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The Shearer's Wife

Page 26

by Fleur McDonald

  ‘You know what I’m talking about.’ Melissa leaned forward too and looked him straight in the eye. ‘Please. I’m desperate.’

  ‘I’m not sure. I mean, you said no last time. What’s happened to make you change your mind.’

  Her hands were still shaking when she lifted the cup to her mouth. ‘Nothing.’

  ‘I don’t think I believe that.’

  ‘Spritz, please. Tell me what I have to do.’

  He regarded her, then leaned back and tapped the table. ‘Not until you tell me why the change of heart.’

  ‘I told you. I need money.’

  ‘For what?’

  ‘My little girl. She needs to go to a different school when she gets a bit older. I want to do that for her. Mum won’t be able to afford it.’

  ‘You been speaking to your family?’

  Melissa shook her head. ‘It was her birthday last week and I just got thinking about later, that’s all. The halfway house doesn’t pay much.’

  ‘Careful,’ Dave warned, but he didn’t see Melissa respond to his voice.

  ‘What about something else?’ Spritz said, his voice changing. ‘You’ve turned out pretty good since you’ve got off the gear. Don’t really even look like you’ve had a kid. I might be able to get you into one of the family’s stables instead. You’ve put a few pounds on around your tits, which is helpful. I could get that sorted for you, bitch.’

  ‘No, Spritz, I don’t want to go on the game. That’ll just lead me back to the drugs and I don’t want to do that. Worked too hard and long to get clean. I’d rather the other way.’

  Spritz leaned back and hooked his elbow over the back of the chair, a cruel smile on his lips.

  ‘I wouldn’t be telling me what your options are, love. As I see it, you’re a half-fucked druggie without options. Selling your arse on the street will earn you money. Take it or leave it.’

  ‘Hold on,’ Dave said to Jack. ‘She’s getting angry. Get everyone on alert.’

  ‘I can’t go that low again,’ Melissa said, her tone cold. ‘Look, you asked me before you left if I would do some work for you. You know, receiving packages. I’m here saying I will.’

  ‘Yeah, well, I got that sorted. Got myself a few people who were happy to earn some bucks from collecting and passing the stuff on. And they just do it out of the goodness of their heart. So, why should I let you in now? Everything is working pretty well without you.’

  ‘Come on, Spritz, you and me? We’ve always been mates, you know.’ She leaned forward, running her fingers through her hair. ‘I know you’ve always had a thing for me. I won’t go on the streets for you, but maybe we can work something out on a personal level?’

  Dave drew in a breath as he watched a lustful expression cross Spritz’s face. He licked his lips and leaned over the table to cup Melissa’s breast.

  ‘Yeah, a bit of weight has done you good, bitch,’ he said, staring at her chest.

  Melissa drew her shoulders back and pushed her breasts into his hands. ‘I need some sort of guarantee that you’ll help me.’

  Spritz’s thumbs felt their way across her nipples. Dave wondered how she could stand to let him touch her. He knew how much she hated this man; Melissa was a great actress.

  ‘I’ll give you a guarantee: you do what I want and I’ll cut you into my supply chain. You don’t, and I’ll cut your fucking throat and dump you in the river where all good whores end up.’

  ‘Come on. I need to know I’ll get something for my kid.’

  Spritz gave a cold smile. ‘Don’t worry about your mum and the kid. I’ve got them taken care of.’

  Fury crossed Melissa’s face and she reared back. ‘What the fuck do you mean?’

  ‘Oh, come on, you’ve taken your nice titties away. Bring them back over here where I can reach them, while I tell you a bedtime story.’

  ‘What have you done to them?’

  Dave held his breath.

  ‘When you declined my kind offer I made your mother an offer she couldn’t refuse. She collects my packages and sends them on without question and I let you live and that brat of yours doesn’t get hooked on meth.’ He smiled. ‘It all works rather well.’

  Melissa half rose. ‘You bastard,’ she hissed.

  ‘Got him,’ said Dave.

  ‘Good to go?’ asked Jack.

  ‘No, just wait a minute. See what else he offers up.’

  ‘Burrows,’ the Assistant Commissioner warned, ‘go in now while everything is still okay.’

  ‘Just hold a minute,’ Dave held up his hand.

  ‘Business is business, bitch. You made the choice not to have me in the halfway house, so I took the next option. Believe me, some old nan with a grandkid in the back of nowhere is a far better mule than some strung-out ex-whore like you. Worked pretty well until the Feds got wind of it.’ ‘What do you mean, “the Feds”?’

  ‘They caught poor old Essie with a delivery last month. She’s been smart enough to keep her mouth shut and I don’t think she’ll ever say anything. She knows how far and wide my family is spread and I made it clear that anything from her to the police will see that kid of yours selling her arse on the street by the time she’s eight. And she’ll be hooked because I will have made her that way.’

  ‘Don’t get angry. Stay focused.’ Dave said into her earpiece and pushed his own mic away from his mouth, indicating to the technician to shut it off for the moment. ‘Get the STAR team up on audio,’ he instructed. ‘And get a fucking ambulance too.’

  A flick of the switch and a nod indicated he was clear to talk.

  ‘Stand by, boys,’ he told them.

  On the video screen, Melissa raised her hand and slapped Spritz across the cheek.

  Instantly, Spritz threw himself across the table and grabbed Melissa by the throat and squeezed hard.

  ‘That’s disrespectful, bitch.’

  ‘Go, go, go, boys!’ Dave shouted to the STAR team.

  Spritz pushed Melissa against the wall, as a waitress yelled out, ‘Hey!’

  ‘Remember you came to me and I offered you a way out. But I don’t do business with people who disrespect me. I’m gonna make your kid wish she’d never been born.’

  Dave, Jack, the Assistant Commissioner and technician all leaned towards the screen and watched as five men dressed in black gear and bulletproof vests raced in through the cafe door, towards the back booth, and grabbed hold of Spritz’s jacket, pulling him off Melissa. Jack heard Spritz say, ‘What the fuck?’

  ‘Get on the floor! Get on the floor!’

  Spritz looked up at Melissa. ‘You fucking whore, you set me up?’

  The men sat on Spritz’s back, forcing his face against the floor and pulling his hands behind his back.

  Melissa sagged against the back of the booth, crying and gasping for breath. Somehow, she managed to slide out of the booth until she was standing over him. ‘Don’t ever threaten a mama lion’s cub,’ she said. ‘You’ll always come off second best.’ Her knees buckled and one of the STAR team caught her and led her out.

  Jack stared at the screen, a grin spreading over his face. ‘Go Melissa,’ he said.

  ‘Secured,’ the voice of the STAR commander came through and Dave leaned back, sighing with relief. He wiped his forehead with his hanky and grinned. ‘That girl has got some guts. Get the ambos to her as quickly as you can.’

  The Assistant Commissioner stood up and held out his hand. ‘Well done, Burrows. Good to see that went without a hitch.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘And the family? Are they all safe? There will be repercussions from this. The Esperitzo family won’t take this lying down. From the research we’ve done we know he’s Manuel’s golden boy.’

  ‘If he’s the best they’ve got, then they’re fucked anyway,’ Jack said. ‘What type of criminal would spill the beans like that, out in the open and so quickly.’

  The Assistant Commissioner looked at him. ‘Son, if you want a bit of advice, don’t turn out lik
e Burrows here. He rides too close to the wind too often, and you’re sounding like him now.’ He turned to leave the van. ‘Make sure that girl and her family are looked after.’

  ‘We will. The mother and granddaughter are at a safe house as we speak. I dropped them there this morning.’

  The Assistant Commissioner stared at Dave and shook his head, before walking out.

  Jack and Dave looked at each other before letting out their breath.

  ‘Good job, Jack,’ Dave said.

  ‘No, mate, that’s for you.’ He held out his hand. ‘And for the record: despite what the AC says, when I grow up I want to be just like you.’

  Chapter 35

  Jack opened the door to the safe house and ushered Melissa inside. Dave brought up the rear, making sure no one was watching them.

  The house was quiet and Dave frowned.

  ‘Essie?’ he called out. ‘You here?’

  No answer.

  Dave and Jack exchanged glances. Dave grabbed Melissa’s arm and pulled her behind him. ‘Clear the house,’ he said to Jack.

  As Jack got out his gun, Melissa gasped. ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘Shh,’ Dave instructed, his tone hard. ‘Kim and Zara should be here by now too,’ he said in a low voice.

  Jack crept along the wall to the open door and looked in.

  ‘Clear,’ he nodded and continued through the rest of the house.

  Dave got out his mobile phone and dialled Kim’s number. He listened as it switched straight to voicemail, then he tried Zara’s, with the same result.

  ‘House is clear,’ Jack said, coming back into the hallway.

  ‘They’re not here?’


  ‘What’s going on?’ Melissa looked from one to the other. ‘Where are they?’

  ‘Watch Melissa,’ Dave said to Jack, ignoring her questions. ‘Keep your eyes open.’ He walked outside and looked around, his phone to his ear again.

  ‘Simms. It’s Burrows,’ he said.

  ‘Hear you had a take down. Well done.’ Simms didn’t sound as if he meant it.

  ‘Where are Essie and Paris Carter?’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Simms sounded alert. ‘I organised the house and you took them there.’

  ‘Yeah, I did. They’re not here now, and neither are Kim and Zara. They should’ve been. Kim texted when they left Barker over five hours ago. Everyone should be here, tucked in safely.’ His voice rose with concern. ‘Where are your boys? I thought they were watching them.’

  ‘They were. They are. I’ll make a call.’

  The line went dead.

  ‘Fuck,’ Dave said, running his hands over his hair. What could have happened here? He went back inside and carefully examined the door. The lock didn’t look forced.

  ‘Check the rest of the house for signs of a break-in,’ he said to Jack.

  ‘Shit, surely they haven’t got to them?’ Jack asked.

  ‘I don’t fucking know. You can see the house is empty as well as I can. I instructed them not to go anywhere. Kim and Zara should be here too.’

  Jack looked at Dave without expression. ‘No.’

  ‘Come on, look.’

  ‘Where’s Mum and Paris?’ Melissa asked, coming into the lounge room. She was scratching nervously at her arm.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Dave answered honestly.

  He pulled on a pair of gloves and ran his fingers along the window sills, looking for an entry point. Nothing.

  His phone rang.


  ‘They were watching them but got called off by someone. I don’t know how this has happened.’

  ‘You’re kidding me? I swear, if they’re in any trouble …’ Dave snapped. ‘How could you have fucked this up?’

  ‘I’m bringing the agents in now to find out what’s going on. I’ll send you as many guys as you need to find them.’

  ‘You wanna hope it’s not too late when we do, Simms. And you thought I was fucking past it.’ Dave took a breath and tried to push his anger and fear away. ‘Kim and Zara, they haven’t arrived either. Get someone to check the cameras along the main drag to Adelaide. Find out where they were last seen on the road. Is there CCTV around this area?’

  Dave heard the keyboard clicking as Simms brought up the information.

  ‘Cameras on the corner of the street just below where you are. I’ll pull the footage. What’s the numberplate I’m looking for on the road?’

  Dave reeled it off. ‘I’m bringing Melissa in to you,’ he said finally. ‘She needs to be safe and out of the investigation.’

  ‘I’ll make arrangements for her.’

  Without answering, Dave hung up.

  Frowning, he turned to find Jack and saw Melissa watching him. ‘Spritz’s family have got them, haven’t they?’ said Melissa, as the colour drained from Jack’s face. ‘I’ve done all this for nothing.’

  ‘We don’t know that, Melissa,’ Dave answered, going to her. It took every ounce of self-control he had not to let his personal feelings take over. He had to maintain his copper’s dissociation from the case. He couldn’t worry about Kim and Zara as a husband and friend, only as a detective. He kept his voice calm and steady. ‘We can’t make assumptions; we have to go with evidence. There is no evidence here to suggest they’ve been kidnapped. The house hasn’t been broken into and I haven’t found any sign of forced entry.

  ‘Yes, obviously their disappearance could have something to do with the family because word on the street travels fast and they would know by now that we have Spritz in custody.

  ‘But let’s get you to the AFP office where you’ll be safe, and then Jack and I can get on the case and find them. I’m hoping it’s just a small thing, like Essie hasn’t understood the seriousness of the situation and they’ve gone for a walk.’ He patted her shoulder. ‘Come on, let’s get you in the car and over to Simms. Now.’

  In the conference room, Simms brought up images of Kim’s car.

  Dave and Jack watched as a white van drove in front of them on a corner and skewed in front of Kim’s Toyota Kluger, forcing her to a stop.

  Two men jumped from the van and opened the driver’s and passenger’s doors simultaneously, dragging Kim and Zara from their seats and piling them into the back of the van.

  One man got in the back with them and the other ran to the driver’s seat and pulled away, the van fishtailing as it sped off.

  ‘A report was made by the next car passing and the locals have been out there assessing the scene since. That was—’ Simms glanced at his paperwork ‘—four hours ago.’

  Dave’s fists were clenched alongside his body. ‘Four-hour head start.’ He felt sick, watching Kim fight the man who was dragging her away. A sidelong glance at Jack told him that he was feeling the same about Zara. ‘I don’t know how this could’ve happened, Simms. I swear, if anything happens to them …’

  ‘We’re on it now. I’ve traced the van to the last lot of cameras, which is here.’ He brought up another live camera feed on an intersection in the city. ‘They passed through here about two hours ago, which works timing-wise from where they were abducted.

  ‘Now, if you look at this …’ He clicked to another screen: a white, nondescript van was parked outside the safe house where Dave and Jack had just been.

  ‘I didn’t think there was a camera there.’

  ‘One was installed prior to Mrs Carter and her granddaughter arriving.’ He paused and looked down. ‘I wasn’t made aware of it until after your call came through.’

  ‘Communication working well in the Feds department then,’ Jack snapped, showing Dave just how on edge he was.

  Simms ignored his outburst and clicked across to another screen. ‘We don’t have footage of Mrs Carter and Paris being taken as the camera was disabled, but we do have a van matching this description leaving the tunnel and going through the same intersection half an hour ahead of the other van.

  ‘This road leads to an industrial area down on the w
harf and I am certain that’s where they’ve all been taken.’ He turned to Dave. ‘Now, you said that Mrs Carter told you that Spritz had threatened Paris?’

  ‘Yes. That he would drug her and inject her with heroin or meth or something to get her addicted. He also threatened that, and more, in the interaction with Melissa. Told Melissa he’d make Paris wish she’d never been born.’

  ‘We’ve found that the Esperitzo family owns a warehouse down there. I suspect that’s where they’re being held.’

  Jack started towards the door. ‘What are we waiting for then?’

  ‘Jack!’ Dave snapped. ‘Wait.’

  ‘We have men there now.’ Simms changed screens again, and this time the TV showed a live feed of men dressed in full protective gear, rifles held up and all wearing earpieces. He turned to Dave and Jack. ‘We don’t have eyes inside,’ he warned them. ‘We’re making an educated guess and with the urgency of the situation and four people’s lives in danger, we’re hoping that nothing goes wrong.’

  ‘What the fuck?’ Jack yelled. ‘You’re putting them all in worse danger!’

  Dave put a heavy hand on Jack’s shoulder and made him look at him. ‘There’ll be a reason. Stop and listen.’ He glared at Simms now. ‘There’d better be a damn good reason. My wife is in there. And a six-year-old child. You’ll never work again if something goes wrong with this sting.’

  Simms was pale but holding his ground. ‘Yesterday morning a notification came through from the Interpol comms system I-24/7.’

  Dave took an involuntary step towards Simms. ‘Interpol?’

  Nodding, Simms continued, his eyes on the screen. ‘The Esperitzo family has just been proved to have links to child smuggling. There is a boat arriving this week that we believe transports children.’


  All three men now had their eyes on the screen. Dave’s heart was beating much quicker than he would have liked. If child smuggling was the game, he knew that Kim, Zara and Essie would be murdered. Without a doubt. They would try to protect Paris and would go down in the process.

  Oh, Kim, he thought. You’re my world. His breathing quickened as the tinny voice of the commander came through the speaker.


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