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Enemies in Love [High-Country Shifters 4]

Page 14

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “I’m good.”

  She put on her clothes for gardening. According to Rein who actually had been outside of late, it was getting cooler outside. She slipped on a top over her skirt and headed out.

  The tram ride nearly lulled her asleep, but once she actually stepped foot into the fresh air, her body perked up. Maybe she should have come out here a while ago. Getting her fingers dirty would hopefully boost her spirit.

  When she got to the garden, she was sorry to see that the weeds had sprung up again, making her wonder if her mom had even come out here. Part of the garden had finished blooming and would need to be tilled. No time like the present, she supposed.

  Clouds moved in from the east and made her chore easier. Sometimes the heat zapped her energy. She was halfway through plowing the field when the hairs on her body stood up and her stomach flipped. Her pussy actually clenched in anticipation, but she pushed aside the thrill, believing she must have been daydreaming and only imagined her men were there.

  Look to your right.

  Words she hadn’t mentally spoken ran into her head. She jerked around and looked. She blinked. She screamed.

  Henla dropped the rake and ran as fast as she could across the field. Her two men met her halfway. She didn’t know whose arms were around her, nor could she catalogue the sensations knifing through her body from all the kisses, but she knew she’d been born again.

  When she finally caught her breath, she leaned back. “Let me look at you two.”

  Kranor appeared as if he’d lost weight, but she bet if he were naked, she’d love how his muscles stood out even more. Jude, too, looked tired. She held up a hand. “If you ever walk out of my life again, I’m going to traipse across wolf territory, bringing as many lions as I can find, and command them to tear your throats out.”

  Kranor picked her up and spun her around. “I missed you, too, little one.”

  “Okay, talk.”

  Still holding her above the ground he nuzzled her neck. “You smell so good.” He thrust his hips forward, and his cock pressed into her stomach. “Talking is overrated. We want to bring you to our home. For good.”

  Those words caused shivers to prickle her entire body. She wiggled and he set her on her feet. “How do I know that once I get there you won’t send me home?”

  Jude stepped behind her and drew her against his chest. An involuntary moan escaped from her lips, and her pussy got so wet a few drops trickled down her thigh.

  “We promise to answer all of your questions, but all we can think about is packing your pretty, pink pussy and your delicious ass with our cocks. Would you like that?”

  “Can men shift?”

  They both laughed, and her nipples pebbled from the wonderful sound. “Call your mom to let her know all is right in life. Tell her that we promise she’ll see you soon.”

  Not wanting to ever let them out of her sight, she grabbed their hands and dragged them back to the garden, where she had her phone and her backpack full of necessities. She made the call. This wouldn’t be something her mom would want to hear, especially since she was feeling so poorly. However, when she learned her daughter would be happy for the rest of her life, she’d get over it.

  “How did it go?” her mom asked without prompting.


  “I had this premonition that today something special was going to happen. That’s why I pretended to be sick.”

  She couldn’t believe it. “You are a sly one.” In the past she might have been upset with her mother, but right now she was so deliriously joyous that nothing was going to spoil her excitement. She told her about the men coming and how they’d asked her to move in with them.

  “Are you happy?”

  “Beyond happy.”

  “Then go with them but keep in touch.”

  “I will. Love you.”

  After a few more promises, she disconnected. She stuffed the probably useless phone in her backpack and handed the bag to Jude as Kranor was already carrying one. He’d insist on carrying it anyway. “I’m ready.”

  She knew the trip would take three or four hours depending on how often they stopped. “So why did you decide to come now?” She was proud that she kept her voice even and without accusation. In truth, she couldn’t understand why they’d waited so long. Weren’t they sure that they loved her?

  Stop doing this. Enjoy them.

  This time she knew she’d originated the thoughts. Knowing how intuitive they were, she kept her gaze on the tall trees, the leafy ferns, and the patches of flowers that were in the process of shutting down for winter so they wouldn’t pick up on her thoughts.

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” Kranor said. After two hours, he stopped and pulled off his pack. “I think we should eat. You, little one, need food.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Just say it. I’m too skinny.”

  “As am I, but in a few weeks we will both have more reserve on our bodies.”

  She liked the way he worded that. He handed her a sandwich. Not bothering to check the contents, she bit into it. “Mmm. This is divine.”

  “We have a friend, Gernac, who is an amazing cook. He insisted on preparing our food for the trip,” Jude said.

  She caught the glint in eye. She’d never heard either one of them speak of many friends. She suspected Tamor, the good doctor, was one, but since she couldn’t spot any neighbors, she figured they weren’t much into socializing.

  They finished eating quickly as all three of them were eager to get to their destination. Given the speed with which Kranor was walking, and how much she had to pay attention not to trip, she chose not to question again the reason for their visit. The fact they wanted her to stay with them was good enough for her. It would give her time to talk some sense into them about their future.

  She recalled a pretty overlook area where they’d stopped to admire the view on their first trip to their home. This time it was as if they had a time deadline and had to get back.

  After three hours, her legs were getting tired. Normally she could go many hours, but these last weeks had caused her to grow weak. She refused to complain, however.

  Through the trees she caught sight of what looked like the beginnings of a small town. Had they walked right into the thick of wolf territory on purpose? She stopped and Jude nearly ran into her.

  “Sugar? What’s wrong?”

  “What are we doing here?”

  Both men faced her and grinned. Kranor took hold of her shoulders and focused his gaze on her. She swore he could see into her soul.

  “I left the first time because I loved you enough to let you go. I knew you wouldn’t be happy living in a house so far from anyone. If you spent the hour walking into town, I feared some bullies might be mean to you.”

  His attitude was beginning to piss her off again. “I think I deserved a say-so in what I wanted or didn’t want.” They weren’t making any sense.

  “You’re totally right, but we came to our senses.” He shot his glance at Jude. “Rather, I came to my senses. I realized that by living alone, I was hurting the one I loved the most, so I built you a town.”

  Her jaw lowered. “A town?”

  Jude stepped closer and turned her around. “There are a lot of people who share our philosophy. Many hate that the wolves ruthlessly want to kill the bears and lions. Kranor bought four homes and asked the sympathizers to move in. He then built a town. True, we need some people to help run the stores, but it’s a start.”

  The whole concept boggled her mind. She threw her arms around Jude and kissed him. Then she spun around and did the same for Kranor, only he wouldn’t let her go.

  “Can you forgive me, little one?”

  “For what?”

  “For causing you so much pain? I should have known what to do sooner. We would have come for you before now, but I wanted to make more progress, to show you how much you mean to me. Telling you just wasn’t the same thing.”

  So he was feeling guilty, huh. “You o
we me big time.” She stepped back and crossed her arms, hoping she looked fierce.

  Sadness swam in his eyes. She almost broke and told him she was only kidding, but the man did deserve some penance.

  “What can we do to make it up to you?”

  From his hangdog expression, he still didn’t get it. “I want you two to fuck me until I scream your names so loud that every one of your new neighbors comes running to see why you’re both torturing me.”

  Kranor’s eyes brightened, and then he laughed so hard tears dripped down his face. “Jude, you up for a little exercise?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  Kranor dipped his shoulder and gently tucked it under her belly. Her feet lifted off the ground in a second. She beat on his back. “Put me down.”

  “Not on your life.”

  All the way to their house, which seemed forever away, Jude massaged her ass and Kranor ran a hand up her inner thigh. Workers were still installing the homes and she bet they were all staring at her ass.

  Only after they were inside the house did they set her down. The place smelled of flowers and polish, but there was a hint of something else.

  Jude pulled her close. “We bought you a present.”

  She loved presents. “What is it?”

  Kranor raced to the back of the house and opened one of the doors. A puppy raced out, his legs slipping on the floor and his tongue hanging out. It was if they were made for each other because the dog raced right toward her.

  “He’s adorable.” She dropped to her haunches and gave the big, floppy dog a hug. “What kind is he?”

  “She’s a lanoger.”

  “I’ve never seen one before, but I love her.”

  Kranor pulled her up to a stand. He then took her hand and placed it on his covered cock. “Can we play with her later? I’m so desperate, I’m not sure I’ll be able to survive for long.”

  As soon as her hand felt his bulge, her mind blanked. As much as she wanted to bestow all the love and care on her new dog, nothing was going to stop her from loving her men. “Yes. Later.” She looked down at the eager puppy. “I promise I’ll take you out as soon as I love my men.”

  The puppy barked as if she understood what that meant.

  This time it was Jude who lifted her up and carried her down the long hallway. Kranor pushed open the door, and he led her inside a room she’d never noticed before. It wasn’t either of their bedrooms. The room was bathed in a red glow from the three standing lamps. What looked like a swing set sat at the far end of the room, only there were no attached swings, just the crossbar. In place of the swings were straps hanging from the rod. Her body shivered but didn’t tense.

  “What is this place?”

  Jude stepped behind her and ran his callused palms down her arms. His light touch made the hairs on her arms tickle. He nuzzled her neck. “It’s a place where we can love you. We want to spend the rest of our lives together. By both of us making love with you, we will be bound. Do you want that?”

  There was no hesitation. “Yes.” She understood the mating ritual.

  Kranor unsnapped his pants. “What you are about to experience will be the most exciting night of your life. Nothing we do is meant to hurt you. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, you tell us to stop.”

  She glanced at the wooden structure then at the table that contained some devices she’d never seen before. Her whole life had been spent doing what others expected of her, but she never let herself be totally free. With Kranor and Jude she could do just that.


  In thinking about the fabulous things they were about to do together, her pussy contracted.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kranor peeled off his pants after he kicked his shoes into the corner. She would have told him she wanted to undress him, but watching how he jerked them down his legs spoke volumes for how much he wanted her. His unintentional striptease made her nipples harden into pinpoints.

  Jude pinched one. “Look at that. She likes what you’re doing, Kranor.”

  “She’s going to like it better when I cram my cock into her pussy and pound at her until she comes so many times she’ll lose count.”

  She giggled, knowing he liked to talk dirty to excite her. “You should be happy I’m not insisting I tie you up and lick your cock until you cry.”

  Jude guffawed. “Sugar, I would give anything to see you try.”

  “If I didn’t think you’d shift just to get out of my grasp, I would. Maybe to punish you both I won’t suck on your cocks.” She really didn’t think the reverse psychology would work, but she’d never know if she didn’t try.

  Kranor advanced, his dick hard and erect. “Oh, you’ll suck my cock if I tell you to.”

  He might have tried to act tough, but with the way his gaze latched on to her tits, he was on the edge of losing control. She reached out to touch his bulge when he stepped out of the way.

  “I say how this is going to go down.”

  Having him take control thrilled her. Jude leaned over her back. “Are you okay with being one hundred percent obedient?”

  She’d always been a rule follower, but giving up all her rights had her pulse racing and her juices flowing. “Yes.” Their lovemaking had been incredibly intense when they tied her to the stakes up on the ridge. Not having any control would ratchet up her desire.

  Jude kissed her neck. “We have some presents for you that I know you’ll like. Everything we are about to do with you is for your pleasure.”

  She loved the smooth timbre of his voice. It reminded her of the richest coffee in the world. She nodded, and Jude lowered her skirt.

  “Step out of it.”

  He picked up the material, folded her skirt as if it were spun from the most precious mineral, and placed it on the dresser. She was naked except for her panties.

  Kranor advanced. “String her up.”

  “What are—”

  “Do not speak.” Kranor loomed over her. Had there been more light in the room, she might have been able to tell his intention better.

  We love you. Don’t forget it.

  She shook her head at the thoughts that just appeared in her mind. It was so incredible, not only the words, but the fact they could calm her with their love.


  “Oh, sugar, you are in for it now. Never disobey Kranor. We will have to punish you.”

  That was not fair. She didn’t deserve to be punished. Wait a minute. She remembered the wonderful spanking she’d received up on the mountain. “Okay.”

  Jude stepped in front of her and shook his head. “If we are ever going to be able to please you, I’m afraid you can’t speak until we ask you to. Do you understand?”

  He dragged a knuckle down her cheek. Instead of stopping, he continued his travels over her chin, neck, throat, and stopped an inch from her nipple. She inhaled, pressing her tits out farther, hoping he’d caress her hardened peaks.

  She loved how he played the kind one to Kranor’s dominant persona, but sometimes he was an even bigger tease. She nodded again. Since she’d silently promised, she was surprised when Kranor drew a cloth across her mouth. While the gag was soft and truly didn’t inhibit her from more or less talking, garbled though it might have been, it would serve as a reminder not to speak. When he tied the knot and tugged, she never expected her belly to tighten and electric shocks to ripple through her pussy. In a million years, she wouldn’t have guessed being gagged and controlled would turn her on. Then again, she never would have imagined ending up with such virile men who knew how to excite her to near insanity.

  “Don’t move,” Kranor said. “I want to look at you.”

  She was thankful he did more than look. He lightly pinched each of her nipples. The first touch set her skin on fire. Jude slid behind her and lifted her hair with one hand while he lowered her panties with the other. His gentle kisses were like having sunlight pour over her body and cool liquid quench her thirst on a hot day. His hand cupped her rea
r and then lightly tapped her ass. His touch spoke of a promise to conquer.

  Kranor must have told Jude to move out of the way because he latched onto her waist and moved her backward. Metal clicked, and each lifted an arm and gently tied a rope around her wrist. Her arms still dangled by her side, confusing her as to the purpose of tying her up in the first place. When both men dropped to their knees in apparent supplication more rolling spasms tightened her vaginal walls. Kranor dragged a hand down her leg then kissed her thigh.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  Thank you.

  Jude was on her other side. He looked up and smiled as if the transmitted message had been received.

  Soon her ankles were tied with a different rope and attached to the wooden contraption. Both took every opportunity to touch a part of her body and kiss her at will. Their loving made her heart grow larger. She tried to conjure up what they had in store, but she couldn’t, which only added to the excitement.

  Making love to Kranor and Jude at the same time would bond them together, and she wanted that.

  The men pulled the rope around her ankles tight, forcing her to spread her legs wide and expose her pussy. The thought of one of their hard cocks impaling her caused her honey to drip, and she mumbled something.

  Both men jumped up. Kranor grabbed a handful of her hair hanging below the gag and tugged her head back. While he had a tight hold, his gentleness was apparent.

  “Jude, I think she’s asking for a spanking.”

  By now her eyes had adjusted to the dark room and she could see how his eyes sparkled. Their playfulness was one of the many things she loved about both of them.

  Since she had a lot of give in the rope she leaned over and held on to the rope for support. Aha! That’s why they’d given her slack.

  Both men laughed. Kranor rubbed her ass, hopefully getting her prepared for the heat.

  “Not yet. Jude has a surprise for you that will help bring you to climax sooner.”

  Like I need help? Her pussy was dripping already.

  Jude stepped over to the dresser. A few items sat on top, but he blocked most of them from her view. Paper ripped. His elbows jutted back as if he were tearing open a package. Jude turned around and beamed. In his hand was something that looked like an ancient torture device.


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