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Destiny Awaits

Page 9

by Shaw, Jaidis

  My Dearest Alayna,

  Waking up next to you this morning was one of the best experiences of my life and I look forward to seeing your angelic face every morning for the rest of my life. I hope you enjoy your breakfast. I thought about waking you up when I brought it in but you were sleeping so peacefully and I couldn’t imagine waking you. Mother wants me to run some errands in town but I’ll be back in time for the party.

  Forever Yours,


  I couldn’t contain the giggle that burst forth and I covered my face with the note. I flushed rosy pink from excitement. Everything was beginning to look up and I couldn’t wait to see what destiny had in store for me. Consuming the remainder of the breakfast, I sighed with contentment. I threw my legs over the side of the bed, my feet coming to rest on the cool floor. Gathering the sheet around me I stood and crossed the room to gaze out of the window. Rays of sun shining through the window pane warmed my face with their golden glow. In the garden below, Sofia was scurrying around in preparation for the party. Darren and Kyle were shuffling back and forth, moving a picnic table to the various positions that Sofia requested. No sooner would they set the table down than she would change her mind and want to try it in new location. Shaking my head, I strolled to the bathroom so I could freshen up before facing everyone for the first time since the battle.

  I finished my shower and began the tedious task of blow drying my hair. Normally I just allowed it to air dry but I was feeling an overwhelming need to make a good impression. Two hours and a large amount of styling products later, my hair cascaded down my back in smooth silky waves. I unplugged the hair dryer and put it away and sat down at my vanity to begin applying some makeup. Choosing my compact that contained various shades of brown eye shadow, I added a light dusting to my eyelids. I applied a touch of black eyeliner and mascara and began to rummage through my make-up bag in search of my favorite lip gloss. Unable to find it I settled on a tube of lipstick that was appropriately named ‘Mocha Kiss’. Blotting my lips together, I headed for the bedroom in search of a suitable outfit. I pulled on a pair of low cut dark denim jeans and viewed myself in the full body mirror. Turning in various directions to see how they looked on me, I noticed the fullness of my hips that I hadn’t noticed before. I had never really viewed myself as attractive but all of the evidence was reflected back at me. Maybe it was the visions of Jayden’s large hands gripping my hips that I couldn’t keep out of my head that made me aware of the feminine qualities my body possessed. Approving of the jeans, I grabbed a hunter green stripped shirt with a low scoop neckline from the closet that accented the jeans perfectly. Tennis shoes completed my look as I left the bedroom and went to face the inquiring stares.

  Sofia smiled when she saw me approaching the chaos. “Good morning Alayna! Did you have a good night?”

  I looked away to hide the blush spreading across my face. “I did, thank you. The garden looks nice,” I said, trying to change the subject.

  She smiled. “I think it is coming together rather nicely since it was on such short notice.”

  “How many people are you expecting? Won’t it just be us?” I asked, taking notice of the extra picnic tables placed around the garden.

  “It will be us but Jayden ran into some of his friends in town and thought it would be nice to invite them. You are new to the town after all so I think it will be a great way for you to meet some people.”

  “Don’t you think with everything going on it is better to keep it low key?” Worry twisted my stomach in knots.

  “Don’t be silly Alayna. It’s not like we are going to tell them about you. It is just friends and neighbors coming together to enjoy each other’s company. It will be fine, I promise.” Sofia hugged me with one arm. “Now, if you’ll excuse me I have to get started on the food.”

  “I’ll help you. It is my house after all.” I returned her hug, giving her shoulder an extra squeeze.

  “That would be lovely. Thank you!” She smiled. “You can go ahead to the kitchen. I’m going to have the boys start the grill so the coals can be getting hot.” Before I could respond she scurried off so I turned and headed for the house.

  Several moments later I was in the kitchen and didn’t have the slightest clue as to what Sofia had planned. Mixing bowls and various ingredients were spread over the counter tops and although I had adapted quickly and learned to cook for myself, I wouldn’t consider myself a master in the kitchen.

  A laugh interrupted my thoughts and I turned to see Sofia standing in the doorway. “Don’t look so overwhelmed Alayna. It’s not as bad as it looks I assure you. Do you know how to cook?”

  “Uh, I can cook but I wouldn’t say it’s anything to rave over. My mother loved being in the kitchen and spoiling us so I never really had a need to cook until after she died,” I admitted.

  “That’s not a problem. I’m not going to be making anything to complicated and I can help you when needed,” she said and pushed a mixing bowl towards me. “You know how to make cake from a box right?”

  “Is there any other kind of cake other than from a box?” I joked and took the box from her grasp.

  “I hope you don’t mind chocolate cake because it was the only kind I could find in the cupboard.”

  “Chocolate is fine.” I began measuring out the ingredients and placing them in the bowl as Sofia began chopping up an assortment of vegetables. “You know, I’ve been thinking Sofia. Maybe Gavin isn’t planning another attack? I mean it has been several days and we haven’t heard so much as a peep from him.”

  Sofia glanced up at me briefly in contemplation. “Maybe. We will probably stick around for a few extra days just to make sure. Julian is confident that he will make another attempt.”

  “But he is out numbered. Surely he must have noticed that by now and maybe that is why he decided not to do anything.” I grabbed the wire whisk from a nearby drawer and began beating the cake batter.

  “It is always best to be prepared just in case. Darren has been keeping an eye on the property and has picked up some new scents that weren’t there a few days ago. Not sure who they belong too but they are definitely vampire.”

  My heart began to race as her words. “You mean there are more vampires in town?”

  “It appears that way but there is no need for you to worry. Julian is covering all of our bases. The only thing you have to do is enjoy the party today.” Her smile was confident and helped calm my nerves.

  Finishing the cake, I placed it in a greased glass pan and placed it in the pre-heated oven. “What else would you like me to help with?” I asked, unsure of my next step.

  “I’m about done with the vegetable tray but you can start on making the dip if you’d like.”

  “Okay,” I responded and glanced around the kitchen for any indication of what dip she was talking about. “And the dip would be where?” I asked after giving up.

  “You are too adorable Alayna. Do you see those little blue packets over there?” She pointed with the knife in her hand. My eyes followed the blade in the direction it was pointed and saw the packets she was referring to.

  “You can make dip from a powder?” I asked, never having seen dip that didn’t come pre-made in jars.

  “Of course you can. Just read the directions on the back. You can’t really mess it up so don’t worry.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure,” I said laughing and began to read the directions. Focusing on the task at hand I didn’t notice Jayden stroll through the doorway and sit some bags of groceries on the table.

  “Wow! Mother is actually letting you help her cook?” Jayden asked in shock. “She hates when people are in the kitchen when she is trying to cook.”

  “Maybe she just likes me better than you,” I said with a smile as I put the packet I was reading down and went to give Jayden a hug. “Thank you for breakfast,” I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek.

  “You’re very welcome,” he said and kissed my hand. “You look amazing.” He winked an
d turned his attention to his Mother. “Do you like her better than me Mother or is there another reason you allowed her in the kitchen?”

  “It would be rude of me to ban Alayna from her own kitchen, Son,” she said. Her serious expression slipped to laughter, “but yes, I do like her better.”

  Jayden’s jaw dropped in fake astonishment at his Mother’s comment. “Oh okay, I see how it is. If you’ll excuse me I’ll just go sulk somewhere by myself.” Jayden turned and headed for the door.

  “On the way to your pity party, take these hamburgers and hot dogs out to your Father and tell him that he can go ahead and start them,” Sofia said, thrusting a tray of raw patties and hotdogs in his direction. “Oh, and did your guests say they were coming? I need to know how many to expect.”

  “Not that many. Violet said that she would bring her Aunt Gwen by later to meet Alayna and I called Dominic on the way here and invited him also. Violet said that she may ask a couple of her friends but she didn’t really think they would show up.” Jayden took the tray that Sofia was still holding out to him.

  “Wait. Who is Violet?” I asked with a twinge of jealousy.

  “I think you two will get along great! I met Violet after her Aunt Gwen, who is an amazing woman, took me under her wing after Emma’s death. I thought it would be great to introduce you to her since she isn’t that much younger than you and don’t worry, she is like a sister to me.” His eyes sparkled with laughter as he turned to take the food to his Father. “Oh and Alayna?”


  “Whenever you have a minute I’d like to show you something.” Jayden turned and walked off before I could respond.


  Sofia and I bustled about the kitchen in harmony and prepared the remainder of the food. When there was nothing left that I could help with, I excused myself so that I could go find Jayden. I rounded the corner to enter the living room and jumped as I almost ran right into Jayden. “I was just coming to find you.”

  “What a coincidence because I was just coming to rescue you from the torture chamber.”

  “Oh, stop! I was the one that wanted to help your Mom.” I poked Jayden in the chest with my finger.

  “I know but she has a great way of keeping people hostage when she wants to. Honestly I’m surprised you were able to sneak away.”

  “I didn’t have to sneak away. There just wasn’t anything else she needed,” I said laughing. “So, what was it that you wanted?”

  A huge grin spread across his face. “Come with me. I want to show you something.” He grabbed my hand and led me towards the bedroom. Once in the room, he shut the door behind him. “Now I know you said that you didn’t want to make a big deal about your birthday but I got you something.” He pulled a small box from his pocket and walked over to where I was standing.

  “You didn’t have to get my anything Jayden. I thought we discussed that I already had what I wanted.” Even though I was trying to remain serious, I could feel the girly giggle building within me in excitement.

  “I know but what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t get you a present?” Holding the box towards me I took it, my hand shaking. Slowly opening the small black jewelry box, I peeked at its contents. Inside laid a gorgeous white gold chain that had a panther charm hanging from it, a small emerald jewel in the place of its eye.

  “Oh my God Jayden! It’s beautiful!” Running a tentative finger over the delicate charm, I could feel the water building in my eyes. “I’ve never received such an amazing gift before.”

  His face beamed with pride. “I’m glad you like it. When I saw it in town I just knew that I had to get it for you. May I help you put it on?”

  “Of course!” I handed the box to Jayden and he removed the necklace. Turning my back towards him, I lifted my red hair out of the way as Jayden hooked the necklace in place. Facing Jayden once more I smiled. “How does it look?”

  “Like it was made for you. Happy birthday Alayna.”

  Unable to control myself, I threw my arms around Jayden’s neck and pressed my lips to his. Massaging his tongue with mine, we lost ourselves in the moment. I felt Jayden lift me off my feet and carry me to the bed. Jayden’s hand snaked under my shirt and cupped a breast forcing a moan to escape my lips. A knock on the door interrupted our moment and we both froze.

  “Jayden? Are you in there man?”

  “What is it Darren?” Jayden hissed at Darren’s intrusion.

  “Your mom sent me to find you. Some of the guests have arrived.”

  “Be right there.” We listened as the footsteps padded down the hall. Jayden released a disappointed sigh and stared down at me. “It looks like we’ll have to finish this later.” He grumbled.

  “You can count on it.” I forced a smile to my face although I was irritated by the interruption.

  Jayden gave me his hand and helped me stand, trying to smooth the wrinkles in my shirt.

  “Thank you for my present Jayden. I love it.” I smiled and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. “Why don’t you go find your Mother and I’m going to go fix my make up.”

  “Don’t be too long.” He kissed my forehead and took a few hesitant steps towards the door. “You know we could always just skip the party?”

  “Your Mother would kill us if we did that. We can pick up where we left off later.” I winked and forced myself to walk to the bathroom before Jayden could change my mind.


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  Chapter Eleven

  After quickly fixing my makeup and running a brush through my hair to work out the tangles that had just been created, I went to meet the guests. Hopefully Jayden was right and we would hit it off but I was wary. I didn’t have a lot of friends due to the fact that I was never good at letting people get close to me.

  Jayden’s voice cut through my line of thinking. “Alayna! There you are. Come over here I want you to meet someone.” I took several deep breaths and headed towards the group of people who were now staring at me. “Alayna, I’d like you to meet Gwen Bryant. She is like a second mother to me.”

  I smiled at the rotund woman with blonde hair twisted in a bun. “I’m pleased to meet you,” I said, reaching out my hand to shake hers.

  “Oh for heaven’s sake, give me a hug.” Gwen smiled and wrapped her arms around me before I could complain. The scent of apples filled my nostrils and calmed my fears. Returning her strong embrace, I smiled as she released me from her grasp.

  “Aunt Gwen has always been a hugger,” the girl standing next to Gwen said. “I’m Violet Macrae, Gwen’s niece.” Violet reached her hand out to shake mine although I think it was more for my benefit. Violet’s deep blue eyes stared at me and glistened with mystery. Her shoulder length blonde hair was pulled back in a French braid that hugged her head.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Thank you both for coming.”

  “Gwen is like the adopted mother of Juniper Grove, taking in all of the strays in the neighborhood.” Jayden wrapped an arm around my waist.

  “Like stray pets?” I asked.

  The group all began to laugh and I flushed with embarrassment.

  “I guess you could say that,” Violet said. “She takes in all of the stray shifters, gives them a place to stay and helps them get back on their feet. Most of them are teenagers who have either lost their parents or who have run away from home.”

  “Oh,” I mumbled. “So you’re familiar with shifters then?”

  “Of course Sweetie. I may be human but I’m very…intuitive.”

  “But I thought Jayden said you were shifters?” I asked confused.

  “I am a shifter but my Aunt isn’t,” Violet said.

  “I understand,” I replied.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go find Jayden’s Mother. I have wanted to meet the woman responsible for raising this amazing young man,” Gwen said before scurrying off in search of Sofia.

  “I think I’m going to go see if the guys need h
elp with the grill.” Jayden kissed my cheek and winked as he left Violet and I staring at each other.

  “Do you want to go to the garden and sit down?” I asked.

  “Sure.” She smiled. After we have occupied one of the picnic tables, I decided to strike up the conversation.

  “So Violet, Jayden tells me that you’re a senior?” I asked.

  “I will be come this fall.” She smiled brightly.

  “Do you have any plans for college?”

  “I’m not sure yet. Although she would never admit it, Aunt Gwen needs me here. See my Aunt has raised me from a very young age. She never had any children of her own and so it’s like she was my mother. I don’t know if I would be able to leave her to go to college.”

  “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you wanted to better your education.” I remember the same hesitancy that I had felt when faced with college plans. Of course life always has a way of selecting our paths and mine excluded college.

  “She has mentioned several times that she would like me to go but I don’t know. I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it.”

  “That sounds like a good plan.”

  Violet leaned on the table and propped her elbows on the table as she stared at me. “So what brought you to Juniper Grove?”

  “Just looking for a change I guess.”

  “Oh?” Violet raised her groomed eyebrows. “What do your parents think about you moving to the middle of nowhere?”

  A sad grimace spread across my face. “They both died recently. There was nothing left for me so I decided to move.”

  “I’m so sorry Alayna! My mouth tends to run away from me sometimes.”

  “It’s okay.” I tried to reassure her.

  “Both of my parents are dead too…or at least my mother is. The last time I saw my father was when he dropped me off at Aunt Gwen’s house when I was about five years old. I’m not holding much hope of him coming back.”


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