Book Read Free

Winning Ben

Page 9

by JoMarie DeGioia


  They fell into a comfortable silence as the gator’s nubby tires bounced over the rough terrain. This tour was very different from the sales tour Tammy had given him. That was for sure. The land and foliage looked almost foreign to Ben, but it was really beautiful in a wild way. Sort of like Tammy, when she finally let go of that salesgirl polish she usually wore.

  He bit back a curse. He’d told her he wouldn’t press for more. That he would take things nice and easy and dance to her tune. It was no hardship. He could keep himself pretty happy just getting her naked for a little while. She didn’t want to sleep with him, though. He was damned if that didn’t sting a little bit.

  He thanked Ty when they got back to the town center and then he went right back to his room at the inn. He didn’t want to risk running into Tammy. Not so soon after have his hands on her and her mouth on him. He didn’t need to be sporting wood when his brother and sister-in-law were around.

  “See you later, Ben,” Ty said, crossing the street to the Institute.

  Ben raised a hand and got into his Jeep. He was resigned to a lonely night in his room, which he would put to good use. He wanted to read up more on the algae fields Cypress planned. He’d also research materials for the eco-friendly homes he would soon be designing.

  That jolt of creativity bit him hard. As he pulled the Jeep into the inn’s parking lot, his cell jingled. A glance at the screen showed his father’s number. The guy waited nearly a week to contact him. Must be a new record.

  He swiped to answer the call as he got out of the car. “Hello.”

  “Ben.” His father’s voice was gruff, as usual. “How’s it going?”

  Ben nodded at the innkeeper as he entered the main parlor. “How’s what going exactly?” he asked his father.

  “Your new job.”

  Ben shook his head as he strolled out onto the patio overlooking the lakeshore. “I start tomorrow.”

  “Forbes told me. They’re lucky to have you, son.”

  Ben stilled. “Thanks.” He scanned the lakeshore, his eyes falling on the lounge chairs that were sadly empty. “I’m actually going to get started on a few plans tonight.”

  “Good, good. Hit the ground running. Like a Chapman.”

  Ben rolled his eyes. “Was there anything else you needed?”


  There was silence on the line but Ben knew his father by now. The guy simply disconnected when he was finished with a conversation. He was lingering for some reason.


  Ben’s use of the word seemed to snap Bill out of his trance.

  “Uh, I wondered about your sister’s wedding. Is everything all set?”

  “I think so. I’m not a part of the planning process, thank God.”

  Bill laughed a little. “Yeah.”

  “Are you coming down?” Ben asked.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Look, I’ll tell Cassie you called if you’d like.”

  “Yeah, do that. Please.”

  Please? Ben’s mouth dropped open. Bill never begged for anything.

  “If there’s nothing else?” Ben prodded.

  “No, no. Call me if you need anything.”

  Then his father disconnected as usual. That put Ben back on firmer footing. He stared at the screen and thumbed through his contacts. He found a bunch of Chapmans in there, which still surprised him. Tapping on his sister’s name, he settled in one of the padded wicker chairs. Cassie answered before it rang twice.

  “Hey, Ben!”

  His heart clenched a little at the warmth and welcome in her voice. “Hey, Cassie.”

  “What’s up?”

  “I wanted to let you know that Bill called me.”

  She blew out a breath he almost felt. “He wants to come to the wedding.”

  “He didn’t say as much but he asked how the plans were going.”

  “What do you think I should do?” she asked.

  “About Bill?”

  “Yeah, about Bill. Jake and Rick told me to tell him to fuck off but he’s my father.”

  “What does Ty say?” Ben asked.

  “Ty is a doll-man. He wants it to be my decision.”

  “Cassie, do you want him there?”

  It grew silent on her end but he could hear her breath coming fast. “I do,” she whispered.

  “Really? Then that’s your answer. He doesn’t have to give you away, you know.”

  “I know.” She sighed more loudly this time. “Rick is partnering Harmony and Jake is Ty’s best man. Claire is my matron-of-honor. I have so few friends down here.”

  “What are you getting at?”

  “I want you there, too.”

  “I’m planning on coming.”

  “But I mean really there, Ben. Not on the sidelines.”

  “What, you want me to be ring bearer? I think Nick would have a problem with that.”

  She laughed. “I want to make sure you have a good time at the wedding. Are you bringing anyone?”

  “Who would I bring?” As if he didn’t know who his sister was talking about. “I’m new to Cypress.”

  “Well, you could bring Tammy.”

  “I thought she was already coming.”

  “Oh, she is! I just want to make sure she has a good time, too.”

  Ben wanted to give Tammy a good time himself, but he couldn’t tell his sister that. “Then I’ll see her there, right?”

  “I guess so.”

  “Then it’s settled. Do you want me to call Bill for you?”

  “No. I should do it,” she said. “After I stop at the tavern for a couple of drinks.”

  Ben laughed. “Nah, Cassie. You’re the strongest one of all of us. I hadn’t known you five minutes before I saw that.”

  “Aw, you’re a good big brother, Ben.”

  He was? “Thanks.”

  “I’ll talk to you later,” Cassie said.

  “Later,” Ben said, and they both disconnected.

  He went back to staring out at the lakeshore. He had a father. He’d always known that. He had a sister and two brothers. That was newer information he was still processing. But after his call to Cassie? He realized something even more surprising.

  He had a family. Pity was he still wasn’t sure how he felt about that.


  Tammy stretched her arms over her head, ready for this day to be over. Yesterday had been hopping with tours and presentations, but today Ben had started at Cypress. She kept hearing the sound of his voice. His deep, delicious voice that sent shivers through her. She caught sight of him now and then. He looked crisp, professional and hot as hell in his chinos and dress shirt and tie.

  He’d eaten lunch with Rick at the tavern, a fact she’d overheard, and strolled around the displays in the Sales Center. He didn’t come to her door, though. Or go out of his way to get in her space. That was what she wanted, right?

  “Ready to call it, Tammy?” Ollie adjusted his messenger bag across his chest as he looked her over. “It’s Wednesday.”

  “Yeah, Ollie.” She shut off her computer and stood. “I’m just finishing up and then I’m dressing for class.”

  Ollie nodded, looking like he was holding back a smile.

  She placed her hands on her hips. “What’s up?”

  He was all innocence now, his eyes wide and his brows arched. “Nothing. See you tomorrow.”

  Putting Ollie’s odd behavior out of her head, she grabbed her bag from her bottom drawer and headed to the ladies’ room. She kicked off her heels and stripped, and then pulled on her fitted black capris. She zipped her favorite fuchsia sports bra, and then tied her sneakers. Scraping her hair back from her face, she fastened it in a high ponytail and scrubbed her face free of makeup.

  It was a good thing she didn’t have a tour right now. No-makeup Tammy might be a little hard to take. Smirking at herself in the wide mirror, she stuffed her work clothes and heels back in her bag and headed out to the breakroom to f
ill her water bottle.

  Humming to herself, she rooted around in the fridge to find a bottle set near the back. A Zumba class outside in the square in September, even at six o’clock in the evening, could be very hot and humid as a mother. She grabbed an extra-cold bottle and straightened just as she heard a sound behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught Ben watching her. His gaze was focused firmly on her butt and she laughed softly.

  “Hey there, Big Ben.” She closed the fridge and he brought his gaze to her face. “Cat got you tongue?”

  He gave her a slow smile. “Do you know what you look like in that outfit?”

  She nodded. “Yep, I do. And I work hard for it. Besides, it lets me move during class.”

  He blinked at her, still looking a little dazed and a whole lot turned on. “Class?”

  “Yes, Ben. Zumba class.”

  When he didn’t say anything she set her bottle on the counter and crossed her arms. “Zumba. Cardio and toning exercises set to peppy Latin music. Pitbull figures prominently.”

  “Oh.” He swallowed audibly. “You take a Zumba class.”

  “I lead a Zumba class. On Wednesdays. In the town square.” She glanced at the clock on the microwave. “In about ten minutes.”

  His eyes grew wide. “You’re going to be jumping around the town square wearing that?”

  She placed a hand on her hip and struck a pose. “Is there a problem, Mr. Chapman?”

  “A seemingly endless supply of them.”

  His eyes ran over her again and she felt herself grow hot in a rush. Her nipples pressed tight against her sports bra and she sucked in a breath.

  “So Zumba,” he said. “That’s how you get that body. By working hard.”

  She managed to hold onto her composure at his double-entendre. “Yeah. But not just Zumba. How do you keep that fine body of yours in shape?”

  “I run. Strength-train.” He eyed her again. “I haven’t seen you out on the trails.”

  “I don’t run. I do use the Fitness Center.”

  He arched a brow. “I haven’t seen you in the gym.”

  “Ugh, never the gym. I prefer hot yoga.”

  He closed his eyes as his lips moved in what she guessed was a silent prayer. “Hot yoga?”

  “It’s steamy. Sultry.” His pupils dilated and she couldn’t resist teasing him a little bit more. “Bending. Stretching. Lots of different positions.”

  “Christ,” he rasped.

  Ooh, his voice did things to her. Hoping she looked more cool and collected than she felt, she rifled through her back unnecessarily and zipped it shut. She turned back to the counter to fill her bottle with the water from the fridge and felt him step very close behind her.

  “Do you know how much I want to unzip that sexy little bra and show you just what particular problem I’m having right now?”

  Her hand shook and she spilled some water on the counter. She could feel him now. His sculpted chest against her back, his strong thighs against hers and his hard “problem” against her butt.

  She deliberately put down the water bottle and leaned herself closer to the counter, gripping the edge. “Not going to happen, friend.”

  “Friend.” He laughed in her ear, his breath fanning over her neck. “Okay, then.”

  When he stepped back, relief swept over her. Along with a touch of disappointment. That was a very impressive problem he had there, and she was on a first-name basis with it after Monday night.

  She returned her attention to her bottle and managed to fill it without any more spillage. “Look, Ben.” She closed the top and wiped up the spill before turning to face him. “We talked about this. You know just where the aforementioned unzipping would lead.”

  He looked her over, nice and slow, as his eyes grew dark. “Yeah. I do.”

  “And we agreed that wasn’t in the cards.”

  He shrugged. “Yeah. We did.”

  The air crackled between them and her heart was racing like she’d just danced around the square for an hour and a half. Placing her hand on his chest, his very nice chest, she gently pushed at him.

  “I have a class to get to.”

  Ben stepped back, waving at the doorway. “Have a good class.”

  She shouldered her bag and grabbed her bottle, taking a nice, long drink. “Thanks.”

  She left him there, probably staring at her butt again. Her body tingled everywhere they’d touched. And a few places they hadn’t.

  “Channel the energy into class, Tammy,” she told herself.

  She headed out to the square to start the class, hoping that the pounding music and demonstrating the repetitive dance steps would keep her mind from Ben and what might have happened if she hadn’t gotten out of there.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning Ben was still reeling from drinking in the sight of Tammy in her workout clothes. He’d never seen anything hotter. Yeah, he’d seen in her in underwear but those clinging black pants made her legs look strong and long and that dark pink zippered bra? A zippered bra! Damn, he’d wanted to free those gorgeous breasts of hers a millimeter at a time until they spilled into his waiting hands. Against his eager mouth.

  All night he’d replayed their all-too-brief contact against the counter in his head, too. The scenario he’d envisioned ended a lot differently than with him cooling his heels, and his dick, alone in the breakroom. No. In his mind, he’d peeled those tight pants off her legs slowly. He’d grabbed her and sat her on the counter so he could lean in closer. He’d licked and nibbled her all over until he—

  “Good morning,” Claire sang as she entered the Sales Center a step or two behind him.

  “Hey, Claire.” His voice was a little rough.

  She smiled at him. “I didn’t get to ask you yesterday. How did your first day go?”

  “Good, thanks.”

  Claire nodded. “I’ll see you around the place, then.”

  He nodded, and then stood like an idiot in the lobby, waiting for Tammy to show up. After what he’d just been thinking, he couldn’t imagine how he would react when he saw her in the delectable flesh. He had to make himself scarce and fast.

  He headed toward Mr. Forbes’ office and rapped on the door. He knew the guy already, and Forbes was as likely to show up early as anybody else. As expected, Forbes called out for him to enter.

  “Good morning, Mr. Forbes,” Ben said.

  “’Morning, Ben.” He patted a stack of papers on his neat-as-a-pin desktop. “I’m looking forward to seeing some of your plans.”

  “And I’m eager to show them to you. I have a few preliminary sketches but I have to get more feedback on just how green we want these homes.”

  Forbes nodded, his brows drawn together. “Hmm. Have you contacted the Institute yet?”

  Ben nodded. “I went on an eco-tour with Ty on Tuesday.”

  “That’s a great start.” He scratched his chin. “You know, why don’t you get with Jessie? She’s sort of our go-between for the Sales Center and the Institute.”

  “Jessie?” He hadn’t met anyone named Jessie, or at least he didn’t remember meeting her.

  “She works at the Institute on Wednesdays. Have Tammy introduce you two this morning.”

  Ben nodded even as he thought it might be a little bit dangerous to approach Tammy after his fantasies of last night.

  “Will do,” he told his boss.

  Forbes nodded again. “Good.”

  Ben knew a dismissal when he heard one, but this one didn’t feel abrupt like his father’s usual M.O. He gave Forbes a two-fingered salute and closed the guy’s door behind him. And ran right into Tammy.

  She bumped up against him just for a split second but it was enough to set his pulse pounding.


  “Good morning, Tammy.” He forced himself to step back. “I actually wanted to get with you this morning.”

  She arched one brow. “I’ll just bet.”

  He chuckled. “Not touching that one. Seriously, I
wondered if you could introduce me to Jessie?”

  “Jessie?” Her face brightened. “Oh, yes! She’s just perfect for you.”

  It was his turn to arch a brow. She waved a hand at him.

  “She’s as eco-minded as Ty, and that translates very well to the sales side of things. Come with me.”

  She ducked into a large office he’d only seen in passing and he noticed it held several desks. Ollie lifted a hand in greeting as he continued his phone call. A desk was unoccupied but there was a young woman seated at another one. She was a little thing, with short blond hair and a pixie face. She reminded him of Tinkerbell. She wore a cardigan that was twice the size she was.

  “Hey, Jessie,” Tammy called.

  The woman turned, blinking up at them. “Good morning, Tammy.” Her big eyes went wider as she spied him, her cheeks going pink.

  They walked closer to her. “This is Ben Chapman. You know he’s designing the new neighborhood.”

  Jessie’s mouth dropped open. “This is just great. Another one.”

  Her words were soft but Ben caught them. And so, apparently, did Tammy. She laughed softly and shook her head.

  “Ben here needs your input on the promotional material,” Tammy went on. “He’s going to get with the Institute soon.”

  Jessie’s face lit up. “Oh, Dr. Robbins will gladly give you any info you need. Have you taken a tour with Ty yet?”


  “Good.” She stood, running her hands over her slightly-wrinkled skirt.

  “I’ll leave you to it, then.” Tammy winked at Ben, which sent another jolt through him, and left him to Jessie’s care.

  Grabbing up a pair of glasses set on her desktop, she set them on her little nose and thumbed through the stack of brochures in a clear plastic holder on her desk. “I have some maps here. Trails and things.” She shoved three glossy brochures into his hands. “Here’s one on identifying wildlife.” Ben caught another brochure. “Hmm.” She perched back in her seat and pulled open one drawer. “I have a prospectus on biofuel, if you’re interested.”

  “I am, but not right now.” He smiled and waved the handful of literature she’d already given him. “I’ll look these over. Thanks, Jessie.”


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