Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series)

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Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series) Page 13

by Jeannette Winters

I led him to the living room and directed him to the couch. I sat on the other end and my father followed, sitting across from us. Good. All here. Now maybe I’ll get some answers.

  “Who wants to go first?” I asked.

  Jace stiffened, but said, “I guess I will. When you told me about Prince Babboo, I… was already aware of the issue you were having with him. Not everything, but enough.”

  “How? I haven’t told anyone,” I said, stunned.

  “After we met for dinner the first time, an old friend came to see me the next day. He suggested I stay away from you. That it might get one of us hurt if I didn’t,” Jace said.

  “Why would he think such a thing? And why would you be at risk?” I asked.

  “Babboo clearly isn’t going to walk away and let you live your life. He still wants you for himself,” Jace said.

  “And your friend knows this how?”

  My father said, “Because I hired him to protect you.”

  “Hired who?” I was so confused. For a situation I thought I had kept pretty well under wraps, it seemed I was the one in the dark.

  “Carlton. He and his crew have been your security team for the past few years.”

  “Few years? Someone has been watching me all this time?” Ha! So I wasn’t paranoid. All those times I looked over my shoulder thinking someone had been there, someone really had been. That should ease my mind a bit, but instead it pissed me off. “Why am I only hearing about this now?”

  “There was no need to tell you,” my father stated. “You were safe and that’s what mattered.”

  “But what made you think I wasn’t safe in the first place?” The missing pieces needed to be filled in.

  “A threat came in and I intercepted it. Once I knew it was valid, I took the appropriate actions to ensure your safety.”

  “Without telling me about it. So I went about my business all this time and I was actually constantly in danger. I’m not sure that was the best way to handle this, Father.” Typical. Once again, my father playing with my life, and me knowing nothing about it. “And these men are still watching me?”

  He nodded. “And now Jace and some people he trusts.”

  I turned my eyes onto Jace, hoping I would find that my father was wrong. But I knew from his expression it was the truth. “You knew? And you didn’t tell me?”

  “I was instructed not to,” Jace responded.

  “That’s why he took you to the mountains, so Prince Babboo couldn’t find you,” my father said.

  The words echoed and ripped at my heart. No! It can’t be true. That was supposed to be a vacation. He took me away because he wanted to be with me. He missed our time together and this was…All a fucking lie.

  I felt like I was dying. The two men I thought would always be honest were now the two I couldn’t trust. How long had they been allies? What else were they hiding from me?

  “Shannon, it wasn’t like that,” Jace said. “I–”

  “I don’t want to hear it. Not from you, and not from my father.” I got up to leave and Jace grabbed my wrist, holding me back.

  “Please, Shannon. What you heard doesn’t change why you called me. Tell me about the car. Who has been driving by?” Jace asked.

  I looked down at his fingers wrapped around me. “Let go,” I demanded. He released my wrist, and I looked him straight in the eye. “It was probably just another person trying to meddle in my life. I’m done with that. From now on, I’m in control.”

  I stormed out of the room and was about to rush up the stairs, but my heart was pounding and I couldn’t catch my breath. I sat down on the stairs and closed my eyes. This is one of those bad B-movies that the director forgot which way the plot was going. Not a romance, not a horror film just a…heartbreaker.

  I needed to go back inside and get more answers, but right now, I was overwhelmed with what I already knew. Prince Babboo was a horrible human being, but at least he was clear about it. His threats were to my face. I didn’t want to deal with that, but at least I set my expectations accordingly. My father, even he shocked me today. He would tell me it was all done out of love. Sadly, control is the only way he knows how to show it.

  It was Jace that made no sense to me. What did he have to gain from all this? Why help my father, a man he didn’t even like? I would’ve thought he’d tell me just to spite my father. I’m shocked they aren’t at each other’s throats in there. Once again, I’m wrong. Seems like a habit lately.

  I stood up and was about to go to my room when I heard Jace raise his voice.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why did you tell her that?” he barked.

  “Do you really believe I’d let you use my daughter?”

  “I don’t care what you think. Your daughter is a grown-ass woman. She can make her own choices,” Jace said.

  And yet you didn’t let me. I appreciate the fact he was trying to defend me now, but it was too late.

  My father said, “You haven’t changed one damn bit. Twelve years ago, I said you weren’t good enough for Shannon. I stand by my decision. I’m so glad that when you asked for her hand in marriage, I kicked your sorry ass out of my house. The only thing I regret was not putting your name on the list for Carlton to keep away from her.”

  Marriage? My ears definitely couldn’t have heard that correctly. Jace never asked me to marry him.

  “I suggest not letting this meeting get physical. It won’t end well and I’d rather not give Shannon more reasons to hate me,” Jace said.

  I don’t hate you. I just hate what you did. Frozen to the spot, I continued eavesdropping.

  “Well, then, something good did come out of all this. You know where you stand with my daughter. So why don’t you leave? And if we never see you again, that’s fine with me.”

  Not with me. I wanted to see him again. I just needed time to process. And to figure out what Prince Babboo was doing. I needed someone impartial to talk to. Maybe that man Carlton they’d both mentioned could sit and tell me the truth. What would he have to gain by lying?

  Jace must’ve taken my father’s advice, because I heard the door open, and then slam shut. Then my father came around the corner. When our eyes met, my anger overflowed.

  “Jace wanted to marry me?” I demanded.

  “You were only eighteen. Not old enough to know what a mistake marrying him would’ve been.”

  “I guess that is a yes, he did love me. And he never reached out again because of you.”

  “You’re a doctor because you didn’t marry him. Where would you be now if you had? Living in some run-down two bedroom apartment with a bunch of kids wondering where you’d get the money to feed them all.”

  He meant it. My father really thought he’d done what was best for me. I was about to show him how wrong he was. “I had plenty of food growing up. Always had the best clothes and the nicest place to live. Better than any of my friends. What I didn’t have was a father who read me a bedtime story. Who came to school to cheer me on when I had the lead role in the play. You were only at my graduation because I begged. I would have eaten a can of beans every single day to have had you there by my side, loving me.” After the amount of beans I ate with Jace at the cabin, I already know what I’d do for love, because I hate beans.

  “I did love you! I still do. Everything I’ve done has been for you. When I’m gone, this will all be yours,” he said.

  “And they can take it all to charity for all I care. None of it means anything to me. All I ever wanted was your love,” I said, then turned and slowly went up to my room.

  He didn’t follow or call out to me. We had said what was needed. There was nothing to argue about, because we both knew it was the ugly truth. I know you gave me what you could, because you’re not capable of giving anything else.

  I laid on my bed, but no tears came. For once, I felt as though a weight had been lifted. Maybe tomorrow my father and I could start to build a different type of relationship. One of respect and understanding.

bsp; Jace and I needed to talk, too, but first he needed to sort things out for himself. I wouldn’t ask him any questions. Next time, either he tells me on his own, or I’m done.

  Chapter 19


  “I still don’t know who the fuck was driving around. We never got to discuss that.” Ralph had decided to bring up things Shannon didn’t need to know, and other things that weren’t true. “You and your guys need to beef up security.”

  “Are you sure it wasn’t one of my guys driving by?” Carlton said. “That wouldn’t be a good thing, obviously – we’re supposed to be subtle. But I’ve come to realize Shannon is more observant than I thought,” Carlton stated.

  There’s a lot about her that I’ve missed. I never realized how much courage it must take to do what she does for work, never mind continuing after being threatened by Babboo. She also doesn’t back down when she believes someone is taking advantage of a situation. Which right now is me.

  “And you’re positive that none of Babboo’s goons are lurking around?”

  Carlton said, “Gabe said there still hasn’t been one word regarding Prince Babboo.”

  “That means what? He’s dead?”

  “He’s in some sort of isolation. This tells us the data was located and they have come to the assumption that Babboo was plotting against the King. With such a charge he won’t be allowed any visitors. It’s possible even Babboo’s own security team will step back in order to save themselves. They might be loyal to the Prince, but everyone knows the King has final say.”

  “Unless he spoke to them ahead of time.” My mind was racing. “We were able to plant the information. Can’t we go back in and…add another level so his team doesn’t want anything to do with him?”

  Carlton shook his head. “You need to have patience. Let this take its course.”

  “And do what? Sit back and wait to see if it worked? I’m not a gambler. I prefer to make things happen,” I said.

  “Then focus on something else and let me handle this,” he said.

  What could be bigger than Shannon’s well-being? Nothing. Not even my own life. But I understood what Carlton was trying to say. Mistakes are made when you react instead of act. I’d done everything I could, and so had Carlton and Gabe. If this didn’t work, we’d regroup and try something else. Shannon had something Babboo didn’t – people on her side who were involved for the right reasons.

  “She pretty much threw me out of the house. So I guess there isn’t much more I can do on that end,” I admitted.

  “Shannon is upset. What woman wouldn’t be? After this is all over, you can sit her down and explain everything. And this time, don’t leave anything out. Women don’t like to be lied to. And they have very long memories.”

  “You didn’t see the look in her eyes when Ralph said I brought her there just so Babboo couldn’t find her. There’s no coming back from that. Why would she believe me over her father? After all, I bailed on her once before. There’s no reason for her to trust me now.”

  “I could talk to her if you want,” Carlton offered.

  I laughed. “I appreciate the offer, but I think enough people have spoken for me. It hasn’t worked out so well. And you and I both know this wasn’t going to last anyway. You know my lifestyle. Shannon doesn’t fit into it.”

  “So I’ve heard you say. Guess you’re right. Let her go. She’ll find someone else. She’s beautiful, funny, and intelligent. Hell, maybe I’ll ask her out,” he said.

  I growled, “Over my dead fucking body. You’re no better for her than I am.”

  He laughed. “You don’t sound like a guy who is ready to walk away.”

  “You’re an ass, you know that?”

  Carlton nodded. “One of the things you and I have in common. But for now, I need to go and relieve one of my men.” He got up and said, “I know you say you’re out of the picture, but I’ll keep you in the loop with everything.”

  “Thanks,” I said as he left my office.

  Betsy didn’t show up to work again. Hopefully she was with Shannon. The temp filling in for her was trying my nerves, though. She had no idea how to answer or screen calls. My entire morning had been things Betsy would never have let through. I couldn’t believe I actually missed having Betsy around

  My cell phone rang. Each time, part of me hoped it would be Shannon. Even if she was calling to cuss my ass out, at least we’d be speaking. But it wasn’t. It was Gabe.

  “What’s going on, Gabe?”

  “I just got word that there was a plane crash, and the Prince was on the plane,” he said.

  Fuck! “The King had him killed?” I was sick thinking that I actually had anything to do with it. It was something I would have to live with, but grateful that Shannon wouldn’t.

  “Actually, no. It was really an accident.”

  “You know this how?” I asked.

  “Prince Babboo had renounced his title publicly. There was no reason for the King to take action. He had nothing to gain. From what I’ve learned, Babboo boarded a small charter plane in order to leave the country, which later crashed due to high winds.”

  It sounded bad, but that was the best news I’d had all day. “Does this mean Carlton’s team is no longer needed?”

  “It does. I haven’t spoken to him yet. I thought you’d want to be the first to know,” Gabe said. “Do you want me to make the call?”

  I wanted to, but I knew Carlton would somehow use this news to try to get me to see Shannon. “You can call him. I’m sure he’ll have other questions for you as well. For me, as long as she is safe, that’s all I care about. Thanks, Gabe. If you or your brothers ever need me, I’ll be happy to repay the favor.”

  “I’m sure the opportunity will arise. Take care,” he said and ended the call.

  I tossed my cell phone on my desk and spun around to look out the window. This used to be one of my favorite views. Now all I saw was a sea of metal and glass everywhere. Since the buildings hadn’t changed, that must mean I had.

  I spun around and hit the intercom. “I need you to clear my schedule for the next few days.”

  “Okay. And what do I tell them?” the temp asked.

  “I don’t fucking care. Just clear it.” I flipped off the intercom and turned back to the window. I was where I worked to be. None of this was handed to me. So why couldn’t I enjoy it? Because part of me is still in that cabin.

  I needed to get back there – this time by myself. Carlton was right. I needed some time to think, and I wasn’t going to be able to do it here.

  Turning back to my desk, I closed my laptop and left my office. I hadn’t totally unpacked my truck from the last trip, so all I needed to do was gas it up and hit the road. I wasn’t coming back until I knew what I really wanted. It was time for me to gain control and not spend the next decade filled with regret.

  God knows right now, I’m riddled with it.

  Chapter 20


  “Betsy, I need to take this call. I’ll be right back,” I said, now knowing who Carlton was. Once I was out of earshot, I answered it. “Hi, this is Shannon.”

  “I have some news. Are you free to meet?” he asked.

  “I have a friend over. Is it important?” I asked, knowing that it had to be if Carlton was calling me instead of my father.

  “We can do this over the phone if you have a minute.”

  “I do.”

  “Guess the short version is, it’s over. Prince Babboo won’t be coming after you any longer.”

  My heart practically stopped. “Like never calling me or showing up when I’m on assignment?”


  That wasn’t what I expected to hear. “What happened?” God, please don’t tell me Jace or my father did something stupid. Both had a protective nature that could also be deadly.

  “There was a plane crash. I know it’s hard to hear, but at least now you can sleep at night and not worry.”

  The only time I slept
well in the past three years was when Jace and I shared a bed. “I’m…surprised Jace didn’t call to tell me.” There was no secret about his involvement any longer, so why pretend there was.

  “He’s out of town. Do you have a message you’d like me to give him?” he offered.

  There was plenty I wanted to say, just not through Carlton. “Do you know where he went?” I asked.

  “No. Just said he needed some time away.”

  So do I. “Well, thank you for calling me with the news. I know it’s wrong, especially because I’m a doctor, but I’m glad he isn’t around to hurt anyone else. I know I was lucky. Other women, not so much.”

  “Shannon, he put you through hell. If given the chance, he’d continue. Some people can’t be fixed. Thankfully you and other women don’t have to worry about him any longer.”

  “Guess it’s going to take time to get used to that,” I said. “Even now, looking out the window, my eyes scan the area, waiting to see him.”

  “The only place you’ll see his face might be the world news.”

  “Good thing I don’t watch much television,” I said. Before ending the call I added, “I’ll let you update my father now.”

  We talked, but not much, and definitely nothing to do with Babboo or Jace. I didn’t want things to be awkward, but things were still…tense. That’s why having Betsy over was so good for my mental health. And so far, she hadn’t mentioned Jace once.

  Once back in the bedroom, Betsy asked, “Anything you want to share?” I shook my head. “How can I help if you don’t talk to me?”

  “There is nothing I need help with,” I said. That wasn’t totally true. I still had questions about Jace. Not sure she was going to know the answers. I was about to break my own rule and mention his name. “Carlton said Jace is on vacation.”

  “So I heard.”

  That’s it? Now you’re going to shut your mouth?

  “Sounded like it was a…last minute trip.”

  “Seems so. I didn’t know anything about it until the temp called me to figure out how to clear his schedule.”


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