longer exists!” Mr. Kramer shook his head. “You ruined it, Aryn!”

  “No! No, I didn’t! You’re lying! You’re all liars!” He screamed. “I want to go home! I want to call home, now! It wasn’t me!”

  A mid all the screaming, he could see Mr. Kramer shaking his head, as if he were a lost cause.

  “It’s been four years, and he still hasn’t come around!” He told them, “Perhaps it’s time we let him go!”

  “Yes! Yes, I want to go!” Aryn called out, as he was hauled out of his seat. “I want to go home!”

  But there was no home for Aryn, only the pain in the side of his neck, as once again, he was sedated.

  “We can’t keep this up! We’ll have to try with another!” Mr. Kramer’s voice started to fade.

  “No, he must be the one! I can feel it! Let me try again!” There was her voice again, just like before, but Aryn couldn’t see her. “Please?”

  “I warn you, my sweet, his mind is strong and his will to fight...” The man sighed, “You must try harder, if we are to succeed!”

  “He’ll come around, I promise!” Was the last thing Aryn heard, before the room began to darken.


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