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The Fall of America | Book 10 | No Winners

Page 9

by Benton, W. R.

  The General picked up his cell phone and called the police. He refused to give them his name and number, but he reported the killings. Then, he turned around and began running toward the hotel.

  Three police cars with lights flashing passed them, heading for the spot of the killings, shortly after he'd called. The General kept his eyes open for the white van, but saw nothing. Once in the hotel, he showered and shaved, then poured a double shot of vodka in a glass. He was shaking from the attempted hit since he'd come so close to death. The two soldiers would continue to guard him as they did every morning routine.

  "I am okay now and you two can return to your unit. Tell your Captain that I wish to have the guards in place at each room every day. Someone is out to kill us and we have had two attempts in the last twelve hours." He knocked back his drink and poured another one.

  Snapping to attention, Stepanvich said, "Sir, I am the ranking NCO and I will ensure you are guarded, and I mean all three of you."

  "Splendid, and I thank you."

  "That is why we are here, sir."

  "Go, and send the guards. Place one outside the door in the day time and, at night, add one to the living room. Go. That is all."

  After the two men left, he downed two more double vodkas and thought, This meeting with the Americans is difficult enough, without assassins chasing after us.

  He donned his jacket and looking in the mirror, he looked every inch a General. He was slim and trim, no gut, 62 years old, and in excellent health. He wore his sandy colored hair short, just the width of a finger longer than a crew cut. However, he noticed he was still shaking and knew the vodka would settle his nerves in a few minutes. The attempted killing had unsettled him and he'd come very close to being killed. He picked up his hat, looked at the gold braid on the visor, and left the room.

  Chapter 9

  John and Joy were having breakfast in the hotel when a Russian General and two full Colonels entered, all wearing their uniforms.

  Joy whispered, "That is probably the men we will be working with."

  "Perhaps, but it makes no difference." John replied. He didn't have anything going on this day, and his meeting with the Russians wasn't until the next morning. He was not wearing a uniform and would only wear one when in the meetings. He'd not make it easier for the killers looking for him.

  John picked up the English version of the French paper and said, "Looks like ten people were killed early this morning, just before dawn at an outdoor restaurant. Witnesses claim a white van pulled up and opened fire on the customers with a machine gun. The police said of the ten killed, nine were dead by the time they arrived and the people were killed with 7.62×54mm rimmed bullets from the shell casings they found on site. The bullet size indicates it was probably a Russian machine gun and how it got here they have no idea."

  "Strange. I mean we had men trying to kill us; do you think it was an attempt to kill one of the Russians? I don't even know if all of our team members are here yet."

  "I'll check at the front desk on our way back to the room. For someone not hungry, you sure put away the eggs and sausages this morning."

  "I wasn't hungry until I tasted them, then I got hungry."

  "This is the cheapest meal they have. It'll cost about $60 each I imagine."

  "Well, we have to eat."

  "Tonight we'll eat on the economy and I'll ask Desmond the name of a good place to go and bring our meal back to eat in the room. Hell, I might just have him come along and Koro too. I think I'd feel safer with them along, and the only one who might ruin me financially eating is Koro. He's a big man."

  "Him eating more than a General makes? That's funny."

  John grew serious and said, "I've not received a penny since this war started, have you?"

  "No, I haven't but you will and soon. Well, as soon as they are able to print money again and try to get our economy going once more."

  "That, I think, will take some time. Right now we don't even have a leader or any politicians. We'll have to watch out for corruption too, as a new nation."

  "Oh, we'll run into many problems, but we'll overcome them, because of who we are, Americans. Years ago we took an untamed land and turned it into the richest country the earth had ever seen. Most of us remember the past and we'll soon copy it, in some form anyway."

  "Maybe so. I just want the Russians gone and then we can deal with our problems."

  "This is a historical meeting with the Russians. We'll all go down in history books, if we are able to make peace. If we are unable to meet our goal, we'll at least be recorded as the first meeting with the Russians."

  John grunted and took a long drink of his now warm coffee.

  "Are you ready to head back to the room?"

  "I guess we can. Are you going to do any shopping today?"

  "I thought we'd get Desmond and Koro to show us around Paris. I mean, its not everyday we visit the fashion spot of the world."

  John laughed and said, "The last thing I'm interested in is fashion. They're just not what I need to sleep in mud, snow or rain."

  Joy joined his laughter and added, "The best dressed Partisan wears . . ."

  "Big centerfold of a man sleeping in the mud, while it's raining." He laughed once more and then said, "Let's head back to the room. Thanks to the newspaper, we now know they probably hit on the Russians, and most likely twice yesterday. Once was here in the hotel. The paper said it was a robbery gone bad, because the thief was killed. I didn't bring it up earlier, because I'm not sure it was one of the Russians." He stood, got his bill and left the money and tip on the table. His waiter nodded at him as he left.

  As they walked to their room, Joy asked, "That robbery gone bad happened in a hotel like this? I find that hard to believe that any robber would have enough balls to break into a room."

  "I don't think it's likely, so I think it was a hit that got messed up and the "robber" was killed. This place has cops all over the place and not exactly a prime spot to rob, since most customers put their money and high priced items in the hotel's safe."

  "Oh, I'd not thought of that at all. Yep, I tend to agree with you now. I think the hit went bad and the cops only reported an attempted robbery took place."


  "Were there any mentions of the nationalities of the dead from that restaurant ambush?"

  "No, not a word, but that means very little. I don't think they'd release it, because it would inform the killers that they are onto their hits."

  "I see. I guess we can maybe sneak out of here and do some shopping at a mall. I would like to take some small things back for my friends."

  They unlocked the door to John's room and entered. Desmond was stretched out on the sofa, and sat up when they entered.

  "Did you two have a good breakfast?"

  "Yes, it was very good." Joy said and then asked, "Desmond, will you and Koro take us out and about to see Paris?"

  "Well, there are some sights you absolutely must see, so when you speak of France they'll want to know if you visited the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Louvre Museum, and the Arc de Triomphe. If you wish, and if we have the time while you are here, we can also visit the Pantheon, Latin Quarter, Montmartre and Les Invalides. Paris is a sightseers dream land, with too much to see. Dress up a little, both of you, and we will go see what we can this day."

  "Oh, this is so exciting. Uh, how dressed up do you mean?"

  "A woman would wear a nice dress and pumps, while a man would be in a tie and coat. We who stay here for long times have become used to the way Europeans dress when out on the town. I want the two of you to look like you're from Europe, not America. First step will be the Eiffel Tower. How does that sound?"

  "Desmond, if you and Koro go with us, I'll buy lunch and supper. But there will be no one here to watch this place."

  "I have some men, General, and our job here is not just providing security to our visiting politicians and other important Americans. That is all you need to know. Now let me get
Koro and we'll see Paris!"

  Within an hour two new men were in the rooms and both were armed. Koro was excited and said the tower always made him happy. He reminded Joy of a big human Teddy Bear.

  Desmond said, "The cost for three of us is € 77.70. That's not a bad price for the lift to the top too. The lifts were installed in 1889 and are a favorite of most tourists."

  "Is the elevator considered safe?" Joy asked.

  "Mademoiselle, they are the most modern lifts and not the ones used in the 1800s." Koro said and then laughed.

  "What is there to be concerned about? Is it safe to be there? I mean are there criminals or gangs running around?"

  "Many police are there and while we do have criminals and gangs, they tend to leave the Tower alone. The Tower brings in much money for the city and I don't think the police would hesitate to break some heads if they found crooks running around hitting on tourists."

  John said, "Hitting reminds me, what are the chances do you think of us being shot at while we're there?"

  "Very low. There are too many people always there and the police are walking around keeping the peace. All of us will be safe there. Did you hear of the attempted hit on the Russians last night in the hotel?"

  "Only what I read in the English newspaper. They said it was a robbery gone wrong."

  "The police told us it was a hit gone bad, and one of the Russian Colonels killed the Black Widow, the nickname for some hit woman. Then someone tried to kill the Russian General this morning when he was out for his morning run. The General is fine, but ten people at the restaurant were killed. The police didn't know much about it, other than someone shot at a man with a machine gun and missed. Then two men who are well known to the underworld here were killed last night by a man and a woman. Do you know anything about that, sir?"

  "I may know a little, but this is not the time nor place to discuss it."

  "I agree and it's been cleared with the police. Just the next time you are forced to kill let me know afterward. I don't like being blindsided by questions, especially when I don't have answers."

  "I fully understand. Now, may we go?" John asked.

  Smiling, Desmond replied, "Yes, sir. Joy, you will love the Tower. Come, our limo awaits you."

  An hour after visiting the Tower, all four were on the ground eating after John paid for lunch for all and admission for Koro and Desmond. Koro had been a walking expert on the Tower as they moved on the many levels. Joy had asked about the safety nets, seen just below the highest level and Koro said it was to keep those wanting to commit suicide on the Tower safe. An armed guard was stationed on each level and at least a couple of times a year the alarms in the nets went off when someone jumped. The police would then recover the jumper and then they would call an ambulance and take them to a hospital.

  John noticed a man staring at them and whispered to Desmond, "See the man with the black framed sun glasses, near the concession stand, on our right side? He's looking us over closely."

  "I don't expect trouble, but let us leave and go to the next place; uh, the Notre-Dame Cathedral is a good spot. If we are followed, we'll know, and we'll confront them there once we park." He noticed Koro moved to the driver’s seat of the limo and opened a console between the plush seats and pulled out a set of headphones. As Koro drove and they talked, he listened to the computer. He went around the Cathedral two times and one car, a white one, followed each time. Finally, pulling into the parking lot, Desmond said, "We will confront those who have been following us, but you two stay here, where it's safe. The limo and windows are both bulletproof and it would take a Rocket Propelled Grenade or Anti-tank round to damage the vehicle."

  "It might turn nasty." John said.

  "It could, but we're prepared to deal with them. Come, Koro, they're parked." Desmond said as he pulled out a 9 mm pistol and checked the chamber.

  "I have alerted all units and they are standing by." Koro said.

  "All units? I thought it was just you two and couple of other guys. What's going on here? This suddenly sounds like a big operation."

  "The French contacted the CIA last night and asked for help to take down the hired killers and to share intelligence. Trust me, it's usually just the two of us and less than a handful of other agents. Today we work for the French, is all." He slipped his pistol back in his holster and added, "Come, Koro, and let's get this over with."

  The two men stepped from the limo and moved for the parked car.

  They neared the vehicle as a big man, German looking with blonde hair, blue intelligent eyes and slight grin opened the door and got out.

  When the second man exited the car, Desmond yelled in English, "Don't move, Police!"

  Koro yelled the same in French.

  The two men instantly went for their guns. The biggest was the fastest of the two, but Koro drilled him through his shoulder and down he went screaming. He dropped his gun as he fell and Desmond squatted and duck walked to the downed man. He kicked his pistol well out of reach. The second man fired and down Koro went, a bullet through his leg. He was not out of the fight though, and fired three times more with two bullets hitting the target in the chest, center mass. He fell and did not move.

  All kinds of French police ran for the white car as back up for the two American CIA agents. Their speed was wasted because one man was dead and the other seriously injured. Desmond opened a first aid kit he carried on his belt and applied a thick pad against the wound of the downed hit man. He then moved to Koro, who was bleeding like a stuck pig. Blood was pooling under his leg. He handed him two thick bandages and said, "I need to get you to a hospital and now. Looks as if the shot severed a main artery. There is the Hôpital Bichat at Porte de Saint Quen and it's very close."

  Two police officers packed Koro to the limo and they then called for an ambulance and coroner to report to the scene. As they were cleaning up the site of the gun battle, Desmond drove to the hospital. John finally placed a tourniquet on Koro's leg and the bleeding slowed down greatly.

  "I . . . I . . . am getting . . . cold." Koro managed to get out through his pain.

  "It's due to your blood loss. Hold on, I'll be with help in less than five minutes." Desmond replied as he checked both ways on the street and ran a red light.

  They pulled into the Emergency room driveway and Desmond parked, opened his door, stood, and yelled, "I am police! I have an emergency! A man has been shot!"

  Two men stepped outside the door, both wearing green clothing, and they brought a gurney with them. They placed Koro on his back and began attaching tubes and wires to him. Then, before John was able to see where all the wires went, he was gone, whisked away into the hospital.

  "You two get out and I'll park this big beast. We'll go in and stay with him until we know he'll be okay."

  Three hours later a doctor neared and asked, "Police?"

  "I'm the man you want, Monsieur Docteur." Desmond said. He then stood from his chair.

  "I am emergency room trauma surgeon Clément Carré. Your friend is a very lucky man. If you'd been five more minutes getting here, he would have bled to death. The tourniquet saved his life. We used three liter bags of blood on him and while he'll be very tired over the next few days, he'll live. I would suggest that if you fear for his safety during his stay here, you provide some guards for his room. Right now he is in post op, because I had to go into the leg and reattach the artery."

  "I will discuss a guard with the police for him when you and I finish. When can we see him? How about now?"

  "I don't think now is a good time. It would be best if you came back tomorrow, because right now he is on pain killers and probably sleeping. Over the next 24 hours, he'll probably sleep a good 20 hours."

  "We'll be back in the morning, say 0900?"

  "That will be fine. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm having a busy day and must see a different patient. But, your friend will be fine in a few days." the doctor said and then walked away.

  "Well, what now?" John ask

  "I guess I'll take the two of you back to the hotel and let you rest up for your meeting tomorrow with the Russians. Unless you have a different idea."

  "No, that will be fine." John said and then added, "You and Koro are well trained, aren't you?" They began walking to the limo.

  "Yes, of course we are, but he is a brave man."

  "Both of you are brave in my eyes." Joy said, and then smiled.

  "It's required for the job, and I never feel like I don't have the upper hand. Those two criminals never thought just the two of us would approach and confront them, so we did just that. Often, throwing your enemy off by doing what they'd never suspect can be half the battle."

  "I would have stood back and shot them from 100 meters." John said as they reached the vehicle.

  "But what if it had been a family of sightseers hoping to follow us into the parking lot? We could have sniped them dead, from a half a mile away, and then discovered a backseat filled with kids. No, it's safer for everyone to confront them and see how they react. By pulling their guns, their intent was crystal clear, to me anyway." Desmond said as he unlocked the doors and everyone entered the limo.

  "I see your point." John said.

  Starting the car, Desmond said, "Good. I like to hope we have common sense reasons for all we do. Now, let me get you back to the hotel."

  The next morning, right at 0800 hours, John, Joy, Colonel Franklin Thomas, and the former New York State Senator Dwayne Smith, entered the hotel's conference room to find the Russians waiting.

  They were quickly seated at the table and then they all introduced themselves.

  "Let us save time, gentlemen." the Russian General said.

  "In what way?" the Senator asked.

  "What are your demands for us to leave your country?"

  "Just that you leave and everything you have in our country stays."

  "We can do that. What will you say is the reason we are leaving, to the press and media, I mean?"


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