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Simon & Rose

Page 3

by V. A. Dold

  Isaac took the stage to a rousing standing ovation. “Thank you, you’re too kind.”

  Mark took a deep breath to calm his nerves and walked back onstage with Rizzo to another ovation. When the audience remained standing, he blushed and waved them to their seats. As husbands held chairs for their wives, the beautiful dark haired woman smiling brightly at him held his focus. His breath hitched and his smile widened to flash his twin dimples. He wanted to jump for joy. Just one smile from the lady in row eight and his body stood at attention. Desire heated his blood when he saw blatant hunger burning in her eyes.

  Now that he wasn’t required to recite a speech he was able to study her. Her dark hair and eyes gave her an alluring air of mystery. The clingy red dress hugging her body, displayed every luscious curve of her womanly form. He held her gaze for a few heartbeats, then lowered his eyes to her full kissable lips. He wanted to spend hours tasting them. As he stared, his fantasy pulled into a dazzling smile to display little white teeth. His whole body shivered. In his mind, he imagined a tiny sting followed by the swirl of her pink tongue as she nibbled every inch of his body. The erotic thoughts she inspired tightened his pants further. This woman was a perfect storm and he wanted to ride her gale to an epic finish.

  Fascinated, he watched her take a sip of champagne. Her lips parted to receive the glass and wrapped around the rim the way he wanted them to wrap around him. Then her throat worked to swallow as the tip of her tongue peeked out to bathe her lips. Every ounce of blood in his body headed south. The innocent act sent his mind straight to the gutter. Images of what he wanted her to do with her full lips and that pink tongue played out like a blockbuster movie. His cock jerked painfully, reminding him it had returned to the land of the living. Then Isaacs voice broke through his thoughts.

  “Let me remind you, all proceeds will go to the Unforgotten Hero Foundation. Please be as generous as you are able. Let me start the auction with a man you have already met tonight, Mark Anderson. Now you will have the pleasure of bidding on a dinner date with this impressive serviceman. Who will start the bidding at ten thousand dollars?”

  Sharon’s heart hammered in her chest. This was better than she’d hoped. Instead of asking Mark for a single dance, she was about to claim him for the entire ball. If the Goddess smiled down on her, she would have him for the rest of her very long life. Price was no object. She was independently wealthy and would pay whatever it took to win her man. From the lustful expressions on several women’s faces, she was in for a battle. Bring it on, ladies. The hunky bachelor was hers, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

  A woman one row in front of Sharon raised her hand and waved it energetically.

  “I have ten, now eleven to the lady in the back, twelve to you.” He gestured to the woman in front of Sharon again.

  The woman nodded.

  “I have twelve, now thirteen to the pretty lady right down front. Who will give me fourteen?”

  Sharon decided she needed to nip this in the bud. She looked Mark directly in the eyes and raised her hand. “Twenty five thousand,” she calmly said, then she winked at him and lowered her hand to her lap.

  Mark grinned and winked back. Lord, I’m not much of a praying man, but please let the dark haired bombshell win this bidding war.

  “I have twenty five from Miss Sharon Lejeune, who will give me twenty six?”

  The woman in front raised her hand again.

  Well. Apparently I didn’t raise it high enough to scare her off. No matter, it’s nothing a higher bid won’t fix, Sharon thought.

  “Twenty six to you, ma’am, do I hear twenty seven?”

  The woman one row ahead raised her hand and scowled when Mark frowned at her.

  Sharon’s heart leapt with joy when Mark looked at her as if hoping she would bid again.

  “Forty thousand,” she said while grinning at the scowling woman in front of her.

  She turned her attention back to the stage and watched Mark release a breath.

  Then she heard him say in her mind, Thank you, lord.

  “Forty one,” the woman in the front row called out.

  Mark’s eyes shot to hers as if begging her to save him.

  “Forty two!” the woman in front of Sharon yelled.

  Mark wiped the sweat from his brow. This was getting ugly.

  “I have forty two, the bid’s to you, Miss Sharon,” Isaac said smiling brightly at his friend and pack member.

  Sharon nodded and calmly said, “Fifty thousand.”

  Mark mouthed, “Thank you” to her and grinned.

  The woman in front of Sharon crossed her arms and snarled in frustration. It was obvious the bidding had gotten too rich for her blood.

  Isaac chuckled. “I have fifty thousand from Miss Sharon Lejeune, do I hear fifty one?”

  The woman in the front row pouted and shook her head when Isaac looked her direction and raised an eyebrow.

  “Fifty thousand once…Fifty thousand twice…Fifty thousand to Miss Sharon Lejeune.”

  The crowd clapped loudly, but Mark didn’t hear them. He was too entranced by his date for the night. His prayer was answered. He had been won by the beautiful fifty-something woman and couldn’t be more pleased with his date. He may only be thirty-eight and she looked closer to fifty, but that meant little to him. He’d dated women older than him before, as a matter of fact, he preferred it.

  Simon returned to the stage to lead Mark toward a back stage area.

  “Wait. When do I get to meet her?” he whispered as they crossed the stage.

  “In just a moment. Cade is getting her now. As soon as she pays Rose, she’ll join us.”

  Mark breathed into his cupped hand and sniffed. He couldn’t tell so he huffed a breath in Simon’s face. “How’s my breath?”

  “Jeez, Mark!” Simon leaned away. “What the hell, man?”

  “Dammit, Simon. I can’t meet her if my breath smells. Do you have a mint or gum?”

  “No. And calm down, your breath is fine. Your body odor, now that’s another matter.”


  “Oh, settle down. I’m teasing you. You’re fine. You smell like a delicate flower.”

  Mark scowled at Simon. “I won’t forget this and pay back’s a bitch.”

  “Yeah, yeah. If I remember correctly the last time you said that, you put a scorpion in my boot. I’ll be sure to check my shoes before I put them on.”

  “Big baby. It was dead. It wasn’t like it could sting you.”

  Simon cut a hand across his throat to silence Mark. “Here they come.”

  Mark stood straighter the instant she rounded the corner and held his breath.

  Her wolf rumbled in pleasure when their date came into view. The man was even more devastatingly handsome up close. For now, she just wanted to spend time with him and get to know her mate. Explaining shifters could wait until later. Much later.

  She wanted to run to Mark, but she forced herself to walk. Her wolf cocked its head as Rizzo came to her feet, alert and curious. Both she and her wolf were pleased to see him smiling at them. That was a good start. She’d been pretty sure he wanted her to win the auction. His smiling face verified she was right. Not that she wouldn’t have done it anyway. There was no way another female would lay her hands on Mark. Not tonight or any other night.

  Simon stepped forward and hugged Sharon. “Congratulations, cher. You won a date with a very good man.” Simon released her and turned to face Mark. “Sharon, this is Mr. Mark Anderson. Mark, this is Miss Sharon Lejeune, a very good friend of the family, and a wonderful woman.”

  Mark took a step in her direction. He stood close enough to Sharon to feel the heat from her body. His throat worked to swallow his nervousness as he extended his hand to her. “I’m very pleased to meet you, Miss Sharon.”

  She took his outstretched hand and his heart did cartwheels.

  “Hello, Mark. I’m very pleased to meet you, as well.” Her soft sexy voice wrapped around him, and like a siren lured h
im closer.

  He didn’t notice that Simon and Cade had walked away, or that they stood alone with hundreds of people just feet away on the other side of the heavy curtain. He was too entranced by the woman whose hand he still held, and who smelled like his grandmother’s banana nut bread, to care. He took a deep breath enjoying the scent of his favorite baked good in the world.

  He wasn’t sure if she baked like his grandmother or if she had recently been in a bakery, it didn’t really matter. The scent and the woman holding his hand had his body revved into overdrive. He hadn’t been this aroused in... Well, ever.

  The throbbing in his slacks made him want to shout his elation to the heavens. It had been months since he’d been with a woman. Even then he’d never dated a lady anywhere near as sexy as the exotic dark-eyed beauty before him. Why would a woman so beautiful bid on a man at an auction? More than that, why was she single at all?

  “Would you like to get a drink at the bar in the ballroom and take a stroll in the garden?”

  Sharon’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts and brought him back to the present.

  “I would love to. Please, lead the way.” He and Rizzo followed her to the ballroom, never taking his hand from the small of her back. He couldn’t help it. He had to touch her.

  Chapter 4

  The bartender greeted them with a smile, seemingly relieved to have something to do. “What can I get for you?”

  Mark gazed at Sharon. “What would you like?”

  “I’ve already had champagne, so I think I’ll avoid mixed drinks.” She turned to the bartender and asked, “Do you have white wine?”

  “I do. I have Chardonnay, Pinot grigio, Sauvignon blanc, and my personal favorite, Riesling.”

  Mark watched as Sharon gave the bartender one of her heart-stopping smiles. “Riesling, it is.”

  His inner macho man bristled, which shocked him. Don’t be a jackass. She smiled at him. So what. Don’t be one of those controlling idiots who act stupid every time his lady smiles at another man. Uncertainty pushed its way into his mind, and he pushed back. His therapist would be proud.

  His lady, he liked the sound of that.

  “And you, sir? What can I get for you?”

  “I will take a Riesling, as well.”

  Mark’s heart stuttered when Sharon took his hand and smiled up at him as the bartender busied himself pouring wine. See, her smile meant nothing. She wasn’t flirting with the bartender. His reaction was completely out of character for him. Maybe it was the insecurities he’d developed since losing his leg? Whatever it was he was nipping that behavior in the bud.

  Mark looped Rizzo’s leash over his arm to free up his hands. He handed one glass to Sharon and took the other. He couldn’t wait to get her alone in the garden. As he opened the patio door for her, he saw arousal flare in her eyes. It was apparent, she not only found him attractive, but also appreciated his gentlemanly manners. Opening a door for a woman, or pulling out her chair at the table, could be like walking through a field of landmines. Many modern women were offended by his southern, old school manners. He was pleased Sharon wasn’t one of those women.

  The sweet, yet, citrusy perfume of blooming magnolia trees floated toward them on a warm balmy breeze. Mark, with Rizzo as his shadow, followed Sharon into the night and smiled to himself. This incredible woman was as interested in him as he was in her. That was definitely a good start. Thank god, Rizzo was trained to stay by his side leash or no, because he wasn’t paying one iota of attention to maintaining his dog.

  She looked at him seductively over her shoulder and extended her hand. It was in that moment he realized he was experiencing the cliché of love at first sight. Was that even possible? Obviously, it was. He was head over heels for Sharon and they had only spent mere minutes together. He took her hand and prayed she didn’t break his already fragile heart.

  Sharon was thrilled. Not only was Mark handsome, he was a true gentleman. She was so pleased her fated mate was everything she’d ever wanted in an ideal man.

  “Come on, let me show you the wonderful gardens they have hidden back here,” she said as he took her hand. “There is a magnificent fountain further on, and the flowers are beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you.” The tone of his voice made her look at him. His eyes were focused on her, not on the gardens.

  Sharon blushed for the first time in years, decades even. “Thank you.”

  He winked and gave her hand a squeeze as they continued to walk.

  She had wondered something since he walked on stage to be auctioned off. She had to ask. “Did Simon have to twist your arm to get you to agree to be auctioned off?”

  “Actually, it was my idea. He had to calm my nerves a time or two, but the initial suggestion was mine. Maybe it was a moment of insanity.” He chuckled. “I’m glad you had the high bid though.” Then he paused and horror filled his eyes. “He didn’t bribe you to bid on me, did he?”

  “No! He sent me an invitation to attend, of course, but I was never asked to bid on you or anyone else. I wanted to. I couldn’t help myself.”

  Mark let out the breath he had been holding and smiled. Interest and heat returned to his gaze and the tight lines around his mouth relaxed.

  Sharon considered his answer. “Why did you want to be part of the auction as a bachelor? Was it to help the charity?”

  “Well, the charity was first and foremost. But I also decided I had been alone long enough, and I needed to get back out there. It seemed like a good idea all the way around.”

  Sharon nodded as he spoke. “Personally, I’m glad you did. Otherwise I wouldn’t have had the chance to snag you for a date.”

  He stopped walking and looked her in the eye. “From the moment I saw you in the audience, I began to plan how I would get you alone so I could ask you out. Auction or not, I wanted to spend time with you.”

  Sharon smiled brightly and blushed. “Thank you for saying that.”

  They walked further into the garden. The deeper they went, the louder falling water became.

  Mark gave her a questioning look, but didn’t say a word. And she just smiled and hurried him along.

  Rounding a tall-sculpted hedge, they entered a circular space with an elaborate three-tier fountain. The basin was massive, deep and wide. So large, a person could swim in it. Curved garden benches lined the outer edge of the intimate space. And a variety of stunning plants floated gently on the water’s surface, drawing him near.

  Mark leaned closer and his eyebrows rose. “Wow. I wasn’t expecting this. They even have koi in there.”

  “Gorgeous, isn’t it?” Sharon said, pleased with his reaction.

  She watched as Mark slowly walked in a circle to take it all in. When he walked toward her again, she stepped up to him. She couldn’t stand it one more minute. She ached to feel his arms around her and was dying to kiss him.

  Mark didn’t disappoint. He placed one hand at her waist and then cupped her face with the other.

  “Sharon, may I kiss you?”

  She answered by rising up on her tiptoes and kissing him. His fingers massaging the nape of her neck sent tingles racing down her spine. Tentatively, he sipped at her lips, but she wanted more. She sighed and deepened the kiss. Then pressed closer, loving the feel of his muscular chest against her softer curves, and stroked his tongue with her own.

  Her wolf rumbled quietly when he moaned. She wanted nothing more than to strip him bare. Since that wasn’t an option, she caressed his body through his clothing.

  Too soon, voices were heard coming their way. Others had the same idea and were enjoying the outdoor space.

  Mark ended the kiss with a shy smile. “Thank you.”

  She smiled up at him, knowing from the warmth of her face she was flushed from his kiss. “My pleasure. I hope there will be more before the night is over.”

  He chuckled and took her hand. “You can count on it.”

  They continued their tour of the garden. By the time the
y returned to the ballroom, more couples from the auction were seated, sipping cocktails.

  Mark found an open table and pulled a chair for her and signaled Rizzo to lie underneath and stay there. Rizzo sighed and closed her eyes. Apparently he’d worn her out today. “Would you like another glass of wine?”

  “Yes, please. That would be delightful.”

  As he walked across the ballroom, she admired the view of his backside. That man had one luscious derriere. Her wolf wanted to nibble it like a chew toy. The line at the bar gave her ample time to openly admire her mate without him catching her in full ogle mode.

  Imagining him naked, a thought occurred to her. If he agreed to be her mate, how would the claiming affect him? Would his amputated leg cause issues? She needed to have a private talk with Emma Le Beau. She would know what to expect and how to handle Mark’s condition.

  First things first, she needed him to fall in love with her before she could chance telling him about shifters. If she pushed too fast, he might run for the hills. He would be much more willing to listen to her and give her the opportunity to explain if he loved her. She prayed when the time came, he would be open-minded.

  Mark’s neck tingled. He suspected Sharon was watching him, but didn’t dare look. If he turned and placed his foot wrong, things would become embarrassing in a hurry. The last thing he wanted was to ass plant himself in front of the woman of his dreams. He always worked hard to mask the slight limp he hated, but dealt with. Tonight, he worked doubly hard. Even though she knew about his prosthesis, he didn’t want to remind her of it.

  Waiting in line, he had more time to think than was wise for a man prone to panic attacks. He imagined her reaction to his mangled leg the first time he got naked in front of her. There would be no hiding or pretending when she came face to face with the reality of his condition. His breathing became shallow and his skin grew clammy. His dog must have felt his distress. As the arousal he’d been sporting since he laid eyes on Sharon faded, Rizzo nudged his palm. Hands deep in her pelt with his head spinning, he struggled to suck in a breath. With the help of Rizzo, he got himself under control. “Thanks, girl,” he whispered.


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