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Clash (The Forever Duet #2)

Page 16

by Jennah Thornhill

  Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the models come over to the office for fittings for the outfits they’ll be wearing.

  Seeing as Dylan and Serena have been kind enough to back me in all of this, I haven’t wanted to push my luck and expect them to fork out for an extra space for fittings.

  “You’ll just have to bear with me, though. I’m having to use this…” I pull my flash drive out of my bag and wave it in the air a little. “I no longer have the original sketches of your outfits.”

  Just as she sits, I watch something flash across her face. “Oh no, why? What happened to them?” she asks me, sounding genuinely gutted for me.

  Not wanting to go into a great deal about everything, I simply say. “They were stolen.”

  A gasp leaves her, and her hand goes to her chest. “That’s awful. Well I hope you get them back soon.”

  “Me and you both know nothing beats an original sketch. Oh well, you win some and you lose some. Shall we get started?” I head over to the floor to ceiling windows and draw all the blinds—the last thing Kate needs is all the men in this office drooling over her tall, yet slim figure.

  “Yes, of course. I’m so excited about this. All your designs are amazing. I was out for drinks with a friend last night, and I told her all about you.”

  Closing the door and getting the clothes bag from the back of the door, I start to pull everything out as I speak. “Aww, thank you, Kate. That’s so nice of you.”

  Two hours later and with only minor alterations needed that I could do myself to a couple of the items, I flop down back into one of the chairs and drop my head back, swinging the chair from side to side.

  I haven’t seen Neil since he dropped me a sub off for my lunch before Kate turned up, and all I wanna do now is go home, kick off my heels, have a hot soak in the bath and have Neil worship my body in the most amazing way only he can.

  As if reading my mind, and just as I’m swinging the back of the chair in the direction of the door that Kate vacated not twenty minutes ago, I’m greeted by an upside-down Neil standing in the doorway.

  “You ok there, baby?”

  With a yawn, I answer. “Yeah, I’m just fucked. Today has been non-stop.”

  A snigger leaves him as he laughs. “No, baby. You’re not fucked because I haven’t laid a finger on you since this morning.”

  I sit up and giggle at his remark, spinning the chair to face him. “Take me home, please.” My voice is pleading, just as another yawn falls from my mouth.

  “Come on, my little beauty, let's get you fed, thoroughly fucked and a good night's sleep.”

  And that’s exactly what we do, in that order, minus the fucking because I pass out before Neil can even get me naked.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  Watching Bonnie work these last couple of weeks has me in total awe of her. With everything that has happened to us, and even having to temporarily move out of her house, she’s managed to clear her mind and carry on getting everything ready for the fashion show, which is now only two days away. This week, we’ve all been run off our feet, making sure everything is in place and ready. No one more than Bonnie. That woman is a machine, and a dangerous one at that.

  I’ve heard her, more than once, shouting at people because things haven’t been done how she wants them. I can’t blame her, though, she’s worked damn fucking hard for this.

  She deserves everything good that’s happening.

  When I’d taken her home the other night, my poor girl had been exhausted. I’d got her back to the apartment where she’d grabbed some food and a quick bath before she passed out on top of our bed. I never did get around to giving her a thoroughly good fucking.

  The models have been in and out of this place daily. The guys who work in the office have been like dogs on heat with their tongues hanging out and drooling all over them, probably using their lunch breaks to go and knock a round off in the toilet and relieve some pent up tension. I can see why, I suppose: all the models are pretty and have legs that go on forever, but they have nothing on my girl.

  I’ve been so lost in my work that I haven’t noticed the time until an e-mail pings from a client. I come to the conclusion I’ve had enough for the day. I need my Bonnie fix.

  I close everything down and gather all my shit together.

  Heading to the conference room where Bonnie has set up an office, I walk past the vending machine and cup in my hand the change I have in my pocket. Pulling it out and finding a pound coin, I insert it and I press the numbers for a bar of Galaxy chocolate. Watching it drop, I bend down, pushing the flap open, and pull it out. I look to the side of me to see Tommy talking to one of the models—I think her name is Kate. She always seems to be around here and hangs around Bonnie like flies hang around shit.

  Tommy eyes me as I approach them, he shoves his hands in his pockets and turns his back to me.

  Before I open the conference room door, the urge to fuck with him gets the better of me. “Got no work to do, Tommy?”

  He doesn’t answer, but I can feel his eyes in the back of my head. With a smug grin, I carry on through the door.

  “Tommy and Kate seem friendly, I think he has a boner for her, you know…”

  “Yeah I’ve noticed that. But it keeps his attention from me, so it’s all good. Let her deal with him.”

  Hearing Bonnie admit that Tommy has a thing for her does not bode well for him. The blood begins to rise as I ball my hand in a fist. One day, that fucker will get what he deserves, especially if I see him pay any undue attention to Bonnie.

  She ambles over to me until she’s wrapping her arms around my middle. “It’s okay, I can deal with Tommy.”

  With her heels on, she’s just above my chin. Pressing my lips to her head, I leave a kiss.

  “One knee to the balls and he’ll be on the floor.”

  With a chuckle in the back of my throat, I think of Tommy on the floor at the wrath of Bonnie, holding on his dick after one of those heels have been stuck in it. My own body shudders at the thought.

  “Come on, let’s go home.”

  Together we roll up the work she’s done and get all her gear together before leaving for the day. Tommy and Kate are still talking between themselves, eyeing us as we leave the conference room.

  “See ya, Kate,” Bonnie shouts and waves to her. Kate doesn’t respond, and as I look back, the pair of them are watching us as we walk away.

  Chapter Forty-Nine


  In less than twelve hours, I’ll be at The Mayfair, getting ready to put on the biggest event of my career.

  Everything is riding on tomorrow; it has to go well.

  This last week has gone by so quickly and uneventfully compared to the last few months, and I’m so fucking grateful. It seems whoever the fuck was trying to mess with us has crawled back into whatever hole they came out of. Neil has been getting phone calls from the police still, and they’ve now decided to close the case altogether.

  I’m not ready to go back home, but Neil has been so understanding and to quote him: whatever makes me happy, he will do. So, we’ve decided to stay at the apartment for a while longer, or at least until I’m ready to face my house again.

  I’m not gonna lie and say I haven’t been on edge: everything has been going so well that I’m expecting the other shoe to drop at some point, but I’ve been trying my hardest to not think about it.

  Now, any normal person would be going to bed early and getting some decent sleep before they put on a show that could possibly change their life, but not me.


  Instead, I’m pacing the apartment, going over everything in my head whilst I wait for Neil to come back with food and wine.

  My list of worries is endless:

  Is the outfit that I designed for myself to wear good enough? Will all the models turn up? Is the catwalk all going to be set out right? Will everyone that’s been invited to at
tend show up?

  The phone that’s attached to the kitchen wall rings out in the apartment, breaking the silence and me out of my own crazy thoughts. Making my way over to it, my bare feet hitting the cold wood flooring, I pick up the receiver.

  “Hello, Miss Jones. You have Ms Davenport and Mr Proctor here to see you,” Michael, the guy who is manning the desk at the door, informs me down the line.

  I hadn’t been expecting them to come by tonight, but I’m not going to say I’m not happy that they’re here.

  “Let them up, Michael.”

  “Not a problem, Miss Jones. You enjoy your evening now.”

  Thanking him, I put the phone back down and open the door, just as they exit the lift. Standing on the threshold, I smile as they approach, and when Serena stands in front of me, she waves two bottles of champagne in front of my face.

  Dylan gives her an eyeroll.

  “Tomorrow is a big fucking day. Chances are, we won’t get to celebrate much, so we’re doing it now. Plus, if I had to guess, I’d say that you’re freaking out about tomorrow. So, we’re here to distract you.” Pushing past me, she heads into the apartment, straight for the kitchen.

  Dylan just stands there with his hands in the pocket of his jeans. “I tried to tell her this wasn’t a good idea, but you know what she’s like once she gets an idea in her head.”

  Unfortunately, I do know what she’s like, but I love her for it.

  “It’s fine, honestly. To be fair, I’m glad you’re both here. She’s right: I was starting to freak out a bit, but don’t tell her that.” I step to the side to let him in and we both share a small laugh.

  All three of us are standing around the kitchen island, Serena popping the cork on one of the bottles, just as Neil comes through the door with more food than expected.

  Serena sees the look on my face when I take in the two bags of food he’s carrying.

  “Oh, yeah, I called him to tell him we were coming over and ordered me and Dylan some,” Serena explains.

  With champagne poured and Chinese on plates, we all gather around the coffee table and eat whilst sitting on the floor.

  The conversation flows effortlessly between us all. Neil and Dylan throw insults at each other in a way that only they can, causing Serena and I to choke and snort with laughter several times.

  Serena and I eventually start to discuss the design I’m doing for her wedding dress, and she gets overly excited about the ideas I’ve been playing around with.

  Their wedding is only five months away, so I really don’t have long to get something sorted for her. Letting her down isn’t an option for me.

  Eventually, contentment washes over me as I take in the people around me, and I know in that moment, no matter what comes of the show tomorrow, that I have the best and most gorgeous man in my life—one who loves me and will go to the ends of the earth for me—and friends who believe in me and love me so much they’re willing to put their names and reputations on the line for me.

  I really couldn’t ask for more in life.

  Chapter Fifty


  Bonnie and Serena sit together on the floor, their plates in their laps, laughing about God knows what while Dylan and I sit on the sofa.

  “What’s on your mind? I can see the cogs turning.” Dylan grins, the fucker.

  I glance at Bonnie and see them both still engrossed in conversation as they put their empty plates on the coffee table. I decide to gather the plates together and take them in the kitchen, silently prompting Dylan to follow me with a tilt of my head. When I get to the door and see he still hasn’t followed me, I click my fingers at him. “D?”

  Looking over he gives me a chin lift.

  “Beer?” I mouth to him, ‘get the fuck in here’ “Come and get us some drinks while I sort these plates out.”

  When he finally comes into the kitchen, I push the door to and stand, waiting impatiently with my hands at my waist staring at him. “What was it going to take to get you to follow me in?”

  “I didn’t know you wanted me… so what do you want?” He opens the fridge pulling out more beverages.

  “Well, I’ve been thinking about something, and I wanted to get your opinion.”

  “So, spit it out.”

  “What do you think Bonnie would say if I asked her to marry me?”

  “Are you fucking with me?” His voice raises, and I have to put my finger to my lips to shush him.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I whisper loudly. “No, I’m not. You know how I feel about her.”

  “Yeah I do and… I think it's a great idea. When are you thinking?”

  “Well, I wanted to wait for the fashion show to be over first then I’d do it.”

  He smiles wide, pulling me in for a hug and giving my back a pat. “Mate I’m so happy for ya. I don’t have to say how happy I was when you two got together, but getting married… I’m all over that! Serena will be over the moon.”

  “You can’t say anything…”

  “Fuck off! You know what happened the last time I kept a secret. Fuck that.”

  “But this is a good secret. I’m sure she won’t want to chop your dick off this time.”

  Obviously still feeling the pain from the last time, his hands automatically cover his balls for protection.

  “Man, she knows how to get you. I fucking love it.” I laugh out loud.

  “You’re a wanker.” He grabs his can of beer and goes back into the front.

  “What are you two talking about?” Bonnie asks, taking a break in hers and Serena's conversation.

  “Nothing. Just that he’s a wanker, and I should look for a new best mate.”

  “Oh, please,” Serena cuts in. “No one could put up with either of you the way you two do.” The girls break into giggles, and smirking at each other, we lift our cans in a silent toast.

  By the time Dylan and Serena leave, it’s getting late, and I know my girl needs to get some sleep ready for her big day tomorrow. Once we’ve got undressed and have slipped under the covers, I pull her into my side. “You know, tomorrow is gonna be great. You’re going to be amazing.”

  She turns to face me, her hands on my bare chest and smiles. “I couldn't do this without you.”

  “You’ve done the hard work.”

  “Do me a favour?”

  “What’s that, baby?” I whisper, our lips just millimetres from one another.

  “Make love to me?”

  I don't answer. I don’t need to. I’m sure the look and the smile on my face is enough.

  Pulling her body against mine, I kiss her with everything I have. Letting my hands travel down her body, feeling and caressing every inch of her until I’m hovering over her and sinking inside of her. The need to relax her and show her how much I love her takes over. We move in rhythm as I trail my lips over her face, her lips, and her neck. Her soft gasps spur me on as I drive us further on until her whole body begins to tense and we’re both falling over the edge.

  Chapter Fifty-One


  Today is the day—the day I’ve worked my entire career for: my first fashion show.

  Lying in bed, I roll over from my back to look out of the window and see that the sun is shining over the city. Today is gonna be a good fucking day, I can feel it in my bones.

  “Good morning, my little sleepy head,” Neil says, all cheerful.

  Turning my head to look at him over my shoulder, my eyes following him and his half naked, beautiful body, as he strides to my side of the bed.

  “I brought you some coffee and toast. You need all the energy you can get, today.” Watching closely as his muscles ripple and tighten when he leans to puts the cup and plate down onto the bedside table, I try to hide the fact that he has me wanting him to climb back into bed and do nasty and dirty things to my body.

  Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I squeeze my legs together underneath the covers, keeping my eyes on him
as he perches on the edge of the bed next to me.

  “You need to stop looking at me like that, baby. We don’t have time for what you’re thinking right now.”

  The twinkle in his eyes tells me he wants to do exactly what I’m thinking, yet he’s trying to be the good one out of the two of us right now.

  “I didn’t say or do anything.” I flutter my eyelashes at him as I push myself up until my back hits the headboard behind me.

  “Hmmm, sure you didn’t.” He smirks at me before grabbing the cup and plate again and handing them to me. “I promise you: I’ll ravish you and take your body to heights it’s never experienced before tonight when we’re having our own little celebration.” He gets up off the bed whilst making me these promises before stopping in the doorway of the bathroom and dropping his boxers in front of me.


  He knows his arse is my weakness.

  Groaning in frustration, I scowl at him and he chuckles at me before he closes the bathroom door behind him as he goes to take his morning shower.

  With Neil refusing point blank to give me what I’m craving, I reluctantly drink my coffee and eat my toast, whilst debating if I should join him. In the end, I know he’s right, and I hate that: once we get our hands on each other, it’s never just a quickie, and today I cannot be late.

  Refusing to look at him when he comes out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping down his broad chest and muscles, I stomp straight past him and into the bathroom myself.

  I find myself looking in the floor length mirror that’s positioned in the corner and running my hands over the material of my outfit that I designed specifically for today. The high-waisted, wide-legged trousers clinch me in at my waist yet give me the freedom to move around easily. I’ve paired them with a simple white T-shirt with #DreamBig written across my chest in pink. This T-shirt is my reminder that if I want something hard enough, eventually it will happen. I hadn’t wanted anything fancy and tight. Today is about me and my style and the way I see the future of fashion.


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