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Coming Home (Williams Siblings)

Page 17

by Ann B. Harrison

  Before she could register his movements, Cade dipped his head and traced his tongue over her quivering bottom lip. She sucked in a startled breath as he gripped her shoulders and pressed her against the door, laying his mouth against hers. Willing her body to stay still, she breathed in his musky male scent, heady and oh, so very tempting.

  When he lifted his head, Kate gazed into his eyes, hoping her face was inscrutable. "What was that for?"

  "Didn't you like it?"

  "Doesn't do anything for me if you don't mean it. I don't do casual flings, just so you know, but thanks for the free demonstration of your skills." She pushed him back, opened the door and slammed it in his face. On shaky feet, she stumbled to her bedroom and threw herself down on the cover, gripping her hands across her stomach. "You bastard, Cade, you had me at saving Molly. How dare you tease me?"

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  "It was good to see you again, Russ. I hope everything works out for you." Stevie rose and walked over to shake hands before steering Rooney outside to the garden. "I think it's time we had a little talk."

  They walked around to the back of the house by the old stables where he’d parked his car. Rooney walked over to the kitchen garden opposite and sat on the wooden paling fence.

  "What did you want to talk about?"

  Her pale hair shone in the moonlight and it hit him in the gut how much he’d missed out on—seeing his child grow in her stomach, the birth and the first steps, the first loose tooth and the first day of school. He had so much to make up for.

  "I want to marry you, Rooney. But first I want to get to know my daughter and make sure we can work this out together." He sat beside her on the fence. "I want us to be a family."

  "I'm sorry, Stevie. I don't think that's a good idea." She turned her head and looked at him, her face sad.

  "Why not? You're home. I can make it all up to you. Get to know Tam and make a life for us." He clutched at her hands and she stood up. Pulling her in between his legs, Stevie wrapped his arms around her waist holding her tight. "We still have the connection. Look what happened the other day when I called in to see you."

  "It was always about sex with us, you know it was. It's not enough to base a marriage on. I won't do that to myself or Tam."

  "I'm not buying it, Rooney. What aren't you telling me?" He squeezed her butt, ready to take her here on the grass if she gave him the remotest indication she wanted him too.

  Rooney chewed on her bottom lip and lifted her hands to cup his chin. "I don't think I trust you enough to put me first."

  "You're kidding me, right?"

  "No. I'm sorry. As irrational as it sounds, I can't forgive you for what you did. I know I was in the wrong not telling you about Tam, but I can't get over it. I'm scared you will leave me behind if something more important comes up, and after what I've been through, that would kill me." She brushed her hand through his dark hair and gave a rueful smile. "We could be friends and care for Tam together."

  "No, I want more than that and I think I deserve a chance to prove it to you. Give me that, Rooney. Please don't say no just yet." He gripped her hand and turned it over, exposing her palm. Raising it to his mouth, he kissed her palm, her wrist, and bit the skin where her blood flowed to her hand.

  "You don't play fair."

  "I have no intention of playing fair with you. I want you, Rooney and I will fight for you, anyway I know how." He stood and pulled her close. "I think it's time we revisited the old barn. There is unfinished business between us." Stevie took her hand and led her down past Kate's cottage toward the barn.

  The moon cast shadows over the old timber building and its high cathedral ceilings, but they both knew it inside out. Many nights spent there together came rushing back to him, pumping the blood through his system in a rush. Pulling her inside, he pushed her against the wall and devoured her mouth with nine years of pent up passion. He held her face in shaking hands and absorbed the taste of his sweet Rooney, the only woman who could make his blood race by merely glancing his way.

  "God, I’ve missed you so much."

  "Me too. There hasn't been anyone else, not for me anyway." Rooney smiled and pulled his shirt from the waist of his jeans. She undid the buttons, spreading it open.

  "You shouldn't have any doubts about us being together then."

  "But I do. Humour me for a while. Now, stay still and don't move a muscle." She dipped her head and traced her warm tongue over his nipple, using her teeth to tug and pull on him. The zing went straight to his cock and he arched his back, grinding his hips into hers.

  "Wow, slow down, big fella." She let the shirt fall from his shoulders and stood back. With a smile on her face that promised more torture, she undid the top button on her blouse. When her fingers reached the next one, she lifted her gaze to his and ran the tip of her tongue over her lips. With each button, she did something seductive with her mouth.

  "You know you are asking for trouble, don't you?" He could only contain himself for a short time longer before grabbing her and throwing her down in the hay.

  "Uh uh." Rooney let the blouse slip from her shoulders and fall to the ground. Turning her back on him, she undid and slipped off her bra, letting it fall to the ground. When she looked over her shoulder, he almost lost it. How she could look so innocent and wanton at the same time blew his mind. There was no way he wasn't going to lay claim to this woman, no matter what she thought.

  Stevie heard the pop of a button and the zip of her jeans. Still with her back to him, she pushed them down and he sucked in a breath. Rooney was naked under the jeans. No knickers and the knowledge drove him crazy. He lurched forward and grabbed her, lifting her up in his arms.

  "Yeah, it still works. Only problem is, it's been too long between for me to take any more of your teasing." He walked into the corner stall and lay her down on the hay. Her hair sprawled around her shoulders as she gazed up at him.

  "I feel bad using you like this."

  "I don't consider it using me, honey. I'm going to get you back anyway. I just have to prove to you that you and Tam will always come first with me."

  He kept his gaze on her as he popped the button on his jeans. Pushing them down over his hips with his boxers, Stevie stood in front of her.

  A smile curved her lips and she lifted herself up on her elbows. "Come here."

  He knelt down beside her and ran his hands over her pale white skin. When he touched her stomach, he leaned down and kissed it, a wave of emotion rolling over him.

  "Never again will you go through that without me."

  Rooney took his face in her hands and pulled him down to lay beside her. She tucked a leg over his hip, bringing their bodies closer together. "Don't talk. Let's just get lost in the moment." With gentle fingers, she ran a nail down his chest, clicking over his hard nipple and tracing it over his stomach. When he sucked in a breath, she smiled and let her hand travel further down. His erection jerked against her stomach and she wrapped her hands around it.

  He ran his fingers along the curve of her full breast, her nipple puckering in the moonlight before he dipped his head to suckle. Pushing her back, he spread her legs with his knee.

  Rooney kept her hand over his cock and guided him inside. She sighed in pleasure as he filled her.

  Stevie started to move slowly, intent on making this last longer than the last time. That had been hurried ‘stamp my mark on you again’ sex. Tonight he wanted to rekindle love, to remind her how well they fit together like a set of matched gloves, two souls with one heartbeat.

  He leaned his elbows on either side of her body, and watched the emotions wash over her expressive face. She was lost in a world of pleasure, relaxed and at peace as their bodies remembered each other. Stevie kissed the tip of her nose. Rooney opened her eyes and gazed at him, her smile filling his heart.

  She lifted her arms and wrapped her hands behind his neck to pull his mouth down to hers. The kiss started soft and sensual, tongues tasting each other and exploring. As
they rocked together in the hay, they deepened the kiss. It became desperate and hungry. Rooney lifted her legs and wrapped them around his thighs, pulling him closer and urging him to go faster.

  He increased his pace, the blood rushing through his veins, the need for release chasing each thrust. Rooney arched her back and cried out, clawing at his back. Her sex clenched around him, driving him over the edge. With a final thrust, Stevie clenched his jaw tight and let go.

  He rested his forehead on hers, their heavy breathing the only sound in the quiet night. Slowly they settled, and Stevie slid his hands under her body, pulling Rooney close to nestle against his chest. He rolled onto his back and held her tight, not willing to let her go just yet.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  The next morning as Cade drove to his final visit with the surgeon, he played Kate's words over in his mind. He had to convince her that he never put her in the same category as the girls who used to hang around the players at the leagues club. She was more than that and now he had to prove it and after this visit was over, he would do just that.

  "So, what's the verdict, doc?" Cade sat back in his chair and tried to keep a blank look on his face. His heart pounded and his palms were sweaty. He already knew the answer. It was just a case of having it given to him in an official capacity.

  "Well, I've gone over the scans your doctor sent in the other day and I'm afraid there is nothing more I can do." He sat back in his chair and took off his glasses, pinching the skin on the top of his nose. "I know we've been down this track before, Cade. Your long injury history was always going to work against you eventually."

  Cade sucked in a breath and looked away from the sympathetic gaze the doctor gave him.

  "We also need to take your age into account."

  "That's bullshit and you know it. There are guys older than me on the team."

  "Yes there are, but have they had the injuries you have?"

  "So, now what? Throw me a bone and wave goodbye? Rugby is my life."

  "I understand that, and I'm sure management has strategies in place to help you adjust to life after sport. For now, I can only suggest taking it easy until your leg is strong enough to take off the brace. I suspect you may be left with a slight limp, but that shouldn't impede everyday life."

  "Thanks, Doc." Cade glanced around the room he’d become familiar with over the length of his football career. He stood and reached across the table to shake hands. "Guess we won't be crossing paths again, but I appreciate all you've done for me."

  "Good luck with whatever you decide to do. I'll fax my report over to the team manager now. I understand you have an appointment with them today."

  "Cheers." Cade turned and hobbled from the room. He made it down to the car park and slid behind the wheel before he embarrassed himself with tears. Knowing it was coming hadn't made the result any easier to take. Gutted, he reached for his emergency stash of whiskey in the glove box, only to remember he'd drunk that last time he was here.

  Alcohol never fixed anything anyway and it was time he stopped using it for a crutch. He had to face life and what it dealt out, head on. He slammed his hands on the steering wheel and cursed his luck as the tears ran unheeded down his face. The outside world blurred as his emotions rolled between despair and acceptance.

  When he calmed down, Cade opened the window to let some fresh air in and wiped his sleeve across his eyes. Looking in the mirror, he shook his head. Not a good look, buddy, get your shit together and move on. You made a promise, now it’s time to keep it.

  There was a meeting to attend before he could go home and take control of his destiny, and he wanted it over and done with before he wavered from the path he'd finally accepted.

  Cade drove to the home grounds and made his way to the team manager’s office.

  "Cade. Come in. Doc just sent the report through." Dave Dickson shook his hand and guided him to a seat in front of his desk. "I'm gutted for you, buddy."

  "Yeah, well it's not that unexpected, is it?" Cade let the crutches drop to the ground.

  "I guess not but still, we were hoping for better news. We need to decide what to do. You still have eight months to run on your contract and we will honour that money-wise, of course. I need you to work out how you want to be paid, up front or monthly as always."

  "Leave it how it is for now. I think my party days are over anyway."

  "We don't want to lose you entirely, Cade. I was thinking of the mentoring scheme we’re putting in place for schools. Would you be interested in working with us on that? It would only be a couple of days a month but we could sure use someone like you to help draw in the young kids with talent."

  Dave looked at him expectantly and it took Cade bare seconds to make up his mind. "To tell you the truth, Dave, I don't think so. I'm more interested in getting involved in the family farm. Now the old man is dead, I'm more than ready to go back to my roots and help keep the place going for future generations. I appreciate the offer though."

  The crestfallen look on Dave's face made Cade smile. He’d surprised himself walking away from the sport but his mind was made up. Now for the next part of the plan.


  He drove up the driveway without the pang of disappointment he usually suffered when returning home. The past was past and now Cade was ready for the next part of his life. I keep my promises, Mother. If nothing else, I've always done that.

  He drove around to the old stables and parked in the same spot Kate kicked him out of the day he came home for the funeral. When he got out of the vehicle, he threw his crutches in the corner of the woodpile. Take that. Molly came running up to him, excited to see him back. He leaned down and rubbed his fingers around her soft ears, accepting the quick little licks from her. With her at his heels, he alternated between hopping and walking into the kitchen.

  "Home already, Cade." Essie took a tray of cookies from the oven.

  "Yes, Essie. All the city doctors and stuff is over and done with. Now I'm home to stay. I could use a coffee if there's one going." He snatched a hot cookie from the tray and broke a piece off for Molly, throwing it to her as he perched on a stool.

  "Kate should be in soon, so yes there is."

  He looked up as the door slammed.

  "Whose is that damned truck in the shed?" She glanced quickly at Cade and then away again, the blush rushing up her cheeks.

  "It's mine, actually." He leaned on the counter and watched her take a mug from Essie.

  "What happened to the yellow chick machine?" She stood watching him with a frown on her face.

  "I traded it in. Won't be needing it anymore. Doctor gave me a final report today." He took a deep breath, determined not to let his voice waver. "No more rugby, so I've decided to honour the promise I made my mother. I'm going to be working on the farm from now on."

  Kate looked stunned, her mouth dropped open and Cade resisted the urge to go and lift it closed with his hand cupping her cheeks while his mouth explored hers.

  "About time too. Your mother waited for this day, Cade. I'm only sorry she never got to see you working where you belong, but better late than never." Essie wiped her eyes with the corner of her apron.

  "How come I didn't know about this?" Kate shut her mouth and poured herself a coffee.

  "It was a promise I made to her when she gave me her blessing to go and play rugby. She knew how much I loved the farm but the game pulled at me more at that stage. I'm home to stay."

  "Um…that's…well, great actually." Kate stammered over the words and her cheeks flushed even more.

  Cade smiled to himself. He loved how flustered she was by the news. It meant she wasn't totally immune to him. With any luck, he’d be able to prove to her he was serious about a relationship. The Cade she knew was fantasy played out by the media and management for promotional purposes. Not many people knew the real Cade Williams, and he liked it that way.

  Sure, he’d loved the drinking and girls when he first got into the sport, but that had worn thin pre
tty quick. You couldn't party that hard and turn up to practice day after day, and he’d learnt that early on. Cade had been relatively sober until his injury. Now he could see the writing on the wall.

  "You got rid of the Ferrari so you could work here?" Kate approached him and placed her mug on the bench.

  "Yeah, figured a four wheel drive would be more practical on the farm. You need help, Kate. Why employ someone else when I can do the job for you?"

  She glanced pointedly at the cast on his leg, her eyebrows raised.

  "Yeah, well, that won't take long to heal. I'll always have a bit of a limp but hell, I doubt the cows will care about that. Did you see the four wheel bike in the back of the ute?" He winked at Essie, smiling benevolently behind Kate's head. "That will get me around easier for a while."

  "You're serious? You want to work here with me or are you thinking of taking over from me?" A panicked-look raced over her face.

  "With you, Kate. I promise I don't want your job. You might need to give me an office job or something every other day until this comes right, but you need help, I'm it."

  "I'm kind of gobsmacked. The Cade I knew would be prancing around like the arsehole we were used to seeing on the news, not taking in stray dogs and wanting to work here."

  "That's the problem, Kate. The media hype it up so much you don't really get to know the real me. How about you let go of those pre-conceived ideas and give me a chance to prove I'm not the jerk you thought you knew?"

  She gave a wobbly smile and gripped the coffee in her hands.


  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Rooney walked the elderly couple to the door, carrying their empty cat cage for them. She would operate later in the day to relieve the abscess under the animal’s back tooth and they could collect it the following morning.

  "The raid went well yesterday, according to Dennis," Rhian said when they walked out. She pushed her chair back and rubbed her belly protectively. "Mr Stubbs got bail, slimy thing. He has to appear in court next month but I doubt he’ll avoid a jail term."


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