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Harold Robbins Thriller Collection

Page 114

by Harold Robbins

  “Damn him,” the uncle replied, “I told the baron I didn’t trust him. If he were here I would kill him with my bare hands.”

  “Why bother?” Eli asked lightly. “In Macao there is someone who would be glad to do it for you.” The uncle looked over at him.

  “If he hasn’t been stealing from you and he hasn’t been stealing from Sir Peter he must be stealing from someone. So it must be the Chinese with whom he is doing business.”

  “You know them?”

  “Everybody in Macao knows them. All it would take is a letter from me.”

  “But surely they’re not that stupid. They must know what he is doing without your telling them. Why haven’t they killed him before this?”

  Eli glanced at his uncle. “The Chinese are not like us. In the Orient there is a thing called ‘face.’ So long as only he and they knew, it did not matter. They still got what they wanted. But should it become common knowledge that he is stealing from them they would lose much face if they did not kill him.”

  Christopoulos’ face twisted in anger. “Give me one month to make the proper arrangements with the Japanese. Then write your friend a letter.”


  Marcel sat behind his desk and studied the American. He was tall and red-faced and his eyes were blue and hard. Marcel glanced down at the business card again.



  Marcel looked at him again. “And what can I do for you, Mr. Hadley?”

  Hadley came right to the point. “I came here looking for ships. You’ve got them all.”

  Marcel made a disparaging gesture. “Not all.”

  “No,” Hadley admitted wryly, “only those that are still seaworthy.” He leaned forward in his chair. “I am authorized to offer you a handsome profit if you will sell them to us.”

  Marcel smiled. “That is always good to hear. But I am not yet prepared to sell.”

  “What are you going to do with them? You haven’t yet reached an agreement on your leasing deal. And you’re surely not going to eat them.”

  Marcel was no longer casual. Apparently the American was well informed. “They will lease the ships.”

  “I have heard they won’t. I have heard they made a proposition to the Japanese to buy the ships after they’ve starved you out.”

  Marcel stared at him. So that was the reason they were taking so long in answering. “They won’t starve me out,” he said, more confidently than he felt. “I will find cargoes.”

  “How?” the American asked. “Here in Macao?”

  It was true. It was only small shipping that came here. The big cargoes went elsewhere. There was a saying on the wharfs: If it’s too big to be smuggled who needs it? Marcel took a deep breath. “I have agents in Hong Kong.”

  “You have nobody,” Hadley replied positively. “If you don’t make a deal with the Greeks you’ve had it. The Japs will have their ships back in two months.”

  “In that case why don’t you go to them?”

  Hadley smiled. “Because we want to make sure we get the ships. I’d rather make a bum deal with you and get them than take a chance on the Japanese.”

  “You speak frankly.”

  “It’s the only way we do business. My boss has no patience with devious schemes. He goes after what he wants.”

  Marcel nodded. He knew the reputation of the owner of American Freight Lines. A poor Boston Irishman, he had fought his way up to gain control of many companies and he had amassed tremendous wealth. It was his ruthlessness and determination that gave his shipping line almost a freight monopoly to and from South America.

  Marcel tried to remember what else he had heard about James Hadley. In recent years it was said he had turned more and more to politics. He had become important in the political party that had just elected Roosevelt for a second term, and there was talk that the President would offer him an ambassadorship. Already he had represented the country at several important diplomatic negotiations, where he had only succeeded in creating an impression of complete vulgarity. But now he had two sons in his large family at Harvard and there was talk that he was softening. Like all the newly rich he had begun to think of entering the new world to which money alone would not admit him. The world of influence.

  Suddenly it dawned on Marcel that the man opposite him bore the same name. He picked up the card again. “You are related?”

  The American nodded. “We are first cousins.”

  “I see.”

  Hadley waited a moment, then, when Marcel did not continue, said, “Then you are determined not to sell your ships?” Marcel nodded.

  “In that case I have an alternative suggestion. We have fifty ships flying the American flag. We would like to transfer them to foreign registry for tax purposes. I propose that we pool them in a mutual company and register them in a country whose neutrality would be maintained in case of war. That way our ships would be assured of the freedom of the seas.”

  Marcel shook his head. “That is impossible. They would still be known as your ships.”

  Hadley looked at him shrewdly. “Not if we sold them to you. Our interest would be vested in a Swiss corporation.”

  “But what country could we register them in? Swiss registry would never stand up.”

  “You spent many years as assistant in the Corteguayan consulate in Paris.”

  Again Marcel stared. The Americans were much shrewder than he had thought. “But Corteguay already has an agreement with the De Coyne interests.”

  “And what have they to show for it?” Hadley asked scornfully. “Four lousy ships when twenty would not be enough!”

  “Still they do have an agreement.”

  “How long do you think that agreement would stand up if we pointed out to their president the advantages of doing business with us?” Hadley retorted. “Politicians are the same all over the world.”

  For the first time in a long while Marcel thought about the dead consul. Jaime Xenos had wanted something like this for his country more than anything else in the world. Still, this would have horrified him. But the American was right. There were not many with the integrity of Dax’s father.

  “How would you get to el Presidente?” Marcel asked. “I was merely a clerk in the consulate. I would have absolutely no influence.”

  “Leave that to us,” Hadley replied with assurance. “All I need from you is an agreement in principle.” He got to his feet. “I’m going back to Hong Kong on the afternoon boat. Think it over. I’ll be at the Peninsula Hotel for a few days if you should want to get in touch with me.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  They shook hands and Marcel stared thoughtfully at the door after Hadley left. He knew why Hadley was remaining in Hong Kong—to talk with the Japanese about the ships. He was taking no chances, whatever Marcel’s decision might be.

  Suddenly Marcel cursed. Somewhere along the line something had gone wrong. It had to be something he had never suspected. Angrily his fist hit the desk. Damn the Greeks! The old saying that you could never trust one was absolutely true. Already they were trying to stab him in the back. And if it hadn’t been for him, they would never have had a chance at the ships at all.

  The house was unusually quiet when he came home that night. Even Jade Lotus seemed subdued as she took off his shoes and brought him his slippers. When she brought his evening aperitif he asked, “Are you all right?”

  She seemed pale. He looked at her thoughtfully. He knew better than to question her. Suddenly she spoke no French at all, only Chinese, and he would learn absolutely nothing. Besides, he had grown very fond of this quiet lovely girl he had bought.

  He remembered the day he had brought her home. His other wives were already there, lined up in the doorway to welcome her. He had thought they might be jealous—of her beauty, of the fact that she came from a better family. But much to his surprise it proved to be exactly the opposite. They exclaimed happily over her beauty and deligh
ted in the profusion of her fine clothing. They clustered around her, squealing in their singsong high-pitched voices, “Welcome, sister. Welcome, sister.”

  That night when he entered his bedroom there were fresh flowers in the vase near the window, and incense burned fragrantly in front of the smiling Buddha. There were even new silk sheets on his bed. He had just begun to undress when there was a sound behind him and he found himself surrounded by his three other wives.

  Laughing and giggling, they undressed him, then pushed him naked between the sheets. Motioning for him to stay there, they left the room and in a moment he heard the sound of a lyre, plucked softly. It came closer and closer. Soon it was outside his door. He turned as the door opened.

  Jade Lotus came in first. He could do nothing but stare at her. He had never seen anyone more beautiful. Her hair hung softly around her face, her eyes appeared jet black. The diaphanous silk gown she wore clung to her figure, revealing a body resembling gleaming ivory. She moved slowly toward him on mincing feet. Behind her came the other wives. One was playing a tiny lyre, another carried a bowl of sweetmeats and candied fruit peels, the third bore a decanter of wine. Jade Lotus stopped in front of the bed, her eyes cast down modestly.

  The sweets and the wine were put down quickly on the small table next to the bed, then the two other wives turned to Jade Lotus. Slowly they drew the gown over her head and she stood completely nude. Then they turned to him and pulled back the sheet. Still she stood there, her eyes cast down modestly. “Come, my sister,” one of them said softly. “Sit by your husband.”

  Without looking, Jade Lotus delicately perched on the edge of the bed. He could see a tiny pulse beating in her throat and the soft puckering of the pink nipples on her breasts. He felt a stirring within him but still Jade Lotus did not look at him.

  “Look, my sister,” the other wife said happily. “See how you please your husband?”

  But Jade Lotus still would not look at him. Impatiently one of the other wives took her hand and placed it upon him. The soft warm touch of her suddenly completed his erection. He reached up to turn her face toward him, and suddenly they were alone.

  For a moment her eyes looked into his, then she spoke. “I am afraid to look, my husband,” she whispered. “I have heard that Western men are like giants in their parts.”

  “Is that what the others told you?”

  She shook her head. “No, they are your wives, they would never be disloyal. They told me not to be afraid. They said the great size of your part only brought them greater joy and pleasure.”

  A pleasant sensation came over him. Suddenly he felt strong and powerful. He had never thought of himself as heavily endowed, though he had heard that Orientals were smaller. “Look at me.”

  She closed her eyes. “I am afraid.”

  “Look at me!” This time it was a command she dared not disobey. She opened her eyes and slowly turned her face downward. Suddenly her eyes stopped and her breath caught. “I will die,” she said, “it will reach into me and stab my heart.”

  Suddenly he was angry. “Go then if you are still afraid. Send in one of the others.”

  He saw the pallor spread over her face. He would never know the fear that ran through her at that moment. The disgrace that she would bring to herself and to her family if she allowed him to send her away. “No, my husband. I am no longer afraid.”

  He laughed and reached up for her, but she stayed his hand. “I do not want you to strain yourself, my husband.”

  Moving quickly, she suddenly straddled him, one knee on either side of his hips. Then slowly, her hand guiding him, she lowered herself. She was dry and penetration was difficult. Again and again she drew back as the pain became too pressing.

  He saw her eyes squeeze tight and the tears began to roll down her cheeks. “Stop,” he said harshly.

  Her eyes flew open and she stared down at him. The fear in her eyes was too much for him. Gently he drew her down beside him. She seemed little more than a child.

  “Who told you to do it this way?”

  She hid her face in the pillow so that he might not see her shame. “My mother,” she whispered. “It is the only way to absorb Westerners, she says, otherwise they will tear you apart.”

  He stroked her long black hair. “That’s not true. Come, I will show you.”

  He began to kiss and caress her and when he was finally inside even he was surprised at the surge of her passion. And she had come to be his favorite because there was nothing she wouldn’t do to bring him pleasure in her frenzy of excitement. Now she stood before him silent and pale as he sipped at his aperitif. “I will have my dinner and then go back to the casino. I have work to do.”

  She nodded and left the room silently. A moment later he heard a wail from the kitchen, then the sound of angry words. He had just started for the kitchen when she appeared in the doorway.

  Her face was pale and there was a hint of tears in her eyes. “I apologize for the disturbance, my husband.”

  He stared at her. “What the hell is wrong?”

  She didn’t answer.

  “Well, if you won’t tell me I’ll find out for myself.”

  Suddenly all his wives were in the room. They were all crying. Jade Lotus took one look at them and it was more than she could bear. She began to weep too.

  Bewildered, he looked from one to the other. “Which one of you will tell what is wrong?”

  At this the other wives began to wail even louder. Jade Lotus flung herself at his knees. “Don’t go to the casino tonight. Don’t leave the house.”

  “Why not?” he asked angrily. “What the hell has got into all of you?”

  “The Tong Minh has already passed the word that you are a dead man.”

  “What?” He was incredulous. “How do you know?”

  “This came.” Jade Lotus got up and took a box from a closet and opened it. It was filled with white silk. “What’s that?”

  “Enough silk to make four mourning dresses. It is the custom of the tongs, so the wife is not caught unprepared for widowhood.”

  “When did you get this?”

  “This afternoon. A messenger came from Kuo Minh and left it at our door.”

  A cold fear began to run through him. “I’ll have to get out of here. I’ll go to the police.”

  “What good will that do?” Jade Lotus asked. “You will be dead before you get there. Already they have men watching the house.”

  “There was no one outside when I came in.”

  “They hid themselves. Come, look.”

  He followed her to a window and peered out through the corner of the shade where she lifted it. A man stood in a doorway across the street, another down the block by the lamppost. He dropped the shade. “I’ll telephone the police. They will come and get me.”

  But the telephone was dead. The wires had been cut. Marcel felt a sinking despair. They had thought of everything. “It must be a mistake. Why didn’t they kill me when I came home?”

  “Without giving your wives a chance to bid you farewell?” Jade Lotus’ voice was shocked. “They are not savages.”

  For a moment he thought he was going to be sick, then he pulled himself together. “There must be a way to get out of here.”

  There was no answer. Angrily he turned and went back into the living room. He pulled open a drawer of the desk and took out the revolver he kept there as protection against prowlers. The cold metal was oddly reassuring though he had never even fired a gun before.

  His wives came into the room. Jade Lotus whispered something to them in rapid Chinese. One by one they nodded, then she turned to him. “There is one way.”

  He looked at her, startled. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  “We did not want to see you become a murderer,” she said simply. “It is bad enough that the Tong says you are a thief.”

  He couldn’t meet the look in her eyes. “What makes them say such a thing?”

  “A letter came from the one who
was at the casino before you. It claims you did not give them all the money you got for their poppy.”

  Now it was clear to him. Why the Greeks were so sure that they would get the ships. They would be returned to the Japanese because of the unpaid balance after his death.

  “How can I get away?” he asked almost humbly.

  “We have been instructed to leave the house before ten o’clock. One of us will remain here. You will leave wearing her clothes.”

  “Which one of you?”

  “I will remain,” Jade Lotus said. “I am the number-one wife, it is my duty. Besides, I am the one nearest to you in size. I even walk like you.”

  He stared at her. “But won’t you be in danger? What will they do when they find you instead of me?”

  “I will be in no danger,” she said quietly.

  But all that night on the little Portuguese smuggler taking him to Hong Kong Marcel would not allow himself to think about her. Or the expression on her pale face as she had watched him go out the door with the three other wives.

  It wasn’t until late the next night, after the meeting with Hadley at the hotel in Hong Kong, that he woke in his stateroom feeling the throb of the heavy engines. He was on an American freighter bound for its home port in the United States.

  “Jade Lotus!” he cried out into the dark. He could see her face and the terrible knowledge in it. That leaving her in his stead had condemned her to death.

  Many years later, when he was very rich and there had been many women, he would come to think of her only as the prettiest of the four Chinese girls whom he had bought in Macao.

  But that night he cried out her name.

  And he wept for the cowardice that had made him flee.

  And for her.


  “I’d like Dax to stay with us here in Boston until he finds a place of his own,” Robert said when his sister came down to breakfast.

  Caroline hesitated. “But that means his man stays, too. The one who’s always with him.”


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