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The Kwanzaa Brunch, a Holiday Novella

Page 6

by DL White

  “What would have happened if Anthony had let you be antisocial the other day?”

  “We wouldn’t have had to sit through that raggedy Kwanzaa brunch.”

  I felt Booker’s laugh through his chest. “And that ugly ass cake.”

  “I’m already looking forward to the Spread the Love lunch for Valentine’s Day. I hope Zo finds a new cake recipe.”

  Booker groaned. I laughed. “Oh my God, this is going to be fun.”



  * * *

  Sienna pried me from her bed about an hour before we were due to show up at Anthony’s house. I had to roll home, shower and change my clothes, so she came to my place and we would leave from there.

  I showed her around the sparsely decorated apartment, ignoring her mutterings of bachelor this and single guy that. Her place was decorated to the nines. I told her she could help me get my place together.

  I got her settled in the living room with the TV and headed to my bedroom, swinging the door closed behind me and headed to the bathroom. In the pocket of my jeans, my nearly dead phone buzzed. I pulled it out, using one hand to turn on the shower head and scrolling with the thumb of another.

  Calls upon calls upon calls from Tara. “You know what?” I muttered to myself. “Let’s dead this right now.” I clicked my tongue, then opened her contact card. I tapped block this caller, then tapped save.

  Then I went back to my call history and text messages and deleted every call and message from Tara. I was officially moving on.

  Next up: WhatsApp.

  Booker: Head.

  Greg: Ayyy. You just saying hey, or you serious?

  Booker: Yes. To both. *high five emoji* And that’s all I have to say about that.

  Jordan: What’s going on in here? Booker got head?

  Ryan: What up, Book?

  Booker: Let’s just say Tara is officially part of my past. I’m about to shower and hit this NYE party with my new girl.

  Ryan: Go off, young man. We get details later though, right?

  I laughed aloud.

  Booker: I think Sienna would be as happy about that as Nalah and Ayanna would be. So ask yourself that question again…. Let me know what answer you come up with.

  Jordan: Sucker. Pussy whipped ass sucker.

  Booker: Happy to join the ranks of the likes of you and Ryan. I gotta bounce. I’ll tell y’all more later, but she’s mad cool. And guess where she works? LOL.

  Ryan: BOOKER.

  Greg: Fuck is wrong with you man

  Jordan: Somebody didn’t learn his lesson.

  Booker: For real, though… I actually like Sienna. I’m serious, she’s cool. I told her all about Tara, the whole story.

  Ryan: And still… head?

  Booker: I gotta go. Y’all not gonna get me in trouble

  Booker: But yeah.

  Jordan: *reggae horns*

  Greg: I gotta get dressed. First date tonight. Hopefully I’ll have Book’s luck.

  Booker: Ay, y’all have a good night. This is gonna be a great year.

  Ryan: Back atcha, fool.

  * * *

  Sienna and I stood at the door of a sprawling home with perfectly cut emerald green blades of grass, stark white shutters around each window, and stately columns along the front porch. We were late, and it was my fault, and I didn’t regret a second of why. I’d come out of the shower to find Sienna sprawled across my bed and I couldn’t resist one more taste, so by the time we arrived, the street was lined with cars and the sounds of a party well underway filtered to my ears.

  “I look okay?” I tugged at the sleeve of my button-down shirt, open at the collar. I wore a lightweight wool vest over it and a new pair of jeans with sneakers.

  “Don’t worry about it,” said Sienna. “I’m literally wearing a sweater and leggings.”

  She looked cute though, in a cropped red sweater, skin tight leggings that made her curves pop and thigh high flat boots. I had enjoyed taking those off of her earlier in the day. I would enjoy taking them off again later that night.

  The front door swung open, the sounds of music and laughter spilling out of the opening. Anthony wore almost exactly what I was wearing, only a different shirt and vest. I immediately felt better about my attire.

  He had opened his mouth to say something, but froze as he took in the sight of Sienna and I. Together. Holding hands and probably radioactive, the afterglow was so potent.

  Then his smile returned. “Figures. The minute I told him he couldn’t have you, and told you you couldn’t have him, I knew you two would defy me and find each other. See? Matchmaking. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Whatever, Cupid,” Sienna said, brushing past him.

  I bumped fists with him, but he grabbed my arm to hold me back. “You know what I gotta say, right?” I gave him a deep nod. I’d been expecting the if you hurt her, I’ll hurt you speech. “Alright. Have fun. Be good.”

  Sienna introduced me around to her friends — Faith, Will and his wife Saidah—who were the talk of the evening because not only did they meet at the Thomas house, but had recently married and Saidah was sporting a baby bump. I shook hands with more than a few other friends from their college days and a couple of people I recognized from Precision.

  The star of the show was the buffet. It was covered in food, including a little crock pot of red beans and rice. Faith took me aside to tell me she had a to-go portion already set aside for me. I fell in love with her on the spot.

  Once I ventured past the buffet, I found food everywhere. The kitchen bar and every side table had samplings of a different dish, plus punch and every kind of drink imaginable. I now understood why Sienna had worn leggings and told me to pace myself. I tasted everything — and I mean everything that Faith set out.

  I would definitely join a gym.

  At a quarter to midnight, I was laid out on Anthony’s patio lounger, smoking a cigar and nursing a drink, staring up at the stars that twinkled above. I always felt like the stars twinkling was Meemaw saying hello.

  I raised a glass to her, saying hello back.

  “Booker! I’ve been looking for you!” Sienna came around the lounger and bent over me, I guess checking to see if I had passed out. She seemed relieved that I was conscious and smiled down at me. “It’s almost midnight! Are you coming in for the toast?”

  I held a hand out to her, but instead of letting her help pull me up, I pulled her down to me. She giggled, lightly protesting, but then settled back on my lap, leaning her head back against my chest.

  “I’m cool with this moment being about me and you, Sienna. We both have some work ahead of us but like I said… I’m not scared of work. Are you?”

  Sienna twisted around so we could see each other, then laid a long, juicy kiss on my lips. “Happy New Year, Booker. To a new start for both of us.”

  About the Author

  Atlanta based Women's Fiction and Romance author DL White began seriously pursuing a writing career in 2011. She harbors a love for coffee and brunch, especially on a patio, but her true obsession is water-- lakes, rivers, oceans, waterfalls! On the weekend, you'll probably find her near water and if she's lucky, on an ocean beach.

  When not writing books, she devours them. She blogs reviews and thoughts on writing and books at Grab a book by DL White and #Putitinyourface.

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